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tv   [untitled]    April 4, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EEST

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this is who, this is the usa, and they have more than 1,000 launchers on combat duty , and 57 batteries, this is, well, let's say, a battery is 6, 8, 10 launchers, we take the average, eight, so five batteries - these are 40 launchers, it's a simple question, if the usa will transfer 40 launchers and all other equipment to ukraine, because generators are also going there. there will be a rls command post and so on, but a total of five batteries, 40 launchers, and will the us anti-missile defense suffer quite seriously from this, well, i think not, it there will not be a critical impact when you have more than 1,000 launchers, that is, a huge number of batteries, more than 100 batteries, more than 150 batteries across the country, so here is the question for the united states. today, the
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patriot air defense system was mostly handed over to us by germany. and here is a very interesting point: in germany , there are only 30 petriu launchers, and they gave us, in fact, more than the usa, which gave us zero. regarding procurement, there is also a very interesting point here, but there is a nuance, precisely to transfer directly through some... contracts to ukraine without the agreement of the usa, the patriot air defense system, any other country that resells them will not be able to, so it is necessary that the agreement of the united states should take place, they gave the usa to germany, the usa gave this agreement, but what about other countries, especially now, when they have this tent of theirs on the capitalist hill, there are doubts, so rather, if we ... talk about anti-aircraft
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defenses, here we can still hope that we will receive from italy or from france a sempti, the missile complex is no worse than the paatrion air defense system, but there is a nuance: they are not as many as patriots, and they are produced quite slowly, that is why there may be such a problem, it is clear, well, at least it is clear what needs to be worked with in the states, it seems to me that we still need to talk... with they are not about the transfer but about the purchase, maybe then this conversation will be faster, at least it will speed up this story, let's go to a break for now, i will remind you again about our collection so that you do not forget that this is for fpv drones for the 93rd and 72nd brigades, he will definitely join here, and in the second half of the program we will talk more already objectively about bakhmut, about avdiivka, about what happened there recently. so
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stay with us, we're going to take a short break now and get back to our conversation. there are discounts on eurofast softcaps of 10% in the psarynsky, pam and oskad pharmacies. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow? see the saturday politics club,
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every saturday on espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and even feedback, you can express your opinion on the day of the day using the telephone survey, turn on and turn on the verdict with serhiy rudenko every weekday from 8 to 10 p.m. on espresso.
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premium sponsor of the national team. represents united by football, stronger together. well, we continue, we have been joined by oles malyarevich, the deputy commander of the
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achilles tank battalion. this is the 92nd separate assault brigade named after koshovoy taman ivan sirk. and let's talk a little about what is happening here. in the bakhmud direction, now i congratulate you, mr. oles, i wish you health, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, well, we looked here, we had a little analytical map, which said that the russians actually managed to advance in in some places, they are trying to bypass ivanivske and came almost close to the temporal ravine itself, so what do you say? can it be assumed that actually, well, the battle began during the time of yar? the battle of yar has been going on for some time, quite intense fighting is taking place there, the assault is 24:7, they are not bypassing ivanovske, they are storming ivanovske and are moving in parallel from the right, from the left along
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the flanks. ugh. at the moment, so that you understand, ivanovsk, it is simply burning, and partly ours has already been taken over by the occupiers. but everyone who is here now. the 92nd brigade, other units understand that wasting time cannot be allowed to happen, because this is a very important height, so everything is being done to prevent it, well, the situation is really difficult, we actually have such a video from your group achilles, i understand that it is quite fresh, i will ask him to show it, and there you can see such a night attack of equipment and an attempt to repel it, here are a few. destroyed tank, er, there are some more, but here, you see, the car, everything, er, yes, er, that is, er, now the assaults are taking place, as i understand it, with the use of techniques as well as in other areas of the front, and even at night, that is, well, the activity is high
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now, or how would you say, well, there is such a thing 24.7, so he said, and what we have on the video is the use . night fpv, we had a problem with this, because it is very expensive, but we have already arranged the supply, and the partners allow, well, they buy them, send them to us, so we use them at night, because there is such a high intensity of assault actions here now that it is necessary to use all available technical means, by the way, we work as a combined company firepower along with artillery, and other means of impression, i would also ask to show, i know you also translate... now the levy on new drones, tell us a little bit about that levy and let us show for our viewers where to list for this collection, and you, well , first of all, we are looking for people for our unit, this message is just like this, but it is
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a combined qr code where you can come in and support us, because it is really us, and what can we say, night bombers we receive from the state in full, then if we talk about fpv, then there is 90% we receive from our partners. private companies, international partners and ordinary ukrainians who will donate through constant meetings in telegram channels, or such as you are currently posting, so more drones, more means we have to destroy the enemy, and in terms of mobilization, really, thank you for opportunity, i encourage everyone who predicts that they will be drafted into lavmia, do not wait until they draft you, draft the ccc and send the party, in advance. take care of it and contact us and we will accompany you to of our unit, in our unit you will not only get closer to victory, but also gain new knowledge, skills and a profession that you will need very much after the war, high-tech professions will be in great demand all over
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the world, ukrainians will work all over the world, mr. oleksandr, and what do you say about the fact that how many forces are now concentrated by the enemy. from precisely in the area of ​​the time ravine, because there are different data, as if they became a little less or, well, there were some conversations there, well... well, i i will say this, russian units of various types are mainly concentrated there now, but at the time of yar, from through bohdanivka, through ivanivske , it was mainly the airborne troops, the airborne units, and the units of the 98th airborne division worked there in bohdan, in the direction of bohdanivsk, in the bohdanivsk location division these are 217, 299, 331, parashrontno
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landing regiments, eh, it is also very interesting, regarding ivanovsky, the 11th separate airborne assault brigade operates in ivanovsky, it received a separate centralized command in december 2023, from airborne troops, and why such fierce battles are especially in kurinaniv, because... that in ivanovo the 11th odshbr, she must prove that the airborne troops are russian, they, they are without centralized control from the ministry of defense itself, the general staff , and being exclusively subordinate to the airborne troops, they can work more efficiently, so they put as many personnel there as they want, but it is fundamental for them. to complain that they can seize and advance, seize ivanovske and
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advance in the direction of stupochky and cover chasivyar from the south, although it will be very difficult for them to do this, as long as klyshchiivka and andriivka remain under the control of the defense forces of ukraine, although they are assisted in this matter by the 102nd motorized rifle regiment, it is from the 150- of the motorized rifle division, but i will say this, in general, if we even impose on the situation near chasovoy yar all the forces and means that the russian occupiers concentrated in this area, for example, with their offensive company in the avdiyiv direction near avdiivka in october 2023, then the resource is really not enough for them to fully break our defense line, so in the near future it is possible to observe the accumulation of resources, just as it happened near avdiivka, when
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they in the group of troops south near avdiivka, they pulled units from troop group center, i.e. from the second combined arms army from the 41st combined arms army from the 90th tank division, they can also start this process of accumulation in the near future, apart from everything else chasiv yar can and there the process itself is already being catalyzed the use of tactical aviation, gradually it is cabs, and they can become a decisive issue for them in catalyzing not only offensive actions, but also in catalyzing the use of a number of adjusted aerial bombs in order to hide the lines of defense and our lines in the dilapidated areas with bombs not only 25 250-500 kg, and 15 tons, yes, mr. olas. and tell me one more thing, there we also saw the news about the blown-up bridge, which was blown up in
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order to complicate the logistics of the russians a little, did it really have an effect, how do you do you think they achieved, well, what did they achieve, well , they blew up the bridge so that they could not come to our line of defense, and here is the very fact that what was blown up, you saw, it was a ground-based drone that drove in, so it fell very neatly and blew up bridge, so, it is interesting, yes, but of course everything is done so that they cannot pass, by the time i do it on ours, well, actually about what mr. oleksandr said, the use of cabs, to what extent do you feel it now on to myself, well , compared to last week, for example, more, less, well, that is, what in this regard the situation is to use honor more and more, but in the davdiyev direction they showed how effective it is, unfortunately, so... in our direction, it is also used more, so this is done in order to, well, of course, i do not i know what needs
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to be done in order to hide from them, but we are trying to do it, and so that it is not at all visible where the personnel working in this direction are located, we pay very much attention to masking your position, thank you, it was oles malyarenko, deputy battalion commander udarny malyarevich, excuse me, deputy commander of the pakakhelez 95th separate assault brigade e. , well, by now it should probably be said the direction of yar times, well, another guest, serhii okishev, a representative of the public relations service, joins us. 25th separate airborne cheslav brigade. congratulations, mr. serhiy. congratulations. well, actually, we want to ask you about the well-known video, and in general, this attempted offensive by the russians, which, as i understand it, was the attack of the sixth tank regiment of the russian federation on march 30, what was it,
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how long was it, and what was the success? yes, i want to after all, the mentioned offensive was not on the 30th, but on the 29th, and so during the last few days, you said correctly, probably the most massive attempt to break through the defenses on a specific section of the front took place. the enemy used tanks, including the most advanced t-90 model, and infantry fighting vehicles. but the sicheslav paratroopers gave a powerful repulse to the enemy, so... the large-scale offensive turned into, well, in principle, a shameful operation to dispose of modern russian weapons, it cannot be said that it was easy, the battles were brutal, the enemy was significantly superior in manpower, but our guys with incredible efforts still repelled the attack, burning a lot of equipment, i would like to note that among
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them were the famous t-90 tanks, the price of which is per minute. a total of 4.5 million dollars, if we talk about statistics, how much, when there was equipment, on march 29 , 36 tanks and 11 bmps tried to enter our positions, the svyatoslavians destroyed 15 tanks, including t-90s and 8 bmps, the next day, march 30 the russians attacked with four tanks and two bmp, three tanks out of four. also both vehicles of the infantry. the very next day, march 31 , six russian tanks and three bmps went on the attack, all bmps were put out of action in their entirety, and three tanks were also destroyed, one of which was again a t-90. all these bmp tanks of the enemy were destroyed with the help of
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anti-tank means and the fire of our armored groups, which went directly to... directly and worked on the enemy, well, this all happened in the area of ​​the village of tonenko, and what is interesting, here we saw one video, this is actually , as a fighter of the sviatslav brigade, i am i understand, he kissed them with a javelin, and the other thing is this picture of the battle itself, and what was used, artillery, or, after all , such portable complexes, that is, well, how, how did you do it, these... were atgms , that is, yes, portable vehicles and directly armored groups that went out against the same armored vehicles, and well, right head-on, they went out at the enemy in a straight line, in direct contact and destroyed just like that in a duel, let’s say that, and it’s interesting, well, that’s it it was still there
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three days ago, what are the consequences of this? because they walk various such conversations, rumors that there were some refusals to advance further there from the russians, that they had to withdraw something there, establish something, that is, what do you know about all this? well, there is one consequence, that is, the result, let's say this, we entrenched ourselves in the positions we were in and did not allow the enemy to advance, so now the same assaults, the same attacks, they are about... continues, works also, yes the same artillery, the same enemy artillery, i mean, the same way they use cabs, and drones, and well, in general, anything is possible, possible weapons, but the fact remains the fact, that is, this, shall we say, massive, large-scale offensive, we
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held it and continue, shall we say, to hold it in the same positions. but i emphasize that despite the fact that we repelled this large-scale assault, the assaults continue, and at the moment the battles continue in the same direction, well, that is, there are simply no more such large-scale attacks, but it cannot be said that they have decreased significantly, yes, yes, yes, uh, thank you, thank you, it was serhiy okishev, a representative of the public relations service the 25th separate airborne sviatslav brigade is a glorious brigade, which... well, in fact, in all the hot spots, and it defended avdiivka at one time in 22, and now it has actually returned to avdiivka when it is necessary to defend it. e position outside avdiivka actually after it was captured by the enemy, and also to mr. oleksandr, i have a question in connection with this, well, the offensive on
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this, let's say this, avdiivka front is so big, but literally... on april 2 , a similar offensive took place in novomykhaivka, and we also have a video of it, it seems drive, also such an attempt by the tank. all these offensives, well, as if they were tank offensives, if possible, show this video as well, here it is, this is novomykhaivka much further south, it can rather be said that way, more so in the ughledar direction, we have seen such offensives, in principle, well, periodically the russians resort to these tank offensives, so they always go in such... strange columns, they are attacked, they always lose quite a lot of equipment, but the sicheslavs knocked out, it seems, a little over 20 different
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units of equipment there, now near novomykhaivka also half, it seems that they were knocked out there, but why do the russians resort to this again and again, this is not a completely clear story, they have too many tanks, they believe that it must eventually succeed, well... that is, why is this done? this is a classic tactic of breaking through the defense line, breaking through to the enemy's position and occupying this position, when you use a tank shock fist, that is, a heavy armored vehicle of the mbt type, which is already followed by a lightly armored one, such as the bmb type, yes bbmi, armored combat vehicles, this is a classic soviet tactics, nothing new, they used it in the 22nd. on the 23rd, they use in the 24th no creativity of anything new, they understand how it can end, well, it’s logical, it’s either mines, it’s either atgms, or
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artillery, or drones, so we’ve seen it all, and this, to things, one of the elements that we talked about a little bit earlier, which is the attrition, and they have no other option to advance in just such columns, using a large... number of mechanized components, but this mechanized component is destroyed and because this is what they have much greater losses, it would be very interesting to read from time to time, but i do not advise, of course, but it is my duty to read russian war correspondents, so-called war correspondents, and that is exactly what they are complaining about , that they are losing a large amount of equipment, but how much ukrainian equipment are they destroying. much, much less, tens of times less, and they themselves are already asking this question, we lose hundreds of pieces of equipment, for example, during a certain
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period, and the ukrainians have several dozen there, i.e. one to 10 ratio, that is, this depletion is really happening, and they may not be enough for a long time, and they are true, they will not be enough for a long time at this rate, well, but judging by everything, we will see a repetition of these attacks again and again this season again. because they still have the equipment, in what condition it is, that's another story, but, well, since it's an offensive classic again, they 'll do that if they want to attack, apparently they want to and you they also talked about this, about these wishes of theirs, i remind you once again about our collection of fpv drones for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and the 72nd black zaporizhzhya brigade, then we have news, well, stay with us and join. to our social networks, go to ours, youtube, see us there, so subscribe, comment,
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be with us, 13-year-old olena and... her 15-year-old brother artem yankovsky. these children lived in the kakhovsky district of the kherson region in the village of chaplinka, which has remained occupied since the first days of the war. about a month ago, we received information about the disappearance of a brother and sister yankovsky also, for more than nine months , the fate of two more boys from the occupied part of the kherson region remains unknown. this is 13-year-old ivan gorbachevskiy and 13-year-old nazariy maksimov. the boys disappeared in the city. in june 2023, that is why i am appealing to everyone who sees me, and especially to the residents of the kherson region , with a request to help find the children. attention
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look at the faces of the missing: 13-year-old olena yankovska looks her age, she has gray-green eyes and light blond hair. the girl is very similar to her brother artem yankovsky they have almost identical noses and lips. the boy looks a little older, he also has blond hair and gray-green eyes. they were last seen in the village of chaplinka in the kakhov district of the kherson region. and now attention is paid to the photo of the missing boys in the skadovsky district of the region. 13-year-old ivan gorbachevskiy looks his age, with blue eyes and short light blond hair. nazari maksimov is also 13 years old, but the boy looks, perhaps, a little older than his age. the boy is thin, has dark hair and brown eyes. official information about the disappearance these boys arrived in the summer of last year. if suddenly someone has information about the possible whereabouts of elena, artem,
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ivan or nazariy, or maybe just saw these children somewhere, please let us know immediately. even a small piece of news can become very important. you can call the magnolia child tracing service at any time of the day by dialing the short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free. if suddenly you are in the temporarily occupied territory and you do not have the opportunity to call, write to the chatbot of the search service children in telegram, or look for us. on facebook. i have told you the stories of just four children who disappeared due to a full-scale russian invasion. in total, since the beginning of the war, we have received more than 3,00 requests for help in the search. of course, the vast majority of children were found and now everything is fine with them, but unfortunately, the fate of many still remains unknown, and everyone can help find them. believe me, just a minute of your time can be decisive. go to the site.
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magnolia children's search service in the missing children of ukraine section. you can view all photos here disappeared perhaps you will recognize someone and eventually help find them. at the same time, unfortunately, children are also disappearing in the territories controlled by ukraine. and as the experience of the children's search service shows, the vast majority of them are teenagers, who most often resort to running away because of their experiences and some unresolved problems. we talked. on this topic with a psychologist and collected a lot of advice for parents that can prevent a child from suddenly running away from home. according to experts, it very often happens that the problems of teenagers reflect the problems of adults who surround them, therefore, psychologists advise first of all to establish their own emotional comfort, then it will be much easier for an adult to help his child. take care of your psychological
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well-being, be attentive to yourself. because often the problems of children and teenagers are a reflection of the problems of the adults who surround them, and if you feel tired and exhausted, if nothing makes you happy, something worries and scares you, if you notice that you have become less productive, that you are more often annoyed, that you have some problems with with memory, for example, with attention, with concentration, this is all an excuse for you to apply for help, get this help, fix your life, fix your own psychological comfort and then... already from a healthy, prosperous position to help your child, and perhaps, at that moment, this help will no longer be needed. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any place, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua.
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news time on the tv channel. espresso in the studio is worked by kateryna shiropoyas. four people died, among them three rescuers , as a result of a massive attack by shaheds in kharkiv, at least dozens were injured. this was reported to the regional prosecutor's office. as a result of the shelling, high-rise buildings and private houses were damaged. fires started at the site of the hits during the liquidation of the consequences, the occupiers struck again. as a result , rescuers, police and
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paramedics were injured. regional center of medical assistance.


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