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tv   [untitled]    April 4, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EEST

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war for many reasons actually one of those reasons is that uh, i think both nato headquarters and the capitals of the leading nato countries crossed paths when the war started, i mean the full-scale invasion of russia, that ukraine at that time was not in nato, because otherwise it would oblige these countries and nato to react. in a way that they were not ready for, so i think that they took this situation into account, and the question of ukraine's accession will arise when it will not pose a threat, will not pose such a challenge as it could be in the 22nd year , if ukraine was a member of nato. thank you, serhiy, and what do you think, i.e. are the western partners ready, are they ready, ukraine is ready, it is clear that... the
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current level of the armed forces of ukraine, well, at least this condition, and the weapons that are , are they sufficient for ukraine to be a member of the north atlantic alliance? if ukraine was a member of nato, there would be no war. so far, at least, putin does not dare to go to war with any member of the north atlantic alliance. if ukraine hadn't made a fatal mistake back in the 90s and... wailed its neutrality, if it had stubbornly joined nato since the 90s, as in fact all our neighbors, except for belarus and moldova, did, then there would be no war in ukraine, and this should be clearly understood, but it is too late now, if talk, wave your hands, you have to understand that now there is already a war, russia has started a war with all its neighbors who were not members of nato, and has actually started the occupation of belarus. and
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never started a war with those former members of the soviet bloc who managed to join nato, and with all that now, when we looking at this history and predicting the future, i can say for sure that, of course , now, as long as the hostilities continue , ukraine will not receive an invitation, but de facto it will be integrated into nato. well, in fact it is happening now, just this integration, it is a little unfair for ukraine, because we... it is important to fight with the aggressor, and nato is only helping us, but it will be the integration that will allow ukraine to become a part of western security. look, just the other day, general secretary stoltenberg made a very interesting speech proposal, when he said: "so, you know, we constantly risk not providing aid to ukraine, due to the fact that in various members of the alliance." including in the united states
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, there are constantly some internal political problems, and therefore let's create a fund for 5 years in the size of 100 billion, which will allow directly, directly bypassing the governments , to send funds from this fund to ukraine, that is, the decision on the allocation of funds would be made at the headquarters nato. this is such an informal mechanism of ukraine's involvement in the north atlantic alliance, i repeat, it is not i do and de facto, which will obviously be tested in july this year, when the nato summit will take place. therefore, to sum it up like this, i would say that ukraine will receive a de facto invitation, but will not receive a deyure, and de yure will receive it when there is, well, at least a pause in hostilities between russia and ukraine. when will it be, well, for sure in the coming year. but in any case, i think that we should all understand that if we want the war not to go to ukraine again, then the only way for
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ukraine is with everyone, with everyone possible efforts should be made to ensure that ukraine does become a member of the north atlantic alliance, as our neighbors, who are not at war at the moment, did. well, by the way, by the time the anniversary washington summit takes place, which is july 9:11 this year, putin is obviously trying to make up for it, or at least... create the conditions to put our western partners and ukraine in a situation where our western partners will encourage ukraine to some kind of truce or some kind of peace talks, because we see how during the last two weeks in russia, just its anti-ukrainian hysteria after terrorists from edil shot russians in a shopping and entertainment center. city hall, we
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see how putin uses this story in order to bind ukraine to this terrorist attack, and today the ministry of defense of the russian federation. reported that the terrorist attack in the suburbs of moscow encouraged russians to go and fight in ukraine. maxim, watching how putin is trying to squeeze the maximum out of this situation, and watching how it has been used russian propagandists and russian propaganda in order to provoke hatred of russians towards ukraine. where is this? where is this peak value, when the russians will simply be brought to such a condition, when they will believe that they are prevented from living, sleeping, developing and doing
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everything they need, only ukrainians, that is, in this propaganda, where is this high point where the kremlin can reach this high point to... provoke even more russian aggression against ukraine? well, i think there are several aspects here of these questions, which, so to speak, require a more detailed explanation, obviously, but i will try briefly: first of all, you need to understand putin's logic, uh, i'm sure that this logic does not consist in some kind of obsession, imperial greatness and what other such complex motivations, ideological motivations, in a very simple instinct to preserve power, that is, any situation putin and his team, his entourage, his technologists try to use with one goal, the preservation and strengthening of the power of putin and
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his, so to speak, corporations, therefore for this is used for anything, we talked about nato, well... we need to find an enemy so powerful, the russians cannot come to terms with the fact that they are fighting against ukraine, they need to fight against nato, so there is a myth that nato somehow threatens russia or was threatened, and this would be an inevitable blow to russia, another mythology is, so to speak , that at a certain moment this war, it turned into... well, good and evil, and there russia is opposed by universal evil , in which everyone has already mixed, and some guest workers from tajikistan, and the islamic state, and british intelligence, and ukrainian nationalists, that is, in principle, for
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the putin regime, for russian propaganda, and for part of russian society, all this can easily be combined and work. for one purpose: keeping putin in power, but here i would note another important aspect: all this hysteria, it obviously affects some part of russian society. obviously, this part is very vocal, and we hear and see it, so to speak, in social networks, in some other manifestations, but i am sure that it is not all of russia, not because russians are... good russians, bad russians, but because such laws of social processes cannot be involved in such total hysteria, large masses of people, huge masses of people mostly live their everyday life, and when
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it changes, so so to speak, when the wind changes, they lean where they're being led, so answering the question, when will the peak be reached, uh, obviously, when it's breathed out, when that exalted part will burn out, so to speak, when there will be nothing to stimulate when she part will be destroyed in the war, and part, so to speak, will be disappointed, since this is a natural burnout, and actually when putin loses his support for this part, and before that there will be more and more new ones'. excuses and as long as this machine, the infernal machine is working, it will work, but apart from the completely understandable desire of putin to continue or stay in power, there are some other myths that
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putin is trying to support that ukraine never existed, it was invented or played by pototsky, and the ukrainians were played by pototsky, created by volodymyr lenin, and kyiv is a russian city, by the way, blinkin in an interview with french channels expressed his belief that russia will never be able to capture it. kyiv also seems to me, well , this is the next one in the direction of vladimir putin, let's listen to what blinky said. this will not happen, it is not happening now. at the beginning of the russian aggression in 2022, we thought that there was such a possibility that kyiv would fall, but thanks to the incredible resistance of the ukrainian people, as well as the support of the usa, france and other countries. the whole country, to erase it from the map, to make it a part of russia, was not possible
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done and will not be. kyiv will never fall into putin's hands. sergey, blinkin told putin that you dreamed of kyiv in three days, you will not get it there in 3 years, in 30 years, because we will not allow it to happen, although the entire ideology of putin, it is actually built around this heritage, which is not on... belongs to russia, which belongs to us, and which it is trying to annex, as well as our territory. what without the annexation of this story, who is putin and how will he explain to the russians, what about kyiv, and what about odesa, and what about other regions of ukraine, which he always considered and called russian, well, this is really a huge tragedy for russian mythology, when they told for centuries
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without exaggeration that not only ukraine is a part of russia, but that kievan rus is the origins of the russian state, when they told myths about fraternal nations, and now it turns out that it's okay, these younger brothers are killing older brothers, how to explain it, it's not just that you have to tell about the terrorists who are there... to the shopping center in moscow, it is necessary to change the entire history, it is necessary to rewrite the textbooks, it is necessary to tear out whole chapters from the school textbooks and rewrite the entire history, how will you now explain to the russians that russia takes its origins from where, well, if not from kyiv, then from moscow, well, it happened much later than moscow, or from where, so in fact it is a huge problem for russian historiography. and i think that now we see such a very
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demonstrative version in russian social networks or in their shows, when on the one hand they again continue to point out that supposedly ukrainians, they are actually good, it ’s just that the americans told them something, and that’s why they are waging war against us, and on the other hand, in these same programs , russian commentators are already starting to nominate others... it turns out, ukrainians, they, they are not like that, there you have to leave no stone unturned, as they sometimes say on the air, in this ukraine, it is hostile to us, so in fact, there is a lot going on in the heads of the russians, but here i will still try to find the positive , i believe that if now in russian official propaganda will finally stop talking about these fraternal nations , they will finally decide for themselves that ukraine is something hostile, and they will begin to hate it... then it will be better, because this propaganda, when we were constantly told about
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fraternal nations , as it turned out, worked very well for a part of our compatriots who believed in this, who believed that ukrainians and russians, they are so different, and even one people, that's what this propaganda about brotherly nations is, it worked , now already when in russia they begin to gradually abandon it, and when they begin to sincerely hate, openly to hate ukrainians, i think... that at least cuts off and destroys any bridges with the past, and for ukrainians, for the part that believed that the peoples , it will become finally clear that we are not fraternal nations, that we are very different nations, that we have a civilizational difference, and that in fact the only thing we can do good with the russians is to put a huge wall and an armed army next to russia, and then everything will be fine, that's why all this propaganda, it will eventually come to... the thesis that russia will be forced to change its mythologies, i don't
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know what they will come up with, but as we can see, they will definitely come up with various absurdities, because everything they say , this is usually absurd, but we started talking about terrorists who committed a terrorist attack in moscow, and this is also a very revealing fact and absurd, this will surely be the first case in the history of terrorism when terrorists openly admit: that they committed a crime, and yes so to speak, the victim of a crime, well, in this case russia, against which a crime was committed, he stubbornly says, no, it's not you, it's someone else, well, as a rule, the country against which it was committed... immediately tries to catch those who committed it and accuse, here it's the first time when they say, those who committed this crime, no, it was not you, it was done by another country, that is, i am leading to the absurdity that russian propaganda can come up with, therefore, having destroyed the myth of a common historical past between ukraine and russia, i think that russia is also coming up with to something absolutely
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absurd, well, here it is worth noting that the state itself is a terrorist. that is, against which an act of terror was committed, and they claim to be the number one terrorist, well, they are not, well, how do they behave as the number one terrorist in the world, led by putin, and try to transfer the role of the aggressor from themselves to ukraine, and appear in front of the world in the role of sacrifices, well, this is also probably new in modern history, but what... will not gain and what putin will not achieve this goal, no, he will not be able to take and annex our history with our cities, historical monuments and with all that is proper property of the ukrainian people, will this not lead , maxime, to a new aggression by putin,
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in relation to kyiv, for example, or in relation to odesa, even more so, i mean when he says:... well , then don't let kyiv, don't let odessa get to anyone , we will then treat them the way they treat the ukrafascists, as they say, i.e. they will all be the same for us, well, we can only guess on coffee grounds and argue on expert panels, we, actually , putin or his political technologists are doing everything they can to ensure that no one ever could to predict what putin will do or what he will say, that's why it's such a thankless task, but i would draw attention to the fact that, er, again, returning to the climax of this hatred, are we already, or are we already and the object, and putin's propaganda and putin's
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regime, as its subject and author, have we already passed the climax together or not? will there already be some kind of, so to speak, receding wave of this hysteria in russia in the near future, this is an important question in general, but it has such an indicative function for me, for example, that is, it in essence, in essence, the situation does not change, because putin has already attracted and will attract everything he can to destroy ukraine, regardless of what he will say, but this... hysteria, this hysteria, it may indicate that that we are approaching a certain climax in this plot, about the plot about the threat and a possible truce, actually the fact that the russian army
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stormed avdiivka near bakhmut just after the new year, and so on and so forth, in... the worst weather conditions , unprepared parts, meat assaults, well with on the one hand, this could be explained by the approach of elections, that is , presidential, so-called elections in russia, but it seems to me that putin and his regime still hope that in the near future, perhaps in the summer, perhaps during the period of preparation for the american presidential elections, after all, it will be possible to tilt the west. to his main opponent, to some, well, conventionally speaking, agreement, to the fact that the west agrees to give something to putin and not, not to destroy, no, no, not to wipe out his regime by the hands of ukrainians
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or russians and so on, very indicates a lot and this hysteria, this raising of stakes to the maximum, to the maximum height, and this falsetto, which we already hear in the intonations of medvedev, there simonyan and so on, it may indicate that the russians are reaching some kind of climax , they subconsciously or consciously get closer, and they hope that in this climax something will change, well, that's how i feel. this is a hypothesis, but it can explain the situation that exists today. if they were preparing to methodically destroy ukraine there. for many years without respite, er, well, i think they would have behaved somehow differently, it would have been some other rhetoric and some other tactics
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, including on the battlefield, and now this is raising the stakes, it prompts some such theories, uh, well, as i said, no no completely conspiratorial, but not everything, not everything, not everything is like that. clearly, as it seems to us. thank you maxim. friends, i would like to remind you that we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are watching us live there now, please like this video, subscribe to our youtube and facebook pages. in addition, we conduct a survey during the broadcast, asking you whether ukraine will receive an invitation to join nato in the 24th year, yes, no, please vote on youtube, either yes or no, stay. your comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think ukraine will be invited to join nato in the 24th year, 08021 381, no,
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08021382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. let me remind you that today we have maksym rozumny and serhiy taran on the air, we are talking about russia. about ukraine, about the future of the ukrainian state, about the future of the ukrainian information space, because it is clear that in the conditions when the russians attack us quite actively in messengers, telegram and in various social networks and try to somehow influence ukrainians and deform our vision of what is happening in ukraine, it is important for us to have the resources to resist. russian to propagandists, the head of the committee on freedom of speech of the verkhovna rada, yaroslav yurchyshyn, believes that this year could be decisive for the single news telethon, as
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it is losing the trust of viewers in its current format. if by the end of the 24th year, says yaroslav yurchyshyn, it will not be demonstrated that the single marathon has changed its format, that there is a balance, there are good news from the front, that people's trust is being restored again, then we will have to think about the end, because we are now. .. what is the non-descending track of use of a single telethon and the eastern track of use social networks, and then it will be even more difficult to explain to our international partners and our own people why we finance an ineffective information policy. serhii, how do you assess what the united telethon is doing, and how effective the information policy is now in ukraine in order to deliver the main messages to ukrainians, of course, in time. ukrainians should understand what is happening, what they should prepare for, and what conclusions they should
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draw . they relied on him, and by the way, if we are talking about social networks, as we can see, out of all sociological surveys, ukrainians get the most political information now from telegram channels, not from marathon. not from television, but from telegram channels. well, this is the verdict of the national marathon. and i would not say that this is a very good and pleasant verdict for everyone, because telegram channels, if they are anonymous, they have a completely irresponsible attitude to the information that they make public. and can be used by anyone. i believe, for example, that the telegram channel deserves some trust, it must necessarily have some signature, well, at least people should associate it with some organization or structure, so that... there is responsibility, and if there is no responsibility, well, then such a person should be trusted information will be difficult, but the fact that people now trust telegram channels more, anonymous ones, where any
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information is thrown, is a direct result of the absence of an effective telethon, the absence of any effective information policy at all. i believe that the telethon should have been abandoned at least a year ago. of course, during martial law... it is important to have some kind of censorship, but this censorship should only concern matters of a military nature, so when journalists write about military matters, of course, during military operations there can be censorship, but if the matter concerns, for example , corruption, some issues related to the transparency of the government, why is there this censorship, what forces the government to introduce the rules that are introduced for telethons. they work, moreover, if censorship is introduced on such issues affecting the transparency of the government and censorship, it harms the country's defense capability. look,
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we have with... sometimes investigations into some unpleasant stories, including those related to corruption, and this affects very often the military sector, where as it turned out later, someone stole something, and it's wrong, why is that has to be found out somewhere, it can be found out in all mass media without introducing any censorship rules. moreover, look at what y us news become so popular, as a rule, these news first appear in foreign media. mass media, very often, for example, if something appears somewhere in politics, or the financial times, or the new york times, it is instantly reprinted in ukraine. the influence of foreign forces on ukraine is now higher than ever. why does this happen? well, this is because our information policy does not encourage ukrainians to trust the national marathon, and that is why they trust foreign media. this is also not quite right, well, with all due respect to
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western but it is still not quite right during the martial law, so the policy of the telethon harms, objectively harms the security situation in the country, therefore this situation must be changed, and of course we must abandon the telethon, we must obviously restore freedom for all tv channels, at the same time introducing very clear rules of military censorship regarding those materials that could harm the country's defense capabilities. by the way, this is exactly the approach... introduced, for example, in the country of israel, but israel has it censorship, but it touches on military issues, not political ones, and it touches on many issues, you can talk about a lot of things in israel, there are even elements of political activity, but just the other day there were protests against prime minister netanyahu, absolutely not characterizing whether it is there, whether it is right or wrong, i will say that there are political freedoms and there is no political censorship, i
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think that ukraine should... give up political censorship during military operations, introducing military censorship, and understand that if this is not done, ukrainians will still look for information somewhere, but it is better if it is our domestic mass media , and not foreign media or anonymous telegram channels? well, the topic of anonymous telegram channels is now a topic of conversation, and the people's deputy of ukraine mykola knyazhytskyi actually advocates the idea... of what should be regulated after all, these telegram channels that exist in ukraine should be regulated, but not banned, but the regulator has the council from the national council for television and radio broadcasting has the right to inquire there at representatives of the telegram about the activities of certain channels that are working, and it is possible that those channels are harming ukraine, in some way
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to limit these activities. these telegram channels. maxim, do you think it will not be perceived as censorship, and considering the fact that the telegram channel is now really, or as a resource, a service, it has become one of those messengers that every person has, and here we are through telegram -channels we will learn operational information, including about when russia, how it fires, where the shaheds are flying and everything else? well, actually, here it is in the details and... is the point, because it is clear that we cannot follow the path of china or the russian federation or iran and install some, so to speak, gateways that would not allow some information to our fellow citizens, or prohibit some information platforms, firstly, they will still be bypassed,
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secondly, it is like a non-answer. democratic principles and freedom of speech, but at the same time, of course, it is necessary to realize the potential and real harm that certain ee information channels, including telegram channels, can cause, it must be clearly it is actually very difficult to identify and clearly establish certain regulatory mechanisms, which are actually in question. tasks both legislatively and at the expert level, because everything will depend on what powers these e bodies receive, which will be authorized to regulate themselves, what they will have the right to do, close, fine, find the owner or author and bring him to justice, everything this is due to
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the activity of anonymous telegram channels, for example, it will be very difficult to do.


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