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tv   [untitled]    March 31, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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friends, politclub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine. drones on moscow and other cities of russia, analysis of processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's win. they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10. on espresso. the premium
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sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. the football format changes the time of airing. from now on , you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football. at 10:00 p.m., expert analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, saves, emotions, a project for both experienced fans and just people who appreciate a detached view of football, football format, every monday at 22:00 on the espresso tv channel, we continue the saturday political club program on the tv channel, khrystyna yatskiv, vitaly portnikov and
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add to our conversation valery chaly, diplomat extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the united states in 2015 and 19- and year mr. valery, congratulations, glory to ukraine. so, we can say that ukraine switches to summer time, at night, saturday, sunday, which means that the american congress can once again start considering the issue of american help already in the summer time, although we were waiting in the previous summer time, by the way, yes? so, mr. valery, what is it now? perspective, by the way, the president even talked to the speaker of the house of representatives, does that mean anything? well, first of all, it’s good that now the ballistics alarm has just been canceled, and secondly, you are running ahead, mr. vitaly, they don’t have summer time there, they have already introduced it, there is the question of easter, and easter, yes, indeed, we congratulate everyone our viewers who celebrate according to the catholic and protestant calendars,
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so that the next celebration would be with victory, and with regard to the prospects that are there, well, it has not changed, just as they said that after easter they would return to this issue, so it remained, that is, well, formally next week, but in reality there are two scenarios , one, if it still ends up with the existing package, then it will probably take a week, and if it is reworked, as is more likely now. on other parameters, then it is a few more weeks, so this soap opera continues, instead israel now received 25 fighters, f-35 and a lot of 2.5 billion needed bombs and everything else why i say this is because our aid is in a package with israel and taiwan and if the white house is finding opportunities for 2.5 billion now for israel, then of course it weakens. if there were any additional arguments,
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although on the other hand there is a group of congressmen who are precisely, as it will not sound strange, such leftists who precisely did not want to pi'. receiving aid to israel, so it's hard to say how it will turn out, but what we're unlikely to get is in the coming days, it's already exactly. mr. valerie, is speaker johnson really the main obstacle right now in actually getting us help from us, american help, and do you believe that workarounds with all those petitions from congressmen can work, the main obstacle is completely different, she began. in october of last year, and frankly, i cannot understand what it is connected with, what roles were played by whom, this is a half-year pause, which gave the opportunity to the enemy of russia to attack now as much as possible in the absence of these weapons, which we very we need, and in principle, i wouldn't
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really separate, as johnson always did, i did it too and even helped... to organize meetings with him in order to convince him, but now it's not a question of jones, johnson, republicans , of the white house, this is the position of the united states, and we should all be less concerned about internal issues, we are concerned about the consistency of the position stated by the president of the united states, joseph biden, about the need for maximum aid to ukraine, and i proceed from this, that is, if this or that country , even such as the usa. cannot perform promises, then, unfortunately, these are also our problems, of course, but they are caused by the internal situation in the states themselves. i think that this pause has been so long that it weakens the position of both the usa in the world and
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the current administration itself. and to what extent it is understood in washington, do you think it might be in the best interests, at least of that part of the american establishment, which... for the victory of donald trump in the november elections for the president of the united states? i think it hardly fits right now, that's why that in principle no one wants the candidates to have a weak position of the united states. if donald trump really did use it against joseph biden before, now the situation looks a bit different, and he has also changed his rhetoric, he already allows this help in the case of a credit or loan, that is... referring to the idea of ​​lend-lease, which the republicans proposed at the time with increased control over the supply of these weapons, and which the white house did not really support, publicly declaring the maximum support, even joseph biden personally
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came out on may 9 of last year, on the 22nd, sorry, 202nd year, and said that otlendliz is such a powerful force, as a result of himself. it was rejected, so when they ask me, the republicans are holding back, i would, you know, knowing the situation more deeply, i would say, here a lot of things were accumulating from different sides, and now we still have an opportunity, after all, it is opening up, because the budget has already been adopted by the united states, which was really a deterrent, it could simply be allocated in the general budget of the united states don't offer help to ukraine and everything. the way they went down this wrong path, it was possible not to give up lendlease, who could have become a certain argument in these negotiations, but everyone did things differently, and as a result, due to inflated expectations from the current administration, and such an ultimate
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position led to the ultimate positions of the other party, and now we have the issue of ukraine in the election race, and here both opportunities and risks are growing. this is the situation for today, but tell me, mr. valery, have you seen the interview of president zelensky, the american media, now in the united states these messages are being discussed, how effective are they, i would say, from the point of view of the american elite's understanding of ukrainian anxieties about the insufficient number of weapons, about the possibility of losing new territories, etc.? these worries are much less than in europe for obvious reasons, uh. the distant location of the united states and this position that they may lose in other important national interests, it does not just reach ordinary citizens, well, thanking the ambassador of taiwan, he
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recently stated that if there are no weapons for ukraine now, then china is getting stronger, and this question china is getting stronger, it somehow comes more to the americans, because... they perfectly remember where the threat of the second world war came from, it came to them not from the east, or rather not from, well, not from the east, but from the west coast. that is, in fact, from the territory, china is closer on that side, and therefore their line is the first line, well, it is not a line of defense, but they consider it as their strategic line, it is precisely the line along the olyudsky islands, further down to taiwan, further down to japan, malaysia, father, the line is close to china, by the way, korea and vietnam were not included. were not included in this zone and are not included, that is why for them it is clearer such threats, which have historically
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been more noted, but on the other hand , the role of the media plays a lot, and the american media, well, really on our side, that is , they constantly raise this issue, well even those who are so right, radical right, whether they are conservative or not, they also attract attention, so basically citizens. the usa supports, zmi is discussing not so, maybe so actively, it is now against the background of the middle east, but nevertheless, it is, therefore, the address of president zelensky, if it were more so already to the citizens, the correct address, absolutely, i support it, sorry, i say about the same words, but it no longer makes such an impression as it did in the 22nd year from the president of ukraine, then it was really direct, one could say. influence on american citizens, which the current administration did not even like very much, so
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it must be done, it must be directly americans now, because the elections and every politician is thinking, in fact, here is about the elections, and if there is pressure from citizens, letters, appeals to congress, to congressmen, to their own, these are very important tools now, mr. valery, and tell me what is the current situation with previous... ratings of trump and biden, several studies indicate that, in principle, the current american president is ahead of his opponent in some, even key states, does this give, well, certain reasons to believe that the situation in the fall of the current year benefit the democrats? in general, no one can predict for you where it will flow, now according to the voters. they have already actually guaranteed their nomination from
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donald trump, republicans, and joseph biden, democrats, respectively, but this will be officially done at the conventions. by the way, let me tell you one important thing, the nato summit is just a few days before the rnc, which means it's the republican national convention, and joseph biden could show determination and confidence if he dared. at the invitation of ukraine, a political invitation to nato, not membership, but at least an invitation, and this is also an issue that should be raised, recently at the kyiv security forum, this was discussed with the head of the nato military committee, here is the position and, by the way, ukraine has officially stated that the position the us is the key, it is the us that is holding back this decision now, so we need more than just weapons now, for which we are grateful, what the americans provide, even without having. they still provided 300 million and continue to help, but i also understand the statement
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of president zelensky, when really we we say that weapons must arrive on time, because if they do not come when they are needed, then these needs are multiplied in order to stop the enemy, so i really hope that in the coming weeks, months there will be some kind of concentrated supply and assistance to ukraine, for now, for now, some institution... there in the press, don’t shoot at russia, it definitely does not contribute to bringing peace, and we feel it, but i will say that you know, well, this is not the first wave, maybe they have some thoughts their inside there are some secret that they are they want to make it so that the main opportunities of ukraine appear just in time for the period when there will be votes, well, voting is still possible, and then, i hope so, this is not information, no, it is about... well, it is so logical that now the current administration could concentrate it
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precisely on this period, and once again donald trump, he should not be perceived as a person who is the only one there, blocking all aid, this is not the case, but nevertheless, his position is indeed, especially in relation to the speaker johnson, she has a very serious impact on the situation, so again i emphasize, it's time... to the american people, ugh, mr. valery, well, we see now a lot and quite a lot of different information about such things... i would say manifestations of the fact that the russian federation may be preparing for a truly broad offensive against ukraine, about it was written by the economist and the times, and in fact, i think that the american media also comes to this, and there is no doubt about it, but this is an appeal to the american people,
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sometimes i think that the level of aid our country already had nasti... tall, what the americans simply won’t allow them to stop supporting ukraine, that is , to help so much that they then just stop, it looks quite strange, on the other hand, we see the experience of afghanistan and the withdrawal of american troops from this country under the presidency of, by the way, joseph biden, so do you think this appeal to the american people will work? will he become a safeguard against the administration of biden or any new president still succeeding in taking a step back on us? well, we don't need to rush in with such pessimists scenarios in advance, because now the americans ' official position has not changed, it concerns the de-occupation of the territory of ukraine and
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the maximum aid, well, as they say, as much as necessary, it has not changed. this is the first, the second, we are talking about two, just two scenarios. defensive script, they are helping us and will continue to help us. we are talking about scenarios that will allow ukraine to quickly take decisive steps to de-occupy the territories. well, that is, in short, it is a few hundred missiles and atakams up to 300 km, which can then drag some additional european structures of the system. then several squadrons, 3-4 squadrons of f-16s. already in the summer, and not procrastinating, and in principle, this package, which will be voted on, i think it will still be used, that is, all this will give the opportunity for another such attempt to change the situation, now with regard to all these press that write, there is an offensive russia, you know, i have no information, if the leader that russia is preparing, i don't, well, i don't have
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such closed sources, i see it all too. i can also sit and tell different schemes, but when i hear the same people who are there, well they warned us about large-scale parties, i believe them, but if i see some articles with such bright headlines, kyiv will fall there again or whether it can pass, then i read the text, there is no such thing in this article in the times, it is written simply as an appeal , rather to the mobilization of the usa, support for us, that there is... such a danger and, well, i think that this is normal, now it will work better in europe, especially, will we calm everyone down, this is the first thing, in our country , well, i think that somehow it is necessary to find ways to inform the population, because really people are nervous, there are really incomprehensible activities on the borders, both sumy region and chernihiv region, there are constant ones in kharkov, well, you
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see, in different places, no one knows how the scenario will develop, that is, i... it is clear that this is a war , but we need to find our internal means of communication to somehow orient ourselves correctly in relation to the further development of events. i, for example, do not see from my experience that the statements that are being made now about the fatal consequences of this year, and that putin is already going to launch a counteroffensive there and capture kyiv, i do not see how this can be done in these new conditions, but at the same time i see. that we really have the issue of arranging the second and third line of defense, we have the issue of the internal mood of society, it is not in the best shape now, and here really, as you can see, there are a lot of disturbances, then there is a personnel decision, someone is moving somewhere, but really
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we have not yet seen such serious institutional changes, so the time has come to use all... the resources of the country now, if it is in the parliament, i mean all, that is, if we delay this, if we divide society, then i am the government, but there the opposition is sitting, here is the civil society, which needs to be controlled, and here we will solve everything, this is how we can play the game, so now the task of the ukrainian government of president zelensky is not only to rearrange some pawns here and there on the soul, but we have to think about how to... the king, let's say so, if we talk about the head of the state, and this can be done only by the advantage of additional figures, so it seems to me that this is an underestimation. in terms of internal threats and the internal situation, there are 10,000 handcuffs that the police plan to buy, i don't know which for what needs at all, i think that it is not necessary
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to explain to people right away what you are doing, why, how, different opinions immediately begin here, that is why now the unity of society, the production of weapons, the military industrial complex on industrial rails, what is being done, and however... i don’t touch on mobilization, i don’t want to, it’s a separate issue, but i just want to say one thing, the option of a long-term war of attrition, it’s not for ukraine, it’s only for collective defense, if they want attrition, if they don’t want threats, well, we we understand this, it is necessary today, and do not ignore all these moments with missiles in poland, deploy a joint air defense system over the border, nato should also wake up like european countries, that is, in principle. nothing radically new is happening, but the pressure in the coming months is serious, i think opportunities will appear in ukraine, but
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now we have to endure it. thank you, valery, thank you, valery chaleit, diplomat, former ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america, we were close, now to the near east, to the terrorist danger. ihor simyvalos, director of the center for middle eastern studies. congratulations, mr. igor. congratulations, congratulations, colleagues. well, after the terrorist act in... in krasnogorsk in the croco city hall concert center near moscow, there were a lot of conspiracy theories, including from president putin, he turned out to be the main conspiracy theorist these days, but we can say that we are aware of the fact that this is here is a classic terrorist act carried out by the islamic state of khorasan, and what kind of organization is it then, why is it capable of carrying out such serious terrorist attacks, because it is connected not only with this story, but with'. the act of the kabul airport, the attack near the russian embassy in afghanistan and, by the way, with the terrorist act near the grave of general suleimani in iran, where many high-ranking representatives of the islamic
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revolutionary guard corps were killed, as well as numerous bombings of mosques in kabul and other cities of afghanistan, that is, we can practically say that this organization has developed quite active terrorist activities in afghanistan, and unlike... lebanon, which limits its activities to the borders of afghanistan, it has no borders, they the central asian diasporas, on the territory of afghanistan, that is, the actual population, tajiks and uzbeks, are actively working, and they also see their expansion further, actually within the framework of this historical great kharasan, and this organization arose in the 14th century. year , the islamic state actually and institutionally rises in the framework, and in this case it does not arise in
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an empty place, but relatively speaking, it is a part of al-qaeda, which simply swears an oath to the new caliph, and then it was in baghdad, and accordingly they set the goal to form this big one an islamic state, according to... the hadiths and the sunnah of the prophet and the like, but what about this duck, yes, without a doubt, if it quacks and has wings, then it is a duck, yes, and in this case there is no doubt that this terror attack was carried out by this terrorist organization, especially since the warnings were long in advance, especially since, in principle, there are at least several special services. western countries received the following information through communication channels. ugh. and mr. igor, please tell me if it was just after this happened
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terrorist attack in crocus city hall, many ukrainian analysts noted that for such an organization as idilka, even more, let's say, even more than the western world, so collective, they hate, so to speak, wrong muslims. and it was russia's support for the taliban, the support and good friendship of the russian federation with iran, support for the proxy army, in particular the iranian one, that catalyzed these terrorist attacks, which may continue in the russian federation, because that is exactly what dilka is announcing, that is, in fact russia underestimated the eyes here are the internal ones. e misunderstanding or how to even call it, i don't know, internal conflicts in the muslim world and different interpretations, in general , religion and islam, well, i think russia actively
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used it. these different readings, yes, and active cooperation with the shiites, so just the classic answer, well, in general, in the ukrainian interpretation, i would say idil ha, rather, yes, because this is just the english bureaucracy of karasava, you know, yes, of course , the number of muslims who have died from the movement, the islamic state, is beyond comparison with representatives other ethnic groups, and most of the terrorist attacks and hostilities take place in the middle east, we can also mention the war in syria and iraq, and the terror introduced by the militants of the islamic state in these occupied territories, well, we have already mentioned here the terrorist attacks against the shiites , and the war against the taliban, that is , in fact, they are... a structure that does not
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see any compromises in front of them, and does not want any compromises, that is, they mobilize their supporters on this, and believe that this is the only right right option, yes, against this background, even alkaya look like a kindergartener, although they objectively come from al-qaeda, ugh, but he will say... mr. igor, in principle, how serious is the danger of terrorist actions in russia in the future, are they able to respond to this situation in any way now? yes, i think that the realist danger is real, yes, and i think that this organization will at least try to carry out acts of terrorism in order to assert their... their right to attack in
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crocus, and because i think that they are caught off guard captured the russians' claim that it was done by anyone else, ukrainians or elsewhere, americans, britain, nor the islamic state, that is, they were, to be honest, somewhat surprised, i think the statements that were made, they just show about the fact that the terrorist attacks will be ee... and the next ones, although this may be part of such a raising of the stakes, a game of raising the stakes, and what is also important to note here is that recently we have seen how relations between the taliban and moscow are developing, and precisely the key issue, the issue of security, central asian security, non-proliferation of islamism and takes up
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a lot of time there, right? that cooperation around this will continue, but the russians will have to reorient their special services again, now once again, yes, and it will be much more difficult than it was back then, say in the 10s, when they were able to create a more or less effective security system and to counter islamism, but then these were specific challenges related to the north caucasus, for the most part, now the situation is much worse, taking into account the large number of gaystar-baiters, without which russians cannot be avoided, and what we see now on the streets of russian cities, growth, attacks and everything else, this can also actualize the participation of these gas workers' desire to step up, it also became known that in
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may... pay a visit to the united states, recep tayyip erdogan, turkish president. what should you expect from this visit? after all, if i'm not mistaken, the presidents mostly talked recently on the sidelines of some international events they attended, and of course on the phone. well, i think that redzep tayyip erdoğan needs some reset of relations with the states, though. i think they can take a break, but i see that he wants to go there already at the peak of his political power, now the local elections are important, and this is to win big cities in the opposition, and based on that you can go, well since he has already said that this is his deadline and he will no longer run for president, meaning…


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