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tv   [untitled]    March 23, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EET

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shooting from a machine gun, shooting at the crowd, some people are shooting, panic, panic, panic, quiet, quiet, panic! calm, calm, please, the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine has already reacted to this so-called terrorist attack and shooting in the suburbs of moscow, they are in the department. refers to budanov
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, they say that this is a deliberate provocation of putin's regime, which the international community warned about, we will talk about all this today during the second part of our verdict program, but let me remind you that during this program we conduct polls, we you we are asking about this, should ukraine strike the critical infrastructure of russia, no, everything is quite simple on youtube , if you have your opinion, please write it in the comments if you watch us on tv. on the air, pick up your smartphones and vote if you think ukraine should strike russia's critical infrastructure in response to strikes on ukraine's critical infrastructure: 0800 211-381, no 0800 211-382, vote, all calls are free, at the end of the program , we will sum up the results of this vote. today, my journalist colleague olga len is in our journalism studio. an avid viewer,
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tv channel host. olya, good evening. good evening. olga musafirova, correspondent of novaya gazeta europe in ukraine. ulyu, good evening. thank you for joining our broadcast. well , actually, i'm not going to ask you what you think, whether ukraine should retaliate against russia's critical infrastructure, strikes, because, well, it's kind of a rhetorical question, but because there are so many. there is talk now that in the international press, in particular , a publication appeared in the british financial times that ukrainians should not strike at oil refineries, it seems to me that, well, at least two oles for sure, i think that they support it, here they say that these strikes should be, although let's do it in the format of a blitz poll let's exchange thoughts, hive? well , yes, i think it is necessary, because this is what they supply the russian army itself. uh
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, an oil refinery, what is it, it's not crude oil, it's gasoline, uh, it's aviation fuel for those planes that fly, after all, it's fuel for their crops, they're there to eat it didn't seem that it was all very nice, well, nothing, they will buy it, let them spend the money that they should have spent there on weapons, spend it on the purchase of recycled fuel in the world, well, isn't that bad, i think it's good. thank you, olga musafirova. well, of course, the question is rhetorical, it is necessary to strike, i hope that these strikes will continue, because these are legitimate goals, it is not even about revenge, you know, you violated our energy facilities, and we are for it we will break it to you, this is a kindergarten in ukraine a war for... survival, and here, you know, it's either us
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or us, but i would prefer that we, and if we, everything that causes great harm to russia is positive for ukraine. beyond any doubt. colleagues , when we were preparing for the broadcast, we wanted to talk about the results of putin's so-called election, but, literally before our eyes , a so-called... terrorist attack or a terrorist act is not known for sure, the russian mass media cannot be trusted, that it actually happens there, but in krasnohirsk near moscow literally an hour ago in a shooting took place at the kroku city hall concert hall before the performance of the picnic band, and currently 18 people are known to have died and more than 50 were injured there. our hurler says that this is a deliberate provocation. at putin's, and it must
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be said that at one time the western special services warned that there would be a mass terrorist attack in moscow, and we know that the destruction of one's own civilians is... a pancake political technology , the politician was engaged in this, we remember what kind of putin he is from the very coming to the big terrorist attacks in the late 90s in russian cities, we see that we saw that took place in nordosta, this story, when it is not unclear who was smoked with this gas, poisonous gas and poisoned those who came to a concert or a performance there. and it is clear that both fear and terror are what vladimir putin usually uses in his arsenal. of course, there is still very little information about this, but john kirby, on behalf of the white house, has already said that
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ukrainians are definitely not involved in this terrorist attack, and ukraine, warning the fsb, that they can twist or speculate on this . olga, i am turning to olga musafirova, how do you assess what is happening there in this situation, it was predicted, putin continues his terrorist activities and he needs it for something now, after already, it would seem, such percentages that were drawn to him 87, what is happening, how is it to perceive what is happening in the moscow region, well, first of all, i will say that putin is terribly unoriginal, he came to power with a terrorist attack, if you remember, in 2002 there was a terrorist attack on dubrovka, and the current arrival to power is also marked by a terrorist attack, which
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seems to me that with this he not without reason wants to consolidate the russian society, that is , fear is one of the best consolidators for russians, and in order to mobilize 300-400 million, it does not matter how many, soldiers, soldiers for the war in ukraine, this is a great opportunity , russia is surrounded by terrorists, that is, nonsense - well , a fantastic terrorist country is shouting, keep the terrorists, those who did what happened in crocus, i am more than sure that there is no one alive there, it is meant, with those who shot, they will not be found,
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some googled bodies will be found, which can come up with any biography in retrospect, and it will be me... with the push that the kremlin always uses, if we do not destroy them, and there is this global enemies are meant , because they say that it is not just ukraine that is already fighting against russia, but as pishkov kampashka says, this is the measure, what a collective measure, which helps ukraine, although we know very well how they help us, that is.. purely solving own militaristic problems on this term of the presidential election. thank you ulya , ola, here i turn to olga len, today there are two olgas again, and what pleases me, and olya,
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in this story with the fact that four or five days after the seemingly sky-high number that was drawn for putin in... the center of the russian election commission is where this terrorist act takes place, well , the shooting of people, we will say, referring to the russian propaganda or telegram channels, or the media, because the information is probably also filtered there, but what is it for putin now, if he thought so b, well got 87%, well, did they draw 87% for him, he can say: russia is united and we are united with the people, the people support. us in the war against russia, against the whole world, why did he arrange this whole story with the shooting near moscow? well, this is really interesting, because you said that we should not talk about the elections, yes, but it turns out that this is a continuation of this story, because if it
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was necessary to arrange such a thing, literally immediately after the elections, then the impression that it probably didn't happen after all, the elections were not shown. such support and did not show exactly support for the war, as the authorities in the kremlin would like, that is , there is support for something there, but it may not be of the same volume, secondly... most likely, it is not exactly militaristic support, well, you understand, yes , and then look, what an interesting thing, well, well, first of all, the suburbs of moscow were again affected, let's remember that houses were blown up by the fsb also near moscow, and in moscow too, on kashirskyi shosse, volgadonskyi, in many cities, but well, it's somehow impossible to do without moscow suburbs, but here... it's not even interesting, but it's interesting that, well, i just think that there should be
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a full-fledged production there, and if, and we see it, we, they, they can still show someone, something like that, well, it has something be like that, because i can already see how they are unfolding it , all the tv news has changed, they have removed all the programs, it is already happening now, that is , all the broadcasts will now be about it, the headquarters in... putin's mla is working at night, putin is working , so in the morning we will see the full production, i already hope, that is, they already say that they someone was detained, that is, it will be a full-fledged theater, absolutely full-fledged, but you have to understand, well, just imagine, all of moscow and the suburbs of moscow are literally filled with fsb rosguards, and there some people suddenly run with weapons, it ’s not funny to you, and they run away somewhere in uncertainty. no one stops them right there at the exit, well, this is funny, because
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any mass event in russia, any concert, not a concert, we saw it on other news, when concerts of other artists took place, and, for example, these concerts were interrupted, there came some kind of russian eyes, all of them demonic rioters, disrupted concerts, the police were drawn there even before anything happened. because there is an absolutely clear protocol that any mass gathering where, roughly speaking, more than three people gather , the fsb and the police must be there, there were none here, yes, well, tell someone, but don't tell us, because we know that they are always there, if any mass gathers even to watch a movie, they definitely have the fsb and the russian guard there, definitely, it's just a protocol, it's like in the soviet union, sorry. there it was all restored in full, here it was not, and they escaped these, like these, this is all
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a complete lie. then another point, which i think is also very important in this whole story, is that notice, it took exactly this type of terrorist attack. what does this say? well , first of all, this whole story, this terrorist attack immediately pushed to the background, and the fact that belgorod is being bombed and all these conversations, moreover, well, the bombing of belgorod was not changed there, you know, entertainment programs, no one did not shoot, it means that when they occur military actions on the territory of russia, in bil-gharadikursk, when their infrastructure is destroyed, it does not cause the russian people any righteous anger, it does not unite them in any way, because the russian people clearly understand what is for what, it is just a normal blow in response within the framework of military operations, and everyone... what are they telling you some delusion about what
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they will strengthen there, they finally, no, it does not connect everything, from the point of view of military operations, you can do anything, no russian the people will not unite there for anything and none in response to the actions , there will be no such response, only a terrorist attack, so the terrorist attack is an absolutely fsb story, familiar to them. they really perceive a terrorist attack as something painful, as some kind of way out , well, according to the rules, it is outside the rules of war, that is why the terrorist attack, that is why, and that is why we are watching it all, i say that we will watch a full-fledged performance right away tomorrow morning, thank you , ola, i’m turning to olga musafirova, but tell me the whole story, it will somehow be perceived by those who... who sit near the televisions watching russian televisions, near televisions from
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russian tv channels, will they chew on all this again, well, there is a generation that remembers the chechens, the so-called chechens , who, as it were, that there was sugar there in ryazan or that they brought there, well, they brought explosives into, do you remember, to the basement, and then someone there called the fsb to find them there and... they explained that bags of sugar were brought there in general, and they just wanted to check whether the fsb would react to it or not, and we remember these investigations, which... were conducted by the late boris berezovskyi and filtyshynskyi, who also litvinenko wrote about how putin simply blew up russia in order to come to power, there are still those people who remember it, and obviously who know it, or whether this hatred of of ukrainians, which during the last 20 years
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has been cultivated there in russian society, will it simply lie on some good soil, tomorrow they will say that it was actually... there were rdk fighters or in general it was gur of the ministry of defense of ukraine. how do you think they can play this whole story? you know people who know, remember and understand, they don't watch russian tv. russian tv is watching pleps, guppy fish that can be scared, and actually them, actually... if you remember, putin began his first presidential term with the following phrase: wet in the sorter, er, actually, now from his eyes are scared, scared to death that tv viewers will be
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begging to dip absolutely all the enemies of russia in the sorter, and on purpose. the excesses of the unfortunate, poor, no russian opposition, it is already justifying itself, it is not us, we are not we have a relationship, of course, the main debt is the ukrainians, and even if the official tv will not directly point to the ukrainian trace in this terrorist attack, that they did it. those with whom we are at war, whether we are not at war, but de-nazify them, the russian trained tv viewers will demand it themselves, we know that it was the drg that infiltrated, there from kyiv, with a vengeance, that is how they decided to report for odesa, for kharkiv , for dniprogez, for kyiv, for everything,
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in fact, this is such a trick of psychosis, a trick of fear, again, i repeat, it very effective in russian society, because it feeds everything that they have already painted in their imaginations, they can tolerate humiliation, well, this is not about russians at all, humiliate according to the classics, mr. biot, turn the other cheek, they can tolerate almost inhumane conditions life. well, if only there wasn't a war on the territory of russia , it's terrible here, that is, it can happen to anyone who, according to the kremlin, are the main terrorists, well , of course, ukrainians, so i again bend my line, that this story, its purpose,
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i have no doubt that it is inspired a terrorist attack, and it is inspired by... mass patriotic mobilization and ending this war with the victory of russia, as long as you can, because if another year, two, three, well, society will start, you know, to say a little bit that we have strained, we hard, they gathered a huge army here, struck and finished this story, well, such a diabolical, let's say, thing, for the sake of which there... several tens or hundreds, we don't know how many people there died in this crocus, for the sake of this tall in the feet do not regret the goal of your fellow tribesmen it has to be done, well, by the way, by the way, we will really see tomorrow morning that history will lead
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to exactly this path, even after... let me just counter terror, no courts and i will simply read it: terrorists understand that the investigation will not help if force , force cannot be opposed to force, total executions of terrorists and repression against their families, they do not yet know who it is, but they will already be making terror, but it will be a beautiful phrase if it is established that these are terrorists. regime, and it is necessary with him, and it is necessary with them it will be, everything literally needs to be pitied, ruthless destruction, and right then and there i already see them gone. the posts of various, let's say, back-up singers , putin, putin began his first term to wet himself in the toilet, the fifth term must start with the same,
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well, they are actually unfolding, you know what else is interesting, let me add some interesting details to you in general about this of the whole story, because everything there is much more interesting than it seemed, well , first of all, they say that 40 people were already killed, so they ran there. without masks, absolutely, as it turns out, and immediately began to shoot and that's all, but what's interesting is that in the next hall of the same crocus hall, there was a very big children's competition, a ball, and there were just hundreds of children there, and i think that in fact this whole story just miraculously did not result in the mass murder of children, she was rather everything is targeted, absolutely all pain points must be involved, well, by the way, there is information from various countries that are close to
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the kremlin, there and to putin, there egypt condemned this terrorist attack, nothing is known yet, it is not yet clear , who committed it, who is this terrorist attack committed, but they are already there starting to talk about the need to find these terrorists, well, the question is... because in this situation, if they will search among their own in russia, it is understandable, if according to medvedev's logic , they will come out as they say, for the kyiv regime, then medvedev offers death for death, well, that is , he literally wrote in his telegram that death for death, if there is and will be proven the involvement of people who... officials who are involved in this, then therefore, they must all be found and mercilessly destroyed as terrorists, that is, it seems
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to me that they have already drawn this big picture, which they will simply show tomorrow, right, kolya musafira, i think so, because this is a well- planned operation, i think that it was not planned in one day , and the fact that russia knows how to plan... rakti, well, we are not two years old, we are much more, we feel it all on ourselves, and the fact that the value of human life and the life of a child, including, is worth absolutely nothing to the kremlin in comparison with the achievement of the goals that they drew for themselves, then this is a clear testimony, well, well, at least i understand why the fire started there. because it's not entirely clear, they came in, started shooting, our something was throwing checkers, i 'll tell you, even for those who attacked, to start a fire, it's dangerous for them, why
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do it, now it's clear to me, since there's a children's competition, they simply expected that there would be victims among the children, yes, and this is even more emotional, yes, but judging by everything there , they somehow managed to get the children out, well, what is happening, the scale of what is happening in this crocus, it is clear that... well, there are a few people who accidentally went there and had no idea at all, well , they had no idea what, where, how to do, but what they are doing, that they set fire to this the whole shopping and entertainment center, that they shot so many people there, well, it shows that people clearly understood, and obviously many people helped these people to do it, it is not so easy for people to come in with machine guns and just shoot them. the shopping and entertainment center was set on fire, there is a big fire going on now, it appears information from these
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propaganda russian news agencies, that is, tomorrow , obviously, there will already be some preliminary decisions and some verdict, but what does it threaten, if, if they come out, well, come out in quotation marks against ukrainians, what does it threaten ? in ukraine, taking into account the fact that they have been destroying us for the past two days, what does this threaten, nothing new, i think that this will simply be a motivation for, well, first of all, repression inside the country, it is definitely them it is necessary because without it they simply do not they can hold another mobilization, mobilization remains an unpopular idea, as i say, no strikes on ukraine, no battles on the border. or within russia itself, do not increase the popularity of the war among the russians, but it has been at a stable level all this time, so it is high, but they themselves are not eager to fight, but they are very
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welcome. to observe it from afar, and when it comes to mobilization, this idea is very unpopular in russia, and this will simply be a motivation, why mobilization again, why it is necessary to close everything, why it is necessary to literally , well, brutally clean everything and anyone, that is, this is an increase in internal repression and this is an increase in mobilization, i think, well, in the end they announced that they want 3,000 more for the army... to find out where they will take them from, well, just from where, well, that is , close, so that you the whole depth of this story was simply understandable, the other day there was news that it seems that two large colonies have closed in the kaliningrad region, because there is simply no one to sit, how many have closed somewhere in the depths, it is not known, well, that is, they even already have this resource of those 'prisoners, who in there was, it ran out, they are running out
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now, they tried... to send migrants to the war, those people whom they deceived there, came as tourists, or as those that they would transport them across their western border, then caught them, sent them to the front , all this is a rather limited number of people , they need a mobilization resource again now , there is nowhere to take it, objectively, they wasted too much of this resource on the assault on avdiyivka, alone, then you... you see, the front does not move not because they have run out of shells, they just don't have them ended, but it does not move as much as they dreamed of it, because there is no one, there is simply no one on foot to go there, so they absolutely have the same problem, mobilization, and it has not gone anywhere, now we need some kind of motivation for that , and in general, to announce that they are still fighting, they had
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a special operation going on all this time. well , today piskov stated that in fact there was a special operation, and now it is a war, and then he began to make excuses that in fact it is a special operation in de yure, but de facto it is a war, it is not that not an accidental military reservation, it ’s just something that is now considered as such a way, i just see it on russian airwaves, it ’s such a way, you know, to breathe a second life in general into all of their military history, now to say that we had a special operation , and now a full-fledged war has begun, this is... such, you know, a ploy, but you understand that for the average russian, if not the name, but still he does not want to go anywhere, he wants to sit somewhere far away and to bombed ukraine, that's all , he doesn't want to go to war, he wants for watching it like in a movie, here he still has to be sent there somehow, well, they will send it, thank you, olya, i am turning to ulya musafirova, tell me, tell me, please let me and two ulyas
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be. tell me, but putin still has that support, well, the support in russian society is high, russians gave him their votes, and probably more than half of them are exactly that, despite the fact that there was an estimate, how much was an estimate, 20% or 15 or 25 , it is not known, but they voted not only for putin and gave these votes, but they voted for war, because putin... is waging war, and accordingly, if they like this policy of extermination of ukrainians, then they elected putin, or is it possible to put an equal sign like this: putin is war? you can put an equal sign: putin-war and, in my opinion, you can put an equal sign: putin-russia. although a large part of the russian opposition
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protests against this. i will still insist that this is a relevant comparison. yes, my newspaper conducted its own research, i will not repeat it, there is a scientist who has mathematical calculations, that's how her 31 million votes were thrown to vladimir putin. attributed, it doesn't matter, less than that, there, 60 percent, 60 with a good tail are present, this only speaks of the quality of the voters, and the fact that they perceive putin as an integral part of their lives, and the fact that the whole world is putin's program
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against us, and we... no, we know the right way.


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