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tv   [untitled]    March 22, 2024 12:30am-1:00am EET

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in switzerland, the end of the war in ukraine, yes , no, please vote on youtube with the appropriate button, if you have your own opinion, please leave it in the comments below this video. if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think the peace summit in switzerland will bring an end to the war in ukraine, 0800 211 381 or 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free. vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, and we have oleksiy goncharenko, the people's deputy of ukraine, president of the pare committee on migration and refugees, mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast, i congratulate you, i know that you are in france, where the pare migration committee is currently meeting, which is preparing a big report for the pare summer session, if possible briefly: what is being discussed at the meeting
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of the migration committee, and then we will move on to what is actually being said in france about the war in ukraine and about macron's statements about french troops in ukraine. yes, i welcome you, indeed now, as the president of the committee on issues migration of refugees, i conduct this committee, and in france, and that is why i am working here this week, and it is important to... already on this committee, that is how i, for the first time in history, a ukrainian headed it, and i raised the issue at the summer session as well a special report of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe on ukrainian refugees abroad will be prepared, on what it is called, on their long- term, short-term, and long-term support, this is very important, because you and i understand that... that the issue of millions
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of ukrainians, on sorry, that's how it turned out today our fate of ukraine and the fate of millions of people who were forced to leave ukraine, they, their lives depend very much on how they are supported abroad, what decisions are made, in addition, we see periodically, unfortunately, tragic stories that take place there , that is why our task is to help ukrainians even when they are there, and the parade is one such tool, and... my position as the president of the committee allows me to raise these issues, which i actually do, and indeed now at the june session there should be a corresponding report with such a roadmap for all countries, well, of course, i will promote there, on the one hand, the issue of continuing support for ukraine , ukrainians abroad, and this is very important today, it remains important, but on the other hand, the tools should be developed to help those ukrainians who will be you ... to return
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home, and this is also a very, as i think, important topic that we should raise. mr. oleksiy, yesterday you stated that a french military contingent may soon appear in ukraine in the near future, and preparations for it the shipment is already being conducted by the french ministry of defense, and france is creating a coalition of allies, which may include poland and the baltic countries, which are talking about such a possibility in france, because... in ukraine , such prospects are somewhat skeptical and believe that at least the political scientists there and the political experts who are on our air that this is macron's struggle for leadership in modern europe, what are they saying in france itself about it? in fact, it's a super important story and really quite a sensational one at that information, because really... in ukraine, many people
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did not understand macron's plan, let's say this, or in general there they decided, yes, what is there, well, macron said something there, or what, well, okay , something is said there that is important, but these are some ideas to implementation, which are very far away, and it is not at all known whether they will be implemented, whether it is just politics, or it is before the elections to the european parliament, and so on, and we can tell you that really in parallel with the main work, let's say, what we just talked about, i'm meeting here with colleagues, deputies, politicians, french , and i came to an understanding, and i received very serious information that these are not just conversations, that macron did not just say something, but this is a concrete plan for the creation of a french military contingent, which is on a permanent basis will be based in ukraine, so today there is no question that this contingent will join the war with russia. well, it would
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mean just the entry of france into the war, of course we wouldn't be against it, to say the least, but it's obvious that there's no talk of that today, well language, but... this is very serious anyway, because this, well, first of all, this will be the first such example, we understand with you that certain nato military countries appear in ukraine, performing certain functions of the role, but permanent there is no country in the contingent, it will be a completely new reality when such a contingent, it doesn't matter how many people there will be in it, 500, 1000, i don't know, and i don't have the numbers and at the moment there aren't any, but when he will appear on a permanent basis in... formally already, i.e. legally, it will be very it is important, firstly, as a definitely symbolic step and a signal for putin, secondly, it will be an absolutely practical thing, because this contingent, according to macron's plan, should be engaged in the training of the ukrainian military, and
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it is obvious that today, when we send our military abroad, to train, it is a very complicated procedure, time, limited resources, and when these instructors appear in ukraine, everything will significantly speed up... and for us air defense, well, it is generally important for every ukrainian, every day from by these constant attacks, so it can have and quite practical consequences, moreover, well, this is a separate topic, here, but it is also discussed with the participation of france, and the creation of a so-called police mission on the border of ukraine and belarus, which will actually guard our border with belarus, which is actually occupied by russia, and that himself... can free the significant ukrainian forces that are forced to, well, we are forced to keep them there at the border today , so that, god forbid, we do not miss, prevent the scenario of the events of february 22nd, and well, that's already a little separate
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theme, but even as this theme with the french contingent, and these four directions, they are already very practical, and will have concrete practical help. for the ukrainian military, as macron sees it? two ways: the first way is to create a separate base, that is, actually a military base, a nato country , where there is also a whole coalition, as you rightly said, the baltic countries, scandinavia and some other countries can join it, or the second option is not to create separate location allocated there, but simply this contingent will be placed where necessary, directly if training, then on ukrainian military training grounds , in cyber security centers, where there is air defense , especially where there is french air defense and so on, well, i repeat, it is very important, it is fundamental, well , this is the next step in you know, as fairy tales used to be, then for the helmets were artillery,
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they followed it up to the missiles, then this will be the next step, when the nato military will appear on the territory of ukraine, we need to cling to this idea with our hands and feet. support her, help her to become a reality, because it can have a lot serious meaning. beyond any doubt. meanwhile, national security advisor to the president of the united states of america, jake salevan, who was in kyiv, assured that the us aid package in the amount of 60 billion dollars will be approved by the congress. let's listen to what he said. i know there are questions here. because of the delay in congress passing a bill containing the relief package that you rightfully deserve and that president biden fights for every day. $60 million has already been approved by the senate, and now we are working with the house of representatives to approve the aid package. we are sure that we
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will manage to do it. well, the speaker of the house of representatives of the united states of america, mike johnson, promised without delay. put aid to ukraine to the vote after the resolution of budgetary issues, he did not name the exact terms, we will also listen to mike johnson. it was a very tough negotiation, but now that this process is over, as i said before, our focus will shift to the issue of additional funding. there are several avenues we are considering to address this issue. i will not talk about what exactly today it is said, but i want you to know that this work has been done. at the same time, however, we had to agree the appropriation for the government first, having done that, we will now turn our attention to additional aid, and we will not delay it. mr. oleksiy, when both the americans and the germans talk about what is needed, it is necessary to restore
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this aid and the united states of america, and we will think about the tauruses, which arguments they lack, for example, after this morning's rockets. attacks in kyiv, well , first of all, i want to add that i wrote about that one councilors meeting there a few days ago, i told you that this meeting will take place because you said about salya. there was not only sullivan, there were, this is the same format of national security advisers, advisers to presidents or heads of government of states, countries, partners of ukraine, and this is an important format, and it was first held in kyiv, and indeed, the fact that sullivan was there, it is very we need, and we are waiting for a decision, regarding the arguments, well, let's talk about tataura - this is a separate story, and there is a situation that... germany is not ready to be a leader in this
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supply of weapons, in fact, germany we also have to say thank you, because germany has certainly long since become the second country in terms of support for ukraine after the united states, and in fact the aid from germany is very large, but as we all remember, every time for germany there is a transition from give ukraine a physical one. weapons or fairy tales, then let these weapons include tanks, then now let these weapons include long-range missiles, well, it is such a very painful process every time, it is connected with many things and with the injuries of the second of the world, but the main thing is with chancellor scholz's personality, he is very himself, you know, he recently gave an interview to the ciide podcast, which means that he said everything there, in principle. when he compared it, what does it mean , we are not the one, well, he says, someone climbed a tree there, and there are those people who sit below and
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shout jump, he said yes, so he will not do it, and there is no need to break his legs, it is his philosophy of life, quietly, slowly following others, not without extra steps and without demonstrating leadership, unfortunately we will not do anything about it, we can only to understand, well, that this is the situation, that's why we won't have tauris from germany until the united states of america gives us long-range attacks. and this is a separate conversation about taurus, well, we have finished it, and as for other countries, well, let's face it, we have a big problem now with only one country, well, among the allies we have, but this is the main country, it is the united states of america , and it is very good that sullivan says this, there are certain, by the way, back in december and... in january, i gave such predictions and comments, because i was invited
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to the united states of america, i met with congressmen and senators, and i said that a window of opportunity would open for ukraine, and that we should not wait, let me remind you that everyone said in december that everything would be done by christmas , then in january they said everything would be fine by the end of january, then i went there and said that you know, friends, unfortunately, let's be honest and say that the chances of that are small. and the milestone of importance for ukraine in terms of aid will open at the end of march, at the beginning of april. and it is connected with one, only one. here you show now the congress of the united states of america, right with him. the fact is that in the usa there are also elections, well, rather, we all know about the presidential elections, but also there are elections for congressmen and senators of a third. that's why everything is much better in the senate than in the congress. only a third of the senate is elected this year, and the entire congress is re-elected this year, and congressmen, and even among them
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, the peculiarities of the american electoral system are such that for 70% of congressmen, the main elections are not actually national elections, when these elections formally take place, and the elections within the party, the primaries are called that, i think that many ukrainians already understand this system, but it also works for congressmen, roughly speaking, if you are a republican in texas, then... for you much more important are the elections within the republican party itself, because if you are elected there, then you already have a democrat who will not beat you there in most districts of texas, or vice versa, if you are a democrat in new york, then for you, too, an election is an election within your party, not what will be then, and now this is exactly the point, and finally in march, these primaries started from the beginning of march, and they have already passed through a certain part of the american... they will last until august, so finally these primaries have started and some congressmen,
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the republicans finally became, well, let's say, exhaled , because due to trump's position as a presidential candidate, who is absolutely already a well-defined candidate, they were even afraid to ask questions and support ukraine, as one of my friends, such an influential person, told me a republican, says: well, i'm everything i understand, i'm very sorry, but until i pass my primaries, i won't do anything... they will do for ukraine, because one trump tweet and i'm done for the election, and there were many, and now they're gradually starting with this, part of them to come out, sorry for taking so long, but you have to understand it. when people are waiting for tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, there will be no tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, but really in early april, because now the congress is going to adjourn, they voted their own domestic funding of the united states, and in early april, when they go back to work, this it is realistic for us to finally have the opportunity to vote on an aid package, there is still a big question, what it will be, whether there will be these 60
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billion or 47 billion only in military aid, or there will be something in credit, because before that... we the united states of america, by the way , the only country, well, not the only one, but well, the largest , they gave us money, and well, they give us weapons for free - irrevocably, and they also gave us money as a gift, for example, europe gives us money on credit, you have to understand that, it's really, well today we hardly care about it, at all there is a big difference, as you and i understand, so what and how it will be there, we will see, and maybe there will be some changes, well, not in our favor, but in general really. we are up in arms, i think we have a good chance that this draft law will finally be voted on at the beginning of april, it is super important for us, well , we will keep our fingers crossed and do what we can in this direction. thank you, mr. oleksiy, for the conversation, it was oleksiy goncharenko, people's deputy of ukraine, friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, and also on our youtube and facebook platforms, and
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we're doing a poll today, we're asking you this, will the summit bring peace in switzerland? the end of the war in ukraine, yes , no, on youtube, either yes or no, if you have your opinion, please leave it in the comments below this video, if you watch us on tv, you can vote by phone, if you think, that the summit in switzerland will bring the end of the war in ukraine closer, 0800-211-381, no, 080-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will summarize this vote. next, we will be in touch with ihor romanenko, founder of the charity fund "close the sky of ukraine", retired lieutenant general, former deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. mr. general, i welcome you, thank you for being with us today. i congratulate you too. so, mr. general, today the russian federation launched a massive missile attack, another attack
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on the ukrainian capital, using 29 cruise missiles, x-101 and x-555, launched. of 11 tu-95 ms strategic bombers, the districts of polhodonsk, engels, as well as two iskander m and kinjal ballistic missiles, all of them fortunately destroyed by our air defenses. today, the rockets that flew at kyiv had a rather strange trajectory, and this trajectory partially coincided with the trajectory of drones that the russians had already launched over the territory of ukraine. in particular, over the ukrainian capital, what are these trajectories connected with, the constant changes of trajectories, when the missile goes first to western ukraine, and then from the west of ukraine enters kyiv, that is, they are looking for a place to bypass ukrainian air defense, or from what are these maneuvers related to? they are looking for
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ways to increase the effectiveness of their airstrikes. means, in this case there was such a large-scale use of missiles, both cruise and ballistic, to strike primarily at the capital, but not just as a square object, but at individual point locations in the capital, er, which there can be military objects, military-political objects, critical objects. infrastructure, and the question is, where did it go, in what form, and the debris fell, one way or another, you see, so there were so many of them that wherever a combat unit was not blown up, it fell and blew up on the ground, and some were not blown up at all, they were taken out and then destroyed already today during the day,
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so this large-scale.. .. the air strike was prepared by them, prepared with the use of modern high-precision missiles, and missiles that can lay routes, fly, in the first place, and it is called "zirkovy" from the specialists of anti-aircraft anti-missile defense. this means that on the object damage, air vehicles arrive almost simultaneously from... all sides, everything is achieved due to the fact that routes are laid in such a way that they fly over, well, in different areas, you are right when you say that they... must bypass the dispersed district the concentration of counter-defense means of ours in this case, but one way or another they enter, well,
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since they were launched from the east, from the southeast, and so on, and go west, well, in this case, to kyiv, but then they diverge and at the same time approach the capital of different parties er, the maintenance of anti-aircraft missile systems is very difficult to work at this time, er, taking into account the fact that at the same time from all sides, that means, targets for destruction appear, and that part of these targets are remote, that is, they use for that its air defense means spend their missiles in this case for... these targets are remote, and thus it is the most difficult strike, and it is difficult to repulse it, the effectiveness of
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the anti-aircraft missile defense is quite high in such conditions, it is said about the fact that in general everything was broken, but you show the consequences and we can see, because even those breakdowns that are being discussed still bring harm, well, what are we... what are we observing, according to our own goals, such they did not achieve defeat, as they planned, thanks to the professional actions of the defenders of anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense. almost all the cruise and ballistic missiles that flew to kyiv today, as reported in the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense, flew to the guru's facilities, and this is written by the online publication ukrainian pravda, referring to the interlocutor: in the roar of the ministry of defense, and thank god that these missiles were all shot down, president zelensky called on western countries to provide ukraine with more air defense systems to
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protect against russian terror, russian terrorists do not have such missiles that could bypass the protection of the patriots and others of the world's leading systems - said zelenskyi. mr. general, how do you estimate the number of air defense systems you can now... calculate the need for ukraine, how many of these systems, 10, dozens there, hundreds, or whatever number is being talked about, and in particular, says the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine? well, unfortunately, we have less than a dozen missile systems with anti-missile capabilities in total, most likely, according to western data, ours do not disclose this data, of course. and the need is in the hundreds, well, we can fantasize here, the question is not that, the question is that at least additional
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units should come in, and first of all, people like patriots, those himself, and maybe frankin himself, then this here you see, the commander of the air force, general aleshchuk, is behind the wheel of a tractor that works with... by and point missile complexes, that is , there is a great need for them, the number is limited, unfortunately, and therefore to carry out the task, we see that it is necessary not only around kyiv, to the objects of kyiv, it is not easy, they hit the hill , and not only pagur, because the weight of the activities of this structure is quite significant, we, we know about it, it is like the sbu in maritime affairs. let's say, using a drone, a separate issue of special operations forces, about which, most likely, the very important actions
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they carry out, we will be able to learn about the end of hostilities, about those people who perform tasks in this structure as well, that is , all our structures are defined in the law on national resistance, and this means the gur, sbu and special operations forces. to act effectively enough, that is why the enemy is focusing on suppressing these structures of ours, destroying the leaders of general budanov, that is , she tried to physically destroy him more than once, the issue came to the point that they tried to poison his wife and so on, that is, definitely the goal of such an enemy there is, but there are countermeasures, that is thwarted by professional actions. in this case , the soldiers of the anti -aircraft missile defense system, such are the plans of the enemy. mr. general, it is clear that with the end
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of the russian-ukrainian war, russia... will not be able to get anywhere from ukraine, that is, in terms of the border, in terms of proximity, whether it is possible to create something similar to the iron dome in ukraine in the future, of course, israel and ukraine, these are different countries in terms of scale, territory, and the number of people living in this territory, but one way or another, after the victory, we will have to... to think about how to protect our sky, because russia, given its capabilities, will be able to fire at us at any moment, is it possible to create such a system? well, in general , the assessment of the anti-hail and anti-missile defense system is wrong and comes down to actions, for example, iron, god, bath, yes, because in israel there are
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four of them. level protection is done by different systems and the same dome, it did not provide one hundred percent security, as we see the events in israel and in the middle east, when a large the number was applied and the question is ambiguous, that it is not a panoseya, not a miracle worker, which will solve the issue of anti-pivot, it is necessary to have a complex approach, which is in israel, and there are different complexes. uh, and as for supplies, we know that they are limited from ours from our allies, but the statements of the leaders of the military-industrial complex regarding the fact that an anti-aircraft missile complex, close to the norwegian-american one, is being developed, are confirmed important for the beginning, we have potential opportunities to develop a complex and it is being done in the medium to long range, but the question is time,
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money, and in general, all this was done before the war, but we have russian apologists here , including those who had an influence, some of them remain now, influence the , in order to slow down these processes, not to promote them, although it is very difficult for them in these conditions, when our relevant sbu and other structures are operating, but unfortunately, they are there, and that is why we did not fulfill these tasks in a timely manner, and therefore, but now it is being said that a 640 km missile complex is appearing, this is very important, and we there is a missile program since the 22nd year, but it is difficult to implement it in the conditions of the shelling of our enterprises of the military-industrial complex, we are told that the development of this anti-aircraft missile complex is underway, as
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usual. that is, there are promising developments, but i say once again that it takes time, and we need this kind of weapon and this kind of capability already now, not saying that it would have been needed yesterday. mr. general, the highest military official of the north atlantic alliance, the chairman of the nato military committee, rob bauer, has arrived visiting kyiv, for the first time since the beginning of russia's large-scale invasion of ukraine, in his speech he warned the world against excessive pessimism about ukraine's chances in the war and assured that ukraine would become a member of the north atlantic alliance. let's hear what rob bauer had to say. nato and ukraine are closer than ever before. every day. we are becoming closer, more compatible, more harmonious. together we are doing everything for
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ukraine to become a member of our alliance. the swedish flag will not be the only yellow-blue flag near the apartment headquarters nato. mr. general, very briefly, do you share rob bauer's optimism that ukraine will become a member of the north atlantic alliance, well, i... i understand him when he says that there is no need to be pessimistic about it, and that he is optimistic about it look, are you an optimist or a pessimist on this issue? yes, of course, i really wanted and there are prospects for 33 beautiful numbers, in my opinion, ukraine itself to become a member of the alliance, er, that is, if the countries that...


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