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tv   [untitled]    March 19, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EET

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were looking for better, better work, you should focus on them, because they are the golden fund for the future of ukraine. yes, we should think about it already, already. protecting against potential threats, security audits help identify problem areas in communities and improve them. this project is implemented in 14 regions of the country by a consortium of six women's organizations, including the ukrainian public health foundation for prevention. of the staff of the government commissioner for gender policy kateryna levchenko, so our correspondents well, i was like two and choose a color, it will be purple. pupils of the bibersky support lyceum play board games in a shelter during the air raid, in order to create a comfortable and safe space for schoolchildren, the local authorities have set up a protective structure. bought here such
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functional things that help them learn effectively, this is actually a projector, tables, chairs, bought a lot of games, made heating, conducted a security audit in the biber territorial community, the city leaders directed their efforts to improve territories, near educational institutions and hospitals, here we fenced off the middle... above the school for what, because in reality the schoolchildren were standing in the open sky, this is also the safety of the children, the transportation of anything should not happen, since there is a guard, it is already under guard and fenced off , inclusive toilets were installed in public institutions, ramps were made and escalators were purchased, thus the biber community is trying to take care of people with inclusive needs, we are now in the resource room. which is equipped for
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children with special educational needs, here there are classes, remedial classes with such children. in the fall of 2023 , a training was organized for community representatives within the framework of the women, peace, security, responses to the challenges of war project. after that, local authorities, together with activists and law enforcement officers , conducted a security audit on two routes, as a result, they discovered security threats and eliminated them, during the night period we went to the territory in the same way, we saw problem areas, namely the playground was for children, there was not very strong lighting, we carried out the lighting of the given territory according to the given route, as well as the installation of collendation hatches and re-installation of the zebra crossing, the first safety audit was conducted by the ukrainian public health foundation back in 2019 after the full-scale invasion of russia. to ukraine,
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the methodology was updated, since now security issues are related to the challenges of war. but in fact, our experience has shown that there are many common problems in the context of women's security in the east and the west. a security audit is a tool that first of all allows the community, and later the funds they have, direct to the coverage of priority issues related to security, that is, actually the community, and we have such requests from the communities, they. conduct a few audits in order to understand, but really this road, or this lighting, or this, or this traffic junction, what needs to be done? 28 communities from 14 oblasts of ukraine participated in territory security audits. this tool helps transform dangerous urban spaces into safe ones and prevent violence. kateryna oliynyk, andriy polikovskyi, espresso tv channel. back to the conversation, and now it's time to talk about what happened in the world. for the world about
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ukraine with yuriy fizar. yuriy, congratulations, please. i congratulate you, vasyl, and i congratulate everyone who joined our broadcast at this time. today, in particular, i will talk about such an appointment, the appointment of putin for a new term in the presidential chair. romania is building the largest nato base in europe, and trump did not answer the host's question about why he, well, doesn't really want to help ukraine. about this and other things in a moment in the rubric world about ukraine. well, let me start with this: i believe that putin's latest statements are valid have made it clear for several weeks that he will not stop and may be ready to use nuclear weapons at any moment. the minister of defense of spain, margarita robles, said this in an interview with the spanish newspaper la vanguardia. she considers such a threat to be real, because according to the leader. of the defense
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department of this country in the pyrenees, putin can quickly move from words to deeds, as he did, unfortunately, in ukraine, and at the same time , minister robles knows what the countries of the west need to do in this situation, namely continue to make maximum efforts to help ukraine. next, a short quote from the spanish minister of defense: supporting ukraine means not only the protection of its territorial integrity, but something much more important, namely peace and values ​​that characterize democratic coexistence in europe, and which are clearly under threat from putin. authoritarian regimes around the world are doing their best. doing their best to devalue and undermine the world's democracies, in the current situation, they for modern technologies are also actively used, united states secretary of state anthony blinken said, speaking at the third summit for
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democracy, which is held in the capital of south korea, seoul. next is a short quote from the head of the american foreign policy department. while authoritarian and repressive regimes use technology to undermine democracy and human rights, we need to ensure that technology supports and reinforces democratic values ​​and norms, that's the end of his quote, well and at the same time, mr. blinken added that democracy is the most powerful tool for revealing human potential and achieving results in the interests of the people, particularly during elections. well, in this way, he... would like to say that the united states of america is skeptical, well, there is no official reaction yet, but they are skeptical about what happened in russia during the past three days and that we in russia itself are called elections, in fact it is simply appointing putin for a new
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term in the presidential chair, and he says that in authoritarian regimes, such as now in russia, for example, it does not happen like that, and now about elections that were not democratic. and were not, in the end, the election for the post of putin putin . the russians elected putin again, and although the official election results are to be announced on march 21, only one mystery remains: will putin reach 88%, even if he doesn't, or will he? the day before, he had already made a speech, thanked the russians, again promised a lot to his slaves and did not fail to mention the evil west, whose leaders are asleep and... how to suppress and conquer the most peace-loving, well, obviously from our side in quotation marks, country in the world, in a word, at the election of putin, at the election of putin in russia , putin won again, you know, as yevgeny schwartz's play about the dragon is known, well there kill the dragon
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, kill the dragon there, he says, well, the dragon gave us a lot, people say, they say that, let's say, he saved us from the gypsies, but you saw them, gypsies, no, you didn't, but he saved us from them deprived, well, they were probably the same here as well, and why putin, well, because he did something there, but... well, it was not officially announced, because the results should be announced officially on march 21, but putin came out in the evening and told about it, to his supporters, to members of his staff, he came out, thanked them, and gave such a short speech, several tests of this speech, i finally... . didn’t watch this speech, i read the transcript diagonally, here are a few theses that, well , really touched me, about the possibility of joining kharkiv oblast to russia, he was asked , that’s what putin said, quote: i don’t rule out that at some point we will be forced create a certain
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the sanitary zone in the territories subordinated to kyiv, well, he calls it the regime, although in the end it is his regime. in this case, and about the potential conflict with nato, which may flare up if the situation continues on his part, journalists asked him about it, and this is what the world's main criminal answered: everything is possible in the modern world, the conflict will lead to , that there is only one step left before the third world war, and it seems very much that he is taking this step, as you know, vasyl, step by step. leads step by step, but at the same time constantly looking back and blaming the west for ukraine and anyone, but not him and not his serfs and vassals. about the proposal of french president emmanuel macron that it might be worth
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declaring a temporary truce during the olympic games, which will take place in the summer, in july and august in paris. so he said: i do not know about this proposal, and we are in favor of peace negotiations, but not because... that the enemy is running out of ammunition, very interestingly said about the results of the elections in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, i.e. in crimea, luhansk, donetsk, zaporizhzhia. and kherson regions and he said, oh my god, i didn't even expect that the results would be like this, it was a surprise for me that such results were, but he added that we are doing everything right, and about the calls of the opposition to come to the polling station at noon at 12 o'clock and vote for anyone, except for putin, he said, if there were calls to vote, i would praise it, and this seems to me to be the biggest... failure, he wanted to say, of the russian opposition, and there is no opposition in russia, because
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, well, people who call themselves the opposition, called people to come to the elections, people came, people showed crazy indicators, turnouts in the elections, in this way they, well, they really legitimized these elections and legitimized this new putin's term, what did the people who call themselves the opposition do, and nothing, they just helped putin, well, they probably voted for someone else there, because... in certain polling stations abroad, putin did not win, but there were others, there were no others, that is, there was none, they voted vasyl, they voted for davankov, who represents, this davankov met today together with slutsky from the ldpru in putin's office and said that russia must win the war against ukraine, and who but you, putin, will do it, vasyl, no, i 'm not saying they're good, i'm just saying they voted for someone else. and this is the same putin, yes, this is the same putin, well, realistically, well, it’s just terrible, putin
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just doesn’t stop, he’s not going to stop, as we can see from these statements of his, we need to be ready for any development of scenarios, it must be stopped, and this is what , for example, about these elections, and by the way, you and i, vasyl, were talking about who recognized these elections, north korea, cuba, nicaragua, because eritrea, there are many such lukashenko , of course lukashenko, but europe... well, europe does not recognize these elections, and this is what the chief european diplomat jose borel said today before the start of the meeting with the ministers of foreign affairs of the european union in brussels, and this is what the minister of foreign affairs latvij kris said before this meeting janis karinsh. let's listen him. listen, we have an aggressive russia. putin simply arranged an election to ensure that he would be back in power. another six years, they won't change course, russia won't stop, that's clear, they can only
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be stopped, ukraine is ready to do it, but it needs our help, and the awareness, the sense of urgency of this in europe is starting to grow, well, they are helping, because today during this meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs of the member states of the european union , they agreed to allocate 5 billion euros to ukraine for military needs, so thank you. well, as if in in unison, but not with their colleagues in the european union, but with putin, the statements from hungary continue. the strategies of intervention in the war in ukraine have failed, the minister of foreign affairs of hungary, peter szijártó, wrote about this on his facebook page. according to him, ending the bloodshed in ukraine should be negotiated exclusively at the table on the battlefield. the following is a quote from mr. sijarto. a termination would have been achieved a long time ago. of fire, if the western powers had put at least half their efforts into establishing peace, and not into supplies
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arms to ukraine. according to mr. sijarto, the slogan "the best defense is an attack" is now being used to incite the threat of world war. well, thank god that he didn't hear, i mean petar szijjártó, didn't hear the approval of this idea from his colleagues in the block, because... only for the allocation of money to ukraine, hungary abstained, but it was allocated. putin wanted less nato near his borders, but he continues to have more and more of the north atlantic alliance nearby. europe's largest base is under construction in romania nato. this was reported on the air of a romanian tv channel. according to information released by journalists, in the southeast of the country, work has begun on the expansion of the already existing military complex, which... will extend over several thousand hectares, thousands of american soldiers and their families will be stationed here, the romanian state
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will invest 2.5 billion euros in the project. the base will be fully operational in 2040. well, this military base will be created on the basis of the already existing romanian military base. dispatch of military personnel of member states of the european union to ukraine on will lead to such an escalation of tensions that could lead to the start of the third world war, and therefore it would be right if the parliament of slovakia takes a decision as soon as possible. that he does not agree with such a military adventure, said the prime minister of slovakia, robert fico, in a video message on his facebook page, while he added that the slovak government, due to the implementation of a sovereign foreign policy, became the object of attacks in the eu, but robert fiitso emphasized that his government does not have intention to depart from his reasonable and, as he
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called it, peace-loving initiatives. and austria. is not going to send its military personnel to ukraine and will not supply weapons to ukraine, and under no conditions will not get rid of its neutral status and will not join nato, the minister of foreign affairs of the countries of the euros countries abroad, the minister of foreign affairs of austria alexander schallenberg said in on the air of the orf tv channel, according to him, neutrality has a certain value for austria, which the head of the foreign he did not specify the political department of the country. from his interview, it is a good fact for us that the official vviden will still have to provide support to ukraine, as a member state of the european union, so that russian president vladimir putin does not win his war. well, donald trump is in his own style. war is very bad, but if he
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were president, putin would never have attacked ukraine in the first place. and trump himself would never need to even start talking about any negotiations and try to solve this problem, so the 45th host the white house said in an interview on the air of the american television channel fox news that, according to him, he had normal relations with putin, and when trump was president, putin did not even think of attacking. well, for some reason, trump still thinks so, but at the same time, he did not answer the host's direct question, why trump is so stupid. in support of ukraine and whether trump will swallow the situation when he becomes president, and before that russia will bite off another piece of ukraine. donald trump answered in general terms, and unfortunately, about something else. this should never happen would happen if i were the president, but he did not answer this question, why he does not support
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ukraine, began to move aside. and finally, dictatorial regimes are watching what... russia and putin are doing in ukraine and how the west is reacting to it. north korea continues to really and frankly give nightmares to its neighbors. today, from one of the training grounds of this most closed country in the world , three ballistic missiles were launched at once towards the sea of ​​japan. this was reported in the coast guard of the country of the rising sun. according to the released information of the rocket flew 350 km at an altitude of only 50 m and fell to the ground. exclusive economic zone of japan, they were launched at intervals of half an hour, each of them stayed in the air for about 7 minutes. that's how they see that the answer is to what putin is doing, and they think, well , then we are also allowed to do whatever we want. well, that's all i have in the world about ukraine column, all for today, and this is only the beginning of the week, tomorrow
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there will be more, and there will be more in our further broadcast, so do not switch. thanks to yuri fizer, and we continue, america wants to help, but we have her problems at home, the republican senator of the united states of america arrived in kyiv and, in particular , talked with journalists about the prospects for cooperation between the united states and ukraine. our correspondent kateryna galko, who attended the meeting, knows more, she is with us live, she says, i congratulate you and is there any news about it. aid from the united states of america. greetings to vasylya, greetings to the viewers of the tv channel, so now lynsey graham, a senator of the united states of america from the republican party, is visiting kyiv. actually, we know that today he also of course, he met with president zelensky to discuss further assistance and further
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cooperation, he also noted that this is not his first such visit to ukraine, and as he himself emphasizes, with this he wants to show that he supports our country, so today the main issue on meeting with journalists, of course, was receiving the allocation of an aid package from the united states of america, to which linzi graham replied that he and america, in general, very much want to help ukraine, but first they need to solve their problems, in particular he talked about the problems on the border, and he also... talked about the elections in russia, he noted that they are illegal and that russia should be recognized as a terrorist country, and he also talked about this aid package. that they are working on it, and this can be resolved even in a matter of days, not even weeks, however, i will note, of course, i will emphasize that this aid will be a loan, and not just aid
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to ukraine. he also noted that 2024 will be a year of change, an important year, and let's hear about his hopes from him right now. the year 2024 will be decisive for of the future europe and the world in general. here's what i hope will happen in 2024. america will get weapons that ukraine desperately needs in a way that will be stable. that you will begin not only to hold territory, but also to put even more pressure on the russians during 2024 . that you will get the atakamsa so that you can destroy the bridge connecting the crimea with russia. 2024 will be the year of qualitative superiority of the ukrainian military. linzigram also spoke about the fact that we need rotation, that we should
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adopt a draft law on mobilization, regarding weapons, he spoke about the fact that he hoped that ukraine would receive not only atakams, but also f-16s, and he also said that personally, at least personally, he was not against it and only in favor of... ukraine entered and to the eu and to nato, i asked him if the situation would change for us if the candidate from the republican party wins the presidential elections in america, but he noted that in any case, if any candidate is elected, america will continue support ukraine, will continue to help to us, in particular with weapons, he also talked about the fact that he hopes that in 2024... certain security guarantees will be signed, that is, whether all this will come true, what to expect from the aid package, we will find out, we hope, quite quickly, but this all the information
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i have at the moment, so vasyl, i will pass it on to you, thank you very much, kateryna galko was in touch with us, live from kyiv, told about the visit of the american senator linzi graham to ukraine, i remember, by the way, when, well , this is a story i will tell about linzi graham's conversation and vitaliy klitschko. in munich on the eve of the invasion on february 24, 22, this is a very interesting story actually, but now there was a short pause after that money during the war with oleksandr morchyvka, stay with us. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with help. phone survey, turn on and tune in, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso.
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good evening, we are from ukraine. let's continue,
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money during the war is an important matter, and oleksandr morchivka talks about it. alexander, congratulations, please. greetings viewers, thank you vasyl, in the next few minutes we will talk about sowing, find out what is happening on the border and what sanctions will be implemented against the aggressor country by international transnational companies, all about this in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr morchyvka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. the first ones have important numbers news, in particular, i will start with the fact that the council of foreign ministers of the eu made a final decision on the allocation of an additional 5 billion euros, which is money for military support of ukraine within the framework of the european peace fund. minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, dmytro kuleba, who participated directly. at the meeting, he thanked his colleagues, he also thanked the czech republic for the timely initiative to purchase artillery ammunition for our country and all
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the eu member states that contributed to the implementation of this matter. well, and also an additional 5 billion hryvnias have already been allocated by the ukrainian government for the security and defense forces. they plan to buy drones with this money. this was announced by prime minister denys shmyhal. funds will be taken from the reserve fund of the state budget. currently, they have already concluded agreements with manufacturers of drones in the amount of almost uah 30 billion. let me remind you, an additional 5 billion to those already. are and are already working. let's go further. ukraine is not going to extend the contract for the transit of russian gas. this was announced by the minister of energy herman galushchenko. not planned to conclude any additional agreements - adds the government official. our gas transportation system has passed the stress test and is ready for life without transporting fuel from the aggressor country. however, earlier the expert environment discussed the further fate of our pipe about
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the possibility. to continue gas supplies from russia, but bypassing contracts with gazprom, but the government rejects it. online train tickets to austria are now on sale. this was reported in ukrzaliznytsia. they note that travel documents for the route kyiv-vienna available in the carrier's mobile application. you can also pay for your trip to the austrian capital at international ticket offices. simultaneously. ukrzaliznytsia announces that they will sell online train tickets to hungary in the near future. and we are joined by denys marchuk, deputy chairman of the all-ukrainian agrarian council. i congratulate you, mr. denis. congratulations. well, i'll start with such information, something about the blockade and traffic jams. there are huge queues at the polish-german border, farmers from poland have been on strike since yesterday.
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they blocked the main connecting highway berlin and warsaw. let's watch this video. about 17,000 trucks travel on this road every day, traffic jams have stretched up to 5 km, the demand of strikers, the permanent ban on the import of agricultural products from ukraine, and in general to revise the entire european agricultural policy. well, we will not only talk about this with you, i am asking for your reaction to the fact that these actions of farmers are actually expanding the geography, and if only you and i discussed the problems on the ukrainian-polish border, now germany too, is there still a point in this one? the problem, very briefly, further to the seed , well, in fact, these are not the first actions to close the polish-german border, they took place in february, let me remind you that they were closed to the territory of lithuania, the afores, who also went to slovakia, poland is doing such a european tour on their border
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territories. and in fact it is not crowned with any success anywhere, because the accusation that ukrainian food products go to poland through these customs points is not confirmed, it was the same with lithuania, now the same thing is happening in border territories with germany, i am more perceived as political actions, the approach of local elections, this is another attempt to use the situation to popularize themselves, to popularize their ideas, and this, unfortunately, is used by certain politicians who... and lead in this including certain actions of farmers, who in fact could really achieve something more important from the european union, but are held hostage by such events and i hope, after all, in the future, when there will be a meeting at the end of march between the governments of ukraine and poland, businesses and agricultural associations , including, will be able to reach some kind of understanding, and we will see that at least partially these actions will disappear in order to
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establish... that it is really in the hands of the local politicians, they have their own game, but at the same time , the aggressors are rubbing their hands together in the kremlin, because it benefits the country, perhaps this situation also affects, well, i am sure that it affects the sowing, here is the blocking of the border, did the agrarians think before starting to sow the crops, in particular also to expand... or still to reduce, because the future is so far for exports, in particular, well , it is quite gloomy, no, no, the future for exports is quite the opposite and positive, because the sea is increasing in our country and logistics are switching again as well in the pre -war period to the ports of great odesa, god willing, we will expand the port infrastructure at the expense of other parts, the month of february is one of the best indicators during the period of the full-scale invasion, 5.2 million tons of grain
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crops were exported, that is... a signal for to sow, he really is.


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