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tv   [untitled]    March 19, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EET

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it seems to me that most of us know that the russian opposition is divided, it is weak, putin's tactics, which he applies to the west and even to ukraine, first of all , to the ukrainian elites of independence, as well as to the opposition forces in russia, divide and rule, it works very effectively, everyone somehow holds on to their island of influence, to their voters. and their own such cohort and community, that is why they do not manage to organize anything so powerful and rally around one leader, one force, and even the already late oleksiy navalny was never this force, so that's all they could do, only to call at 12 o'clock to come and show at least some disagreement, and in general, of course, the elections from the point of view of the opposition's activities... went quite unnoticed. in fact,
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there are still calls for this, in particular from some representatives of the russian opposition, not to recognize the legitimacy of russian president vladimir putin in his fifth term, but as it looks, this initiative is also not gaining much traction at the moment. support, at least not in european capitals they speak bohdan, thank you for the clarification. bohdan tsyupin, our correspondent in europe was in touch. in the meantime , republican senator lincius graham arrived in kyiv. in particular , he met with volodymyr zelensky and representatives of the ukrainian government, as well as members of non-governmental organizations and discussed the fight against corruption in ukraine. graham repeatedly criticized the kremlin and made statements in support of kyiv. however, in february. the senator
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voted against additional funding for ukraine. then he referred to the position donald trump and declared that any aid to ukraine should be provided in the form of a loan. after the current visit to kyiv, linzi graham once again confirmed this position. in his opinion, the idea of ​​providing loan assistance can find support in the house of representatives, in particular, from speaker mike johnson. we would like to remind that, first of all, it depends on the speaker when and in what form this issue can be brought up for consideration. donald trump's lawyers said that the former president does not have the ability to post bail of more than $460 million, which required to appeal a new york fraud judgment. trump must either come up with the cash or post a bond to prevent his property from being seized. so far , the lawyers have filed a motion to postpone the execution of the court's decision. meanwhile, donald trump himself said that if he is not reelected in november, there will be, i quote: bloodshed in the country. the comment came
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at a rally where trump discussed a trade war with china over auto manufacturing. such words of the former president caused a stormy discussion in of the american media, as well as a reaction from joe biden. it is clear that trump wants a repeat of january 6, the day his supporters stormed the capitol, but the american people will give him another resounding defeat in the elections this november - wrote joe biden. trump himself reacted to such discussions, saying that his words were twisted. the fake media pretended to be shocked by my use of the word bloodshed, although they fully understood that i was simply referring to the imports that are killing our auto industry, said the former president. the state of washington signed a memorandum of cooperation with the kyiv region. this is the first document in the history of ukraine and the united states about cooperation between the ukrainian and american regions. state
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washington state businesses are going to play a key role in rebuilding ukraine by offering their goods and services. learn more about the importance of such cooperation. dmytro savchuk asked the american and ukrainian representatives. after all, this is our fight. this is our struggle because we associate ourselves with democracy. and exactly now proud ukrainian sons and daughters are fighting for it. and these are not our sons. daughters the least we can do is give them the tools to allow that courage to continue. we must support unbreakable democracies. and one of the reasons why we are forming this union as a sister region is a message to the us house of representatives asking for a vote. the bill will pass. the vast majority of washington state residents want to support ukrainian democracy. we just want this bill to be about more.
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funding was brought to a vote in the us house of representatives, there will be many votes for it, let democracy work in america, as it works in ukraine, through a vote, if we pass. voting, we will help ukraine. economically, the state of washington is already helping the people of ukraine to support democracy. this is the first time in the history of the united states of america, when the state concludes a memorandum of cooperation with a region from ukraine. it will provide for the exchange of information and the economic development of our regions, providing all the assistance that will be needed. i already am now ukraine is in the stage of war. and the state of washington acts as a strategic partner for us, for our kyiv region. we already have an agreement with the governor and his team that we will create an online platform, it will be a business community, where
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information about washington state manufacturers, kyiv region manufacturers, services they provide or goods, including from ukraine, will be poured into. as well as needs. because we held several dozen meetings, we realized that between our manufacturers or service providers there is no information, the military will help our secret brigades, the 72nd brigade, the 114th brigade, the national guard brigade, which is located in the territory of the kyiv region and other brigades, air defense forces, mobile recovery groups, military equipment, we had many meetings with weapons manufacturers, with drone manufacturers, with laser manufacturers. and optical sights, and in addition, we had a meeting with seattle children's hospital (ceo) and his team, and they are already making a list of the equipment that is available that they can also provide free of charge for ukraine. at the meeting with boeing, we not only looked at their
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production, which is impressive, but we also talked about how we could set up free shipping from washington state to ukraine. we continue further, one of... the largest suppliers of aid to ukraine relative to its gdp is latvia. together with ukraine , this country founded a coalition of drones, and later joined the czech initiative to purchase ammunition for the armed forces. during his visit to the usa, latvian defense minister andrii spruts emphasized the importance of continuous support of ukraine in the war against russian aggression. about weapons for the armed forces of ukraine, membership of the eu and nato, as well as the strategic defeat of moscow. oleksiy kovalenko spoke with the latvian minister. mr. minister, with what message for the united states and the american congress are you visiting washington? in these difficult times of trials, it is very important to maintain unity and, of course, it is extremely important to support ukraine, which is fighting for its
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freedom, democratic values, trust in the transatlantic community, and in the international order based on rules. ukrainians fight for our freedom, independence, sovereignty, fight against the imperialist dictatorship. the stakes are very high in ukraine, and support for ukraine is absolutely necessary. after president macron's statements that france does not rule out sending troops to ukraine, the latvian ministry of defense said that it does not rule it out either. you can clarify what the conditions for this could be. there are different initiatives and we appreciate the french initiative, because it demonstrates that all countries, including large countries, are looking for different solutions to constantly support ukraine. latvia's position is that
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the countries will independently decide how they will support ukraine. this applies, for example, to the sending of troops, but if we talk about the joint sending of troops, it is very important when... ukraine and latvia agreed on the creation of a coalition of drones during your visit to kyiv. later, many countries joined this coalition. how did this initiative affect ukraine's strategic goals on the battlefield? drones are a very important element on the battlefield in ukraine. we are watching the technological ones. trends, and of course, warfare is becoming more modernized. drones are not a question of the future, they are a question of today. the goal is to support ukraine, to supply ukraine with the equipment it needs, and drones are part of that. it is also a matter of developing one's production,
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drone production and military production, including to have the opportunity and potential to supply drones to ukraine. voices are appearing among world leaders, including in the west, calling on ukraine to start negotiations with russia. some even talk about a white flag, like a minister. defense of the country nato. what is your response to such voices? well, my answer is very clear: first of all, there should be a flag of yellow and blue . ukraine fights for freedom and continues to fight for freedom. ukrainians have demonstrated very well that ukraine will continue to fight until it wins this war. and for us, the western countries, for the european transatlantic unity, for all members of the alliance , it is important to support ukraine as much as it takes, as much as possible.
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we have to be ready for different scenarios. we are now in a hybrid war, yes cyber-attacks, the use of illegal migration, disinformation campaigns and critical infrastructure incidents. in fact, we are participating in the conflict, if you look more broadly, by supporting ukraine, we are now in a conflict with russia in a more conceptual way. of course, we must be prepared for military threats. russia is
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a threat, we define it together as a threat and we have to take into account all scenarios. after the summit in vilnius, you noted that ukraine will move towards nato membership. how optimistic are you on the eve of washington the summit the baltic countries, including, of course, latvia, strongly support ukraine's membership in nato. they have supported it before and will continue to support it. of course, as was noted in the declaration in vilnius, this will be possible when the conditions permit and the allies agree. so it is important to have the consensus of all 32 countries. there is a consensus to support ukraine for as long as it will be necessary by all necessary means. will be one of the important issues to be discussed at the summit in washington. it's about trust and
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the importance of the nato alliance, the most successful defense alliance that has existed for 75 years, in which one for all and all for one, and in this case it is also one for all and all for one in supporting ukraine. february 2022 changed a lot of things, a significant upheaval took place. the atlantic community has changed its thinking, the world is different now after the full-scale invasion of russia, and therefore there is no more gray area, there should be no more gray area, there is no more opportunity to cooperate with russia in something, definitely, ukraine should be a member of the eu and nato in future. some experts called the recent attacks in the russian crowd an embarrassment for putin. as the minister of defense of a nato country. you can tell how latvia feels about these attacks, as well as about the issue of providing ukraine with long-range weapons and their potential
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use for attacks on the territory of russia. latvia's position on this matter is very clear: ukraine has every right to defend itself, it should be provided with all means for this. when you are attacked, when there is a full-scale invasion against ukraine, ukraine can respond with active defense, so latvia. he is very clear on this matter: ukraine needs to be provided with all the necessary means for its protection by all possible means against russian aggression. i agree that all this is a shame for russia, and i am sure that there will be many more such days of shame for russia in the future. so let's not overestimate russia's strength. i think russia has many weak points. it was an interview with oleksiy kovalenko. with the minister of defense of latvia andris spruts. watch and read the full version of this conversation on our website and
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youtube channel. and we end the issue with a story from new york's metropolitan opera, which has supported ukraine since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. there are also many ukrainians among the employees of the opera, in particular in the costume department. iryna solomko and pavlo terikhov visited a unique place. a workshop where costumes for performances are sewn and stored and met a designer from ukraine who works on clothes for stars. it was the dream of a ukrainian designer to work at the metropolitan opera. vicky baron since she moved to the united states more than seven years ago, because she has been interested since childhood theater, although in ukraine vika has a name and still receives orders from her homeland, in the usa she had to start from scratch. i sent them my resume, they responded, something so formal, but they didn't invite me, and when i talked to people who have been here for a long time,
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they told me that i... i should get experience with some american companies, because i'm not i have no history in america, that is, no one is interested in my achievements, so first vika found a job for a theater company that makes costumes for broadway shows, and also cinema. some people say, you have to take off the crown and how to simplify. whoever wants to think so, he will surely think so, but it is not about simplification, it is about enrichment, and it is about reality, that is, you need to understand where you are, what you came with and where you are going? i'm in america, nobody knows me here, and there are many brilliant
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designers here, and they talk brilliantly. naturally the experience gained, says vika baron, in english, they have connections, all this allowed her to submit her resume to the metropolitan opera again after the third attempt get a job in the costume department. i make costumes from scratch, i restore costumes, and i already feel that for me these... sometimes vika alternates during the performance in case there is an urgent need to repair the clothes of the actors. the diligence and creativity
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of the ukrainian woman is appreciated, in particular, by manuel gonzalez, the head of the wiki. victoria joined our men's department at the start of the season, she is very talented and we really wanted her to work with us, since she has been in the team she has been helping a lot, she is one of our stars, i know i can talk to her about the problem and she will help her solve it, she knows this craft well, i like to give her projects because i know she will successfully complete them. each season, the menswear department where vika baron works sews and repairs hundreds of wardrobe items. before each performance. and after that the costumes must be checked, usually in the repertoire of the theater up to five operas a week. this is one of our nabucco opera costumes. we had a little problem with the show yesterday so we got it today to make sure everything will be perfect when it comes back
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scene this saturday. this is a masovka costume, but you can see the attention we put into each costume, they are all very high quality. the costume department only sews clothes for performances, says vika. the concept of how artists should look on the stage of the metropolitan opera is developed by famous designers. when the premiere, each opera has its own designer. all these costumes, they are all prescribed in such bibles. described and photographed sketches, that's all. and everywhere all the other years, 20 years, 30 years, ah, the designer of the metropolitan opera, he makes sure that it all happened uh, exactly like in those bibles, if, if the costumes are destroyed and they can no longer be restored, or, as we know,
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for the first castes, the costumes do it thanks to the under... figure of the first singer. robert bula, deputy head of the department of all costumes. when, for example, a large choir is involved in new productions, he says, it is necessary to sew several thousand costumes and buy hundreds or even thousands of meters of the same fabric. for example, if the costume is to be destroyed during the performance, you have to buy a lot fabrics for this, so we cooperate with a large number of manufacturers. because we, for example, may need 600 m of fabric just for the choir. the opera works with the best designers, tailors, seamstresses and clothing reconstructors - says robert. they all cooperate. and complement each other. designers meet with tailors and discuss how what is drawn on a picture can become a real suit. the most work
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is to create historical costumes or clothes that have to look worn. we just finished production of the opera malcomx and they made a great piece of gold armor out of leather and it was an incredible collaboration to understand the process. vika baron says she gets pleasure and inspiration from working at the metropolitan opera. for her, she explains, this is not just work for money, but an opportunity to get closer to real art. well, first of all, this, the energy, this, this, i feel. that is, i am all, everywhere all day, i am happy. in addition to working in the opera, the ukrainian designer also made costumes for shows of madonna and cher, and says that she is not going to stop there. reached from new york by iryna solomko, pavlo terikhov, voice of america. download the voice of america mobile app. the application
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allows you to bypass blocking automatically thanks to the built-in vpn service. read news, watch informative programs and videos, as well as listen to podcasts of the ukrainian service of the voice of america. and on this we will say goodbye. see also our daily. briefings from monday to friday on youtube and facebook, where you can ask us your questions live. thank you for trusting us, good night and good morning. before meeting! there are discounts on karsil 15% in plantain, ban and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on spasmal 15 tablets . there are 15% discounts on phyto broncholithin in psyllium bam and ochadnik pharmacies, there are
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10% discounts on lactial at psyllium vam and ochadnik pharmacies . vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting two. hours of airtime, two hours of your time, we will discuss many important topics today, two hours to learn about the war, now just about the war, we will talk more, serhiy sgurets with us, and how the world lives, now about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar, yuriy dobrovech will speak in more detail, please, you have the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postukhov, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, thank you very much. the chechen line for information about the news of the presenters' culture, which has become familiar to many. natalka didenko already is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of pride, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio.
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andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. see this week in the collaborators program. how did a doctor from mariuppol treat wounded ukrainian soldiers? during hostilities, many ophthalmologists left mariupol. but who are the teachers? has he been working in kherson for years? to the russian fsb. each of us, to the extent of our strength and capabilities , brought this union, the union with russia, closer. on tuesday, march 19 at 5:45 p.m., watch
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the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and more. feedback, you can express your opinion at the end of the day by telephone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. greetings, good evening, my name is myroslava barchuk, this is a self -titled program, a joint project of the espresso tv channel and ukrainian foam. today we... will talk about the outstanding artist, sixty-year-old alu gorska, about how today's full-scale war, the war with
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russia, manifests. expresses the destinies of the whole generation of the sixties, whom we have not read, not evaluated, not seen and not felt, and that is how the events that are taking place now, as they express the fate of an entire generation and, in particular, of alegorskaya. olena grozovska, art critic, i am on the air, congratulations olena, congratulations, good evening, olena is the co-curator of the exhibition that is taking place. in kyiv, in the ukrainian house, and the exhibition is called "alagorska boreviter" , we will talk a lot more about this exhibition, about what you can see at it, it has already opened and you can visit it, but i will start with the name "boreviter" . boreviter is the name of one of the mosaics that was made in in particular, alya gorska and a group, yes...
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there was a group of her colleagues in mariupol in zalevakh in 1967, i want to clarify zelovakh at that time, he was in prison in prison from 1965 until 1970, it seems, for anti-soviet agitation propaganda, that is, there was another group , that is, yes, there were many of them there, in various creative groups, yes, but zaretsky was there. there was zubchenko, that is, pryshedko, by the way, zubchenko, there are many mosaics in mariupol, but the fact is that the fact is that these mosaics were actually destroyed by the russians in the year 22, when you thought out the philosophy of the exhibition and the name, you meant exactly that when you called it boreviter, absolutely, but the entire hall
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of the ukrainian house is dedicated to... precisely these mosaics and the destroyed mariupol and precisely this resonance of the fate of the mountain, yes , it really is he is a person who has experienced many tragedies and dismantling, destruction of works and expulsion from the artists' union, and later a brutal murder, and even today we have destroyed mosaics, that is... this whole story continues today, unfortunately, and this boreviter, he, and there is another tree there life, that's right, and this is such a kind of palimses, because they were opened, there was some repair of it, they were covered up, they were somehow there or closed, so tree life in general, it spent 40 years under bricks, and well
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, not long before... a full-scale invasion opened this mosaic, but for a very short time , actually now they are in a terrible state, i am not sure that they can be restored and whether anyone will do it, in general, unfortunately, we actually have only two mosaics now in the territory controlled by ukraine, because gorska worked a lot in the east of ukraine, there are mosaics left in donetsk, but... there is like one mosaic left in mariupol, well, we don’t know at least about its current condition, but some time ago it was intact, and that’s a very, very pity, again , a separate section of the exhibition will be dedicated to the monumental legacy of gorska, and this is a very important topic in the context of gorska, because it is
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actually the only one. the sphere where she had the opportunity to realize herself as an artist, because it is precisely in these mosaics, in monumental monumental art, by the way, here are these mosaics, now we will finish talking about the boroviter and the tree of life, they are called the most valuable works of such urban monumental art that were in mariupol, and you say that everything is destroyed, here i want to show one of alexander's books. chernova and stanislava ivanova, they are actually researchers who collected and photographed all of them, it is called all the shades of mariupol mosaics, it is not only alla gorska, actually there are also various mosaic artists here, and this is what actually managed to be preserved from the what about us, i am i understand that everything has already been destroyed there in mariupol, and come on.


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