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tv   [untitled]    March 18, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EET

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because there the poles gave signals that they are not against nuclear weapons on their territory, well , if russia can in belarus, why can't, for example, the united states or in france in poland, even though the french component is not under the control of nato, that is, these are processes that will take a few more years, but the dynamics are clear, a shift to a greater understanding of the more important nuclear component in a potential future war. thank you, mr. mykhailo, we, an orientalist...we were on the air, and now we will take a break for just a few minutes and we will continue our conversation after this short break, please stay with us and we will be in touch, there are discounts on broncholithin phyto 15% in pharmacies plantain bam and oschad. the key to beauty is a healthy liver, karsil. gives pechinki strength, there are
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15% discounts on karsil in the pharmacies of prysnyk, ban and oskad, there are discounts on spasmal tablets, 15% in the pharmacies prysnyk, bam and oskad. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests daily. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on days
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at 9:00. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. project for smart and. the verdict with serhii rudenko from now on new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front , society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 we continue
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the saturday polyclub program on the espresso tv channel, khrystyna yatskiva, vitaly portnikov and a whole hour with mr. vitaly, with answers to questions that concern ukrainians, interest ukrainians, well, and even if they are not interested , we have to look at the androphagi from time to time, as they say, extremely interesting things are happening, the next election of putin for the presidency, oil refineries are already exploding with enviable regularity, we have had very cool hits literally in the last night, and of course, we have certain events in the territories bordering our state, but all this in the complex does not at all speak of any stability in the swamps, don’t you think, it seems, i don’t know how interested putin is in stability in to this situation, to be honest, because...
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maybe he wants to act as a person who has to restore stability, these are also his favorite roles. he retired from this role during these 24 years. however, when we talk about putin's political career, we must remember that he is a war president. ugh. he became the president, he generally received a rating in 1999-2000 as a war president. by and large, they started the second tsvichensk war and all these terrorist acts, because they had nothing else. a chance to convince the russians that they we need this president, whose existence a few months before he was appointed as the prime minister of the russian federation, not even in the cabinet of ministers of the russian federation, he was so anonymous, we must remember that, and putin began to build his image exactly as a person who is able to restore order, who, well... a young,
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new face, a simple guy, will urinate in the toilets, and this is putin, we may have already forgotten about this putin, but this is putin, this is putin 24hri . of that ancient time, and after that russia began to go towards such, i would say, stability, stagnation, and by and large putin has already begun to be compared with brezhnev, but the question always arises as to how ready he is also to be in this role, besides, by the way, if compared with brezhnev, brezhny was already a person who led to stability after khrushchev's turbulence, and he was also a young, handsome guy. not the same, such a contrast with khrushchev, who was already starting to bore people with this restlessness of his and the fact that everything was changing and every for two years there, no one understood whether it was a thaw or a reaction, but everything ended with the war in afghanistan, yes, that is, in fact, these regimes
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always go through such stages, from turbulence to stability and through stability to turbulence. so, if you think that putin is sitting there and suffering , no, he just feels more or less confident in this situation, because he knows what to do, fight, shoot, kill, bomb, the question is how much he has enough strength and resources, this is the most important thing, because when we list all this, we have to understand a simple thing that really the strikes on the refinery, if you... reduce the capabilities of russian oil refining, this is important, and the prices of gasoline in russia are really rising, which means that if the prices of gasoline are rising, then they should rise there will be prices for goods, food products , the situation will worsen, the economic situation
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, putin is not interested in this, so we must understand that the blows to the russian economy are a real tool for putin to think about what he needs to get out of war not immediately, but in principle, that this is no longer entertainment, this is one moment, if there is any instability in the border regions, i do not know how serious it is, because you and i do not even know what is happening in the border regions, we do not have the main information with you, how much after these famous raids on shebekin, on the belgorod region, they strengthened the border, because we keep forgetting that russians learn well from their mistakes. these lines of sorovykin, which were built on the line of convergence, demonstrated this, and by and large, what we did not say, and this is the key point that created problems for our attack, not that we prepared for a long time, well , we prepared for a long time, so they built them for a long time, not that they did not give us any weapons, but that there there was
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a time to build such defense fortifications, ugh, what is happening on the very border of russia and ukraine, do you understand how many fortifications there already are? through which it is impossible to break through, and here i want to say one more point, and we generally have fortifications on the border along the entire border line, that is where we break through, with belgorod oblast, belgorod oblast, they can break through in their turn , sumy and chernivtsi regularly go to rg, so we need to understand that we need to think about such real fortifications along the entire length of the border between the russian federation. and ukraine, and about some special protection measures on the border with belarus. by the way, when president macron spoke about french troops, whether there are any western troops on the border with belarus, he already meant that we cannot stand on the border with russia, but on we can be on the border with belarus. this is an interesting
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observation. and what about the union state, that's all? well, the union state does not have such obvious obligations that would not allow a third country to be present in the military. relationship, because of course this third country is not going to attack belarus on the territory of ukraine, that is understandable, but this is just such a remark, because instead of thinking about the success or failure of these raids, i was interested in two things: the defensive fortifications of the russians on the border , and ours defensive fortifications, by and large we need to understand how we should live in the next 20-25 years. like a fortress , so that it is not possible to really break through our borders , that is, if the borders are not protected by at least some international agreements, conditional, at least such as the minsk agreements, well, then the only possibility to protect them is fortification, which means that the main money of the ukrainian states
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should in the future not go to roads, not to thresholds, there should be no roads at all, not to social benefits, to the fortif'. we need people resettle from the border villages, have a resettlement program, there should be a void, such a zone free from the population, from arable land, from everything. a certain corridor, there should only be fortifications here and there , sacrifices must be made, this, i’m sorry, is not liechtenstein, you can sacrifice some part of the territory so that the rest is not taken over, you can find a social program of evicting people to other villages, since these unfortunate villages were once flooded village, it was a tragedy to make a reservoir, well, i think that this is just that, you know, an illustration of socialism, but in situation, if we resettle people so that they are not attacked, they are not cut? deep in the country, we create for them the possibility of a new settlement there or life in some other settlement, where there is some
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combine or factory where people have to work, we need to take them from there and build a fortification there so that only the border troops are there, ugh, that’s it to be honest, i am much more interested in this than who will visit which aunt, take a picture, maybe take a ride and return, because you and i absolutely understand that there is no real influence for a hundred of the russian state, all these raids on the belgorod region or the kursk region, but they cannot really be affected for one simple reason, that the only territory that can be influenced in russia is the hero city of moscow, i say this all the time, because i remember as for the reaction of muscovites to the chechen wars, it was nothing. they were not interested in it at all, but if
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something happened that somehow interested them directly, they immediately got excited, here was the famous story with the theater center in dubrovka, where hostages were taken, and there was a meeting with putin, which was later deciphered by the lips in a television program on... one of the channels of russian television, and there mikhail kasyanov convinced putin that it was impossible to carry out the raid to release the hostages, which ended in the death of many people who planned the fsb and the ministry of affairs of the russian federation, and putin told him, and you don't understand, we will be demolished in a few days, and in fact then in moscow, anti-war demonstrations began on red square, relatives of the hostages came out and ... among which were famous people , and none of them touched, now the moment of the explosion of houses in moscow,
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while these houses were being blown up somewhere in buynaksk or in volgodonsk, absolutely no one was interested in this, because it is in the province, something is exploding there, as soon as the houses in moscow started, and another important moment, not just in moscow , and it is necessary that in the sleeping areas of moscow, ugh, because if you blow up a house on the arbat or , i don’t know, in the garden ring on the patriarchal ponds, blow up a house, it’s a cry of joy, okay, explain to those who like class joy, class, well, the bourgeois are rich, well, there are how much is an apartment on patriarchal ponds worth, as bulgakov said there, a bad apartment, how much is it worth millions. dollars, if a person has money worth millions of dollars for an apartment, while i barely manage to take
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the subway, travel from work to work home for an hour and a half every day, then let them blow it up, if they could not stop this war, it is not mine problems, but in the bedroom districts - this is class solidarity, ugh, and that's why i said then to my... colleagues, who were all incredibly scared, what are you scared of, we we live in the center of moscow, no one blows up our houses, if you live there somewhere in i don't know, in some medvedkovo printing house, i don't remember what it's called and so on, of course you can be blown up, you can even sleep without lie down, but if you live here, where we live in moscow, then why should we fight, customs are simply from the point of view of our professional duties, we are in another place. this is necessary, and this is the alphabet of russian politics, ugh, so if someone
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is running somewhere, oh, they are running from greyvoron, well to this muscovite, that the residents of a village in the kharkiv region, that the residents of this village in the belgorod region are called fools in one word, ugh, some fools live in the kharkiv region, others in if people do not live in moscow, they are fools, what difference does it make in which other province they live, what is it called, russian, ukrainian, it doesn't matter... a place where people don't live, but run here and there, like torans, but in moscow - and this is an important point, the destabilization of the capital, this... this is the key to the collapse of any russian regime. all russian revolutions did not begin in the provinces, in moscow and petrograd. well, well, mr. vitaly, from the fact that we had time to talk with expert circles, the supply of oil products to moscow and the region is already under big question. well , it's good, good is a problem. if they don't have anything
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to fill their cars with, and conditionally moscow collapses on this occasion, that is. will think about it, but it must be brought to this. moscow collapsed at the time, when it became clear that the end of the regime, when there was, say, no bread, there was such a moment in 1991, when for some reason there was no bread, and by the way, they said that when khrushchev collapsed in 1964, there was no bread then either, somehow the party leadership prepared the population that there would be a change of power, and this beloved receiver, bread disappears somewhere, and then appears , after the plenum of the cpsu. that people already understand, and strangely enough, this is such an indicator at the level of the subconscious, so i remember that i was standing in line, uh , some trucks came to the car, and we bought baguettes from these trucks, how funny it is sounds, and i was standing in line between the counselor of the canadian embassy and the counselor of the us embassy, because at that time i lived somewhere in the arbat area and there
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were all these embassies there, and we laughed a lot, because in these special shops for foreigners they did not sell... bread, they could buy anything they wanted, there were some goods that no one saw from the soviet people, even food , but bread was not expected, because it was everywhere both cheap and more or less high-quality, well , they stood, and we all agreed that this was the end, the end of the state, and i i think that if such a situation can really happen, i just don't really understand how to achieve it with the help of drones, honestly saying how much a drone can destroy the whole... auto industry, not just slow it down or reduce its volume, but if we imagine that this is a system collapse, uh, that there is no gasoline at moscow gas stations, then i don't think that it's just oh, let's destroy this ukraine so that we have gasoline, it's a long wait, maybe you will do something so that we have it before you spend another five years destroying it, we
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agree , we have a consensus that it needs to be destroyed, but no matter how much you do it, as long as you do it, we're not going to get anywhere and... we will not go anywhere, and, but it should be exactly at the level of moscow, not even petersburg, if there will be no fuel and no goods in petersburg, this will only cause a muscovite animalistic joy, that is, if you want to support the russian regime, you should say muscovites , that the people of st. petersburg have nothing, well, not like during the blockade, but in principle, that there was nothing to eat, i remember the joy that when st. petersburg was almost not developing, moscow was developing, muscovites came to st. petersburg and saw it in tatters . streets, entrances and the absence of tourists, this was in the pre-putin period and the first putin period, and it caused only satisfaction, well, such and such a country, such a country, you can’t do anything, such a character, that is, a moscow-centric country, ugh, and by and large, you have to understand that it is, as you know, as in these russian folk tales,
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this is the heart of the beast, it is not in a needle and not in a fish, it is in moscow. because this is a state, this is the moscow kingdom, after all, not in conditional republics where conditionally enslaved peoples live, so conditionally irrigated nations, small nations, at most there are, well, the largest republics have a few million inhabitants, of course, there are large territories, imagine the independence that this half of russia does not have, of course, but again, it is necessary that there are conditions for this , so that this er... republic imagines how it will develop as an independent state, you understand, imagine ukraine, which goes to the black sea, and therefore we understand why the russians want to interrupt our navigation, and now fuck the yakuts, where do they go to which sea, do you remember, to the sea of ​​paws , ugh, well, you have diamonds, but if you
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are blocked from the land, then you will not eat them, that is, it must be something existential, so that russia itself agrees with the independence of that yakutia because it will have economic relations with it, you see, it is like the soviet union, that we recognize the independence of turkmenistan there and buy its gas, but if we do not recognize and do not buy gas, then what will turkistan, turkmenistan do with its gas , there is nothing to wash, because they are just building something else now to china, but previously the only one was a pipe. in the direction of moscow, and this is also the same, and here it is necessary to discuss this separately from each such territory, because well... to say that even together, when all these peoples are gathered, there will be somewhere, well, 20 million people, and all russians 100, 100 will be
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millions, well, it's not that simple, it's not like it was in the soviet union, where russians were half, and there were countries like ukraine, where 75-80% of ukrainians were there. and those who were considered russians, in fact , signed up to them and were ready at any moment to become ukrainians, half of these... russians were not russians, or were there any other countries of the same type, the union republics, were like that, you know, in armenia there were 95% in armenia there, well , 90 until the moment when the number of russians decreased there, azerbaijani in georgia was predominant more rosinino, you can continue for so long to enumerate all this, well, these are other possibilities and there is an external border, so you understand , even in armenia, which was blocked. immediately by turkey and azerbaijan, the external border with georgia and iran remained, this economic road, and if you don’t have anything,
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what did russia start doing when they were struggling with the independence of the union republics, it blockaded lithuania, and mykola reshkov, the former chairman of the council of ministers of the soviet union, who, as a member of the federation of federal assemblies , died recently . in russia , he was a supporter of the war with ukraine, everyone said: oh, he was such a reformer, but now he supported the war with ukraine, how did this happen, and i remembered how it happened, how he held me here by the lapels of his jacket and proved to me, that you need to block lithuania, i have a large interview in the archive with mykola rushko, the chairman of the council of ministers of the soviet union, who was also a soviet deputy from lithuania, proved to me that, what, if they will announce on the greens. will block them, there is no external border, because it is guarded by soviet border guards, nothing can be exported, and the country, well , the republic of the union, is blocked along the entire
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perimeter of the borders, how to live, of course you can live on your industry, but it is connected with others enterprises of the ussr, if you don't get a nut or something you won't get any money, you won't do anything, here's a simple explanation of how it all works, and in order for it to work, you need everyone to... agree, here's why, why did the collapse of the soviet union happen in the first place, everyone agreed, the leadership of the russian federation did not tell their company: you cannot ship to ukraine back and forth, and by the way, at this very time it was preparing, making closed product cycles, remember when we said, oh, and if they are there, we will not give them any military products there to supply if they will agree with us like this, and it turned out that they do not need it, they already produce everything themselves, everything they... produced together with other countries, the former soviet republics, began to produce independently, because they were preparing before the war, and they understood that these old
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production ties should be interrupted, we kept them, and that is why we still have many businessmen, trying to do business with russia, because they had some enterprises, suppliers or buyers of their products in russia, and they don't because were much smarter in terms of their intentions, actually, so we have that too. remember all this, that when we say that everything will fall apart, it is not as simple as it looks, because we have the experience of this collapse, ours, when it was consensual, and there is the experience of the yugoslav collapse, it was not consensual, everything was not so easy there with industry, not only with industry, let's say, the government of serbia confiscated all the apartments of citizens of other former republics, huh. in serbia, which means in serbia, they bought all the apartments in belgrade, because it was a good, good investment, it was the capital of the union state, well, this is an apartment in moscow, in yugoslavia you could buy
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apartments, god had mercy on us, because we did not have a market, real estate, there was, and people invested in this apartment , where they invested, on the sea, but croatia could not confiscate, because it is a civilized state and... and people were left without their savings, maybe for the rest of their lives, because this is a big savings , a belgrade apartment, well, i have a person who lived in a socialist country, well, that's it there was a price for independence, please, you will live in your croatia, an independent country, but you will not have property in serbia, no, we ordered you, and now imagine that russia is doing this to the inhabitants of some tatarstan, and i will convince you , that there are also rich people who invest in russia, in real estate, in moscow, and so on. there are many things that can be done to stop this movement a little bit, apart from political things, because i say that things are not always
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the same, and... i keep saying, once again, get busy, you have to get busy with fortifications, and not the collapse of russia, well, in general, our guarantee of our future is the fortification of nato and a democratic russia in the future, if we are lucky someday, if we are lucky, if it is at all possible, well, you understand that if russia becomes a normal state, let alone a democratic one, such as turkey, where, where, as our guest said. the prospective president, who does not know for sure that he is not at war, but that he is engaged in economic and political expansion there, let it be yeltsin's times, eh, this is a guarantee that we live peacefully, how many territorial states there will be, one or 40 - that's another story, but even one, but adequate is better than 40 inadequate ones, you understand, because it's not easier for anyone if you
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're being shelled by a cub there... a fairy republic or whatever they call themselves there, or the russian federation, a bomb is a bomb and a missile is a missile, you understand, if there is a nuclear weapon at the disposal of some central russia, then it is also a nuclear weapon, it does not cease to be a nuclear weapon because russia does not control the caucasus, so i i say dear should proceed from the point of view of adequacy, that is, what is the modern problem, that there are no even hints of it, before the construction of some kind of normal russian state. but again, taking into account the experience of previous years and centuries, in russia , as you know, nothing changes for ten years, then it changes in one day, and i believe that we should also prepare for this, because what worries me if in something will change in russia in one day, so that our compatriots with you do not pluck all the flowers from all the flower beds and run to kiss and hug...
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"oh, what happiness, no, what happiness , that's it, thank you for confessing, oh, we can speak in this language, oh, my grandmother liked to tyuchev, you don't need that, ugh, forget about babushka, about tyucheva, and think, how can you join nato, at the moment when they are not against it, but they are offended and say, how come, we are so good now, let's unite, no, we are very glad that you are good, unite ". china, but we left, there is also some kind of idea of ​​uniting with china, let them, let them unite with china, not us, well, but it doesn't matter, it's theirs problems, i say once again, if we join nato and the european union, we have a real life, then what do they do, they can simply become china, this is their problem, we will keep tyuchchevo's poems in ukrainian translation, and let them read it in chinese, that's their choice, ugh. 55% turnout according to the results of the second
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day - this is how the russian tiki enthusiasm reports, but a rather interesting opinion was heard today from one of the interlocutors that putin is actually madly interested in a high turnout, because the result of the elections and it is clear to everyone, but relatively speaking, so that there are no questions about the legitimacy and legality of these elections, it is necessary to show that people are going. people are leaving, and here is yulia navalna with her appeal, come at 12 o’clock, it doesn’t matter who, if not for putin, but come, well, and many similar things, in general, is putin really interested and already thinking about options, as it were so in general this election, for someone to be recognized in the world, for him to be recognized as a president, i don't see any lags for him not to be recognized, even that that the number of territories
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he captured increased significantly. in these territories , of course, no one will recognize the elections, i have not recognized them in crimea, so regarding the non-recognition of putin, there is a problem here, you do not recognize him, how does this all work, uh, negotiations, direct communication between the ministries defense and general staffs, you see, from time to time the head of the central intelligence department and the director of the foreign intelligence service meet, from time to time the chief of the general staff and the chief meet. united the joint chiefs of staff of the united states is happening, there is this hot line in the event of a nuclear threat, if you believe that the power in russia has been usurped, how are you going to talk to them, well that's the problem, the problem is not whether they are legitimate or illegitimate , the problem is the need to maintain contact with such a state, just look at how it happened until the 70s with china.


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