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tv   [untitled]    March 12, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm EET

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whether the tyotkino is developing in favor of these units, it was said that the tyotkino of the kurdish region is completely under the control of the russian liberation forces. putin's army, as it was emphasized, is rapidly leaving the village, leaving positions behind and abandoning heavy equipment. and there was a video indeed from the tyotkino-kursk region, and this confirms that the hostilities on the border of russia with ukraine are ongoing and will continue for some time, because according to... the scheme it looks like traditional raiding operations, which are carried out by units with support in the first place on their own and opportunities, that is, what you came there with and you fight. usually, this process takes from three days to a week. at the same time, as was the case with the last raid, i would like to remind you that a similar raid was carried out by russian volunteers last year somewhere from june 1 to june 5, again there was no such raid. some kind of effective countermeasures
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by the russian army on these parts of the border, although the russians in their media, the russian army has already declared such a victory, it was said that as many as 100 enemy personnel were destroyed, six tanks, sau, caesar, i don’t know where they found these caesar, 20 units of armored combat vehicles, and of course this is a lie, because there are no photos and videos, moreover, the head of... intelligence of the ministry of defense of ukraine, which actually supervises the actions of all units that are formed from citizens of other states, which are fighting with an enemy on the territory of ukraine, commented quite discreetly on these events in russia, it was said by the spokesman of gur that it is about citizens of the russian federation, and these structures on the territory of russia act autonomously and independently, fulfilling their socio-political tasks after all... at home, and this is not
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the first operation of these units on the territory of the russian federation, and now we can only be talking about joint special operations of these adjacent units, this is how the main intelligence office commented on this story, so in any case this once with the elections in russia, everything is not so uniform, i am sure that this week the units of the russian freedom legion, the russian volunteer corps and the new structure, the siberian battalion, will continue their attacks on the enemy. this will be quite such a resonant demonstration of what there are really oppositional movements to putin's regime, which are ready with weapons in hand to choose a better future for themselves, so that this will also be precisely against the background of the elections for this main russian criminal, and also russian history has a continuation related to the fact that that today ukrainian drones attacked a number of critical infrastructure facilities. in russia
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in as many as 10 regions, it was indeed the largest attack in recent months, but the most effective was the attack on one of the most powerful oil refineries in russia, luk oil, this plant is located near nizhny novgorod, the distance from the border of ukraine to it is about 800 km, and the most important element of the plant was destroyed by ukrainian drones, these are installations for processing into... which are actually key in these technological processes, and as reported in russia, the plant has now stopped working, and the enterprise processed 15 million tons of oil per year, which is more than 5% of the total volume of russian refining, these are very high indicators, and besides that , other objects in russia were also attacked during those nights, in particular, an oil depot was hit there under the eagle.
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and as before, this is a continuation of this stable concept, the destruction of russian critical infrastructure, and we see that there are already much more drones, and they are able to perform increasingly complex operations on the territory of russia, which actually indicates a certain progress in the creation, production and the use of long-range drones of ukrainian development, and to top it off in russia itself. and a military transport plane il-76 fell near ivanovo, the engine of which caught fire, on board this transport plane there were up to 15 people, and at the moment, in addition to this disaster, the information about the downing of the russian military plane su-27 over the donetsk region is being checked, said a representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense. andriy yusov of ukraine,
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so we are waiting for the continuation of such good news, so this was the era for our enemies, which is actually still going on, well , now we will talk about other components related to viko about our realities, because actually in the beginning we talked about enemies, and now we have to talk about our reserves, about our things and , first of all, about what concerns mobilization, because mobilization itself is not only an increase in the number of personnel, there is an increase in the number of attack aircraft, but it is actually the optimal use of existing resources, their... redistribution when necessary , well, achieving better results, and first of all, most likely in an asymmetric way, because it is completely illogical and inappropriate to compete with russia linearly, either in the number of soldiers or tanks, and now pavlo kishkar is joining us, he is a major of the armed forces
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forces, chief of staff, deputy commander of a battalion of the armed forces of ukraine, people 's deputy of the eighth convocation, mr. pavle, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear, i congratulate you, sir. sergey, i congratulate ukraine. we communicate with you quite regularly, and our main topic now is precisely the increase in the use of the armed forces, defense forces at the expense of finding internal reserves. and here you have a number of directions where it is possible to strengthen our armed forces, military formations. but before that, i would like to ask about this thing, i... literally last week i had one conversation, a long conversation with a high-ranking military leader, and i asked him about the fact that now many scientific structures, military scientific structures exist in ukraine, in the armed forces, but at the same time, we do not
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see such recommendations, regular recommendations for on how to improve the situation on the battlefield, and i would like to ask your opinion about military scientific institutions, whether it is time for these... structures to be closer to the battlefield, whether there should be some changes in their existence so that they are well, scientific support, support for our military leaders, because when we even talk about a new type of military, about unmanned systems, we know that now we need to develop a concept of application, support the new leader with new developments, even theoretical developments, but i know that for now it's the same, well, our scientists don't seem to have enough hands, what do you think about this ? thank you, mr. sergey, for the question. in fact, there are a number of scientific tools in the structure of security and defense and defense forces now, but unfortunately, like all the armed forces,
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as well as our scientific units, live in peacetime, nothing in their work has changed, fundamentally, that is to say, i believe. stress, this is such a stressful situation for the country and for the armed forces, for people, like a war, it should reduce processes and reduce everything to responsibility tere signature tere again responsibility, it is desirable that this responsibility serves the effective use of troops, forces and means in order to destroy the enemy, unfortunately, our, our leading university did not become west point, i think everyone involved in the training, whether it's operational- tactical or strategic, would agree that it's relative training, moreover, some of
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the things that are coming from inside the university look like we it is much more important to show some renovated premises or something... than to show the results of the work of these or other scientific units, so in fact it is not a support now either to the glavkom or to those commanders of the upper middle echelon who should serve and use these tools in the life of the armed forces of ukraine. unfortunately, i say once again, there is no west point, there are no drastic changes. we live as we lived during peacetime, well , it was important for me to hear your opinion, because we can see here that we agree with you in the assessment of this situation, and another component is territorial defense, we formed 25-25 brigades, if i am not mistaken, territorial defense, during the use
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of hostilities they began to be divided into battalions, now they are like battalions there and fight at the junctions of combat brigades far from better condition they have to perform the same combat tasks, and the question arises whether it is not necessary to reload this concept of territorial defense with ... some more correct solutions in order to have not only a name, but an effective territorial defense, and if there is no territorial defense , let's drive them away with ground troops, how will we form normal brigades and have at least a normal management system, what do you think about this? well, you have already said everything, in fact, really now the units teroborony is such a mobilization reserve for ground forces, it is no secret for anyone. that often densely entire units become part of combat brigades, therefore, in my
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opinion, the structure of territorial defense should, according to philosophy, include, especially now the beginnings of conscription training, starting from the senior grades of school, professional and technical education, which should be given after all ... robotic systems, unmanned aviation complexes, and all people who study in prophetic education should come out with appropriate qualifications, be it a drone operator, be it a gunner, be it a person who knows how to use a robotic system, it would be interesting for the youth, it would practically increase our mobilization base. and the main units of the territorial defense can be, they can be, i
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don’t know the mathematics to the end, because it’s all about money, they can be formed on the basis of territorial communities, i say once again, not according to the regional principle, it doesn’t work, we already checked it there should be territorial defense of a specific territorial community, then and financial resources, and people, and the answer. entities coincide in one thing, and now there is no responsibility , accordingly, no one deals with this, moreover, structural units, like the same 72nd center in structural defense, which had the purpose and duty of identifying problems within the units, in that number of combatants who were on the line of contact and to report to the dancer at that time. territorial defense force team did this after they exposed these
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flaws, the people who headed this center, who were tangential to telling the truth about the situation in the units, they were simply dismissed , reduced, reduced in their positions or transferred to other units, so i think that the change in the command of the territorial defense forces themselves structures these... things, and the second philosophy must be in the development of terrodefense, so that something to do, to have some vision of how this ground defense will fit into the overall structure of the country's security and defense forces even after the end of the war. and mr. pavle, after our last conversation, you said that people should be in the right positions the right people, i later, it seems to be a simple phrase, but when in the context of what is now... silskyi has carte blanche from zelensky to change brigade commanders, and then
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the question arises, is there any system for changing brigade commanders or searching the right people in the right places, based on some independent evaluation system or some indicators that are decisive, more decisive than loyalty to one or another boss, is it possible to create such a system of promotion along the career ladder in the ukrainian army? "this, this is very difficult question, first of all, i never thought so , i think that now syrsky will not have the opportunity to make some grading and evaluation system, he will bet on those people he knows, in whom he is confident, and who , according to his conviction, can give results and the preservation of people and the performance of combat missions , so of course you need to think about this , you need to develop such systems, but
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will it work now, well, in my opinion, it is unlikely, for example, there are many legal restrictions on the possibilities, for example , promotion of certain people, or whether it's a sergeant's staff or an officer's , moreover, there are restrictions and, in fact , the impossibility of releasing people who... abuse alcoholic beverages or narcotics, well, well, i was lucky that i had units of these people in my units, but this is a problem . we are so global , the impossibility of firing, even, well, according to the law , it is implied if you cannot fire him, and accordingly, in the full-time schedule, you are busy, you cannot accept anyone, attract anyone to your units, and such problems, we are returning to mobilization again we call people into the soviet army, until this
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army is voluntary, until mobilization... is not replaced by recruiting, until we understand that our values, which are based on freedom, do not allow us to be mobilized, that education, knowledge , the skills of a military officer are much more important than the performance of tsk and other personnel centers of their tasks, i have a tactical problem today, there are engineering... if there were blanks, you find people, they are sent with an engineering education, with a higher engineering education, people who can not only with a soldering iron, but also to write and supplement and expand programs, and to form networks according to different designs, with different tools, but instead, tsk and personnel centers,
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including those of the ground forces, decide where these engineers will go. we , as middle-ranking commanders, are ready to take on this, and in fact, she, that responsibility remains on us, for the fulfillment of a combat task, but for some reason, when i want to attract a strong person to my unit, there is a person standing between me and the person two more structures that are not responsible for anything, well, it can't be, well, well, if i have a responsibility, if i can convince. to have these engineers come to me and help carry out this combat task, so let me take them to me, why do i need tsc and these and personnel centers, and we are not talking about some general positions, we are talking about ordinary working hands, legs and heads,
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thank you very much for the inclusion, i think that we will return to these topics repeatedly, because they are extremely important. in order for the ukrainian army to become really, let's say, not a copy of the soviet one, but a powerful one a digital, new army that can face the enemy's army, which is larger in numbers, and so we must look for completely different effective bases for our army to be more effective. these were the main military results of this day, then more international and economic news, then vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thanks to serhii zgurets, thanks to his guest, these were the military results of the day. good evening, we are from ukraine. there are discounts on
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noshpa pills, 15% in travel pharmacies. 15% in pharmacies plantain bam and save there are discounts on motilium 20% in pharmacies plantain bam and save, there are discounts on pector one ivy 10% in pharmacies plantain vam and save. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. according to the results of february , the espresso tv channel continues to hold the first position among information broadcasting channels. i congratulate chas news on the air of the tv channel. this november we turned 10 years old, we
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updated the sound design. we continue the saturday political club, khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. they remain unchanged. most current topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland, topics that resonate in our society, the drone attack on kyiv. and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. ukraine should get the right to start negotiations simply. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project we are bored, because there is nothing to quarrel about, let's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future. for
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world, trump's second presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! about the state of affairs in the country is the name of the traditional speech with which the us president addresses congress every year, but for the third year in a row, joseph biden begins it with the war. russia unleashed against ukraine. this year , the american leader directly compared putin to hitler, and himself to president roosevelt, who more than 80 years ago managed to convince
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congressmen not to stand aside from the second world war and help the anti-hitler coalition. so biden once again called on congress to immediately approve an aid package for ukraine of more than 60 billion dollars. if anyone in this room thinks that putin will stop at ukraine, i assure you, he will not. but ukraine can stop putin if we give it the weapons it needs to defend itself. my message to president putin, whom i have known for a long time, is simple, we will not back down, we will not bend. i will not bend. members of both houses of congress listened to the speech, in particular, the speaker of the house of representatives, mike johnson. when the us president talked about
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the danger of putin's russia for the western world, johnson nodded his head and even applauded. but, as the american press notes, he did it uncertainly and hesitantly. it is johnson who is currently blocking the adoption of the aid package for ukraine. few people doubt if the project is carried out. hall for voting, he will get the necessary number of votes, but the speaker does not do this, he, a long-time admirer of donald trump, was elected to the position with his support and listens to him in all matters. trump's position is known. he complains that the us spends too much money on aid to other countries, and promises to end the war in ukraine within 24 hours after winning the elections. at the same time refrain from. critics of putin, who is often called a smart guy. we give billions of dollars in aid to other countries, while not protecting our own
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border and our military personnel. if i were the president, putin would never have attacked ukraine, because i told him: don't do it. europe pays too little, it should give more money, because this war affects her much more than us. trump's meeting with hungarian prime minister viktor orbán, whom the former us president hosted at his estate in florida on march 8, is even more worrying. according to media reports, the main topic of conversation was ways to end the war in europe, and orbán's so-called recipes are known: leave the occupied territories to putin, refuse ukraine to join the eu and nato , and start restoring economic and political ties with russia. like it or not do ukrainians like it or not? ukraine is on the world map where it is. the best prospect for it would be for
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it to become a buffer zone between russia and the west, of course with security guarantees. if this fails, ukraine will lose its territory. the russians will destroy ukraine again and again and again. russia will never accept such an eu member on its doorstep. and nato, like ukraine, never. many members of the republican party consider such a proposal a sign of weakness. however, very few will dare to publicly declare this, if her supports donald trump. the so-called super tuesday took place in the usa this week. internal party elections for presidential candidates in 16 states and one territory at once. trump won almost everywhere. his only opponent is niki. haley, who advocated further aid to ukraine, announced her withdrawal from the race. this means that a political rematch between trump and biden in 2024 in... is definitely becoming
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a reality. and according to the latest polls, the presumptive republican nominee is ahead of the current president. its influence on the party is growing every day. in fact, the ukraine aid project can be killed by a single trump post on social media. so far , the ex-president refrains from direct calls to fail the aid package to ukraine. some even believe that if trump wins, on the contrary, he can significantly increase support for ukraine. for example, such a scenario is described by the ex-prime minister of great britain, boris johnson, and the first term of trump, who was so feared in ukraine, did not lead to a sharp change in us policy, moreover, unlike the administration of president obama, where biden worked vice president, trump's white house instead of kovdr began to supply the ukrainian army with javelins, but all this is just speculation, it is impossible to predict trump's actions, because he
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is not a politician. dark and unpredictable, the risks of this are understood in europe, there they do not rule out that in the event of trump's return to the white house, the usa could go so far as to abandon its obligations to nato. therefore, the so-called old world is trying to strengthen its own defense capabilities and increase support for ukraine. in particular, a number of european countries agreed to pay the purchase and delivery of 800,000 shells that i found for ukraine. czech republic we appreciate the efforts of the czech government and all countries that have made their financial contribution. we are grateful to you. 800 thousand shells is a big number, but very soon it will be exhausted. we cannot make a decision, sit down and say: finally we did it. if there is a proposal similar to the czech one in other countries, then we should start collecting money for it right now, today, and help them implement it. however, despite intensifying efforts. cannot
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completely replace military aid of the united states, moreover, it lacks a common strategy for the war and a desired scenario for its end. against the background of uncertainty in the eu and political turbulence in the usa, talks about the so-called peace have intensified again. chinese special envoy li hui visited kyiv, moscow and brussels again this week, as he did a year ago. at the end of the tour, beijing called for an international conference, to which... of course, russia should be invited. another so-called peacemaker, president of turkey recep tayyip erdogan, became active. at the end of the week, he took istanbul of president zelensky. the visit was not announced in advance. like beijing, ankara offers mediation services and calls on ukraine and the west to sit down at the negotiating table with russia. zelensky does not agree with this. we do not see how it is possible to invite people
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who block, destroy and destroy everything, we want to get a result, the result is a fair peace and a fair one for ukraine, so first the civilized countries of the world will develop a detailed plan and have a result. only then will they attract representatives in russia, precisely those who are ready to a just peace. meanwhile, ukraine and its western partners are preparing their peace summit in switzerland and do not plan to invite the russian federation to it, but if the usa. the aid package will not be approved, the situation at the front will become more and more difficult, the pressure of partners on kyiv may increase, and the services of uninvited peacekeepers such as china and turkey will be in demand, because in a world where the usa is ready to voluntarily give up global leadership, this place will quickly be filled other players.
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greetings, this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta azure. according to the us intelligence services, without additional american assistance, ukraine may lose part of the territories returned during the counteroffensive in 2022. how much time does ukraine have to prevent such a scenario. we are talking about this today, as well as about the mass attack of drones on russian. regions and raids of russian volunteer battalions that happened practically on the same day and at the same time today. what does it mean? let's start a mass drone raid in half a day literally 10 regions of russia were attacked by drones. most messages about the attack was received:


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