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tv   [untitled]    November 28, 2023 3:30am-4:01am EET

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[000:00:00;00] how to guarantee a certain number of hours of study in the ukrainian language, and not just declaratively say that we have 20% or 30% or 40% of the ukrainian language, since there really could have been manipulations in educational programs or in training programs when physical education or technologies were included in learning in the ukrainian language. in the new legislation, we clearly limit the number of subjects that must be taught in ukrainian . to date, it is fixed in the draft law. language, ukrainian literature, history of ukraine for basic school, for everyone the fifth-ninth grade is more common, and for the 10th-12th grade, the defense of ukraine is also added, which is in the typical curriculum, which will also be taught in the ukrainian language. what is important for us is that we first of all think about exactly the question you are talking about, how this child will be integrated into ukrainian society, to what extent he will be able to become a part of further higher education, the labor market and so on, so these
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subjects, the ukrainian language and history... of ukraine, especially, they are mandatory when passing the state final certification, the ukrainian language and the history of ukraine, among these four subjects that i have named, these two subjects are mandatory when taking the state final certification, which according to the new rules will be held in the format of external examinations, i think everyone knows this format, which ensures independence and the possibility of that was the fear that the school might give you this dpa, you write, they will simply rewrite this exam and that's it. no, in the 11th grade, so that in the 12th, after the completion of the reform of the new ukrainian school, it will be necessary to pass the state final exam attestation in the format of the external examination, which will be given to you, only in the ukrainian language, will be independent, in order to receive a ukrainian certificate, ukrainian school and further enter a ukrainian institution of higher education and also enter the ukrainian labor market, you must pass the external examination in the ukrainian language and history of ukraine, those two basic subjects that are important for being a responsible
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citizen. yevgeny, i have a question right away, why is there no mathematics in this list, which is also mandatory for all graduates, and which is also, well, very important, so i am with you, i love it very much questions about mathematics, because in my previous career i worked with olympiads, and at the world mathematical olympiad, it doesn't matter in what language you write the test, in general, they can write an exam, an olympiad exam in mathematics in any language, they read the tasks in any language, they write and the jury checks, for example, arab countries are checked with ukrainian mathematics, because you can translate mate, not about mathematics, but about teaching mathematics and precisely teaching and the opportunity to understand a teacher who is not just formulas speaks, he says it in language and explains it in language, and this is a very important point for understanding the context, because i can speak english, for example, but it is more difficult for me to explain mathematics in english, because it is a completely different set of terminology and, in general, it is a completely different level of proficiency
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language, one of which we are talking about today, is a big priority of bilingual education, today's legislation creates minimum requirements for this, that is, these are minimum requirements, if we talk about the development of state policy, state programs, already today, about 80 schools, including hungarian and romanian schools, have already been added to the bilingual education program, that is, to teach in two languages, for example, in this class in physics, everything is taught in romanian, but all definitions are taught in ukrainian, then gradually it only... growing, bilingual education is generally the future in the european union , we take these models, we integrate, we work together with the council of europe, we work with the governments of finland, regarding this issue to the development of bilingual education, well, how is it from reflected in the draft law that we will discuss, the draft law states that the list of subjects that can be taught by ukrainians or national minorities is finally approved by the educational program of each institution, in our country each educational institution has autonomy and can be formed
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directly by the curriculum and by parents who write relevant statements, that is, if the school decided that only the ukrainian language and ukrainian history in ukrainian would be enough for them, they also have literature, that is, it is a separate subject of the language component the ukrainian language, ukrainian literature, the history of ukraine, as well as the defense of ukraine in a senior specialized school, frankly , it worries me that there is no specific subject here, yes, because the fact is that if we are talking about a child, first of all, and in the previous legislation there was the following: in the way that we actually had ukrainian language, literature , and physical education up to the ninth grade, as you say, they scored these percentages like this, they could score, and then, from the ninth grade, upon transition in the 10th, it was necessary to automatically switch to 100% teaching of this subject from mathematics, let's say or physics, from the language of the national minority to the ukrainian language, from the point of view of the educational component itself and how to give this education, it was a big challenge, how in may the child
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should study 100% in hungary. or romanian, start studying this subject in ukrainian already in september, that is why we will create appropriate conditions and work on the development of bilingual education and for more children to participate in bilingual education . needs changes, because in the legislation does not need changes, since in our country, thanks to the reform of the new ukrainian school, each educational institution can choose the educational program under which it works, that is, your child, wait, but here i will ask ms. olga to join, but if i understand correctly, then with these, which were already introduced as changes back in september, even the list of settlements, which ee, depa, was determined. in which national minorities live compactly, that is, we can define it here, and the list of subjects at the legislative level that have either ukrainian or a bilingual system of teaching, we cannot, we define the minimum list
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of subjects that are required for teaching 100% in the ukrainian language, and this is indicated in this , it is the ukrainian language, literature, the history of ukraine and the defense of ukraine, well, here perhaps we should add that we from to to other countries, we analyzed the legislation of neighboring countries, let's say, european countries that also passed through, if it were the soviet union, and we are not talking about dividing into humanitarian and precise subjects, these are fundamental, subjects, which form your ukrainian identity, and this is written both in the legislation of hungary and in the romanian legislation, so we assumed that this is a practice, but as you rightly say, before the government itself approved the draft law, we spoke that we have to leave discretion, for example, if there is a progressive european, modern ukrainian university in the place of compact residence of a national minority, and it is necessary to pass
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mathematics, then the parents, together with the educational institution, will expand this circle subjects, this is already a question of implementation, legislative changes, additional ones are not needed for this, of course, gentlemen, we have very little time left, but one more question that worries me, i think that many of our viewers do too, the question of the russian national minority, you recently said, ms. olga, that there is no question of a russian national minority in ukraine, because there is no legally established community that would identify itself as such, but mr. yelenskyi, correct me if i am wrong, in our country there is no one legally declared as a national minority, or some declarations, we have an extremely inclusive approach to national minorities, in this, of course, ukrainian legislation can: serve as a model, yes, of course, therefore, we cannot reject the fact that there are ethnic russians among the citizens of ukraine, and according to all the laws of the european union, they are formally a national minority, and i assume that after
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our victory, at some time in the future, they will also want their share of the rights and freedoms guaranteed by european and ukrainian laws, as a national minority with their bookstores, radio-television, teaching, we... have an answer now, what are we doing about it , absolutely, first of all, we defend our national interests, this is an evolutionary process, now that it is already obvious that ukraine is and will become part of the european union, we are talking about a separate approach to national minorities , the countries of the european union and the corresponding evolution of legislation , taking into account the fact that we will have one educational space from the european union, after the revolution of dignity, we celebrate the anniversary of the priority was the separation from soviet heritage, from soviet propaganda, violent russification, and that was the purpose of those changes, the legislation that is in force now, now it is expanding, becoming more progressive, modern, adaptive, and
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accordingly, regarding the next stages, when ukraine will win and we will already, the post-war peaceful ukraine, the law provides for the elimination of five. years of the postwar state, in general, all issues that concern, perhaps viktor will correct, precisely in the russian language and all these aspects, and accordingly, from that we will already form a new wave of legislation, but again i want to draw attention to the fact that in ukraine the law on national minorities is inclusive, but it is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of the rights of national minorities, ethnicity and, elements of hybrid war, that is, this is a very important point, so actually we, after the end of the war, and in 5 years after we pass the war path, we will think about these details , in other words, i apologize, we are running out of time, i will simply summarize, in other
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words, we must not be led by russian propaganda and distinguish a ukrainian citizen, who is ethnically russian, and a russian-speaking citizen, these are different things, and the rights will apply... only to the first category, and then, it will be with a delay, in relation to language points for five years, which i have heard, which do not apply education, do not apply to education in general, that is, we immediately exclude the russian national minority and completely different rules apply to them, it is 80% in ukrainian, and 20 it means only the study of the language, and the venetian woman had no comments, for the moment this issue is removed , yes thank you sir for such an express course of the draft law on amendments to the law on national minorities, now the floor is in parliament, i hope our viewers
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have become a little clearer about what we are talking about. chevorons approaching victory, i am a uav operator, i save lives and teach others, i destroy. enemy shaheds during air attacks. i am a driver. i am an infantryman. our tasks are different. the goal is one. choose your specialty and fill out the questionnaire on the website of the national guard. we will win together. ukrainian gives freedom. we. there are 45 synonyms for the word beat, and you are free
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choose exactly how you want to get even with the enemy. even the letters hide our determination and defiance. who else puts not just a dot over and, but two dots over and, it is difficult to convey your feelings, because there are no words, create new ones. this is how we got art, a dream and a future. the occupiers are wagging their tails after hearing about ukrainian meadows and cotton. and we haven't mentioned words with 30 letters yet, although we have affectionate words for everyone. we cannot be destroyed, we are protected by the power of the three forms of the future tense. we will go, we will go, we will go to victory in spite of everything. ukrainian is the language of the free. rules of a warm country: bathroom. we thank you for passing through the night at low
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temperatures, loading the drum as much as possible, and we will win the winter together. congratulations, natali lutsenko is with you, and today we have a special guest in the studio, madam ambassador of the european union to ukraine, katarina maternova. ambassador, thank you for visiting our studio. thank you for the invitation. in my opinion, it is worth starting with an important day for ukrainians , november 8, when the european union published a report in which it stated that ukraine had already implemented almost 90% of the planned reforms, and this gives the green light for the further negotiation process. now we are waiting for the member states to vote in december this year, what will be the further procedure for ukraine in this whole process, what are the biggest challenges and obstacles on the way
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of our state. dear ukrainian friends, i am very pleased to be here, the day of november 8 really became an important stage, this is the report of the european commission as the executive body of the european union, and i know that the european union has a very complex institutional structure, so i always i try to methodically distinguish all kinds of its parts. the report was seen by the european commission and contained two parts: the first was an assessment of the seven steps and a statement that sufficient progress had been made and the european commission recommended the start of negotiations, it also issued a much broader, much more comprehensive report on the various areas that constitute laws and regulations of the european union and evaluation of various aspects of ukrainian legislation, institutions, processes in accordance with them, based on this recommendation, the next step is really a summit of the european council in december, which means that 27 member states must approve the start of negotiations, and this must happen
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alone. unfortunately, the conditions here are not ideal, because a country like hungary can block our membership in the european union, what actions in should we expect from brussels in this case? i don't want to comment on individual member countries, so i'll just say that the agreement and the decision must be taken unanimously. cooperation with all countries is important. the president of the european council, charles michel, was recently in kyiv and clearly stated that personally, he will spare no effort to ensure a unanimous agreement regarding ukraine. there have been various statements by individual leaders and i expect an active discussion in december, but this case is not unprecedented. that is, the european commission previously also recommended starting negotiations with the countries of the western balkans. and it didn't happen in an instant either. it was necessary to find
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a consensus among the member states, but this is the nature of the european union, because it is about collective decision-making, and in some issues, especially those related to enlargement, it is necessary. from the beginning of the full-scale the russian invasion, the european union has helped ukraine a lot, both financially and humanitarianly, and to our refugees and also in reconstruction, and for the next four years ukraine will receive special aid of 50 billion euros from the european union, does brussels plan to control the use of these funds and how? there are well established in brussels. mechanisms for controlling the use of funds, but it is important to note that these 50 billion have not yet been approved, they are a proposal of the european commission, and it is at the december summit of european leaders that their fate will be decided, this decision not yet approved, it is important to remember that this issue will be discussed at the same summit where the issue of eu enlargement will also be raised. when we talk about mechanisms for supporting
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ukraine and which we hope will be approved, it will contain several components. the first is microfinance assistance, similar to the one that ukraine has been receiving for a decade. the second is the investment component, where we will work with international financial institutions and development banks in ic member countries. and the third - technical assistance, containing various projects, similar to those we have implemented before. therefore, three different approaches to the three components of this financial mechanism are envisaged. each approach has its own characteristics and specifics, which allows you to ensure that the money will be spent in a proper way. as. ukraine is grateful to its donors and partners for their help in the realities of war, but our state must develop its own business, strengthen its stability, flexibility, and ability to respond to challenges. it is not only about working in conditions of war, but also about competitiveness on eu market first of all, this applies to small and
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medium-sized enterprises. how do you assess their role and place in the restoration of ukraine. it is important to recognize that small and medium-sized businesses. it is the backbone of most economies. in europe, more than 60% of economic activity is accounted for by the sme sector. in ukraine, this indicator is even higher than 90%. therefore, the role of these businesses in recovery will be absolutely critical, and not only in recovery, already now, during the war, small and medium-sized enterprises are demonstrating resilience and adaptability. that is why the european union supports them, including women entrepreneurs, especially now during active russian aggression, and this will be relevant at the stage of recovery. we are currently we directly support ukrainian small and medium-sized businesses for approximately 100 million euros. we support smes by providing ukraine with guarantees under the programs of financial institutions, such as the european investment bank, the international financial corporation or the european bank for reconstruction and development. they work with local banks to channel money to small and medium-sized businesses, a lot of money
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invest in the agricultural sector, in the sphere of services and production. thus, smes will play an indispensable role in the recovery process due to their large share in the overall economy of ukraine. and how does the european union choose which business to support. we make sure that it is not the bureaucrats behind the desks who decide which small and medium-sized businesses to help. we leave this right to the banking sector, which is one of the wonders of ukraine. considering how steadfastly your banks have held out in wartime and the fact that they are functioning, reforming and so on, they work with clients and choose the processes themselves. labor, and international financial institutions that channel money through banks use their own methods to verify these processes and ensure their transparency, today ukrainians are worried about the potential decrease in aid from the united states due to numerous internal factors. in these conditions, can we hope for tangible and
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stable support from the european union. i really hope for that, many european leaders will come. with visits to kyiv, met with president zelskyi, z the prime minister, with the verkhovna rada and other high-ranking officials, and each of them declared unwavering support for ukraine. i can imagine that we will have active discussions about how to do this, how to best support you, sometimes this process can seem confusing from the outside, but i am convinced that europe will find a way to continue and strengthen support for ukraine. one of the reasons why i can say this is when you look at the eurobarometer polls, which support ukraine from all sides is extremely strong, this applies to the population and the leaders of the european union. how are you do you think, the attitude of eu citizens to the possible accession of ukraine to the european union, because we are a large country with a powerful agricultural industry, we have many educated and
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creative people, let's say in poland, where there are many ukrainians today, our citizens receive a significant part of the economy, by the way, we see what is happening on the polish-ukrainian border, so europeans are not afraid of future competition from ukrainians, look, this is not the first time. when a big country joins the eu, it has happened in the past and it always brings as opportunities as well as threats, i'm sure some will feel apprehensive in certain sectors, but overall the opportunities outweigh, the mood is mostly positive, there are sectors sensitive to competition and this is where the transition periods that will be negotiated during the accession negotiations will play a role, e.g. , when my country , slovakia, joined the european union in 2004, it was part of a major enlargement of the eu to 10 countries, most of the member countries were going through a transition period for our market access labor, for seven years we still could not directly get a job in the member countries of the ic. the transition period has passed and
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the european union is functioning, so there will be sensitive moments, but i think that in the end ukraine's accession is positive, it will be perceived as positive in many sectors. you are expected to discuss the details, as is customary in sensitive industries, but in this sense ukraine is not unique, it happens every time the european union expands. i hope that there will be a minimum of obstacles in this matter. i can't help but ask you about seized russian assets in the countries of the european union. in your opinion, can brussels help us to get funds for the reconstruction of ukraine. it is important to find a way to use frozen russian assets. when president fonderlein, president of the european commission, was here in november, she also spoke about this. first of all , it should be said that there is still no agreement or legal basis for the direct seizure of these assets. we are now actively working
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to find an opportunity to use their economic benefit. in europe, in several countries are home to more than 200 billion euros of assets of the russian central bank. discussions are underway in the european institutions with the member states and the european parliament on how to use the economic benefits of these assets. they will remain in their places, but they will bring interest and it is possible. will tax excess profits. there are several models and president fonderlein said that the commission will soon make a legislative proposal on how to take advantage of the economic benefits of russian assets. not every ukrainian is currently concerned about the security of our state. as can possible membership in the european union guarantee it to us? allow me to quote the words of my immediate superior, the high representative of the european union, mr. borel, when he was in kyiv in october, said that future membership in the european union is the best guarantee of ukraine's security and prosperity. i am also
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deeply convinced of this, i have great hope that the december meeting of european leaders will be another positive step in this direction. in conclusion, i would like to inquire about your forecast as to how long ukraine will need to fulfill all the requirements and procedures to become a member of the eu. if we consider the end of this decade as a possible date, it may be realistic, but it is only a potential date. it is important to realize that there are two important elements: the first is ukraine's fulfillment of all requirements, and here we have a lot of technical work ahead of us, but also certain institutional arrangements on the part of the eu are necessary to be able to accept new members. currently, the decision-making process and the institutional structure of the eu with 27 member states are sometimes challenging difficulties it is no less important for ukrainians. understand that change is needed on both sides, changing the status quo is always difficult and it will not be an easy process , there will be many arguments and discussions
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about this, and in general the direction is clear and i really believe that the goal is to achieve eu membership by the end of the decade is not unrealistic, it's nice to hear that, even considering all the challenges facing ukraine, to become a member of the eu by the end of 2030, good news, look, i can't...' no guarantees, it's like predicting from a crystal ball, but with given the determination and mobilization that ukraine has shown in its quest for reform, and of course the war has to end, certain things have to happen from the eu side, but still, i think your membership at the end of this decade is not unrealistic. on this, i would say optimistic note, i thank you for being interviewed by actv. i hope everything will turn out for the best. friends, we had a wonderful guest in the studio today, the ambassador of the european union to ukraine, kateryna maternova, and we talked about
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how many more challenges ukraine is facing and how it can cope with them in the matter of membership in the european union. chevrons approaching victory. they wanted us to live in a corrupt state, a satellite of russia. but we chose our path, defended our choice and moved on. and for 10 years now, we have been steadily going, going and strengthening democracy, going and developing the economy, reforming the courts and law enforcement agencies. we are creating special anti- corruption bodies from scratch. we are getting rid of russian and oligarchic influence, digitizing everything
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public services, take care of our people. we are creating powerful armed forces according to nato standards, developing civil society, fighting the aggressor and finally moving from candidacy to eu membership. we will go and there will be no stopping us, because we know why. 10 years of struggle, 10 years of development, 10 years of dignity and freedom. airborne shock troops are the way. in which a soldier becomes a warrior, where the brave become relentless, the strong become mighty, and the determined become invincible, that
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's your way, choose the cheap one, little gravedigger, how are you, i feel it is difficult for you. maybe you're confused and you feel like nothing is going right now, you know what i do when i'm confused? i go to the mirror, look at myself, remember what i have already achieved and say: i am well done. at the same time, you just need to pat yourself on the head, either in imagination or in reality. you see how well done we are, doing what helps. on how are, the caring people of the tiyak mental health program and their friends at eunice. collected tips on how to help yourself and your child cope with stress. a secret bet on avdiivka. why that the town is sacredly important for putin. how much equipment and manpower is thrown there just to slaughter. and also news from the left
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bank, where the front is generally moving. zlati russian migs, what to do with six-hour alarms? believe me, the decision is not easy, but how will we respond to russia's attacks on our infrastructure? let's put it this way, everything that reaches moscow is the dutch trump and the argentinian batman, which means the coming to power of extravagant politicians who are against helping ukraine. i am a non-adherent. this logic has lost everything, as well as the ukrainian marsi is an incredible story of a space engineer from zhytomyr, this is a room where we change into spacesuits, an extraordinary exclusive facts of the week. the broadcast of the marathon single news continues the facts of the week with an analysis
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of key events. the war is long, a marathon, not a sprint. this is the key context in which the war in ukraine is currently considered. to survive, we need three victories: to unblock american aid in congress, to receive a package of 50 billion euros from the european union, despite hungary's opposition, and to open a dialogue about ukraine's future membership in the eu. such goals announced president zelensky, receiving his latvian colleague, president rinkevich. aid cuts to ukraine this week with alarm. western analysts also discussed what reversal on the front this could lead to, and whether it would give putin a chance for a new breakthrough. however, what can russia do without total mobilization? i think we can partially see the answer under avdiivka, which the russians planned to capture by october 4, and today is already the end of november. however, the occupiers are trying to realize


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