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tv   [untitled]    November 26, 2023 9:00am-9:31am EET

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thank you, oleksiy hetman, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war was with us, now it is approaching 9:00, the time when we remember all those who died in the russian-ukrainian war, all those who gave their lives for ukraine. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of ukrainian soldiers and peaceful citizens of ukraine who died in the war. that it was unleashed by russia.
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a week of memorable dates and high-profile visits, how residents of the border... survive under shelling, and who benefits from blocking the polish-ukrainian border, about this and much more in today's issue. rating the euromaidan events no longer divide ukrainians. what did lloyd austin, boris pistorius, charles michel and other distinguished guests come to kyiv with? how russians destroy friendship, a city in sumy oblast, which was unlucky. near the border with
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the aggressor. how much does ukraine lose every day from the blockade of the border by polish carriers and who and when can influence the situation. november 25: the day of remembrance of the victims of the famine and the 90th anniversary of the famine of 1932-33 in ukraine. deliberate extermination of millions of ukrainians by the soviet authorities. in the 20th century remains an unhealed wound in our hearts. genetic memory. today, almost a century later, we are once again experiencing genocide at the hands of the russians. they destroy our cities and villages, they do not spare expensive rockets in order to burn warehouses with grain. memorials to the victims of the holodomor are being dismantled in the occupied territories. it is hard to imagine what would happen to us now, if 10 years ago millions of ukrainians had not defended our freedom during the revolution of dignity. if the russian chekists managed
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to realize their imperial ambitions. someone says: well, we would become the second belarus, for that there would be no war. those who are well acquainted with our history assure that the current generation of ukrainians simply did not have the option not to fight. if russia managed to capture us easily, all the dissenters could rot in prisons again, and the rest... would be driven to conquer western europe. according to a recent study by the foundation, democratic initiatives, together with the company operative sociology, almost 53% of ukrainians consider it a revolution of dignity, an event that radically changed the course of ukraine's history. so, how was society's perception of the maidan changing. let's see further. euromaidan, revolution of dignity, heavenly hundred. words that
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were imprinted in the memory of millions of ukrainians during the stormy winter ten years ago. everyone invested in them their meaning, their hopes and fears, and everyone had the courage to speak on behalf of the people. but sociology is a science, and sociologists work with numbers, even at the end of 2013, before the great blood on the maidan, they first measured society's attitude to protest against violence, dictatorship and ruska mir. the results proved that ukrainians shared theirs looks at that time , half of the population supported the protest, and 42% of ukrainians opposed the protest. the division had a distinct regional character. euromaidan was mainly supported by the western and central regions. while the majority of the east and south were against it, which is not surprising, given medvedchuk's dirty technologies of dividing ukrainians into classes and the total dominance of russian propaganda in ukraine during yanukovych's time. in
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addition, before the revolution of dignity , ukrainian society still had childish dreams and naive hopes. most though supported the course for joining the eu, but at the same time wanted there to be neither borders nor visas between ukraine and russia and beyond. europe or the russian world, an adult choice had to be made, but ukrainians avoided it for a long time. the execution of the heavenly hundred, the victory of the revolution of dignity, the occupation of crimea and the beginning of russian aggression in donbas, difficult stages of the coming of age of ukrainian society. already at the end of december 2014, the events on the maidan were positively assessed by almost 54% of ukrainians and practically. all historical ukrainian regions with the exception of donbass and slobozhanshchyna, i.e. kharkiv region, and this is a very high result against the background of the war and severe economic crisis for a country where peace and well-being have been declared the highest values ​​for decades. despite this, russian propaganda and the fifth column
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inside the country continued to poison public opinion, and the assessment of euromaidan continued to divide ukrainians, until the beginning of a full-scale second. of russia for example, back in august 2020, 54% of ukrainians called the events of 2013-14 a revolution of dignity, a just uprising of the people against the authoritarian government. at the same time, almost a third, repeating hostile narratives, called them an illegal coup. february 24, 2022 changed everything. bucha, irpin, mariupol, killed and tortured peaceful people, whose hands were tied and shot in the back of the head. the great war finally changed the attitude of ukrainians to their recent past. at the end of 2022, the number of those who consider the protest on the maidan to be a revolution of dignity has grown sharply, to two-thirds of them. the opposite
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opinion is held by a little more than 10%, and this almost three times less than before a full-scale invasion. perhaps even more important is the fact that it is the first time. all ukrainian regions, in particular the south and the east, which were probably the most affected by the rockets, aerial bombs and shells that the russian peace brought to ukrainian soil, agreed on the assessment of those events. society has grown up, it has made a final choice, but is forced to pay a high price for it. the president of the european parliament... mytsola is also confident that 10 years ago we took a decisive step on the way to the european future. she is on the social network ex wrote the revolution on the maidan forever changed the future of ukraine. 10 years later, on this day of dignity and freedom, we proudly stand next to ukraine, on the verge of starting negotiations on joining the eu. as ukraine defends
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our values, with every missile launched against it by russia, our support grows stronger. and it is also symbolic that it is at the beginning of this. last week it became known that the european parliament agreed to open an office in kyiv in order to establish business relations with the ukrainian parliament. it's worth it note that the european parliament has liaison offices for each member state and only a few offices have been set up in non-european cities, so this is definitely a good sign. and this week , the head of the european council , charles michel, spoke a lot about ukraine. thus, on friday, during a joint press conference with the prime minister of canada, justin trudeau, and the head of the european commission , ursela funderlein in canada, the head of the european council emphasized again that the eu will support ukraine as long as it is necessary. michel assured that
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the european union is ready to adopt additional decisions to support ukraine and introduce new sanctions against the russian federation. but it is also worth remembering that. charles michel came to ukraine this week with positive news for us. in kyiv, at a press conference with president of ukraine volodymyr zelsky and president of moldova maya sandu, he clearly stated: we will do everything to convince the 27 eu members that we need a positive decision in december. and the very beginning of negotiations on accession will be a signal to the kremlin and to all those who want to undermine the world order. and democratic principles, - said mr. michel. in addition, the european council must adopt the multi-year budget of the eu by the end of the year. the head of the eurocouncil is sure that it should include a special ukrainian fund of 50 billion euros. this issue is on the council's
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agenda, which is displayed on the body's official website. it is known even when we will receive the first tranche from the fund? it will take place in 2020 - said the prime minister of ukraine denys shmehal. the money will be used to calculate social benefits, pensions and salaries for doctors and teachers this week in second, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion , the head of the pentagon, lloyd austin, has come to ukraine. he met with president volodymyr zelskyi and reaffirmed his unwavering support and noted that, together with allies and partners, they will continue to support ukraine's urgent needs, both on the battlefield and long-term defense requirements. from kyiv , austin went to poland, where he met with defense minister marish blaschy. and american soldiers, it was there that he voiced the real picture of the war, if ukraine
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will remain alone with the enemy. putin will not stop if he captures ukraine, then he will go to the baltic countries, and then you and your comrades in arms will be on the front line, fighting putin, whom we should have stopped earlier - said ostyan. the very next day after the visit of the head of the pentagon , german defense minister boris pistorius came to kyiv unannounced. in the ex social network, german defense representatives published a post: minister pistorius arrived in ukraine to personally form an idea of ​​the current situation and effectiveness of german support. at the beginning of his visit, he laid flowers at the memorial to the heroes of the maidan in kyiv. epistorius himself once again promised further support. of ukraine. the visits of high-ranking officials to ukraine took place on the eve of another
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meeting in the rammstein format. it probably means that they wanted to know personally what our country's needs are on the battlefield and what kind of help we need. and it is quite clear why after the visit to kyiv at the 17th meeting of the contact group on the defense of ukraine within the framework of the ramstein format, lloyd austin, during his speech said. as ukraine stands on the brink of another winter of war, i urge this group to provide ukraine with air defense capabilities to protect its people. boris pistorius said during a video conference with his colleagues that germany will provide ukraine with four additional launchers of the anti-aircraft system pppo, medium range aresti, including guided missiles. also drones and protection systems against. drones, demining machines, satellite communication, rap means, winter equipment and much more. and
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for the first time, this week the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, valery zaluzhny, took part in the ramstein format meeting. he expressed his gratitude to his partners for their support and informed in detail about the situation on the battlefield, noting that the situation at the front is complicated, but under control. meanwhile , the ukrainian border is under constant terror, more than 640 explosions have been heard in the sumy oblast alone in the last week. the russians attack all the border areas of the region from their territory, fire indiscriminately with barrel artillery, hail and mortars residential buildings, civilian infrastructure and peaceful communities become their targets. our film crew visited a town eight... kilometers from the border with the russian federation. the settlement with the symbolic name druzhba became a living
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testimony of russian crimes that go far beyond the front line. for more details, see further. this is what life looks like on the border with russia. racists do not spare even hail in order to destroy ordinary civilian, private houses. these fires were once houses. mr. victor the russians decided that this 77-year-old pensioner is too dangerous. so they hit his house with three hailstones . one shot, under the second one, i had already managed to get up on my hands, at this time the third one, how did it crack. and the fire flew, the curtains in the bedroom jumped out, and i was behind the wall, here. within a few minutes of our conversation with mr. viktor, the city echoed. from dozens of explosions, a dog was killed here , a chair was standing here, yes, this was the territory
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of the contour, here it is, it is here, here it is 7 m from me, the city of friendship was not lucky to be located just 8 km from the border with the unfriendly susit, the russians are constantly shelling it, we need to press everything quickly, because we find the sector of shelling mainly to the right of menina, to the left of the mine, yevgeny kirvonos' firefighter unit barely manages to overcome the consequences of russian terror. it was very hot here from september to now. the city is bombarded with heavy artillery, mortars and multiple rocket launchers . occupiers hit residential buildings and civil infrastructure. the flight was straight to the building in the office of finance. this is druzhbivska
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the city council, the russians fired at it. october, there was a direct arrival of hail in this room, almost everything was destroyed, upon arrival the entire roof was engulfed in flames, thank god it did not fall on the market, it was a resurrection, so people would have suffered, whether you understand it or not, they would have suffered b people, it just spread, today there are several thousand people living in friendship, all of them, like in other border towns. so that all your property was destroyed, yes everything completely, everything, documents were there, tvs were there, look, yes, i had everything there, there was a supply of things here for three lives, we actually don't have any protections, you yourself perfectly understand, we are now self-
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reliant. artem lagutenko, oleksiy kutsuk, from sumy oblast, espresso tv channel. the blockade on the polish-ukrainian border continues for the third week, which leads to economic losses and even human losses. while the polish prosecutor's office is studying the circumstances of the death of two ukrainian drivers, the general situation is worsening. since humanitarian goods, which are extremely necessary for ukraine, cannot now pass through, as well as fuel trucks this week , a group of farmers joined the polish blockers. thursdays have been blocked since november 23. the last checkpoint for truck loads. ukraine has started collecting data for the evacuation of truck drivers stuck on the border with poland. everyone who shows such a desire will be deported. serhiy derkach, deputy minister of community development and infrastructure, stated: at the working and official levels
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, issues regarding food, the rotation of fast fire trucks, and proper sanitary conditions were repeatedly raised. meanwhile, because of the blockade on the polish border, the situation is also complicated at checkpoints with slovakia and hungary, as drivers choose other directions for crossing the western border. so, what is currently happening on the polish-ukrainian border and what damages ukraine is suffering, our correspondent natalka starepravo found out. several thousand ukrainian transporters were held hostage on the polish border, most of them have been standing for the second week, food, water and fuel supplies are running out so as not to block the autobahn, the polish police turn the trucks around stops around the highway, ukrainian drivers have to stand in the middle of the forest or in a field where there are no heating points or other basic conditions, they take four cars for two hours, very few, and there are those who are protesting, blocking,
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turning the cars back, something like that weaves a lot. and why return? it's a mess, and there are no conditions there at all, there are no conditions there at all, i just arrived there, for the entire railway line, from radimno to shigen, to medicsyra, there are toilets or five toilets for 30 km, what are we talking about, do the people there and products and food are running out, with according to ukrainian transporters, the poles selectively skip humanitarian aid and fuel, on thursday a second driver died at the polish border blockade, because of this the embassy of ukraine appealed to the ministry of foreign affairs of poland, because the strike of polish transporters threatens the lives and health of our citizens. we incur losses because the cars have to work, they have to make money, and this is how we pay the drivers salaries, because
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they, well, they work, they sit in place, they work, we have to pay them, and the companies in losses we have loans, we have leases, we have a contract, let's say we need to take another 90 cars out of poland, but we won't take them out, or that's it, until the end of the year, and it goes, count, we need to introduce plasterboard for one contract , what is needed in the east, where the repairs are going, where the houses are being repaired, and we are not taking it, because everything is at the border, in response to the blockade of the border, on november 21, ukrainian fighters held an action near the krakow checkpoint kurcheva, head of the organization international truck carriers of ukraine says: blocking harms not only ukraine, but also poland, and brings it down. in vain, her help to our state. we cannot understand how exactly we create competition for them, since we do not have the right to carry out transportation in europe, we
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can do from ukraine to europe, for example , from ukraine to poland, ukraine-germany, there is ukraine, i do not know, denmark and back and that's all, but the polish carrier can carry out transportation within europe, and this is allowed, because they are members of the european union, so we are definitely not their competitors. blocking the border. already affects critical ones the supply of energy resources, gas at ukrainian gas stations is becoming more expensive and is disappearing in some places, says the director of the a95 consulting group, serhii kuyun. on thursday, polish strikers blocked another checkpoint of medic shagini. thus, all four crossings with poland are blocked for cargo. crossing point: jagodin dorogusk polish strikers threaten to block until february 1, 2024. they do not like the fact that ukrainians occupy jobs and have gained access to the eu market. according to the european business association, in one day of the cargo blockade, ukraine loses
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approximately one million hryvnias, and while on the one hand russia is blocking the sea route, on the other, the poles have taken away from us the opportunity to transport the necessary goods by road. the official organizer of blocking the border of ukraine with poland is rafal mekler, he is the owner of trans. company and head of the branch of the pro-russian party confederation of freedom and independence. his company carried out transportation to the territory of belarus and russia. since the start of the full-scale war, meckler's employees have repeatedly protested demanding the lifting of economic sanctions against russia. the strike has political character. i believe that everyone is interested in this situation: firstly, the forces, secondly, the nationalist forces, thirdly, the forces are interested in the deterioration of polish-ukrainian relations, they are working to weaken ukraine, because this situation also complicates
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the export of goods from ukraine , which are intended for foreign markets. the blockade of the border for the movement of trucks continues in fact, during the period of inter-government in poland, the formally leading party is still law and justice with prime minister morawawaczyk. in the middle of december. the government will be formed by donald tusk, and all the problems with the blockade will have to be decided by him, he is trying the right and justice to form a coalition of his deputies from the confederation and to persuade deputies from other political forces that entered this structure, this is one plan, plan a, and plan b is to create the more problems in poland . when power is transferred there to tusk, he will already have a lot of problems and he will have to solve these problems. the association of international carriers of ukraine is preparing a lawsuit
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against the polish demonstrators. if the government of poland does not convince its carriers end the blockade. the european commission can also remedy the situation. for example, block poland's access to european money, as is the case with hungary. natalya starepvo, andriy polikovskyi, tv channel. press! it is not surprising that now everyone is talking about the involvement of the russian special services in the blockade of the polish border, because the official organizer of the blockade is rafal mekler, who is a representative of the branch of the pro-russian confederation of freedom and independence party in the lublin voivodeship, and this political force has close ties to moscow. so, what do polish carriers really want and why the polish authorities can't do it all... we'll talk further. ilya neskhodovskyi, head of the analytical direction of the ans network, is in touch with us. mr. ilya, i congratulate you. i congratulate you. so, in general,
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polish carriers put forward six demands to ukraine, which were discussed by the deputy minister of community development, territories and infrastructure, serhii derkach. let's not voice them all now, because we have done it more than once. but even during extraneous meeting on the polish border came to the point that it is impossible to meet the requirements, as it depends not only on the ukrainian side. so what do the polish strikers really want, and what are the real reasons? well, i would like to correct such a point a little , for example, it was determined that why the polish authorities cannot stop this, i will say more, the polish authorities are currently supporting it. this protest, because these are not polish carriers, those who represent, excuse me, there are 15 people standing with pa trucks, and that's absolutely. something
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that could stop international beauty. second moment, they violate both polish and european legislation, european requirements that do not allow blocking international routes. the police who are present there do not disperse them, they actually stop any movement by ukrainian drivers. we already have more than a thousand cars stuck on the ukrainian border, and not only are they stopped, they are actually the force of poland. the police, which is exclusively aimed at supporting this protest, so it all happens with and maybe, maybe not on the initiative, but definitely with the support of the polish authorities, you were very rightly told by one commentator there that nationalist, protectionist and protectionist forces converged there, this is one of the points for you to understand that ukrainians do not compete with
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poles within the european union, they do not have the right to transport goods there and the only possibility is to register a polish company and continue to transport, but today it is certainly not the volume that would create competition for the poles, at the same time, the poles simply set their sights on transportation from ukraine to of ukraine, i will explain why, the first point is for you to understand the scope. the cost of transportation from ukraine and to ukraine, one transportation costs somewhere from approximately 1,500 €, and today it is 600 € due to downtime, which is approximately 3,000 €. in fact , these carriers have set their eyes on this volume and want to raid it to be raided by
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the ukrainians, and they faced the following problems: those carriers, polish carriers who went to ukraine, poles did not go there, ukrainians who were employed by polish companies went there, as a result , now these ukrainians, who before the war started, they were in poland, stayed there, they now refuse to go to ukraine, because you understand, as soon as they cross the border, no one will let them back , that is, they will remain in ukraine, and their first demand is precisely that ukrainian drivers for polish companies transport ukrainian goods, and they will receive profits, this is completely a question in money, poland decided to simply raid ukrainian transportation so that it is carried out by polish companies, ukrainian drivers, and
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the profits and money go directly to them, so i think that the position of the poles is very weak, completely unfounded, we should go to the european union and demand compensation, which, accordingly, now we not the losses that we bear, this is the first moment, but the second moment, and also, maybe the same germans, french, italians who were pushed out of their markets in poland at one time... carriers, maybe they should do the same cross the borders with poland, so that they do not have the opportunity to enter the markets of the respective countries, therefore, sir, well, actually, you have almost, almost answered all my questions, and i wanted to ask you for the polish authorities, you began to give their first answer from this, the european commission promised to apply a punitive procedure against poland
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if the polish authorities do not solve the issue... blocking the checkpoints on the border with ukraine, then if they have already talked about this more than once, why has the polish government not afraid, why does he not solve this problem, and what ways of solving this situation do you see, you have already said a few words about it, as a matter of fact, but maybe you can add something else? well, i would perhaps add the following here, so that we understand how the poles act, how the poles acted during the accession to the european union, and in principle they do not understand why they should act differently in relation to ukraine, which is much weaker than, for example, germany, when they negotiated, they defended all their areas very strongly economy, received huge subsidies, including for their farmers, including for their economy, received huge investments where needed.

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