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tv   [untitled]    November 22, 2023 9:00am-9:31am EET

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all those who died in the russian-ukrainian war at the hands of russian soldiers. a moment of silence. let's honor with a minute of silence the memory of the ukrainian military and peaceful citizens of ukraine who died in the war that was unleashed by russia.
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motanya, this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and in this stream we talk about the following topics: russia wants to remove zalensky from power by the end of this year and is planning an operation called maidan 3. ukraine has the right from putin, and the military should not go into politics while the war continues. ukrainian president zelensky gave an interview to the british tabloid sun, let's tell the main thing and analyze the president's statements. russia is a threat to ukraine, china is a threat to the usa, and the union - china, russia, iran - is a challenge to the whole world. oleksiy danilov, secretary of the nsdc of ukraine, believes so. he says that in 10-15 years , not only north korea, but also some european countries can join such a union. about the role of china. in
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world processes and whether the country's position in relation to ukraine has changed, we will talk further. ukrainian carriers held a rally in response to blocking the border on the part of poland, but farmers should also join the polish mimingargars and transporters. meanwhile , there is still no progress in the tripartite negotiations between ukraine, the eu and poland. they have to try this week. when will the border be unblocked and what damage has ukraine already suffered? every morning from 9 o'clock. every morning from 9:00 our team collects important news, together with you and experts we discuss the military and political situation in ukraine, you write in the comments where you watch us from, what topics you think important this morning. the russian army attacked the city of selidova in donetsk region for the second time in a week, as a result of which two people were killed and eight were wounded, and the city's hospital and an enterprise were under attack. in
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the novohrodivsk territorial community, the donetsk regional prosecutor's office reported about it. the search for people under the rubble continued as of yesterday, the acting head of the donetsk regional military administration ihor moroz clarified in his telegram that the mentioned enterprise is a mine. according to law enforcement officers, the russian army attacked the city from s-300 missile systems. there were people in the hospital at the time of the impact, eight received contusions and shrapnel injuries. the hospital is destroyed. polyclinic, infectious disease and reception department, and radio svoboda correspondent serhiy gorbatenko reported that the rocket probably hit the foundation, which destroyed all four floors of the building, the director of the selydiv city hospital told radio svoboda that the hospital's work is planned to resume within a few days. we referred all our patients who were being treated in our hospital to those closest to us hospitals with colleagues... we are in touch,
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people were treated in the infectious disease department and, unfortunately, were injured. the enemy is insidious, he strikes at civilian objects, he strikes at the holy, and that is his barbaric peculiarity. as a result of the mine strike, seven buildings, more than 10 cars and five buses were damaged, they say in donetsk ova. this is already the second attack on selidov in the last week, on the night of november 15. the russian army attacked the city, hitting a residential building. then four people died as a result of the impact. three more locals residents were injured, the entire entrance to the building was destroyed due to the impact, people were pulled out from under the rubble. according to the donetsk regional prosecutor's office, this shelling also took place from s-300 complexes. the ministry of defense of russia did not comment on these strikes. pavlo dyachenko, inspector of the communications department of the donetsk region police, joins our broadcast. greetings pavle, thank you for joining. congratulations to the studio. twice
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this week, russian forces attack selidove. what is this connected with, where do you think russia's forces are going? and what is here? think they hit on infrastructure, according to civilians, they do not care at all where to direct their rockets, artillery, rocket systems of salvo fire, we already see, it is not that repeatedly, yes, but these are many hundreds of facts and criminal proceedings, when, unfortunately, they they kill, civilians, injure, that according to lydovo, we can add that during the analysis of the rubble , unfortunately, we state that they found the body of one more person, and so we have information about the three dead, well, it's terrible, it's just a disaster,
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when with these powerful missiles, hit such civilian objects, at the enterprise, at the hospital, at the hospital in general, but people were there for treatment. well, how is it possible, you can’t even imagine it, you can’t do that, but for them it’s nothing like that at all , they hit and hit, pavle, as of now, the demolition of the rubble is still ongoing, is this process over, well as of this morning, when i received the information, they were still in progress, one body was recovered, and in total we have eight injured, and unfortunately, yes, eight injured, and unfortunately, three the dead taking into account the consequences, whether the work of the hospital can really be resumed within days, as it was stated earlier, what is the situation there, well , it will all depend on a comprehensive,
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comprehensive review of this kind, that is, it is possible that some department of the hospital will be transferred there, it will all be decided by the military, of course , with specialists from the emergency situations, it is definitely from the emergency situations , because you need to understand this structure, what kind of damage it received, and well, this part is not suitable in my opinion, well, exactly where the radiation got to, but if possible, well after conducting an analysis, it will be possible to restore whether there are any alternatives where the hospital can be placed, or some parts, at least some departments, well, this will already be comprehensively resolved, but i think it is not necessary to provide this information, because the enemy is insidious, i will remind , that pavlo dyachenko, inspector
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of the communications department of the donetsk region police, is in touch with us, we lost contact a little bit, pavle, but i understand that the connection is being restored, you are returning to the air, can you hear the studio, yes studio, i would also like to ask you about the evacuation of the civilian population in donetsk region, do people now make contact in a different way, is it easier to persuade them now to leave the most dangerous settlements, and people make contact, evacuation continues, almost every day our police units of white angels, these special crews, they work , are engaged in evacuation, and the evacuation is ongoing, from many populated areas, first of all we understand the issue of the driver, the situation there is very difficult , the enemy is hitting the city very powerfully, many houses have already been destroyed and destroyed, well almost completely, many burned down, we have visited
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examples are such that people moved out when they were in basements, and the multi-story building in which they lived was collapsing before their eyes. there have been such moments, the evacuation of families with children from the turkish direction continues, this is also a priority work, well, people understand, people understand that the enemy is hitting civilian infrastructure, houses, private houses, high-rise buildings, and in such situations, well , it is almost impossible to hide somewhere, to find shelter, that is, staying in basements... how is it, well, as civilians say, it seems to calm down a little, but no, when a powerful weapon arrives, a powerful rocket or an aerial bomb, it destroys the building, well, almost completely, and it is very difficult to get people
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out from under the rubble, that’s how recently there was an organized special operation by the forces of the state emergency service and the police, also in the city of avdiivka, after another insidious blow, so, well, very so insidious, the high-rise building was destroyed, and the dssns, along with the fields. the bodies of two civilians were retrieved by white angels , it is impossible to fit the special equipment, because the shelling does not touch it, and if the enemy sees a grouping, well, they will immediately strike, that's for sure, and that's why the policemen of the state emergency service did everything quickly , with the help of such improvised means, they got the bodies, well, it had to be done, but in avdiivski ova it was noted that the residents of the city more and more often now express a desire to evacuate due to the intensity of hostilities, but do people here understand that
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this is not only a question of the fact that they can stay there in their basement for the time being, but a question of the fact that there may not be an opportunity to help them at such a critical moment, so how now this one communication is taking place, and do many people from avdiivka really want to leave, let's say, more than a week ago? well, this is complex, and the issue of aid and the issue of shelling, it... they are related to each other , that is, we provide help, well, as much as possible, we bring humanitarian aid, food, water, but, well, surely people understand that such a situation is possible , when there, we may not be able to bring some, maybe for some days we will not be able to bring this aid, and in general the stay, well, when these shellings are there with some periodicity were people even had such situations that people even understood, understood when there might be a siege, when not, but
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now, well, it’s chaotic, and air bombs just fly through the city, well, almost every day, and it’s very powerful, it’s, well , it is even impossible to convey in words how it happens, well, i can tell you by my own example that it is very scary when such a big... powerful machine arrives and it breaks up, we also saw this in toretsk when the russians, well conditionally so, they trained, they were transferred to the turkish and naturak communities aerial bombs, and people understand that in general, well , it is impossible to stay there, i will note that the avdiiv administration says that as of november 21 , 1,393 civilians remain there. and these are the last numbers, pavle, i thank you for participating and telling about such important moments, about
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the situation in donetsk region with the evacuation, including pavlo dyachenko, inspector of the communications department of the donetsk region police, who was a guest on our broadcast. the first one is very interesting, it's like covid, people don't know what to do about it and it seems very scary. yes, ukrainian the president, volodymyr zelenskyi, in an interview with the british weekly tyzhnevikusan, described illnesses and attempts on his life. in addition, he spoke about the role of china and the united states in ending the russian-ukrainian war, and also shared his thoughts on how to influence whether ukrainians returned home from abroad. in addition, zelsky spoke about commander-in-chief zaluzhnyi. my colleague, oleg galev, collected the main points from the ukrainian president's interview with the sun publication. oleg, hello, i'll give you the floor. greetings to svoboda viewers morning. hello katya. the news that spread yesterday on telegram channels about at least five attempts on life. zelensky from russia since the large-scale invasion, this is one of the most discussed
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episodes of this interview with the sun. it should be clarified here that, according to the publication, the first attempted assassination attempt was carried out by russian special forces, which was stationed in kyiv on february 24 , 2022. zelskyi's guards surrounded his office, the office with barricades, and his closest entourage, i.e. assistants, were given rifles and bulletproof vests, the publication writes. russia will not refuse a change of power in ukraine, says zelensky. and still has a plan. the operation is called maidan-3. it aims to change the president, perhaps not by assassination. i mean, it changes. they will use whatever tools they have. this is the idea until the end of the year. among other things, what zelensky also said, which is also worth paying attention to, is that ukraine essentially has the right to eliminate putin. how to do it, the ukrainian president details. failed by saying only that ukraine has every right to defend its land. putin's spokesman piskov reacted
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to zelensky's words, as reported by the russian state media, he said that putin has been subjected to, i quote: verbal attacks many times and nothing will come out of them. president zelenskyy once again emphasized the need to strengthen the ukrainian pppo, which, according to him, contributed to the return of ukrainians abroad. children would go to school here, adults would work and pay taxes. and then, they say, the state will not have to. to ask for significant amounts of financial assistance from of the united states of america and european partners. if the seven or eight largest cities of ukraine had a total pppo for their own. regions, not only for the cities themselves, but also for the territories surrounding them, then we would return virtually all our people from different countries. an important thesis from zelenskyi's interview also concerns the fact that kyiv will not support peace at any price. according to him, ukraine is at the center of global risks of a world war. russia, according to zelenskyi, will press, while, i quote, the united states and china, together very much
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very seriously they will not tell her to leave the ukrainian territory. also, zelensky is ahead. that the kremlin may be preparing a new conflict in the balkans. we think that they are already preparing in the balkans, taking new steps, and we think that they will try to train, or are already training some people. and one more interesting moment, zelenskyy called the wrong steps of those ukrainian commanders who decided to enter politics without clarifying, they say, different political forces are pushing the military into politics. according to zelskyi, the military that is gathering to engage in politics, not to quote, to engage in war. by the way, zelsky ruled out the holding of the elections, which were supposed to be held next year, insisting that it is illegal under martial law and impossible because of the war. with all due respect to general zaluzhnyi and to all commanders who are on the battlefield, there is an absolute understanding of the hierarchy, and that's all, and it cannot be 2, 3, 4, 5. according to the law and during the war, this
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cannot even be discussed. this does not lead to the unity of the nation. it should be noted. what is the question? about relations with commanders among journalists arise against the background of many statements in the media about the tension in the relationship between president zelskyi and commander-in-chief zaluzhny, such as, for example, in the case when valery zaluzhny in his author's column for the journalist stated that the war in ukraine is at an impasse. zelensky disagreed with him and noted that the situation is not deadlocked. adviser to the head of the president's office, mykhailo podoliak, against the background of all the rumors in the guardian comment, a few days ago, clarified that the information about the existence of a conflict between president volodymyr z and by the commander-in-chief of the armed forces valery zaluzhny does not correspond to reality. katya thank you, it was oleg galev who summed up the ukrainian president's interview with the famous british tabloid sun. this is svoboda morning and from now on we will discuss in detail the statements of president zelensky, and this is an important discussion and
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important statements that are really, really worth spending time on our air. mykhailo samoch, deputy director of the army center. conversion and disarmament on international issues joined our broadcast, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, or did you hear in this interview zelenskyi's signal to a subordinate, and if there was any signal, what do you think it was about, that zelenskyi is the boss, the very question you have is very interesting, in fact, how can you give signals to a subordinate according to the statute , that is, look, there is a supreme commander, there is a commander-in-chief... of the forces of ukraine, which performs certain functions, everything else, i think, is really fiction, especially just what your colleague said that general zaluzhnyi wrote in his article that now the situation at the front is deadlocked, where did you find it? there is no such thing in the article. general zaluzhnyi says that now the nature of hostilities is going
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to a positional war. a positional war and a stalemate are completely different situations, and so is your colleague: he used the phrase stalemate . see the definition of what a pat is. a stalemate is when there are no moves. this is chess terminology. so, at the front now there are a lot of millions of moves, which sides work every night, every day, if you look at the situation at the front now, it is clearly not a stalemate. what he spoke and wrote about general zaluzhnyi, what president zelensky is talking about, they speak with one voice, but journalists find something there. different interpretations, i believe that there is no conflict, and there cannot be, in fact, if general zaluzhnyi, for example, does not agree with the position of the president, he should simply resign, this is an absolutely, absolutely normal situation, like any collective, if you do not agree with the opinions of your manager, well, in principle, you can
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discuss, and these discussions can take place, absolutely, it's normal, it's better of course in a closed format, if you absolutely do not agree with these positions , then the subordinate should leave, and not create some parallel management bodies, this is understandable, especially in military affairs, well, even if the commander of the department starts to create his party against the platoon commander, it will end very quickly, because there is no such thing in the statute, in the statute of the armed forces of ukraine, everything is clearly written there, what the commander of the division should do, what the commander of the platoon, what the commander, mykhailo, i thank you for your clarifications, but nevertheless i note that these conversations are not just being conducted even in the media, that there are certain reactions , for example, zaluzhnyi's column was reacted to in the president's office, mr. zhovko reacted quite harshly, it can be perceived that zelensky in the interview forced mr. zhovkva not can react harshly to mr. zaluzhnyi, it's just not the right level, just for a second
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, i can't understand what you're talking about, but it's honey, mr. joko has it, but you can turn to mr. zholku and ask why he reacted harshly to diligent, he will answer you, that he did not react harshly to zaluzhny, this is all being formed again in the information space, mr. zhovkva did not react harshly to mr. zaluzhny, i can even quote. i remember what he said, mr. zhovko said that he had to explain to his colleagues the article of conscript, it is normal, i believe that he has such a function to explain to his partners what this or that leader says, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces is a higher military subordinate the president, i.e., the president, the supreme commander, the hard-working general, he is responsible for the activities of the armed forces, mr. zhovka has nothing to do with it... it doesn’t really, i’m just talking about the fact that if there were no certain statements, this topic would not, you know, be discussed again, including in the media, so what president zelenskyy repeats and
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says about what kind of hierarchy there is in the country, this also makes us ask the question why he is talking about it now, i want to clarify this point with you, there are a few rumors from insiders of some journalists, but in recent weeks we have seen such loud dismissal of the commander of the ssso, head of the medical department services and western publications also announce the dismissal of the commander of the south and the north, in your opinion, were these dismissals agreed with zaluzhny, or can they only come from zelskyi without such agreements, if from zelskyi, how can zaluzhny react to this and can to be such a situation that zaluzhnyi did not know about some dismissals at all, i cannot imagine that general zaluzhnyi did not know something, i'm just telling you, this is my opinion. i want to ask you about one more point, zelsky told about russia's plan to eliminate him, he said that there were several at least five or six attempts to eliminate
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him, but he also told about such a plan, which in russia is called maidan 3, as if this is the operation, and by the end of the year, it should be implemented according to the russian plan. critics of the president say that this could be such a deliberate move by zelenskyi, who is allegedly afraid of losing power. in your opinion, is such a plan realistically possible for russia to consider and is it realistic to implement it? i'm even sure that such plans are constantly being implemented, in fact, if we are talking about those, let's say yes, the nature of hostilities, the nature of wofe, in english, which russia is implementing against us, these hybrid technologies occupy a significant part, and when the military aspects, military components do not cope with their tasks, russians, they have clearly failed, well, that is, in we just have such, let's say, ukrainian-centricity, of course, and we appreciate it, because why don't we have such
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a quick counteroffensive there, why do we have such a situation, in fact, let's look objectively at the front, at the front for the russians, it's really very bad situation because they they can't achieve anything by military means, they had an attempt to break through the front near avdiivka, and it's obvious that it failed, that is... they don't have enough time to do it before putin's election, and of course, when something doesn't work out front, they immediately include hybrid instruments, by the way, this was also the case in the 14th year , then after minsk was signed, the main main instruments were hybrids, this is also the 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th year, let's remember how it all developed, there were a bunch of such plans, and there are such a plan, mr. kirienko, who likes very much. hybrid tools, he constantly implements such measures, informational and psychological operations are carried out in the information space and, of course, attempts to shake up the situation, let's remember what happened
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literally in the last month, there was, there was a cat about the elections and some politicians, and new politicians, let's say yes, well, mr. aristovych himself actively joined this campaign and actually stood up and declared that we are going to the elections and actually started announcing some pre-election platforms and so on, i don't i don't know if this is a concerted operation, or if it's just the reaction of certain actors in our political system, but it turned out that really , if you start to analyze, it looks like some kind of coordinated action, maybe it's just an illusion, maybe not, but we have to react accordingly, because i will remind you, we are under martial law, we are at war with russia, so any hybrid methods that divide our society on the linguistic question... for example, again, two poles, my two poles farion aristovych shake the situation in ukraine, is it objective or is it a coincidence,
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maybe, maybe not a coincidence, maybe yes , these two actors are used blindly, but the reality is that someone is trying to divide us, president zelenskyi also noted that sometimes he does not understand, and here he is probably supported by a large part of ukrainians, why ukraine does not can provide either for rent or simply provide the maximum number of pppo, so that it will allow ukrainians to return home from abroad and boost the economy. mykhailo, what is the maximum protection? zelensky here indicates that it cannot be. protection, but not that less, the maximum, what is it and why is it not provided, because it is impossible? not provided, because it is not physically present, for 30 years our western partners have been preparing for peace, for peace with russia, for business, for business with russia, when they will earn money, and not fight, i will remind you that the main goal and main idea anti-missile defense systems that the united states was developing, including deploying
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in europe and even... wanted to create joint fusion centers with russia, so-called, in moscow, in brussels, this was a delusion on our part western partners, then they were preparing to defend against iran, but when we said that the main threat is russia, the western partners looked at us like strange people, now what i am leading to, they did not develop their anti-aircraft systems defense, anti-missile defense, from the calculations of russia's countermeasures precisely because , if you look at iran in 2010, it was a distant , kind of ephemeral threat, if you look at russia in 2010, s-400, s-300 and so on, their calibres, iskanders and all other systems are absolutely another threat, so at the moment they simply do not physically have these systems, they can lease them to us, for example, for a while, for example, for the winter, it could be done,
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but if it were to completely close... a large territory of ukraine, it takes time, that much is obvious. mykhailo, thank you for joining our broadcast. mykhailo samos, deputy director of the army, conversion and disarmament center for international affairs, was a guest of svoboda ranok. defense forces repelled eight attacks by russian troops near avdiivka. this is reported in the general staff of ukraine. there it is said that the russian army carried out assaults on novobakhmutivka, which is north of avdiivka, northern and pervomaisky in the south, and avdiivka itself. except. moreover, russian forces fired artillery and mortars at 15 nearby settlements. the day before, the commander of the tavri operational-strategic group of troops, oleksandr ternavskyi, stated that the russian military has reduced the number of assaults, but continues to ignore the laws and customs of war, shelling civilian infrastructure. russian pro-war publications report that the initiative in the avdiiv direction remains with the russian side. rydovka's telegram channel writes that the russian
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army is entrenched in the steppe region. and attacks near the coke plant, south of the city fighting continues near the industrial zone and the village of severne. oleksandr shtupun, spokesman for the united press center of the defense forces of the tavria region, joins our broadcast. oleksandr, i congratulate you, thank you for joining. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. oleksandr, tell me the latest news from near avdiyivka. you said the day before that the assaults near avdiivka have subsided, and the russian side is thus preparing for another assault, or is the situation still the same ? that means the decrease in activity was the day before yesterday, already yesterday the russian occupiers sharply increased the number of assault actions by 30 percent, as well as air strikes, that is, if there were no air strikes at all the day before yesterday, then yesterday 29 were recorded, mainly the enemy dropped guided air bombs, from su-3 five
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and mainly in donetsk region, in general, in the operational zone of osuvtavria, the zagardniki do not stop trying to surround avdiivka, unsuccessfully stormed east of novobakhmutivka, also in avdiivka, severnoy and pervomaisky areas, 13 attacks were repulsed there last day , today the occupiers used almost one and a half to attack... dozens of armored vehicles marched in columns and our soldiers destroyed two tanks and seven armored combat vehicles and the enemy retreated near maryinka and novomykhaika, the activity of the enemy also does not decrease, 18 attacks were repulsed during the day. oleksandr, are the russian military regrouping or receiving reinforcements, perhaps from other directions? uh


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