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tv   [untitled]    November 21, 2023 12:30pm-1:01pm EET

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[000:00:00;00] have not yet figured out what to do with russia after this war, that is why they are a little afraid of such a radical, let's say, end of it, exactly the one that we need, the one that we all dream of, but besides that there is another moment, they are also parallel, by all means avoid the direct entry of their countries, their armies into the war with the russians, and for some reason they are very afraid of this direct entry into this war, why i am so skeptical about it. i say that they are afraid for some reason, because in reality russia is much more afraid of this. russia knows perfectly well what will happen to it in case of direct conflict with nato countries. they had a similar experience in syria, when in the only direct confrontation between the russians and the americans, more than 200 russians and no americans were killed in an hour of battle. they know this ratio of forces, the ratio of technologies. that is why
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russia itself is ready to blackmail all the time. nato is walking on this red line, but it is absolutely not ready to cross this line, they themselves are afraid of a direct conflict, but unfortunately, many within nato are also afraid of this conflict, and this is exactly what russia is constantly playing on. well, in ukraine they are warning that russia may resort to destabilizing the situation inside ukraine, and this, this statement was made a few days before the day of dignity and freedom, which will be celebrated in ukraine on november 21, president zelensky says that the russians all they are doing it in order to make maidan 3, or more precisely, to tell the president, probably, he should say anti-maidan 3, because maidans are not made and organized, maidans are created by people who come to the street, and as a rule are organizing antimaidan 3, like you, sir
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evgeny, look. yes, come on, zelsky doesn't say that the russians are preparing maidan 3 for us, but let's quote it correctly , zelsky says that the russians are preparing a special operation, which they call maidan 3, and this is absolutely logical, let's not forget that this is the point of view of the russians, they still sincerely believe, they are convinced that the previous two maidans, well, first of all, they count them as only two, that is, they did not know about revolutions on the border at all, in our ukrainian arithmetic, the new square would probably still be the fourth, but not thirdly, but for russians it is beyond the limits of their, let’s say, literacy, they basically do not take into account the revolution at the turn of the 90th year, for them there were two maidans, the fourth and the 14th, and they are still sincerely convinced that these maidans were made by the americans , and that is why it is absolutely logical for them to call their operation maidan-three, the americans did
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the first two, and now they are going to do their third, well, this is absolutely moscow logic, they didn’t understand our psychology, and still don’t they even begin to understand, and in particular they really cannot to understand that no one from the outside is capable of making a maidan, that the maidan, by and large , can be implemented and brought to victory only by the ukrainian people themselves, if they want to, provoke this people, if they want to make a new maidan, only our ukrainian government can, that is no third force from this side does not argue with either the first or the second task, neither to provoke people to the maidan, nor to lead this maidan to success, but they really do not understand this, in the history of russia there was nothing like maidans, they had none successful public protest, they didn't have any democratic revolution after
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91, so it's hard for them... to understand how it works and how it doesn't work, they just see the hand of washington in this, that's all, so yes , it is absolutely logical for them to call the special operation the third maidan, and seriously believe that if they throw in a few of their own and dogs and a few million dollars, then they will provoke this maidan, well, let them continue to think, this is just a good indicator that they are like us didn't understand, so they still haven't started understand, mr. yevgeny, and you said that maidan mo is possible only if the citizens are dissatisfied with the actions of the authorities, as it actually was in the fourth and in the 14th year, the only thing is that the revolution of dignity, why do they not mention and is not considered maidan, because at that time the russian special services did not participate and did not try to participate in any way there on the border, you mean yes 90, on the granite yes-yes, so obviously, obviously, they
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count the maidan of the fourth. and in the 14th year, er, you said that if citizens if they want, they will go out into the street, can anything provoke ukrainians to come out now? to the street, realizing how dangerous it is during the war? well, it seems to me that we are already a sufficiently mature and mature society, and we could go to the maidan during the war, under one condition, if the authorities suddenly decided to enter into some agreements with russia, for which we did not give them a mandate, but if the authorities decided, well, by and large , to capitulate in one form or another, but then the maidan would be possible, because then it would be more evil than a lost war under all other conditions, i believe that we are old enough not to change the government during the war, even if it makes some mistakes, even if we are not satisfied with many things, but we will wait for the first elections after the war and then we will say
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my word, well, after all, there are signs that the authorities would like to capitulate and come to an agreement with russia, well, after march-april last year, when the istanbul agreements were discussed, but since that time, well, personally, i... haven't seen a single moment, which would show that the government at least a little thinks in this direction, it seems to me that our government is absolutely firm now, yes, even if not immediately, even through its own mistakes, but the government, as well as the whole society, understood that negotiating with the russians is death, that any agreement with the russians will be exclusively a throw from their side, and after that the destruction and absorption of our country. i don't see any signs of capitulation, or any compromisers, and it seems to me that no other reason would have brought people to the streets. thank you, mr. yevgeny, for inclusion in our broadcast, tsevgen dykiy was a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war.
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friends, we are working live on the channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms , for those who are currently watching us live on these platforms, be sure to like this video so that it can be trended on youtube and facebook , and vote in our poll, because today. we ask you about this, are there any reasons to go to the maidan today, if you watch us on the tv channel and on tv, then you can vote by phone, for those who think that there are reasons to go to the maidan, phone 0800 211-381, no, 0800 211-382, call, all calls are free for you, it is important for us to know your opinion, those who are watching us now on youtube. everything is quite simple there, you choose the options yes , no, or write in the comments what you think about whether there are reasons to go to the maidan, or not, or whether it is not necessary to do it during the war, then we will be in touch an officer of the armed forces of ukraine,
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a special officer, people's deputy of ukraine of the eighth convocation, major of the armed forces of ukraine, ihor lapin, mr. major, i congratulate you, glad to see you on our air. glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, as i ask our tv viewers. who watch us on the tv channel, and in social networks, and on youtube, about whether they see reasons for going to the maidan, i will ask you if there are such reasons, and if there are, what reasons they will be , well, look, well, this reason can only be in the sick imagination of those who pushed this information into the ears of our president, well, the point is, i have already said before, this is not my quote, quote andriy porubiya, who said: the maidan cannot be organized, it cannot be gathered, it cannot be bought, it can only be heard, those people who know how to hear, listen to the maidan, this is the only thing they
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can do , but any other actions in relation to the maidan, they are impossible, i am very sorry that zelensky does not know how to count to four, because after all, the revolution is on the granite, 2004, 2014, well, if we are talking about the next one, then it will already be the fourth, although in principle, what is the difference, i don't see any reasons that could be raised today people, well, first of all, corruption scandals, yes, it is really infuriating, but we see some isolated steps of the work of our anti-corruption bodies, despite what we see, of course , how corrupt officials, going to a deal with the investigation, are actually bought off by such , you know, a little scare, tai is all about it, but nevertheless, we still hope that with the change of power it will still come to a logical conclusion, i am talking today about the fight against corruption, well anti-corruption fight, as for others opportunities which could bring people to the maidan, well
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, let's be frank, a step towards the russians can bring people out, and it will no longer be a maidan, the classic version, rallies, protests, it will be rivers of blood, today the government. is taking this step towards the russians, i don’t see it, i am certainly sorry to listen to president zelensky, who on the one hand also patriotically declared that he is ready to wage war until 2030, yes, that’s what his phrase looks like, that he will not talk to putin , and russian president putin is going again now run for office and he will still sit there until the 30th, well, if he does not go to bozinka before the court, but nevertheless, he is going to be there to lead us like an elephant by the trunk, whether there will be a double or a triple, well it doesn't matter, the russian system will work, imprisoned under the czar-father putin, and therefore zelensky is ready to fight until the 30th year, then i would like to ask. he is on whose shoulders he is ready
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to fight until the 30th year, on the shoulders of those who came to the army in the 22nd year, we will not get there, they will end earlier, and it has completely failed communication with society got rid of his fat back, emotions and fear, and he does not break into military commissars, in kyiv i do not see any military commissars in traffic jams, or near sports halls or near the verkhovna rada, where there are a bunch of bodyguards, healthy, strong private protection one or another company to be mobilized, that is, the fat, well-fed rear keeps zelsky in such a warm bath that everything is calm here, no military commissars catch anyone here, in kyiv, there are more traffic jams than before the war, ppo is colossal, the best, one of the the best in europe, well, what are the reasons that can upset the people of kyiv today, well, they can upset the people of kyiv, but now the population of kyiv, i think,
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consists mostly of kharkiv residents. dnipro license plates, i look, there are donetsk, luhansk license plates, i see very few kyiv license plates even in traffic jams when i'm in kyiv, that's why such a story, because it can lead people to the maidan, is currently only a evasion towards the surrender of national interests, but as a rule, all those who are able to go to the maidan, they are now all on the front lines, well or are crippled at home, are they being treated somewhere and so on, that is, those who know how to... do , as they say, understand all these processes, they are busy with the war against the russian occupation, and they are not going to the maidans today, so who cares scared, who scared zelensky so much? well, it’s probably just a sick imagination of that whisperer who whispered to him there, and now under the noise, well, zelensky will take out a checkerboard and walk around waving it, not to wave it , but to cut off heads at the request of these or other whisperers, well, they’ll say, but this one is bad, but for he's somewhere there for sure...' was supposed to make a military
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coup, let's fire him there, let's go and he'll walk, and he'll be controlled, well , if you don't have enough sense to figure it out to the end, there are such attempts to get a checker from him, well, an attack on the armed forces of ukraine, you remember, i once said, we will be criticized that we did not fight like that, did not hold the defense like that, did not counterattack like that, well, today we have different groups of half-watt separs there, as i consider them, i consider them the same shevchenok under budanov's umbrella or the same one there the propagandists of yesterday's medvedchukiv tv channels, like the karasivs, today they are attacking a scumbag, that a scumbag does not command well, they throw out all sorts of insane torpedoes or reckless lunatics , they jump out and attack the armed forces of ukraine, well , there are many such torpedoes now, which are now thrown at us in a team with office, from the bank, but why is all this being done, well, i 'll tell you, the first is to cover up the completely total failure of foreign policy. we currently have elections in the united
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states, in which the ukrainian card is already being played, we saw how the ukrainian card was played, thank god that it lost in the elections in poland, we see how in slovakia fico came to power precisely on the basis of criticism of aid to ukraine, next year there will be elections in 47 countries, the anti-putin coalition will be busy with its internal problems of election campaigns , there are 24-25 years, at the same time there will be elections in the states, and the main donor of aid to ukraine , today the states are actually paralyzed by this aid, and the green team was walking, thinking that we would have lots and lots of money falling from the sky years, the first year they gave, but they did not invest this money in the non-stop 24/7 production of everything necessary for the army, they spent it all in an unknown place, and now we have a problem, there is not enough ammunition, and they did not make their own, well they reported very nicely in december 22nd of the year kamyshyn together with oboronprom gusyev went there, told that they
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had established the production of svaryads, how many did they make? for one day of battle, in a year, and how are they going to fight for another 365 days, and the money is running out, therefore, covering up their a total failure in foreign policy, and i have already said more than once, well, zelsky won't have time to visit 140 countries , our diplomatic landing forces, as i said, specialists who know the language, who can leave... well, you can't imagine, that's what my friends from america who watched yermak's speech program write to me, well , those who understand are still half-baked, and those who don't understand say, well, who was, well, and you start to explain to them. the official duties of this person, it's even, well, it's, you know, a government delegation is coming, well, but a government delegation the delegation is a screen for yermak's trip, and he appears today on the republican tv channel, where everything should have been clear, as they say, jump from the teeth, i'm not talking about the english language, i know it worse than yermak, that's why i don't listen to english-language channels
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, but nevertheless, well, either through an interpreter , or not at all, if you are boom-boom, but nevertheless it gets out and begins to represent ukraine, and i think, wait, yes, we have... there is a secretary of the nsdc who said: shmygalal, zelensky, stefanchuk, all the others are military, all the others are tourists in striped swimsuits, i.e. a tourist in a striped swimsuit climbs onto an american tv channel, where today it is the republicans who are shelling out aid to ukraine, precisely the trumpists, and he climbs onto that channel, and what, and what did he say there, don’t worry, your money is under control, against the background corruption scandals from the shurma, starting with all the others there, ending with the tymoshenkos, well, listen, well, this, well, this is simply absurd, but at the same time, jackets are coming out, there is shevchenko, there is a jacket of zhovko, and they are starting to attack the armed forces, for what, for that, that the industrious said that a static front is our death, listen, lapin says it all the time, well, let them attack me already, the question is not even about zaluzhno, i see that these attacks will lead to the fact that
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one day we will wake up and zaluzhno will be fired from his position, by the way, by the way, there was a story about zaluzhny and about the commanders he works with, with whom he fights, and with naev, with tornavskyi, and with ostashchenko, that last week information appeared in the media that their want to release, ostashchenko was still released, in spite of everything refutations that came from the ministry of defense of ukraine, and zelskyi explained it in this way, let's listen, a fundamentally new level of medical support is needed. of our soldiers, from quality tourniquets to full digitization and supply transparency, from quality training to sincere communication with combat medics in those units where medicine is deployed really correctly and really effectively, the experience of the effectiveness of specific
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units should be spread to all defense forces, i would, mr. igor, i would least like ostashchenko to work there, there are a lot of questions regarding the commander of the medical forces, this is the first brigadier general, the first commander, the commander, the first commander, of the forces in the armed forces of ukraine, but when they talked about the fact that they wanted to dismiss the three commanders, they denied it, they said that this could not happen, despite the fact that i understand that the information appeared, and this information was also in valery zaluzhny's circle, judging by those... that i saw, well, at least, and this means that this package was being prepared for dismissal, so far the naive are not dismissed , so far, tarnarsky has not been released, as is possible to explain in this situation, well, that is, the commander-in-chief can do everything, as i understand it correctly, including dismissing
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a conscript, so legally he has the full right to dismiss including a conscript, and in principle no one can take this right away from him, because as prescribed by law. well, as for the rest, well, don't release her, put her in prison, because for her treatment protocols, for those turnstiles, for all that trouble, she brought so much trouble to the armed forces that those deaths that were caused by her poor leadership, they are not justified by anything, a simple dismissal, she should not be smeared, she should simply go to the interrogations at the dbbr, as a military officer, go to the interrogations at the dbbr, and it will be a show case if she will, and if they are as of today will only be limited to dismissal, then it is complete. votaphoria now about naiv and about the release, the attempt to release naiv and tarnavskyi. well, you understand, when you are told in your ears, on the banks, that the military is preparing a coup, and then you hear these or other surnames, then zelenskyi he does, he comes out with a checker and a kick to the lad, well, there's something there, maybe
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the calls from the states worked, maybe there were some other informational reasons that worked slowly, then such a hop, now i'm naive there with tarnavskyi. there is narnavskyi, damn it, the same heroes of ukraine, but no, well, somehow it doesn’t work out, well, crawl away, but they wanted to do it as a package, covering up the fact that this is a bad, scoundrel, that ostashchenko, well, here we are we choose, but under her umbrella , we also remove naiva with tarnavskyi, and now i want to say, i think that in general such a question should not be decided by the jacket , it is not for him to fight with them, it is not the jacket umeru who should decide... who, how, what, or command, the jacket umeru should be responsible for providing the armed forces of ukraine, yermak's jacket should only be responsible for ensuring that there is water in the cooler and that coffee is served to the president on time. if he doesn't sleep at night, you understand, they will certainly try to take full responsibility in our country today, i already said, to hang him,
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that we didn't fight like that, and that's all, a lie, what kind of manipulations is being done today, what is the president's office doing today together with his protégé umerov , i want to say, to remind everyone, maybe someone has a very short flash drive in their head, we were all just talking about the maidan, about the possible betrayal of national interests, i was looking at you , before that, my brother, zhenya dykyi, also said that there were risks in march 22 of the year in turkey, right? and let's see the composition of the delegation, and was there a representative of the crimean tatar people who died there? was not even outraged at the fact that the issue of crimea would be put on hold for another 15 years, not yet the wrong umerov was there, no, i am not talking about podolyak, who went to meet his colonel gru, podolyak's brother from moscow, they are already related to each other there, everyone already knows this, but i emphasize once again that this is not the one... merov then traveled to talk about and agree to russia's conditions: denazification, demilitarization, crimea in
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parenthesis, limiting the number of troops in zsu, there was so much betrayal, that is, we are here, sorry were washed in blood, under the gostomets airport at a time when they were ready to betray our interests, but i am more interested in this, and the fact that today pzhak umero decides with whom to fight, well, it is completely absurd, well, at least he has ... to agree with the commander-in-chief on this from the top, well, remember the dismissal of khorrenka, zaluzhnyi did not even know that he already had a commander of the ssso, not the one with whom he planned the operation yesterday, he just woke up, well, he opened the news there and found out, super topic , yes, that's how we're going to win, and that's it finally, listen, well, the green team, they are running around with the peace formula from ukraine, i don't see the formula for victory, they are like that fool with a written bag walking around with the peace formula, they shove those 10 points to everyone and tell them that this is such a breakthrough. there is no word nato in those 10 points and it annoys me very much, therefore, if
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you do not know how to win, then go out to the ukrainian society and say honestly, with such schedules, with this only marathon, which relaxed the fat back and actually broke the emotion of fear and forced you not to go to the military commissariat, we we won't win, that's why good people, i'm telling you honestly, i'm the president of ukraine, the formula for our victory... i see it this way, because the border of 1991 is not russia's flight into space, the russians will not fly anywhere into space, even if we reach it , the border of 1991, on whose shoulders we are gathering, and therefore i will do this and that , and so and so and so and so, and now we will not pick up on the mobilization, here i give 24 hours, here the legislators have to make a law , vote, criminal liability for not updating: data and everything, and we don't have that
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there will be taxis from donetsk charging in kyiv and drowning for the russian language, this will be the case, then a great country will stand up for the whole of ukraine , fight for its independence, then it will be clear, and they are walking around, telling some kind of peace plan, what kind of peace plan, what well, are you going to send those russians into space, or will the rockets stop flying, no, a warm bath has been formed for zelensky in kyiv, there will be no rallies. military commissars do not run after anyone, there are traffic jams in cities, he drives past traffic jams by car or helicopter, there with security and so on, everything is fine with him. mr. igor, today the cabinet of ministers dismissed yury shchygol from the position of the head of the state service for special communication and information protection of ukraine, he and his deputy are accused of embezzling a particularly large amount of budget funds in the total amount of... more than 62 million hryvnias , and nabus says that this takeover still
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took place in 2021, bought software for creating systems of protected data registers, and the winner of the tender was a company allegedly controlled by a goldfinch, well, in i am quite simple, people, i have a simple question for you, as a person, for a military person, as a major of the armed forces of ukraine, a person is engaged in a special connection with us, and he steals 62 million uah on this very connection and on these same programs. i have a completely logical question, zelensky is talking about russia's special operation under the code name maidan-3, and the people who work for him in power, maybe, if they steal so godlessly from the budget, then can they not take so godlessly.. ... money from the russians and sell this special connection, or whatever encrypted by special communication,
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transmitted to zelenskyi and leaders of the ukrainian state. listen, well, in our case, all the calculations and fines that we make using the action are carried out through a small company that is related to russia, well, what else do you want with this special service, i don't look at the special service as such something that they can sell this to the russians, they can do it, they would have done it a long time ago, or maybe they already did it, i don't know, but i'm looking at something else, you know, what spears have been breaking lately, i'll remind you , for yours viewers and for my viewers, i'm already on my channel, we have a pdf, a tax on the income of natural persons that remained in the places, this tax was especially increased at the expense of those military units that are now formed in certain territorial communities, i.e. this is pddfo, they broke spears for six months, how can they take away their local communities, there are billions, well, in principle, those people who went to
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rallies, they said that drones instead of cobblestones, well, gas is good. well, drones instead of cobblestones, so in theory this pddfo is not enough go to the manager of the funds, namely the ministry of defense, so that it buys everything that is needed, we open the law that was recently voted by the greens, and this pdf does not go to the ministry of defense, it goes to the ministry of stratiyakhprom, where there are no shells, where they were already a year ago i told you that they were charged for ammunition, which is not enough even for one day of combat, and where does the second half of these funds go, we open the law, so it goes there to the special forces, there will be billions there now. that's why some villains who caught fire were exchanged for others, and now the question of billions, you understand, then 62 million, it will be like a child's babbling of those 2 million dollars, it is in comparison with the pddfo , which will now come there with those billions, it is like children, boys in dirty panties in a sandbox will look, so i am looking here for money, and this is already the first swallow that
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this is the pddfo, half of it, which took those billions of hryvnias from local communities. they will now come right there to the special forces, that's why there is a change of some stools to other stools, just those who were appointed in the 20th year there in the 21st year, these were possibly agreed people bohdan there once was there, maybe it was some people in agreement with others there, who lived there with us there, kirily tymoshenko lived there in the office of the president, the chief was there before the attempt on him, a friend of zelenskyi, yes, but today everyone yermak won, so today only yermak's men will be there, therefore... we will not have any compromising figures left , commander khorrenko was purely budanov's man, today's ssso commander is a person of agreement with yermak budanov, you understand, that is, now it can be or yermakovskiy, or yermakovskoy someone, but yermak is always present there, well, such is the personnel policy in the state of ukraine today, in our country yermak can give instructions to the prime minister, what we are talking about next, that person who
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cannot be understood in the states, who he has a position, i took his position to the americans, and at the end they say, it’s nobody, it’s nobody , it’s the president’s secretary, bring it, give it, scratch it, don’t interfere, but today he is a very influential person in ukraine, because zelenskyi has pushed himself into this history, he delegated today it is not clear on what basis all these it is yermak's authority, that is, there are two options here, yermak has more compromising information on zelenskyi than kolomoiskyi, so kolomoiskyi is sitting, and no one will move yermak, well, that's it. mr. igor, do you think they see this in the same united states of america, because loydin flew in today, spoke with zelenskyi, yarmak last week at the head, wanted to say, as a member of the delegation, headed by yulia sveredenko, deputy prime minister, flew to the united states of america, whether
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they understand what is happening with our personnel powers and what is happening in the president's office with distribution, they understand, but they have already publicly bet on the victory of ukraine, and they understand it, they also suffer reputational losses in their countries precisely because of these things, well, but they can't to change zelenskyi's will, as he said, i came with yermak and i will leave with yermak, well, they can't influence that, they tell zelensky like a cold shower that applause. are over, man, look, either you do something or you don't, what zelensky said in an interview with journalists western media, don't worry about american money, no one steals american taxpayers' money, only ukrainian money is stolen from us, what yermak said on fox news when he appeared there, for an interview in america, what he said on the republican channel, no one


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