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tv   [untitled]    November 20, 2023 12:00pm-12:30pm EET

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i would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the espresso tv channel on its birthday and on its tenth anniversary. the past 10 years were not just years of formation of our statehood, they were years of struggle for statehood, years of defending our values, the perimeter of our freedom, our independence, years of defending our identity and identity. it is clear that during such processes the role of the media is particularly important, which is why it is very nice. to have such a tv channel among friends, to have such people among friends who really accompany all these processes, they comment on them, and in fact, in every possible way, voice those things that are important for every ukrainian today. friend, happy birthday to you, happy anniversary, happiness, joy, goodness, prosperity, we all know the victory. glory to ukraine.
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let's summarize the informational morning in ukraine in eteriso news, khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. three people died in a road accident in chernivtsi. the accident happened in the morning on one of the streets of the city, the regional police reports. previously, the 22-year-old driver of a bmw passenger car drove into a tree due to speeding. the car was smashed to pieces. he and his two passengers, men aged 19 and 20, died in the city. 100,000 dollars a month were earned by evasive agents in the chernivtsi region. employees of the security service of ukraine exposed a group that created an illegal channel for men of military age to travel abroad. for 500 dollars, those involved transferred the fugitives to the neighboring country by foresters.
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paths, a 44-year-old resident of bukovyna created a gang and involved acquaintances with a criminal past, all face up to 9 years behind bars. in ukraine, all nuclear power plants are operational. as reported by the ministry of energy, the planned repairs on the last ninth unit have been completed, so all nuclear power plants are working at full capacity. the agency added that specialists were in a hurry to make repairs before the start of winter, since more than half of ukraine's electricity needs come from nuclear power generation. at the same time, specialists of the energoat company made every effort to ensure that nuclear units, which previously used zrf fuel, now work on swedish fuel production us defense minister lloyd austin arrived in kyiv with an unannounced visit, he announced this on the social network x. head of the pentagon. came to kyiv against the background of the adoption
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of a temporary budget in the usa without pledged funds for assistance to ukraine. during the visit , the minister noted that the united states of america will continue to support ukraine in its struggle for freedom against russian aggression. in the morning, the russian army shelled the parking lot of a transport company in kherson. two drivers were killed, two more were injured. 68-year-old man. got chest injury. a 55-year-old woman was in her own apartment near the enterprise at the time of the explosion. she was taken to the hospital with a spinal injury. enemy shells also damaged vehicles. a total of nine victims of russian attacks in the region during the day, among them a three-year-old child, said the head of the kherson region oleksandr prokudin. hits were recorded in kherson, as well as in the villages of sadove and prydniprovske. two more people
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were injured due to russian attacks on the kharkiv region in the village of vilcha, a private house was damaged - the leader reported region oleg senigubov. in the morning, the enemy hit the villages of kindrashivka and yurchenkove, the countryside, private houses, farm buildings, agricultural machinery and cars, without any casualties. the occupiers also dropped two guided aerial bombs on the village of podole, where they recorded the destruction of residential buildings and damaged infrastructure. enemy attacks in donetsk region, in the morning terrorists covered avdiivka with artillery, a house was damaged there, a rocket hit svyatohorivka the night before, nine private houses were damaged houses and a veterinary clinic - said acting head of the military administration of the region ihor moroz. several more settlements came under fire during the day. in krasnogohorivka, shrapnel from the projectiles hit five people. and the collection
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of the espresso tv set for the 27th separate rifle battalion, which is destroying the russians in one of the eastern directions, continues. to protect against. of uavs, as well as for continuous operation of starlink, timely charging of drones, tablets and other equipment, they urgently need two portable anti-drone shields, two generators and two chargers. our goal is uah 5,000. there are a little less than 20 so-called spreading fakes about the russian army. in addition, in april last year, artists were banned from entering russia for 50 years. let me remind you, in 2016, jamal represented ukraine. won the eurovision song contest with a song about stalin's deportation of the crimean tatars. the singer also publicly condemns the russian annexation of crimea and actively collects money for the ukrainian army. while some fight over the language, others study it. in
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the central city library of mykolaiv already for more than a year , conversational clubs of the ukrainian language have been organized for all those who wish. our correspondent also attended one of the lessons. i know the language, but i don’t speak very fluently, and i think in russian, unfortunately, and then i translate in my mind, to learn and improve ukrainian, a resident of mykolaiv tetyana decided from the beginning of the large-scale invasion of russians, through acquaintances, she learned about a conversation club in the city’s central library, so made a decision to improve knowledge of the native language, here the focus is primarily on words that are used every day: the language is taught specialists who have a philological education or volunteers who have undergone special training. classes take place face-to-face and online. this is a conversation club, where we mostly talk, that is, this is what i need and helps , we mostly do not have some rules that we
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have to remember from school, memorize there, it is mostly games, quests, that is, it is interesting, light. in our classes, the first thing we pay attention to is conversation, pronunciation, increasing vocabulary, correct stressing of words. currently , the central library of mykolaiv is willing learn ukrainian in four groups, each with up to 10 people. the students of the courses are people of different ages, different professions and social status, but not only townspeople come to learn the language, but also immigrants, mostly from the kherson region. this is their life in the occupation and all the military actions, they brought them. to the point that they want to speak only in the ukrainian language, unfortunately, there are not so many boys, men somehow, maybe they have a different direction now, let's say, they protect us, that's why more conversational clubs are visited by women, if we talk about
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age category, our courses are attended by people aged 35 to 75, these conversational courses became possible thanks to the project... they promise that in 28 days you will learn the basic vocabulary of the ukrainian language. i invited several people from our library, some educators from cultural workers, let's do it together, we were trained as moderators and we opened the first conversation club, we recruited the first group and the training took place here in our central library, and you know , when this month is over, and people say we want more... to speak, and we continued our studies, we only said goodbye to this group in december. conversation clubs in mykolaiv started working in july of that year, and by mid-november 2023 , more than a thousand mykolaiv residents and
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internally displaced persons had attended the courses. dmytro didora oleksandr burlevich, espresso tv channel. hates putin and supports ukraine. they elected in argentina. the new president. javier miley promises radical policy changes in ukraine and beyond. plans to abolish the national currency peso, introduce the us dollar and withdraw the country from economic crisis. at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the russian federation, miley participated in an event in support of ukrainians. the new leader of argentina has already expressed his willingness to meet with the ukrainian head of state, and called putin an autocrat. 53-year-old javier miley entered politics two years ago and quickly became popular thanks to a tv show in which he harshly criticized the current government. the most powerful rains in history covered the dominican republic. it is already known about at least the 21st dead. in particular, three children. 13,000 people had to be evacuated - reports
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bbc. heavy rains caused flooding of houses, power outages and damage to bridges and roads. this was the morning in ukraine, read more on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your favorites, i say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow. greetings, dear tv viewers, on the tv channel studio zahid program, we will analyze the most important events of this week, and they will undoubtedly have an impact on development. upcoming events. our guests today are valery chaly and andriy pyonkovskyi.
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now valery shaly will be working on the tv channel. former ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of ukraine to the united states, an iconic ukrainian diplomat. glory to ukraine. mr. ambassador, i congratulate you. glory to the heroes, congratulations. well, the key story, we understand, is not banal, one might say, even a memorable meeting. in particular, we are talking about the forum in san francisco, where president biden and sidzinp met. we understand that we will not find out everything, because probably the main trends discussed took place behind closed doors, that is, in some official they will not get into the communiqué, but we understand that there are several extremely important issues, and we in ukraine are of course interested in how much russian aggression will depend on xi jinping and how acutely the president of the united states will be able to formulate what are called the requirements of a collective measure. your vision. if we talk about this meeting, it's really a landmark, an important
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one, i don't think it's historical, that's how it's been described mostly, the people , the regional, i mean the southeast asian region, both chinese and indian, primarily , but it wasn't like that said neither in america nor in europe , why, because everyone understands that this is quite such an intermediate... meeting, it is somehow forced, it is forced by the fact that the relations between the united states and china, it really affects the global level of the economy and also security, and here the situation turned out that since last year these relations were seriously affected by certain steps on both sides, so there was tension, and here such a situation arose, china is not ready for any serious confrontation with the united states, it is not necessary either today, and i will tell my version here,
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which i have not heard anywhere in the ukrainian parliament, or even in the american one, i generally believe that the key word in these negotiations was the word election, for joseph biden, now the key issue, in fact, let's not talk, it is a political issue, victory in the elections next year's presidential elections, for shizenpin there are also elections, the chinese one... january 13 next year, and they are already on the way, that is, china can wait, because the situation there is unclear, and china actually says that it wants to control taiwan, how to control them it doesn't matter if it's military through, or through the change of power in taiwan, they, they will wait, and therefore both sides needed a pause, a pause that would reduce this tension, make it look... to the whole world that both leaders are achieving their results, in
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including in domestic politics, and in fact, everything that we will see in the future , the intensification of contacts, there will be meetings, commissions will gather, that's all for this, pre-election year, and then after the elections, the situation, well, you'll see, it will only get worse , because objectively, it is different visions, different systems, different... countries and china's proposal, the world is big , let's share it, well, what sounded simple, by the way, i'm very surprised, i'm surprised how sdenpin said it frankly, that the world is big, let's there will be a place for everyone, not for everyone, not for everyone, but there will be a place for china and the usa, let's divide the world into two, and if you read carefully redout, that is, what was published officially, the party after the meeting rejected this proposal, but maybe the united states will succeed somehow
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to hint unequivocally to china that it is worth working with its, let's call them that, not diplomatically, vassals, in particular the russian federation, iran, north korea, so that they reduce their aggressive degrees a little, well, it would be very naive to imagine that china suddenly in one meeting will change its position. will not allow putin to act aggressively now and move away from his approaches. their approaches are very clear. they don't need escalation, escalation, they do. they have already played, well, that 's a plus, to prevent nuclear blackmail, this was last year, they were hit on the hands normally from all sides, and this is a positive step by china, everything else, unfortunately, it allows putin to continue the war, and china could do more, do it more until it wants to, based on its own interests, how it will
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change in the future, we will see the usa clearly in the same release or... after the meeting noted the importance of the issue of supporting ukraine, as it says, the sovereignty of ukraine and the ability of ukraine to defend itself against aggression, well, this means the supply of weapons, it means constant support, that is, here, it is on you know, it's already written like that on paper, i think the chinese will not like the redoubt very much, the american one, because they have fixed all their positions there, which they had before, and if they agreed on something, then maybe they talked about a certain reduction of tensions specifically in the pacific-asian region, precisely there, and well, hardly a request, but experts say that joseph biden could , if he insisted that china influence north korea, so that it does not supply the
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same shells to russia, well, theoretically it is possible, but practically with the same north korea, you you know, there are small ones there, even their own border, that is, between russia and north korea, if, for example, at least the border was closed by china, then something could be said to them, and they, and they can just make excuses like that, so i don’t i expect that this will change something, in our direction, it will get better, but it will not get worse, also, it would also be very strange on the part of china, after such a meeting, to go for further complicity, escalation. to throw firewood into the fire, yes, that is, it would be strange if it was perceived, therefore the status quo will be in this situation in ukraine, and the status quo, in under our conditions, this is already not bad for the general future victory, well, of course, if the allies only increased their efforts now.
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mr. ambassador, the summit in san francisco was preceded by the visit of yermak, the chief of the office of the ukrainian president , what do you think mr. yermak could have brought to the united states, well, because, as they say, a strange coincidence, just a couple of days before the meeting between president biden and xi jinping had this meeting, that is, this is a conversation about american money to support our economy, is it possible here it was also about some, i don't know, more far-sighted strategic things, strategic things are defined, unfortunately in washington and are not defined much now, well, such a sign is very clear, if the strategic partnership commission were to pass, perhaps strategic things, and this is how we react to the that today, this visit is in no way connected with apec, whether i will meet there, the leaders of china and the usa, it is
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more connected with the invitation from the united states, and it is enough to come so quickly to lobby for the financing of ukraine in congress, you know , now the situation is not easy, of the three scenarios, which we have already talked about for a long time, but for some reason our government assessed the most optimistic, which will go the most optimistic, and the worst one has gone now and is going, in fact, today, it is not the worst, when in the games of these political groups. in which the head of the house of representatives, mike johnson, joined, they want to actually postpone the question of providing aid to ukraine, and it is not known what will happen next , the fact that there will be a decrease is already visible, by the way, the delegation was also quite strange for us, but it's good that in principle, at least in this way
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format, and clarify, please, so that you were surprised, well, of such delegations , where half of the delegation are employees of the cabinet of ministers, and half of the delegation is from the president’s office, i don’t even remember them, two delegations have already been punched, i guess, well, i know why this is done because, unlike in ukraine, where we have, the president's office now plays the role of the government, in fact, yes, and the cabinet of ministers is simply an appendage, well, the executive is already an element of decisions, relevant directions in the president's office, we know this system , and that's it equal to the head of the president's office, well, someone is joking, the vice president, we don't have such a position, but as someone once said... a politician in ukraine is not the first, but not the second, for ukrainian politics, yes, that is, for american politics,
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there is a protocol, and there, the chief of staff, and the chief of staff does not even have the opportunity at the airport to have a normal protocol meeting, but the government representative has, that is why it is done like this , the person who leads the delegation is inserted into the delegation, well, it looks funny, but, but the americans already they have come to terms with this, they know our specifics, that's why i say it's strange, but maybe it's good that it turned out that they talked precisely on economic issues, where there is also a block, well, in this package, yes, that is, without money, it will be very difficult, there 11.8 the americans have invited some billions now, the white house has invited, not even 13, as it was last year, but 11.8, and this money is what is directly in the budget for paying salaries and pensions, it is not only the americans, it is the japanese, there is the european union, others... but the fate of the americans is great and this money can simply be blocked, military-technical cooperation, i don't think that they will block it, but this money can
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be blocked, so the fact that meetings were held in congress is good, unfortunately, there was no meeting with mike johnson, by the way, mike johnson has interests in the district in terms of the military, i know the details there, it was possible to talk there, but mitch mccone, well , the result was met. no, now we can see what will happen next, but for a few weeks we will again observe this development in this way, we need to change our approach, not leave at the last moment, but work systematically, well i i can say yes, in principle , a delegation of evangelists went, well, a church delegation, there were evangelists, and mike johnson, you know, he is a supporter of the church, somehow he did not feel that kind of religion. unity with his brothers in ukraine, unfortunately, that is, you can say, there were elements of such a systematic approach , but everything was done at the last moment, and
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there you have to work for more than one month in his district, you need letters to arrive from his district to the office, well, staffers, what did you read and bring to him every day, what is called his voters, then there will be a result, so rather, the trip of this delegation was tied to two issues, to lobbying... financial aid to ukraine, here is the support of the white house in this matter, and the second is an explanation of the situation, what is called, what is happening at the front, what is the situation for to brief national security advisor jake salev, who can further use this to shape president biden's position, we understand how difficult the situation is with our ukrainian budget, in particular, it is about the deficit that we hoped for, so to speak to close with the help of, in particular... there are no american appropriations, and i think that the united states understands very well that it is not only about money, but about the internal climate in ukraine, we understand what will happen, how
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aggravated the situation will be, if , for example, i don't know if inflation will increase, if there will be delays in payments, and so on and so forth? everyone already knows this schedule, how much money, but i will tell you this, if you read, carefully, analyze, 61.4 billion, they call it for ukraine. nothing like that, but from the word absolutely, no, of these 61.4 billion, for military purposes, well, just for the purchase of weapons , fmf 1.7, plus 12 billion for usaai, this is an initiative to help ukraine, that’s about 14, 18 billion for weapons there replenishment of warehouses in america. weapons, the latest ones, but they gave us something, and in return they buy the latest weapons there for this sum, theoretically,
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well, theoretically, next year you can take it from there, yes, pda, the presidential program, that is , you can say that this money can go for of ukraine, but they may not go, in fact, that is, if there is humanitarian aid, there really is a new package of half a billion for ukraine. who are now like refugees in the usa, but in fact, let's be honest, those ukrainians also have to find work for themselves at this time, they were given work permits, that is, i am a conservative here in this regard, let our ukrainians use the time already, let them already provide for themselves a little there, especially since half of them went not from ukraine, let's be honest, but from poland, from europe, those who found this window to come to the usa, that is, you can already here look, if the republicans look at the refugees, they are really meticulous, there is humanitarian aid, but the main thing is, you know,
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what is the main problem. no matter how this money is distributed, because it has not yet been distributed there, there are initiatives in israel, taiwan, ukraine, there are different ones, no matter how it is distributed, there is some kind of plan for the year, but if you take this document and read it carefully, then it is not only about money, but about directions, as the usa sees, well, i think so, in coordination with ukraine, how it will be done, in terms of internally displaced persons, in terms of aid pensions, there salaries, on horseback. rights, on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, on border control, on all the elements of biological weapons, that is, that is all, if removed, then these directions may not be to such an extent, that is what the problem is, it is not only money, it is also cooperation mechanisms of the two countries, and in this regard it is not even so critical that the entire amount will not be there, but it is necessary that
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it...' at least in that list of questions, now very briefly to your specific question, inflation or not inflation , i explain very simply, imagine that you just have a hole in your family budget , but there is a big expense and you have a hole, you lack a third of the money, and you counted on it, but there is none, what are your options, well, there are no different options , or you just...' yes, the family saves, or takes some kind of loan somewhere , which means, in this case, to save, the country, how will it be, to print money, well, that is, to print the hryvnia, which means, of course, it will affect inflation, in the long run it may affect the exchange rate there, exchange rates to foreign currencies, but and there may be another scenario , they can replace this money with others, for example, there was...
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david cameron, the newly appointed minister of legal affairs of britain, the former prime minister, who has been a friend of ukraine for many years, immediately came to us, and he said, immediately well, literally days have passed since the appointment, ukraine is a priority. it means that we can count on the fact that somewhere there will be compensation for certain american problems for this period, if there is not, the government, they believe, for today ours is officially, and president volodymyr zelensky stated this in an interview. to african journalists, he said either we will have to cut military pay, which from my point of view is impossible, or cut back on social programs, which from my point of view will lead to internal problems and russia will take advantage, and no one said, let's look at our programs in the budget , what is written there, i will show you there with my finger, 60
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million each, 1020 each. where you can calmly hold out for at least a year or two before winning, that is, there is no need to say that there is no money, there is money, it just needs to be used correctly, and not see reduction of the civil service, again, civil servants, for example, people think that this is the civil service, but everything is taken from them by deputies and the civil service , this is not true, people, believe me, it is not true, you look at the numbers, what is happening, that is, what is the payment there, it is possible to optimize something , i don't... i argue, something can still be optimized, but at the expense of unnecessary projects, it must be done, and i can agree here, even in this case with the official authorities, and you need to look at the regions, it is not normal when it is being built for half a billion road to resorts, abnormal in in the conditions of the war, it is not normal when roads are being built and asphalted in kyiv, and i don't care


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