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tv   [untitled]    November 14, 2023 8:30pm-9:01pm EET

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[000:00:00;00] please like this video, don't be stingy, so that this video is trending on youtube and facebook , and vote in our poll, today we ask you about the following: are you ready for a long war with russia, why are we talking about it we ask because there are many predictions that this will be a long war between russia and ukraine and we will have to defend ourselves for a long time, if you think, if you are ready for a long war, then... please vote on 0800 211-381 if not ready, 0800-211-382. at the end of the program we let's sum up the results of this vote, maybe we have intermediate results, if there are, please show them on the screen, we will see what
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the results are now, please, 45% are ready. 55% are not ready, i.e. the majority of those who are currently watching us on the espresso tv channel, are not ready for a long war with russia, well, then we have a politician, diplomat, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2014-19, pavlo klimkin , mr. pavle, i congratulate you and i am glad to see you on our air, and everyone, mr. pavle, so we ask how long it will be the war of our tv viewers continues, are they ready, or rather, for a long war with russia. a message appeared today with reference to the head of the office of the president of ukraine andriy yermak, who is from the ukrainian delegation in washington, and he says that 2014 will be a decisive year during the war with the russian federation, a turning point in
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the war is approaching - said yermak and the united states of america will strengthen sanctions against the russian federation and increase military aid to kyiv, in particular to strengthen air defense. excuse me, i'm asking you as the former head of ukrainian diplomacy, that is, the head of the president's office, has the authority to speak on behalf of the state and speak, well, on such a platform as washington in washington and speak there, well , this will be a turning point, decisive, and can... the president delegate the authority to manage foreign policy to the head of his office, the president is responsible for defense, border compliance, please excuse me, the sound is very bad, we
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will redial you now, please give me a second, so we are waiting for pavel klimkin to be redialed, in the meantime i will say that we are working in live and also on our, on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live on youtube and facebook, please like this video and also subscribe to our youtube and facebook pages and read most importantly, our news on the espresso tv website, we work for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, the most operative information from ukraine, the world, as well as all front-line news is on our website espresso tv, and in addition, i will remind you once again during the program, we conduct a survey, we ask whether you are ready to a long war with russia, at the moment 47% of the viewers who voted for us said they were ready 53 no, in order to
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confirm your vote in this poll, i will say this, if you believe and are ready for a long war with russia, phone 0,800-21-381, no 0800 211-382, call, all calls are free for you to these numbers. so , please let me know if we have contact with mr. pavel, we are establishing contact with pavel klimkin, well, actually, we have already started a conversation... with the former minister of foreign affairs of ukrainian affairs about who and how makes political statements in the foreign policy of ukraine, why i asked about this, because the delegation, the ukrainian delegation, went to washington, had meetings with high-ranking american officials, and the delegation was headed by yulia sveredenko, this is the deputy prime minister of ukraine ,
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from the economy, she takes care of it. economic issues, but andrii yermak, the head of the office of the president of ukraine, also went to the delegation , and while in washington, andriy yermak began to speak for and on behalf of the state, about the fact that in kyiv, the 24th year is considered decisive under the time of the war, i quote yermak, a turning point in the war is approaching, according to the head of the office of the president of ukraine, the counteroffensive of the armed forces of ukraine is now advancing, in the south of ukraine, ukrainian troops have already established themselves on the left bank of the dnieper, which until recently was fully controlled by russian forces, and therefore concludes yarmak, the year 24 will be decisive during the war waged by the russian federation against ukraine. well, it is clear that such statements that came from the mouth of andriy yermak were obviously intended
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to convince his american interlocutors, that the ukrainian troops and the ukrainian leadership are ready to make a breakthrough in the 24th year and turn... the course of the war on the russian-ukrainian front, although this turning point already took place in the 22nd year, we saw that , as the armed forces of ukraine consolidated the successes, now the question is to drive the russians away from our border and generally from our territory, that is why the 24th year has been determined as the year of the turning point, whether it will be so or not, the question enough... so rhetorical, because the answer, of course, is everything, the answer will be on the battlefield, at least european diplomats, the leaders of european states say that this war will be long,
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they are preparing for a long marathon, because they understand that russia has a large resource potential, russia continues to sell energy resources to the world market, last week the european parliament ... adopted a resolution in which he noted that seven countries continue to help russia circumvent sanctions and sell russian oil, russian gas to circumvent sanctions, and this is the biggest problem and the biggest challenge for the world, because for for someone, the war in ukraine is a war of the civilized world against the autocratic system, for someone, the war with russia is earnings, india. the united arab emirates, turkey, these countries help russia circumvent sanctions, i am told that we have pavlo klimkin on the phone again, mr. pavle, you can hear us, yes, mr. sergey, yes, unfortunately,
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you and me i don't like skype today, we'll talk on the phone, but i'm still glad that we can hear each other, mr. pavle, let's get back to the issue of yermak and foreign policy and about delegation. the president of ukraine, his powers regarding foreign flights in the state. i believe that the president, who is responsible for foreign and defense policy, in general, and especially during war, has responsibility and can transfer it to whomever he deems necessary at the moment. this is his competence, it is given to him, he can determine those who better solve certain tasks, and in fact i do not see a problem,
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given that mr. yermak builds and, as far as i understand, maintains relations with the adviser biden on the issue of national security, by mr. sullivan, this was determined , as far as i understand, also in the dialogue with the americans, namely, salevan largely unites in his hands, the coordination of the ukrainian issue in the white house, that is, from the point of view of how powers and responsibilities are determined, ultimately responsibility rests with the president and the commander-in-chief, he himself determines to whom and at what point it should be delegated, so
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i don't see any fundamental problems in this. by the way, jake sullivan said that there is talk in the white house of the need to urgently approve a large-scale military aid package for ukraine, to quote the national security advisor of the united states of america, sullivan, he said: every ... week our ability to fully fund what we consider to be is necessary, it is becoming more and more difficult, that is, i understand that the trip of the ukrainian delegation is aimed, first of all, at convincing senators and congressmen, because the decision to provide military aid to ukraine is enough important, do i understand correctly that the ukrainian delegation can influence this, and does it succeed, do you think, i would use mr. serhiy, another verb, i would say, it should be influenced, not only, of course, this delegation, but very...' it is possible to talk with the white house now, what will be our
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strategy depending on the options, we do not know how the situation will develop in the congress and in the senate, well in the senate it is more predictable, we also see that now the republicans are working together with no less a part of the democrats a new plan of avoidance, the termination of funding of state structures in the states, the so-called shutdown, they have a very clear deadline, it is steadily approaching , and it is november 17, so far the decision is that aid to both us and israel, i emphasize, this is a story not only about
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us, will be put to a vote after ... after congress votes on the plan to avoid, avoid the shutdown, by the way, we have here with the israelis and with those who represent, let's call it the jewish lobby, although it is not quite politically correct, there are common issues, and we too here we are not really competing, but we have to coordinate our efforts, but nevertheless we understand very well that the election campaign in the states is starting, it will be non-trivial, it will be tough, it will be polarized, and probably even more polarized than the previous one, many is going to try to play the card, and let's keep as much money as possible in the united states, and america above all else, and we know it's not just trump, so what jake
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sullivan is saying, it sounds unpleasant to us, but we have to calculate all the scenarios, all options, and i believe that the trip of mr. yermak is also about this, eh, mr. pavle, i remember the previous visit of zelski to the united states of america and to the un general assembly, and then he met with joseph biden, then ihor kolomoiskyi went to sizo against whom they had, have claims in the united states of america, due to money laundering , now, during the visit of the next yermak to the united states of america, oleksandr dubinsky, who in 2020 together with andriy derkach, made public records, well the authenticity of these records has not been proven, but where two presidents, or rather, the president of ukraine and the then candidate for
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the presidency of the united states of america, joseph biden, discussed the burisma case of the so-called de, in which the son of the current president of the united states of america, hunter, appears, and is it a coincidence that kolomoisky and dubinsky, against whom the united states of america has claims, and who are on the sanctions lists of the americans, got to sizo precisely in the period when the ukrainians went to the americans to agree on something, that is is this common practice or is it just a coincidence? i understand your hint, mr. serhiy, well, there is a well-known political joke that there are no coincidences in politics, but i would also not exaggerate the significance of this for ukrainian-american relations and american priorities.
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ukraine is a priority for the americans, they have not only value orientations here, but also a fundamental interest for the eastern european flank to be under control, to be reliably protected, and for this flank to have reliable american allies, and this pro-trust, of course, it's about trust in our system, how it works , it's about the effectiveness of that system and that we have to be a success story, both in the states and in europe, but especially in the states, you know their mentality success stories very important, so of course there are stories about individual personalities that you mentioned, but nevertheless, for american relations, who see this world, well, with such, as
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americans sometimes say, joking from the height of a satellite, all these things, so of course they are such irritants but... american politics and the american strategy in relation to us , in relation to europe, in relation to russia, is not determined by individual individuals, and when i sometimes hear there, i am asked if i am reading something there about the fundamental influence of individuals on the ukrainian-american relationship, well , it actually sounds a bit bad. you understand this very well, well, that is, one, one key from sizo kolomoisky and dubinsky is not enough for the americans to treat us kindly and plan some kind of strategy or perspective, right, no, of course, the american
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strategy is a global story, and this will not change the fundamental attitude of the americans, they see the world, the globe, as they sometimes joke, that is, of course, it is not about individuals. mr. pavle stoltenberg , the secretary general of nato, says that the alliance does not see putin's desire to negotiate a solution acceptable to ukraine, that is to say, enter into any negotiation process at all. let's listen to what stolteng said. only ukraine should decide what conditions are acceptable for negotiations, ba more what conditions are acceptable for the conclusion of any agreement. it is the responsibility of the member states to support ukraine in its struggle, as it is in our interests to show that we are standing guard over
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the rule of law and that we are helping ukraine to repel the aggressor in this war. so far, we do not see real will on the part of the president. putin to negotiate a solution acceptable to ukraine, so the only way to achieve this is to convince president putin that they will not win on the battlefield, and the only way to achieve this is to strengthen military potential of ukraine, to provide it with support. so, if you want to reach a solution through negotiations, then the way to do this is to continue to support ukraine. mr. pavle, is it possible in the present, for the present. like, and with the support that ukraine receives, to defeat russia on the battlefield, of course, but for this we, and especially our western friends and allies, have to raise the stakes, because
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we need better, better weapons, we need more of them, we we know what we need, we know that these are not only political solutions, but also technical support and the need for training, we have all already learned what is needed and how it is needed in order for american f-16 aircraft to work in our country, we remember everything about tank history, and i completely agree with yents, in order to , in order to win , you need to take risks, you need to raise... have stakes, and not calculate the risks of escalation, this is of course also a correct story, and everyone has their own strategic culture. our strategic culture is different from american, or for example, german or
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there, french, but nevertheless, gens says things that are completely understandable to us, and when there, someone, even... from our partners , starts talking about different options for negotiations, the question is, and putin wants to negotiate with us, putin, in my opinion, wants ukraine not to no matter what kind of person you are, or military, military, or due to internal destabilization , or due to exhaustion, or due to a combination of all these factors, but that we as such would not exist, because... he believes that ukrainians are such sick people in quotes, or wrong russians, and we belong to the sphere of russian peace, and them no influence. otherwise, the whole ideology of the russian regime will then collapse, if there is ukraine, and ukraine is a success story, i
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believe that russia can become a different country when it recognizes that ukraine itself is ukraine, and not russia or anti-russia, that ukrainians - they are ukrainians, not wrong russians, we have equal status with them, we have our right to ours. decision, including becoming part of the event, but we are very far from that, if we start any talks about negotiations, then the question is what is the subject of these negotiations, well, that is, we will of course talking about humanitarian things is understandable, but with regard to the political things there, i don't see the prerequisites for this, i don't see any political, emotional, legal, well, whatever, but raising the stakes for this,
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which jens calls for, is very important , we see that the west is gradually swinging, but swinging very slowly, father's story of millions of shells, it is very revealing, they really do more, but not as we need, and they think not as they need, they have learn how to quickly increase... production and not only for us, but also for themselves, it is both our security and other security , they have to take both financial and other risks in order to understand how this system works for them in general, since they are also not insured or guaranteed whether the war will go on, and when we say this, a few years ago, many... were smiling, now there are much less smiles, and i believe that jens, jens stolteng, he often
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speaks, if not directly in the text, then at least not diplomatically, and this is great for gensyakan, and in what he said, in that, in that part that you mentioned, i absolutely agree with everything, mr. pavle, explain to me whether the ukrainian authorities and our western partners have a common understanding, which should be the victory of ukraine, that is, in our understanding, victory is the return of the borders of 1991 and the withdrawal of russian power under russian troops outside the borders of our state, and possibly the collapse of russia, as general budanov says, in the 25th year, processes will begin that will lead inevitably to... the invasion of russia, what does the victory of ukraine mean for the west and what
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does the defeat of russia mean? i will tell you more, mr. serhiy, even, even in the west, there is no consensus on what constitutes victory and what constitutes defeat. even among western countries there are significant differences, our vision, you painted it. but i will allow myself to supplement it. of course, the liberation of the territory, the liberation of our people, is a matter of course. but it is also critically important for us that the threat from the territory of today's russia, whatever it may be there tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. and i, on unfortunately, i do not have very optimistic thoughts about the fact that russia will become better in the future. for this position to be reduced to zero and this is a question of a security model for ukraine and security guarantees, so when we
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talk with our partners, one part of our conversation is to increase our aid, and of course not only military, because russia, it is counting on exhaustion and not only militarily, i think that they have already understood, although probably not everyone, that a military victory is impossible, but to put it on economic, psychological, other definitions, there, of course will be, and it's very important to us that the west understands that this formula that they're using is that we'll help you as long as it's needed, it should sound like we 'll help you as long as you need it, and when we talk about security commitments on the part of our... friends and partners, this is also a critical issue, as it should not be about what they are ready to give us and when
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they are ready, but about what this...' should be what we need and when we need, and there is also a fundamental, fundamental difference between this vision, so that there is no such consensus vision, even in the middle of the west, and unfortunately there is no such complete consensus vision between us and our partners, we look in the same direction, but still to a large extent... we speak a different language. mr. pavle, i will also ask you about the words of general budanov, because he tried to explain how long the war will last, he said that russia will not agree to a peace agreement for a long time, there will be shelling, but without an intensive war, at the same time, general said that there are examples in history when wars did not end legally, for example, japan and
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russia, which has been formally at war since 1945, since a peace treaty on the status of the kuril islands was not signed. budanov says that such a scenario is very likely here as well. does it make sense at all to compare history with the kuriz islands, japan and russia, and the current situation in ukraine and russia, even if there will be no hot phase of the war. i am not a fan of historical comparisons, they are of course useful in order to look at one or the other aspect there is political or legal, you can also compare with kashmir, with the situation between india, pakistan, there is also no final agreement, there is also a line where something constantly explodes, but in the last two years, as a result of the agreement, they reduced the number of incidents to a minimum, in the 20th year, if
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i'm not mistaken, there were about 4,000 of them there, and now we're talking about dozens... but these are two nuclear states, it's a slightly different logic, a slightly different military logic, and when we talk about scenarios, we have to understand that for today's russian leadership, i mean not only putin, but the russian one leadership and for the russian population, in principle, understanding that ukraine. is not a separate nation, a separate state, that it should not belong to the west, these are all such things that are not taken for granted, and the fact is that when they ask me there, what will happen to pavlo, what do you think after putin, i tell everyone that the fundamental problem of russia is not only
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putin, the most fundamental problem of today's russia is their mentality and to expect that something fundamental will become better after the putin regime is there will reboot into some kind of reality, by the way, i do not rule out that in connection with the presidential elections next year, or after them, a process of a kind of drift of russian power will begin, significant changes will take place, and in that case the russian elites will understand where russia is going and will try play a bigger role. thanks, but i wouldn't expect any fundamental optimistic changes. thank you, sorry, our program time has come to an end. it was pavlo klimkin, former minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, diplomat and politician. during the program, we conduct a survey , we ask you whether you are ready for a long war with russia,
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we will have the same survey in the second part of the program, literally from... in 15 minutes, do not switch, stay with us on the tv channel espresso, after the bbc news, we 'll be with you. israel is running out of time to defeat hamas in the gaza strip, why? we talk about this on bbc news ukraine live from london, i'm evgenia shedlovska. western countries are concerned about the way israel conducts the war, then the number of dead is growing, now the focus is on the main hospital. in gaza city, where people are reportedly being buried in mass graves, and babies are dying due to lack of electricity and incubators. western countries insist that israel must follow the rules of war, must protect civilians in the gaza strip, and that


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