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tv   [untitled]    November 10, 2023 11:30pm-11:58pm EET

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[000:00:00;00] the next day he destroyed an enemy t-90, it is noteworthy that he was shooting from a trophy cornet , i saw him only when he was shooting, i saw him shooting at the boys, and then i saw when he started shooting at me, the orientation of the barrel exhaust, i finished it, the guys damaged it a little, and i finished it, and that’s it, and near us, well, when we started to change, somewhere... literally, well , they won’t save meters, maybe 20, maybe even a little less, the aircraft arrived , well, we looked around a little, well , because on arrival, everything, well, everything is all this chaos, but still we bet on,
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the deadline was set, october 1st, hell, phew. it is already the following day, when i have already calmed down more, yes it is, but they are already starting to shake, well, there is such a thing, in short, it was, but, well , you can say that it was scary, yes, fear plays an important role in battles with tanks, the soldiers admit that whoever surrendered to him first lost, it happened that there were four tanks, and here three tanks and the soldiers left, we have such wasps. well, they hit the tank, but he still got scared, something happened there, he ran away . apart from trophy cornet, these fighters fight with ukrainian thighs, or rather - with their newer modifications. skiv is, our development, the same firm, effective device for lowering the technique. although i never actually shot, somehow it turned out that
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i was like her. on this, well, installation, as if, i don't know, all my life, today these soldiers are on vacation, and soon they will again have to go into a terrible battle to stop the occupier. artem lagutenko, oleksiy kutsuk for espresso. congratulations, the program of the ukrainian service is on the air voice of america, chas tym. me and the host oleksii. kovalenko. the united states has already used about 95% of the funding allocated under various programs to support ukraine since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. this was stated in the pentagon, emphasizing the urgency of the adoption of additional aid for ukraine in the congress. meanwhile, after november 17 , a new down line in the usa is possible. we will talk more about this with our correspondent at the congress, kateryna lyusinova. katerina, congratulations. congratulations oleksya. katerina the us government on
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limits of the next potential. down, will congress still be able to agree on additional aid to ukraine by the november 17 deadline? a month ago, the united states government was already on the brink of a potential shootdown. then congress agreed to a short-term resolution to fund the government until november 17. during the time lawmakers had to agree on spending and funding bills from both the republican and democratic parties, they were asked if they would be able to secure additional aid for ukraine by that critical november 17 deadline. most of them, they say. no, i suggest you listen, hypothetically, it is possible that the aid will be agreed to by november 17, but this is a very short period, that is, even if we started considering this bill just today, we would still bring it to a vote no earlier than in deadline, november 17. our goal is to keep the government going and on november 17th, that's the deadline for that, we don't have to put together a short-term
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funding resolution. we have to decide which makes the most sense in terms of solving both these questions. i don't know if we will make it to november 17 because we have to fund our government, but i believe we still have enough support, chagres will be able to agree everything in time, but first we have to fund our own government. in addition, i believe that ukraine needs help by i certainly hope for it, but i am not sure that it will happen before november 17, but it will happen, and i hope that it will happen before christmas. what, after all, are the main disputes between, only then talk about additional aid to ukraine. in general, the majority
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congress supports the allocation of additional aid to ukraine, but lawmakers cannot decide how exactly to bring it to a vote, democrats believe that everything should be voted on a package for aid to ukraine, israel, taiwan, as well as additional funding for the protection of the border of the united states with mexico. in their turn, the republicans believe that all these bills should be considered separately, but at the same time they propose to link aid to ukraine with funding for the protection of the border of the united states of america, and as well as increasing the flow of migrants across this border. i suggest you listen. republicans should ask this question, because almost every democrat supports financing ukraine. we want to agree on a single bill for the urgent needs of ukraine and israel. instead, republicans insist that we have to fix the problems. immigration, before allocating money to ukraine. i think it is very unfortunate that ukraine and its sovereignty are hostage to a major us domestic political problem, a problem that can be solved, but it will be very difficult
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to do in the next two weeks. there is a number one risk, if you put aid to ukraine to a vote in a package, linking it with other issues, then it will most likely be blocked by the republican majority in the house. there are also risks if put to a vote separately, i.e. there is risk in both cases, but with a republican majority in the house of representatives, we believe that each issue should be considered separately. aid to ukraine has the support of an overwhelming majority of both parties in the house of representatives. the question is to find a legislative one the mechanism for consideration so that we can vote, i am against the creation of conditions for aid to ukraine. ukraine needs our military and economic aid now, are dangerous for ukraine and its people and send the wrong signal to both ukrainians and putin. therefore, i am in favor of the immediate approval of the funding package that president biden has submitted to congress.
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kateryna, what is the situation with the funding that was already allocated earlier, and how urgent is the adoption of non-military aid for ukraine in the opinion of american government officials. in general, the lack of time is the main risk for ukraine and for supporting ukraine in general, because the aid and previous packages that were allocated for kyiv are now ending, at least, as you rightly pointed out at the very beginning, the pentagon already says that it has used most of the previous packages defense aid to ukraine, and if there are still funds for defense support, then they are already being completed, at the same time , there are no funds for direct budgetary support for economic ukraine, as well as for humanitarian support, it was announced white house, biden administration officials during a senate foreign relations committee hearing this wednesday. in particular, they emphasized that it is necessary to agree on additional aid to ukraine as soon as possible, and also justified it by the fact that ukraine is now
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winning, and to stop, to stop continuing aid to ukraine, to kyiv, now would be a big mistake. they directly during these hearings called for additional assistance to ukraine of any kind. hurry up and emphasize that part of these previous aid packages are no longer there, and they are gone exhausted, i suggest listening to the statement of one of the representative representatives of the white house administration right now. at this time, there are no funds left for direct budget support, without additional appropriations, the government of ukraine would have to take extraordinary measures, such as printing money or not paying critical salaries, which could lead to hyperinflation and seriously damage the military effort. the us agency for international intelligence has also exhausted all funds for humanitarian aid. additional funding is critical. summarizing, it should be said that in fact
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, part of the previous financial aid to ukraine has already exhausted itself, defense aid is exhausting itself, but nevertheless, congress still does not have an exact time frame when it will agree to additional funding for kyiv. and now they are calling the deadline until christmas around january, which is already a big threat for the country, which tells us that our congress correspondent kateryna rosinova was in touch with us. meanwhile, the european union is considering ways to provide ukraine with eur 50 billion in aid. this money should go to help ukraine, pay salaries and carry out other expenses. to accept this aid package , 27 member states of the european union must vote for it. at the summit on december 14-15 in brussels. however , hungary opposed such support, which can prepare an aid package. as it became known, today the european union is discussing plan b to bypass hungary's veto. if budapest exercises its veto,
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eu officials say, brussels can get around it by asking each of the others eu governments to create their own aid package for kyiv, which will total 50 billion. and on another topic, the american photographer patrick paterson spent a year in ukraine, photographing the consequences of russian crimes. he returned to the united states with thousands of pictures to show to americans and call for support. of ukraine. the photographer's exhibition was held this week on capitol hill, where paterson showed senators and congressmen photos from the de-occupied kharkiv region and talked about the life of ukrainians. what the war ruined. in of the capitol building, photos that tell the tragedy of mykhailo, a resident of izyumana kharkiv , who lost his family, neighbors, and home. a bomb fell on their apartment, killing seven members of misha's family. another 54 people who were in the basement. when
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misha regained consciousness six hours later, he fell to his knees and shouted, oh my god, why? misha lost three grandchildren, including a three-year-old baby, his wife, daughter, son-in-law, aunt, like most ukrainians, whom people understood what russian aggression looks like, the exhibition in the capitol shows the broken destinies of mykhailo and his... streets of the city raisin, which has been under occupation for almost six months, as well as some examples of russian military behavior that may be less familiar to american lawmakers. this is another one of misha's neighbors who did not survive, there are leftovers in the pot. and when you think the russians took everything they could, including life , they figured out how to take even more, and in this photo, they moved the kitchen counter and
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disconnected the sink, they stole the kitchen sink after murdering the family that lived in this apartment. to show the world russian crimes, american photographer patrick paterson in june 2022 visited ukraine for the first time and decided that my experience in ukraine from small villages to the carpathians was simply wonderful, but it was also one of the worst experiences i had not seeing what the russians did to the ukrainians. rockets were exploding over my house. drones exploded outside my window, neighbors died from drone attacks. i can still smell it in raisin. the sound of rain still reminds me of rain falling on body bags. patrick lived in kyiv, but constantly traveled to chernihiv oblast, kharkiv oblast, kherson oblast, and mykolaiv oblast. he attended ukrainian. after the occupation, the tai of the village photographed mass burials and
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recorded stories of human grief. i carry these stories with me and feel such a deep obligation to share them. these are real people with real feelings. tell people in the west that ukrainians are not surprised by this, considering the famine and the eternal attitude of the russians. i want people to know. that ukraine is much more than a country at war or a young country fighting corruption, it is a country of people, compassion, it is a country of love. during his stay in ukraine, patrick did not published his photos, and he decided to bring them to the united states, not only to show, but also to talk about what he saw, and to convince americans who doubt whether the united states should help ukraine in the future. my goal was
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to photograph and record the stories of those who lived under occupation and suffered war crimes to return to the us to lecture and talk about. i hope that i will be able to speak to groups that will touch their hearts and persuade these people to change their minds about funding ukraine. photographer believes that such stories are special. now, when congress is considering aid to ukraine, so at the invitation of senator jean shaheen from his state, he organized an exhibition on capitol hill. it is important to have them here so that other politicians, members of congress, visitors to the capitol can see these photos. a picture is worth a thousand words and these pictures tell a story, it's important for us to see because a lot of what we hear are statistics, but when you... actually see pictures of people who
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have been affected, it has a different impact. to the congressmen who visited the exhibition, patersonson told about mykhailo from izyum, his neighbors and the military that liberated kharkiv oblast and other cities of ukraine. he also brought a photo of a fallen hero of ukraine to the exhibition: there is a destroyed house, and if you look more closely, there is a desk with books, someone was studying to become someone, to lead the future of their country, and what happened, maybe they died, maybe gone, maybe gone to war, i hope more members of congress can come and see it in the next few days and understand the perspective on the spot. it really shows the consequences for the people of putin's unscrupulous aggression, the loss of the ukrainian people, and the importance of supporting the people of ukraine, and i am committed to that. and every such exhibition, and this one that patrick made, is special, it once again reminds all our friends, and those who may not know or have already forgotten a little about
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ukraine, that the war continues, that for us it is very important for everyone, both for ukrainians and for americans, to win this war. patrick patterson has already exhibited photos from the war in his native new hampshire. in the plans an exhibition in texas and other parts of the usa, as well as a book with photos and stories from ukraine, where he plans to go again soon. iryna shynkarenko, konstantin golubchyk, voice of america. technical superiority, ingenuity and morale. it helped. it can change the positional nature of the war in ukraine, according to retired us general david petraeus. the other day in washington, he presented his book about the evolution of war, as well as how military affairs were affected by the hostilities in ukraine, he talked with general petraeus andriy boris. he devoted
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40 years to the us army, led coalition forces in afghanistan and iraq, and at the end of his career was the director of the us central intelligence agency. a retired four-star general. today he advises investment companies, teaches at universities and writes books. the latest, published last month: conflict - the evolution of war from 1945 to ukraine, co-published with british historian andrew roberts. the war in ukraine is a kind of combination of a novel called na the western front is unchanged and fantastic. the one that runs along the blade, the long trenches like in the first world war, the deep minefields, the anti-tank ditches like in the second world war, there are elements from the cold war, when i was a major and a brigade officer in germany, in we had m1 arams tanks,
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the russians had everything from t-62 and t-64 to t-72. on the other hand, this war is. dawn in history , even when i had the honor of commanding coalition forces in afghanistan, we didn't have access to smartphones, the internet , and social media where anyone uploads a video, photos and everything else, besides being bpped by algorithms, it's all a kind of mixture of different times. in an exclusive interview with the voice of america ukrainian service, general petraeus shared his vision of how to defeat russia. in conflict, and why is it not enough to have only a technical advantage? probably at some point the russians may break and their order will crumble. in the book we wrote, morale in war is given special attention. in almost every conflict, the side
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that can collect the battlefield often prevails. ukrainians understand what they are fighting for, they look back and see. that this is a war for the independence of ukraine, this is a struggle for survival, but russian soldiers, when they look around, see a bunch of ukrainians who hate them in the territory they occupied. petraeos calls ingenuity a strong point of ukrainians, a vivid example of how zsu destroys russia's black sea fleet, self-made, at the front, the retired general believes. ukrainians have extraordinary talent and exceptional producers. or skills they learned to modify spares parts for western systems that were provided to ukraine, and which ukraine does not want to send back to poland for repair, so they simply make the parts themselves. i think all of this, among other things, will have huge implications for
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ukraine after this conflict, as i suspect that some european security and defense firms are going to move at least some of their production and assembly to ukraine. for most of his career as a general, david petreo dealt with issues of the middle east and central asia. given the conflict that flared up now between israel and hamas, us attention has now shifted back to the region that petraeus was once responsible for. analysts talk about the threat of conflict expansion. i don't think iran will enter into a direct conflict with the united states. they are happy. with other people's hands, ready to fight to the last member of the iraqi shiite militia or the last member of the extremist group hamas or islamic jihad or hezbollah. today, states and allies face the greatest number of challenges since the end of the second world war world war - believes petraeus. and states
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should spend more on defense. for example , the policy of deterrence is much cheaper than participation in the war itself. and washington has enough resources not only to support ukraine for a long time, but also to focus on other fronts. the general believes. andriy borys, dmytro savchuk, voice of america. the assets of the daughters of russian banks seized in ukraine, the seized russian assets, how this system helps to fight corruption, what guarantees the effectiveness of the platform and how much the property still remains in state ownership, director of sales serhii but told iryna solomko transparently in new york. sergey, you are now in new york. you received an award for transparent sales from the un, in particular, you received an award from the un in the field of public service, and in principle, transparent sales, was
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chosen among 305, and despite this, we still hear very often information about what is even more from ukraine they demand transparency, and they talk about corruption in ukraine, but if we talk about your structure, then for these seven years of existence, nevertheless, what did you do in order to reduce the echo of these accusations ? , or in all directions where we go, they all one way or another, before we here and there transparent sales appeared, they all had questions, and that's exactly the way that all information is open, access to auction, i.e. anyone who
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is interested in it has access to the asset, both participants and winners, as well as about that, who placed what bet at what stage, and this, and the very possibility to check it, this is already a guarantee of what will happen, that the bidding will take place in the most possible and honest way. there are communities that want to do it, but there are either state companies, but there are definitely communities and definitely state companies that do not want to do it, the last example is the ukrzaliznytsia, which refused to sell scrap metal through prozoro, but in the context, it is still an obligation mandatory participation is a number of normative acts of both the laws of ukraine and by-laws
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acts that do not allow the sale of state or local, local community property, other than through a transparent sale, if someone does something like that, it will be a direct violation, and also there are quite a few markets or types of assets, as in which directly at the level of the law or the code, for example, it is written that it is not possible to sell other than through sales, you can simply not sell, but again, if we return to the example of communities, the community is not obliged to sell off everything, the authorities, the property of local authorities, but its sale has been going on for almost 32 days years, but if you evaluate it like that, how much is still left there, how big are the assets, after all, it is unlikely that anyone will tell you how many of these enterprises or objects there are in the country, which can be
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sold or to rent out, this is just one part, to conduct an otaku, let’s call it an inventory, yes, we could make as many registers as possible, yes, where anyone, both owners and, for example, potential buyers could simply look at where in which region, for example, how many... of these square meters of real estate, or how many objects, which almost 80 billion hryvnias can be put up for privatization in order to further develop it, in your opinion, is it too much or too little, depending on which side you look at it, because 80 billion hryvnias , as if at the level of the country, may not be so global sum, yes, but on the other hand, we have many cities, local governments, some
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cities, the same lviv working in our system, one sum, clearly, you have not stopped. when the full-scale invasion began, you continued to work, and in this context too, but there are such, well, these are not even philosophical questions, a very rational question, is it worth selling, yes, objects during the war, during the war , it is profitable to sell them, we constantly follow the statistics, the dynamics, all this can also be viewed in open access, in the online mode, and if we talk about parameters of auctions such as competitiveness, yes, that is, quantity. participants, on which the final price depends, and precisely at this moment of price growth compared to the initial one, if we take the period before the war and the period after the war, we do not notice the difference, if so very, very generalized, and because
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you have already implemented transparent sales and the assets of former subsidiaries and banks, but how much did you manage to realize, how difficult is it procedurally? a number of assets of a number of russian banks were sold, the volume of resale of the assets of these banks amounted to more than 3x3 billion uah. this is really quite a successful practice. in addition to the assets of the banks, there is also a set of assets that... and it is proven or half-proven, belong to the sanctioned persons, there are, as well as existing current regulations, a number of other regulations are being prepared, which will allow in the complex of this and that and that and that type of assets to be realized, in the right way, or transferred to
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management, again, if it has its economic meaning, download the mobile application of the voice of america, the application allows you
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