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tv   [untitled]    November 9, 2023 11:00pm-11:30pm EET

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[000:00:00;00] congratulations, russian propagandists suddenly lost all interest in the gas sector, the palestinians, the war that is taking place in israel, so much so that, for example, in skabiyeva, in two days there were never any discussions or conversations on this matter, that is, something there they mentioned that something is happening there, and nothing more, and actually this is understandable, because the israeli army has entered the gaza strip, it is conducting an operation: maybe slowly, maybe quickly, there, let's not talk about it now, but it is conducting it quite successfully, she does not stop, and none of israel's neighbors are involved in this war, as russia would like, moreover, it must be said that such an interesting thing happened these days, which shows that israel, in this information war
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with world terrorism, in principle, did a few such very powerful steps, and you can say, well, they changed the situation , which before there was such a very strong attraction of the media , to, you know, supporting the palestinians, telling them how unhappy they are, how israel is all this, aggressively leads so the media monitoring ngo, honest reporting, we're now seeing this report that they published, so they said that hamas collaborators were providing photos to prominent world media, media outlets, such as ba more, they knew in advance , that there will be an invasion on the seventh of october, and they were in those positions, even before the actual invasion began and those bandit attacks by terrorists, when they were killed, israeli civilians were killed, and when they studied the photos that they gave,
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they came to conclusions , that events are black saturday in israel was recorded by four professional photographers who cooperated with cnn, the associated press, and they not only cooperated there with them, they were among hamas militants, cooperated with hamas militants, and even more, they actually published these photos with their, well, assistance in world agencies, it all ended in a terrible scandal, when the minister of foreign affairs of israel simply sent letters to all these world media and said that you are cooperating with militants, the reuters agency immediately said that it is not its staff correspondents, they bought photos from freelancers and they do not cooperate with these people, the associated press in general was forced to remove the names of these photographers with whom they cooperated from their database, moreover,
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it turned out that it was their regular correspondents who cooperated with hamas and they, well, there are such things going on now, they seem to have already released one person in the hall, the other somewhere there deleted his photo, well, that is, there is such a very serious scandal, which shows that the world media covered these events, in general, well, well, with their eyes militants, hamas, through the eyes of terrorists, that is, they spread the content of terrorists, and this, of course, greatly changes the overall impression of all this, moreover, such a persistent policy of israel, when they show, even in hollywood, they show these atrocities committed by the palestinians behind closed doors, these are all their actions lead to the fact that
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public opinion ceases to be so unanimous, i would say a kind of panic in relation to whether israel can directly and somehow actively conduct hostilities? no, it is no longer there, that is, in principle, israel it is possible to change these, you know, left-wing sentiments in the intellectual space, among intellectuals, regarding the fact that the palestinians are not just, you know, victims of israel, they are victims first. turn to hamas, hamas is holding them hostage, and everything that is happening now in the gas sector is primarily the fault of hamas , not at all israel, which was attacked, well , that's the story, and since the russian propagandists can't now there is so much to say about what is happening, and actually they don't manage to tell much there about some victories of terrorists over israel, then they happened, and now for several
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days they are again... talking about ukraine , paying more attention to it, well , first of all, what caused such an explosion of hysteria and panic in them was the fact that finally, well, almost six months of such strange and such movements, to hold elections in ukraine , but immediately during the war to choose something like that, and literally just somehow it happened like this, it was determined and it was said, as here russian propagandists, too exploded with their indignation at this, elections for martial law are not held, and zelensky will remain in his place until the newly elected president takes office, in other words, zelensky is the new dictator, meet him, and he is a very cunning
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dictator, as it seems to him a dictator, because the plan with otmenoy vyborov is very simple, zelsky intends to sit until the beginning of the election campaign in the usa, during which biden simply will not be able to allow failure in ukraine and will be forced to support the nazi regime. zelsky had a chance to slip away the fate of his german idol, he could announce elections, win them, help him to escape under the wing of biden, to master the looted , but political honor suddenly woke up in zelsko, well, that is, if you don’t understand why zelensky wanted to lose the elections or not to go to the elections, yes don't worry, it's normal for russians to mutually say some theses about this, but... well, the fact is that , you know, in general, about holding elections in ukraine now, this whole story is one big russian special operation, nobody
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absolutely no one, except the russians, needs it, and finally, i will say it again, it ended, it ended with the fact that finally zelensky simply said unequivocally that there will be no elections, finally the waves with all kinds of things that are politically divisive must stop , we must decide that now is the time of defense, the time of battle, on which the fate of the state and people depends, and not the time of abandonment, which only russia expects from ukraine, i believe that now is not the time for elections, and if we need to put an end to that or other political dispute, and continue to work only in unity, then there are structures in the state that are able to... put the dots and give the society all the necessary answers so that there is no room left for conflicts and someone else's game against ukraine, well, this is actually very good,
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because these are such absolutely clear words, this is finally the , which we wanted to hear from the president for a long time, because according to the results of the municipal survey as of october 23, i.e. at the moment when... let's start, we have not yet held re-elections to the verkhovna rada, even then 81% of respondents, i.e. ukrainians believed that elections should be held only after the end of the war, and now they are not on time , only 16% said that some kind of elections should be held, and even more so, holding elections during the war, well , absolutely all regions of ukraine oppose this, that is , these are issues that absolutely... unites all ukrainians, everyone understands that this should not be done, and therefore all the moments that were around this, all the attempts to shake something like that, all this
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was actually one big russian special operation, i say again very it's good that this is the end of it, i hope, why it still lasted so long, and why did even some in such high-ranking offices and among politicians of various orientations completely depend on it, well , first of all, because the russians, to a certain extent , managed to push through some such thoughts that as if this everything the united states wants, they continue to talk about it even now, the fate of zelenskyi is also in question, now the western curators of ukraine need elections and democracy, well, at least, as the picture shows, they need to keep their seat of power at all costs when zelenskyy becomes a usurper, that is, he, this is what he said yesterday, this usurpation is the beginning of a coup d'état, a person cancels elections in a situation where they should be from the point of view
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of americans don't care, it's great when he becomes a usurper, i understand correctly, that is, we russia are talking, we told you that this is a dictator, and the americans want elections, this is the time, the americans would like to say that it is electoral. he will be pushed back a little, but there will be no elections, what should we do? so what if you thought, you answered the bright democracy in the usa, which, well, the elections - that's all, they said, it's possible to cancel the elections, if it's... again, if you can't understand here, how the americans wanted it, and right then they say , well, no elections are needed, well, again, this is not your problem, this is the problem of russian propagandists who promoted, promoted, promoted all this, but to confirm at least somehow that american officials are putting pressure on someone and want some kind of elections, they can't, there was exactly one speech by one of the senators who...
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i mentioned that, that's all, there was nothing more, and it is obvious that this senator took all these conversations, well, you know, it is possible that they were taken from the same russian sources, as in principle, they were probably taken from the same russian sources, those people in zelensky's entourage who also talked about these elections somewhere, that's why we honestly, that's why, in principle, it's not that no one... who doesn't demand, no one can demand, because there is a world practice, in the end there is a well-known case, well, when britain was at war from 3 there to the 45th year and there were no elections in it, cherchel was the prime minister , no one even thought of doing anything and holding something somewhere until the end of the war, that is, everyone understands this , and moreover, ukrainian legislation, the ukrainian population, the ukrainian majority of politicians, that is, there is the whole ukrainian... well, and
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legislative and social consensus says that elections are both impossible and unnecessary , and no one expects them and no one wants to deal with them now, because it is an unnecessary expenditure of money, and how to conduct them, technically, is a separate and such the task to be solved in the conditions, when ukraine is bombed and when the mass of the people at the front is impossible, and if someone thinks that it is possible, well, remember, for example, the shelling of the village of grozy, and then imagine that there would be... a polling station, you think, somehow it would be different with him, we would have opened more polling stations in some village, in kherson region, kharkiv region, and you think it would have been somehow different with them than with the wake in the village of groza, no, it would not have happened, that is, we would have just had mass deaths of the civilian population, that's it, everything would end, this is one such story with the elections, and what the russians want from this, well, it is also clear enough and they are talking about it too. they say, let's listen, this is how
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this need sounds in their imagination, why they want these elections, so that ukraine gets involved in them. zelensky is now turning into a dictator before our eyes, first of all, and the united states of america is receiving, or rather , the democrats and republicans are receiving a blow, guys, you have made us a dictator here, there is a certain probability that the united states got into a stupid situation in which he put them, they can simply turn around and выхды из проекта, и такой вариант мы тоже моеме, that is, everything is in order for the states to somehow leave the project, and that is why they are promoting all this about the need for elections and how they should be held immediately, and all these conversations, the dictator of zelsky, zelensky is not a dictator, our verkhovna rada is working, civil society is working in principle, everyone else is also working, and let's stop talking about it in the end... talking about this topic, because it's just ridiculous,
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especially it's ridiculous when repeated it is for the country, for russia, where he has been alone for 30 years the unchangeable absolutely sits the monarch, whom no one thinks about, they change and think that he will probably die, where he sits now, so what is it, but again, another reason why they keep talking about it, well in the first place turn, these talks about the elections, they are, of course , so that this, you know, peranoid idea arises that there must be some problems with zelenskyi, that they have to organize assassination attempts on him, or that they have to try to dislodge through a military coup, and this is actually, well, it's been talked about since 2000, actually in the 14th year, at first in relation to poroshenko, it was constantly talked about, about military
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coups. then it was said about other simply maidans that should arise and demolish poroshenko, now the same is said about it, with zelensky, and especially such a thing that they try to emphasize and constantly come up with, this is literally some deadly conflict between zelensky and zaluzhny, the opposition of zelensky and zaluzhnyi after the failure of the counteroffensive. in ukraine, the battle for power has begun again, and zelsky, apparently, gave the ultimatum between two evils, or elections, in which he risks losing, or stopping the military. assistance, the american media call the key rival of the slouch, they also do not rule out that budanov, the head of the gur of ukraine , who, according to american experts, can lead a military coup against zelsky, may join the struggle for power in ukraine, the impression is that the kyiv regime is afraid of the military coup,
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decided to carry out a total purge of political opponents, well, you see, they can't decide in any way yet, after all, who is a military man there will make a coup, but, besides that, these days they managed to nail several such fakes of some very bright ones, and one of them is a tepfake, with that is, it is actually generated by a computer, an image with a language that resembles the language of zaluzhnyi, which they released, for example, he is going to eliminate me as well, and then surrender the country, i call on everyone immediately to go to the central squares, and the defenders not to obey the criminal orders of the commanders, immediately deploy their weapons and enter kyiv, well, you know, imagine what a diligent person can talk about entering kyiv, except after throwing the russians back to
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moscow, well, it's hard to imagine in a normal life in general, and so that you understand how easily those dlipfeys are made now. let's see how my father's defeat of the russian chuvash battalion was covered in the russian news, if only to make such a fake out of it. a few days ago, the chuvash battalion of the mobilized russian federation, atal, was demilitarized and de-nazified as a result of a direct hit on a column of our foot soldiers by western missiles khymars. 120 of our orcs visited the ancestors. this incident was commented on by our great sun-faced, botox- tsar-father. i would like to note the good work of the rotting atal, who stopped the western hymars rockets with his chest, as they say, clicked like nuts. it should be noted that one hymers rocket costs 3.2
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million dollars, while the state will give two packages of dumplings, a chocolate bar of alyonka, and two arms of a friend to the relatives of our victims. and one ram. therefore, i consider this event to be a small economic one victory over america, the whole of nato, all the relatives of the brainless fallen, i congratulate them on receiving well-deserved compensation, i wish health to all our boys in panties who died heroically. well, you see, this is the price of all this creativity. well, but, there wouldn't be these conversations, directly, say, on russian tv, endless. er, if there were not sometimes not very wise people who fuel these conversations, and unfortunately, they are also in completely different political forces, well, but since, after all , in fact, some are in power, and the officials are in power have more influence on what is happening, they have more
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authority, more influence, they are heard more, then their words are especially important in this situation, and it is a pity that their statements also become, well, later, you know, such a subject of strange comments and strange conclusions that russian propagandists begin to spread and tell around, well, and again, our people also begin to think, oh, maybe there is something like that, the deputy head of the office zhovkva accused the chief of staff of working for putin, say after his interview economist zelensky is now being called by the heads of the midwestern countries asking only one question. vopros: what should we report to our leaders? are you really at a dead end? well, while zelenskyi's deputies are making statements, the kyiv fury itself has already begun to take revenge and methodically clean up the entourage of the industrious man. well, to be clear, first of all, zhuvkva didn't say
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that someone was working for putin somewhere, that didn't happen, but he did say some things that at least sound strange. when someone who doesn't have one comments on it relation to military affairs, is a civilian, does not have any authority to do so, but for some reason decided to speak out about how the army should be managed, i would definitely succeed, well, in my place, of course, because i do not deal with military issues, or , but also in the place of the military , the least i would do would be to comment for the press, for the open public, about what is happening at the front, what can happen at the front, some options, because, well, then we make it easier work aggressor, well , i am sure that everything is carefully, very well read,
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notes have been drawn, conclusions have been drawn, if in this way we somehow achieve success, maybe some such is a very deep strategic plan, but well, to me, for example , to be honest, it is very strange, you understand, mr. igor, here such a situation arises, we also argued about this, because when even the military chiefs do not talk to their people, then others, political experts, talk to this people, some have already started to talk, you see, and then such a crooked mirror is revealed, the truth is distorted, and of course better, even now, you know, it seems to me that valery fedorovych took a step, as he did a year ago, and at the meeting of the world community, he explained what was happening on the russian-ukrainian front, he told what the money of taxpayers and european and american ones, yes, but... it would be good to talk to the ukrainians and explain what he means, so that the ukrainians do not get lost in their thoughts and that various experts and
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pseudo-experts do not interpret his article in an absolutely polar way, in an absolutely polar way, you understand. and ukrainians after this one the article did not turn out to have even more questions, now you are asking me whether it is a dead end or not , you are asking, as a ukrainian, have you been given answers to all questions or not, before i came to the studio, i received a call from one person, let's say from the heads of the leaders' offices... they simply ask me in a panic, what should i report to my leaders, are you really at a dead end? well, what can i say, well, if the honorable official understands that it is not necessary to comment, then probably it is not necessary to comment, and on the other hand, if you want to learn about the military affairs, well, you should probably ask those people who are either military experts or military personnel, why do you gather people who are very far from this and try to ask them something, well, and thirdly, in the end, you know,
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we all understand what now this is happening, political upheaval and all, we probably exhausted the opportunity to have some, well, successes at the front, to have some easy promotions at the front, someone may someday in 22, someone may someday in the 22nd year somewhere imagined and who told the population for a long time that we we will enter the crimea somewhere, because it became quite clear already in the 22nd year that, unfortunately, we do not have the preparation for war that we should have, nor the weapons that we should have been produced, not the weapons that we should have bought earlier, and therefore hope for some big ones directly... you know, that's a big breakthrough, and to think that some very small ones are fighting with us, and you know, well a weak state, well
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, it was not worth it from the beginning, and calming the population, calming society, well, it is not necessary at least calm yourself down so that strange questions and strange comments do not arise later, moreover, perhaps it is worth appeasing, for example, deputies from the pro-government faction of the servant of the people, that they did not write such posts and, again, did not throw them into the raging fire. whatever the context of the article of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, he is a man who leads a million in opposition to russia, is waging a war against russia. therefore, any statement, and even more so, a summary of the military campaign, has colossal consequences, if such an article is not coordinated with the supreme commander-in-chief, no matter how we treat the president, this is evidence
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of a military-political crisis. what do you think was the reaction to the fact that i did not keep silent about an article that was not agreed with anyone, neither with the ministry of defense, nor with the president of the general committee, ban, that is, the termination of personal communication with the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, which was previously constant and risk-oriented , in particular, did not publicly warn about all the latest risks. well, the fact that maryana bezugla, deputy from servant of the people writes this, is of course a problem for her voters, who she was elected, unfortunately, in kyiv, but this is also the problem of her party, which probably, well, should have already dampened the otaku activity absolutely, well, just not directed, let's say, to the unity of the country, which her deputy is doing, well, in the end, you know, hopes . of course, it is understandable, they want something like this to happen in ukraine, and these hopes are regularly not
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fulfilled, and what will happen after the cancellation of the elections in ukraine, will there be some kind of coup organized by the zaluzhnym, what should we expect, why do they not riot, why do they not rise up, i still expect that it is not in ukraine only their personal personal showdowns will take place, but i also think that the people of ukraine will also rise up and have their say, of course we are all waiting for the ukrainian people to wake up, but somehow they have not woken up yet, and i would very much like to, so that the people who go to some of your offices also do not introduce all this and repeat it in someone 's ears, and just calm down in the end, too, the ukrainian people are calm, they are fighting, please, and you will calm down in the end, on at the front, they are also fighting at the front, everything is at the front it's going the way it's going, it's just that in the end, everyone should stop speculating and each one should work in
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their own place to bring victory closer, at the front, that's how it is. what is the situation, why are we asking specifically about the situation, because yevgeny baletskyi announced the day before that the counteroffensive had stalled and there they were almost not gathering things, roughly speaking, the ukrainian military is gathering to go somewhere in the other direction, no one is gathering things, no one is gathering home, no, no one is gathering things, unfortunately, unfortunately, no, i am on the scouting side, the situation is really very complicated in the ssu . well, really, i don't want to give hope
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to the audience until we can announce it. and in order to achieve victory, you need to stop looking for internal enemies, stop thinking about some political benefits that you can get and engage in defense every day, and everyone wants to see you, there are discounts on karsil, 15% at podorozhnyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. the world is changing and so is castrol, we are moving forward and boldly implementing innovation, pushing the limits and accelerating progress. castrol is boldly and deliberately on the path of change. there are discounts on kvayt, 10% in psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. i flew, flew, and the cough stopped me. cough is a symptom of a respiratory disease. therefore, we treat
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respiratory. we do inhalation. lordegial is an inhalant for cough. lordegil is the straight path. before sputum removal, great broadcast of vasyl zima, my name is vasyl zima, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, we will talk about the most important thing, two hours, to find out about the war, serhiy zgorets joins our broadcast, the military results of the day, and how the world lives, what is there in the world? fisel will talk for two hours to keep abreast of economic news, i will hand over the floor to oleksandr morchyvka, he will talk about the economy during the war and sports news. evgeny pasukhov is ready to talk about sports. two hours in the company of favorite presenters. elina cheshenina speaks readily about culture during the war. leaders, many of whom have become like family. perhaps the weather will at least give us some optimism, mrs. natalka didenko, we are ready tell. and also distinguished guests of the studio.
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we will have volodymyr ogrysko today, if all goes well. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people in the evening over espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reported on them, but few knew what was going on. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and for... experts soberly assess events, analyze them by modeling our future, every saturday at 1:00 p.m. with a repeat at 10 p.m., studio zahid with anton borkovskii on espresso. the war in ukraine is the main topic for ukrainians. wins and losses, analysis and forecasts, politics and geopolitics.


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