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tv   [untitled]    November 9, 2023 1:00pm-1:31pm EET

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[000:00:00;00] there are also about, that is, about nazq, that means the new law about, more precisely, the law about lobbying, this is a very interesting topic, because in the united states, for example, lobbying is legalized there, and it is a completely normal activity, if it is declared, in european, in the european community, there is no lobbying as such, it has slightly different forms, and of course we have to choose. in what way, i.e., what model will we choose, of such open lobbying, when it is not prohibited and it is necessary to show the sources of income of resources and these goals, which are before you ask labis or a former politician, this will also be very relevant for us in the future, or a more european model , of course, which is a question of further de-oligarchization, although it was
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de-oligarchization was named in sulley funderlein as one of the positives, that is, the judicial branch of government , the reform of the judicial branch of government and dealization, these were two positives that she mentioned while she was here in kyiv, as things that actually moved ukraine closer to starting the negotiation process. today they also talked about supporting ukraine and at the meeting of foreign ministers of the g7 countries in japan, let 's hear what the head of european diplomacy, josep borel, said about the need to support ukraine. we must not forget about ukraine, we must continue to support kyiv, work on volodymyr zelenskyi's peace plan and provide economic and military aid to ukraine, as well as sanctions. i hope that in the coming days , together with the european commission, we will be able to present a new package of economic restrictions on russia, which we
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are discussing with. a group of seven. mr. alexander, when we talk about the accession, the possible accession of ukraine to the european union and to nato, we are obviously talking about the civilizational choice of ukraine, that is, ukraine chooses civilization, it joins the european union and nato. it is clear that during the war these movements to one structure and to another may be slowed down for various reasons. say, the european union, to the european union , our path may be difficult through hungary, or through slovakia, to nato because of the war, in your opinion, our european and euro-atlantic aspirations will depend on the course of hostilities actions on the territory of ukraine, that is, isn't it easier for europeans
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to make ukraine a part of their own community and clearly indicate for putin that ukraine is europe, it is the european union, and what putin does, he does not only against ukraine , but also against the entire european union? well, you know, in this issue there is actually a struggle between two approaches, the idealistic one, about which you say that we have common values, we have proved it on more than one maidan, and what we are currently defending against an authoritarian and actually fascist regime is not only myself although now our thesis that we will defend the whole of europe is less and less popular, in fact this is happening and the poles, baltics and romanians appreciate it very much , well, old europe, it must have somehow already started to be critical of it , this is one theory, the other theory is the risks and positives that can be with the actual inclusion of ukraine in not only such, let's say,
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formal informal. more precisely, the western union, because very often our politicians say, our western allies, although in reality we don't have allies, we have partners who support us at the level of allies, yes, but until we have treaties signed and we become members of the ic and, we will not have, have these allied relations from a legal point of view, yes there is a fear that the russian federation may escalate the situation and this may... be a dispersion, or rather , an expansion of conflicts, conflict zones from the territory of ukraine to other states and including nato member countries, and this is one fear, another fear, of course, is the application weapons, mass destruction against ukraine or against a third country or anywhere else in general to show that russia, let's say this, for russia is some kind of red line, and actually it's very good
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that european politicians, and we also have joseph biden in washington , which are guided more by an idealistic approach, although of course they do not try , roughly speaking, try not to provoke some inadequate... reaction of the russian federation, we can criticize, we have reasons to criticize the same administration, biden, which they slowly did , and their miscalculations were from the very beginning that they did not restrain putin, then the help that was given to us was not enough to stop the influx, and only after a certain time, when there were successes of the defense forces, then they already made concessions to us and gave us more powerful systems, long-range systems, more modern systems. we have come to the point that we will soon receive the f16, i am not talking about the other missile systems or the tanks that we received, if these self-restraints had not existed earlier, then the situation on the buyu field
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would probably be radically different, here, but we are nowhere let's not lose psychology, we won't lose our calculations and the fact that for the united states the security of the united states is above all else, in second place is the security of allies, we are not allies here yet and we are already partners, and that is precisely why they will pay attention to such things, plus the dynamics in the organizations themselves, such as in the european union , so now in the near future the hungarians, more precisely the orbán government, will put sticks in our wheels and demand some preferences, some influence, the legalization of its influence on the territory of ukraine, but further there will be economic interests, and we have seen how we had certain frictions and continue to have frictions with our polish neighbors both for grain and now for international transportation, because we have a similar structure of the economy, of course, that when we integrate, each a country
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that will have a conflict of interests with us, let's try to implement them and resolve them before we become full members, full members of this association, in relation to a similar situation, i have before my eyes, that means... a public opinion poll, and imagine that for example, countries such as slovakia, where 70% of slovaks believe that providing aid to ukraine could provoke a conflict in slovakia itself, bulgaria 2/3, and the same romania 2/3 of the population think so, and that is exactly why the governments of these countries also , will be faced with the dilemma of how to explain to their fellow citizens that without them... in general , it will become stronger when ukraine becomes a member of nato, or, on the contrary, someone will try to cover themselves, i mean, first of all , slovakia, the current government, they can
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to hide behind public opinion, to say that but we are not ready to give the green light to ukraine to join nato, since this may be a conflict, will result in a conflict with the russian federation, that is, it will be in the future, and of course, there is the future of these organizations . it is very good that the european union gave a signal that it not only accepts ukraine, it is ready to start these negotiations, but that it has an appetite for expansion, because before they only talked about the balkans, about small countries that are more or less easy to digest and, of course, that do not have such large resources needed in order to them to bring to certain standards , but in any case , the future of the european union is not yet clear from the point of view of what form it will take, because we... i don't know what the population is, 35-40 million, we can imagine how much ukraine will be, the ukrainian quota , which will be in the authorities and , accordingly, in the commission and in the european parliament, that is, we will be quite
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a powerful force in this sense, and a plus, given that we will definitely be blocked with the same poland and the baltic countries, because very often the interests of the central , of eastern europe are a little at odds with the old one europe, it is natural that the french and germans need to come up with a model where their interests will not, well, let's say, not be harmed, and therefore it is natural that the future of the european union will be discussed and, in fact, before our eyes, it will mean, be formed, in relation to it 's an election in the united states, november, we all know the unexpected can happen with trump possibly coming to power. and such an organization as nato now has an extremely low probability that it will disappear, here, but such a probability cannot be excluded, considering, yes, thank you, mr. oleksandr, give us the time of our program, it is coming to an end, it was oleksandr khara, a diplomat, thank you for
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participating in the program, friends, during the program we are conducting a survey, we are asking you about whether it is necessary to criticize the government under wartime, you can vote both on youtube and on tv, now we will look at the voting results, the voting is still going on, it will continue in the second part of our program, which will start at 21:15, so whether it is necessary. to stick to the government during the war, yes 85% and 15% - no, phone to vote, if you think and believe that it is necessary to criticize the government during the war , 0800 211, 381, no, 0800 211-382, call, vote, we will already collect the final results of this vote in the second part of our program, in the second part of our program program will have many guests
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, three guests and the vice-prime minister for european integration , that's the end of it, but i'm not saying goodbye, dead people, immediately snort deflu silver, de flu silver - a silver circle of resistance against viruses and bacteria, there is discounts on deflu silver spray, 20% in pharmacies plantain, bam and save, tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the compact and powerful strong saw from unpack tv is just for you. now you can easily trim trees and bushes. the strongg saw is so convenient to use for carpentry. it is the perfect tool for your home or garden. and the price is only uah 1,499. a reliable battery is also included. cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood. you will do all this in one movement with the strong saw. just look at how quickly she copes. even with thick branches, the strong saw
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on the espresso tv channel. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds, we are engaged in propaganda, russia is throwing millions of oil dollars to turn ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become let's counter the information attacks of the russians in the chronicles of information war project, with olga ley. on monday, tuesday, thursday at 17:15 on the spress tv channel. espresso - interesting facts. for 10 years of its existence, the espresso tv channel has broadcast its own broadcasts in more than 30 countries of the world. ukraine, austria, belgium, great britain, ireland, italy, estonia, canada, latvia, lithuania, germany, poland, united states, montenegro,
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switzerland. greetings friends, the verdict program continues in the evening on the espresso tv channel, my name is serhii rudenko, from now on every weekday, every day at 20:00 the two-hour verdict program starts and we talk about the most important things in ukraine, in the world, about the war, about the economy , about elections, and of course about european integration, because today it is a top topic, the european commission recommended that the european union start negotiations on ukraine's accession to the european union, the final decision on the start of these negotiations is expected in december, but we will now talk about the first details of what awaits ukraine, in what terms, with the deputy prime minister of ukraine for european and euro-atlantic integration olga
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stefanishyna. ms. olga, i congratulate you, i am glad to see you on our air. good evening, sergey, i congratulate you. mrs. olga, i congratulate you on the decision of the european commission, because it is another step towards the european union, and today the president of the european commission said that it historic day let's very simply explain to our tv viewers what this historicity consists of and what awaits ukrainians in the european union? thank you, serhiy, for the question, to be honest, i am glad that today, this decision was announced just like that, the president of the european commission announced the unconditional start of the negotiation process on such a recommendation, and already on december 14, the leaders of the european union will meet on the basis of this recommendation to make a decision , i am sure that it will be positive for
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ukraine, and today i rejoice together with all ukrainians who, in such a difficult time for us, waiting for such news, this is first of all a signal that europe continues to stand with us, europe invests in ukraine, europe invests in our future and in the future of ukraine in europe, this is the most important contribution to our victory, in addition to the weapons that we very much need . ms. olga, the europeans are talking about the fact that we have completed four of the seven tasks, and why did we complete four of the seven tasks, could we not have completed all seven tasks in that period. from the moment when we were told that ukraine is a candidate for eu membership. it's not like, uh, document, which was leaked to the media, literally yesterday, differs from the decision that was published today by the european
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commission and announced by the president herself, and literally, the european commission recognizes progress on all seven recommendations and responsibly declares in official documents that ukraine has taken measures in the seven recommendations allows us to say that ukraine meets the copenhagen criteria for membership in the european union point and on the basis of this recommends starting the negotiation process. this is a quote from the conclusion of the european commission. of course, we also saw additional expectations from him. the european government's next steps, they are technical, and president zelskyi discussed this with zursuloyn when she was here in kyiv, are not news for us, we understand that our european path continues, we understand that reforms must continue, they are not do not stop either with
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the implementation of the seven recommendations or with the start of negotiations, we are moving forward, and i will fight aggressively enough for this recognition and i hope that the ukrainians and our ukrainian politicians will allow our citizens to feel that europe is nearby and that ukraine is doing everything possible for this, so i am asking everyone, let's say, not to underestimate us and our work. ms. olga, today one eu country has, at least articulated, claims against ukraine, that is hungary, they are talking about the law on education and that the law, which obliges minorities to receive at least 70% of education in the ukrainian language, does not suit hungary , hungary will demand from ukraine the cancellation of this law, or this norm, let's say, what concessions are now
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is ukraine ready to leave in order to become a member of the european union? we are not talking about concessions, on the contrary, we understand that for all eu states , not only neighboring ones, we have to demonstrate the ability to be part of a larger union of a larger europe, a country that can find consensus in difficult situations, defending its own interests, actually on this basis, i instructed the ministry of education together with the ministry of education and culture to visit buda, budapest, such a visit was carried out, there are agreements, ukraine provided a road map, how we plan to move forward, we have the positive conclusions of the venice commission, the adopted legislation, so we feel quite confident, having also the support of the national minorities themselves.
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including the hungarian national minority in ukraine, but in fact, i don't want to focus on hungary, this process is in the works , starting tomorrow, after the decision of the european commission , we are working as a priority with the states themselves, the members, mobilizing this unity, mobilizing consensus, and today's decision laid a very solid base, so that the vast majority of member countries have already formed positive decision on opening... december. if the eu summit in december does not make a positive decision regarding ukraine, what does this mean? we will return again to the point of necessity to fulfill the requirements that stood before us. i want to remind you that this year we are celebrating the tenth anniversary of the beginning of the revolution of dignity. and just as now i have the honor to represent the state of ukraine in our movement towards the european union and defend these decisions, so 10 years ago i stood on the maidan, and we know what
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happens when they try to turn us away from the european way, we are going out on the square, we will also not allow any interest today to undermine unity in europe, to undermine the leadership of the european union in consolidating our victory through the european way, and likewise, i will not allow any manipulations that may take place inside the country as well, regarding this path , therefore there are risks, there are problems, there are challenges, but the solution cannot be other than the opening of negotiations, it is in the interests of ukraine and europe. ms. olga, you mentioned how euromaidan started 10 years ago, due to the fact that ukraine rather, yanukovych's government and regime refused to go... to europe or postponed the trip to europe, or in this case, when we are talking
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about the present time, russia can still affect our european prospects, euro-atlantic prospects, and how the war will affect the course of our to europe, since it will obviously be in the space of three, four or five years, what will be the terms of this campaign? precisely what concerns the european union, european integration, russia definitely cannot influence this process in any way, it is irreversible, and moreover, just like the ukrainians, from the first on maidan day, as well as with the beginning of a full-scale war, they have already been inoculated against russian influence, the same immunity has been formed in many capitals of the european union, although russia also conducts ipso information campaigns, but today they no longer have such influence,
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no matter how ingenuity, no demonstrated by the russians, at the same time, there is of course a clear awareness that ukraine's victory will be a booster for decisions related to ukraine's membership, but i want to remind you that the association agreement was signed with ukraine already when crimea was annexed, began... the occupation of donetsk and luhansk regions, but the agreement was signed and it applies to the entire territory of ukraine, from kyiv to yalta, as well today and in our membership negotiations there are no issues at all related to the war or its ending we are moving just as dynamically, we are moving forward and of course, when the main part of the negotiation process is completed, we will understand, and uh, what is the period of time, uh, did it happen before the end of the war or after it, so
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of course this there will be a discussion, but it will be later, currently the war does not affect the decision of ukraine, it affects only the future of europe, and therefore today we rejoice that europe has taken the right step towards meeting, a bright page of history. thank you, mrs. ulgo. for the conversation, it was olga stefanishyna, vice-prime minister of ukraine for european and euro-atlantic integration. friends, during the program we conduct a survey, today we ask you about whether it is necessary to criticize the government during the war, yes, no , please vote for us on youtube, we have a voting machine there and it works, well, you see phone numbers on the screen, by calling the numbers, you can also vote if... you think it is necessary to criticize the government during the war, call the number
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0800-211-381, no 0800 211-38 52 and all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote , and then we should be in touch with people's deputies of ukraine, we will talk about european integration, we will talk about how ukraine will move to europe, to the european union, i want to introduce today's guests are folk deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people party, kravchuk, mrs. yevgenia, i congratulate you and thank you for joining our broadcast. people's deputy of ukraine from the european solidarity faction iryna herashchenko. ms. irina, i congratulate and thank you for being with us today. thank you for the invitation. and andrii asatchuk, people's deputy of ukraine from the voice. mr. andriy, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. good evening, sergey. well, since we ask our
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tv viewers a seemingly banal question, whether it is possible to criticize the government. under wartime, still i will try to ask you too, although the answer seems to be obvious, but still, let 's share our opinions in the format of a blitz poll, should we criticize the government during the war, what can we criticize, how can we criticize, how can it be do not comment on what is happening in ukraine at all, mrs. iryna , please, but it is necessary to criticize not persons, but actions, and of course, if... it is necessary to correct mistakes, this is a duty, not some kind of news, i want, for example, to say that another one came out today information that our army did not receive 100,000 cartridges and projectiles purchased there, for which billions of hryvnias were spent, purchased by reznikov's ministry of defense, please tell me whether we should criticize for this or not,
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it is obvious that it is our duty to investigate and point out to criticize and correct these mistakes, because we should unite not around the authorities, but around the armed forces of ukraine and all work together on this. thank you, mr. andriy, well, if we are talking about people's deputies of ukraine, then parliamentary control is part of the duties, mandatory functions of the verkhovna rada and people's deputies, they definitely have to follow the government, at the same time, we were, of course, in the first months of the war completely... in a coordinate system with other priorities, since then a lot has changed , i think maybe even too much has changed, because it seems that the lack of rocket fire in kyiv has a very negative effect on the desire of many to criticize the government too much, as it sounds strange from my mouth, because i think it is important here
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not to ask questions, to criticize or not, it is necessary follow the authorities, point out mistakes, but you have to... still carefully follow the tone and the emotion behind this criticism, because we have such a certain tradition, too emotional, to pay attention to some details, perhaps torn out from the context, it always turns into some noise, in principle the people love it, but i think now the criticism should be as focused, justified and constructive as possible, because we need a result, we need not a noise, we need a result. because we have not won the war yet, the situation remains extremely fragile and difficult, so you have to clench your teeth as much as possible, even when you really want to scream. thank you, mr. andriy, ms. yevhennia. well, it is probably the most difficult for me to answer, because i am a representative of the government, but in fact we are all representatives, and people's deputies from other factions are also part of this system of
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restraining counterbalances. of course, one should constructively pay attention to what can be done better, but it is definitely not possible to slide into general accusations, into politicking, and i, as the head of the subcommittee on information policy, well, i am analyzing the influence of information, especially from the russian federation, and now i see a lot of accounts in social networks that are closed there. profiles and all of them write the same accusations there as if they were a carbon copy in order to undermine our spirit there, our faith in victory and so that the ukrainians there are tired and so on, so there must always be a reasonable balance here and eh, well, some kind of statesmanlike approach . thank you, ms. yevhennia, today is a historic day, as the president
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of the european commission says, we have achieved more... oh, one, one

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