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tv   [untitled]    November 8, 2023 10:30pm-11:00pm EET

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by dna, then we found a couple of fragments of sashe's body, we buried him only after eight months of remains. of course, we would like to bury sashka at the memorial military cemetery together with our brothers, the situation with the memorial cemetery is unclear, it is dragging on and on, well, it will be almost a year since this urn. we need her, well , i would like to come to my son, but where and how? therefore, we despaired and decided to bury him in this lukyanivskyi cemetery, where we found a place, for now, if there is a military memorial cemetery, then i think we will rebury all the boys together so that they are as they were during life as one family, the material in full, you can
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watch on the radio liberty channel on youtube, the author of this material is iryna sysak, next to i, ira, my congratulations, this material is extremely impressive, and the topic is very important and sensitive, and do we or do you have an idea now, you worked on this topic, how many families are there in general, who are waiting for the appearance of a military cemeteries to bury their relatives. greetings vlasto, actually. when we were preparing this material, i asked this question to the head of the azov patronage service, alena tolkacheva, and she replied that in wartime, unfortunately, we do not have the opportunity to make such data public, but when talking to the relatives of the dead, the mothers say that this figure is quite big, and one mother said that she personally knows of 15 families who still keep an urn with the ashes of their relatives at home, for them it is a big problem, a hot, hot question, because... because, for example, after cremation,
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the urn can be stored for free in the crematorium during the year, then it needs to be taken away, the azov patronage service also deals with the preservation of the ashes, so the ashes of sashka hryanyk, the story of which we heard today, were preserved by the azov patronage service, but the parents cannot stand this expectation of these transfers, changes of plots, and they decide just to bury your children temporarily until... the national military memorial cemetery will appear regarding the cemetery itself , and regarding the cemetery itself, today the verkhovna rada, we saw that the vote failed, but as i said, it was already the second attempt, to pass a law on the creation of a memorial cemetery, what about it, actually? i'll try to be brief, the key law was passed in may of last year, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, but the plot for the cemetery was not chosen for a year and a half.
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in fact, in these one and a half years, they changed five plots, it was both a babenyar and a singing field, this is all of kyiv, this is all of kyiv, they started, they started from the center of kyiv, they have already reached the last section, it is already 10 km outside of kyiv, this gatna community of fastiv district, this is already a region, this is already region, a compromise option that suited both the authorities and the families, in the spring of this year was the bekivnyany forest, we know that the bekivnyany graves reserve is already located there, where thousands of victims repressed by the communist authorities are buried, and then there was such a loud presentation, they showed and the plan of this cemetery for 50,000 burials, and everyone was in favor, and the ministry of vet, and the ministry of culture, and the institute of national remembrance and kemda , about 100 hectares of land were to be allocated there, and in order to speed up this construction, the parliament voted a law on speeding up and simplifying the land allocation procedure, then it was supported by the constitutional majority and sent to the president for signature
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, but today is november, it was in may, it was in may, it has been almost six months since president ani signed this law, nor did he return it, using with the right of veto, and then, unexpectedly, in august at the beginning of august, the relatives were gathered for a meeting at the ministry of veterans and faced with the fact that the plot in bakun is no longer suitable and they will build a cemetery in the gatnensk community in the kyiv region, that's it. so dear, you i talked with relatives, how were they before, of course, the bakun forest was a compromise option for relatives, because they believe that the cemetery should be within the boundaries of kyiv, since these are the borders of kyiv, it is the outermost metro station, it is quite close there, for them they think it would be quite convenient, and there are already memorials there, there are already memorials there , uh, they don't accept the new site, they think it's too far away, there's no infrastructure, a convenient interchange, and
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they also don't like the proximity to of the german military cemetery from the second world war, they say that it is not suitable to build next to it, that is, they are not satisfied with this plot, they also go to protest actions. and they appeal to the president to sign the law voted in may, but in order to start construction here in gatny in the gatnan community, the verkhovna rada needs to support this bill, which was voted on today, and the people's elected representatives failed the vote, in fact, according to the text, it would have allowed the government , and since in august the government determined by its resolution that gatnenska community, it is obvious that if there had been a vote today, the cabinet of ministers would have changed its decision to construction, and i did not understand until the end of the year if there was a compromise, if the bullpen was designated as a place of a memorial complex, a memorial
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cemetery, for the fallen ukrainian soldiers, and relatives were in favor, and the ministry of education was in favor and the ministry of education was in favor and everyone was in favor, and the law was passed and sent to the president for his signature, we understand why the president... did not sign, what could have happened? the relatives do not have specific reasons why the president did not sign, they tried to find out when the president, that's when this pause began, after the document was sent to him for signature, then they appeared, left their position in the institute of national memory, where they declared the impossibility of such construction, from two key reasons, the first of which is that there may still be mass burials buried there from the time of communist repressions of the last century, and as the head of the institute anton drobovich explains, if they start, for example, to dig graves already for dead ukrainian soldiers, they may come across burials , and
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then the process of exhumation, reburial, research, he will drag out this process for years, that is, construction will stop again, another reason he cites is the size of the site, he says that after observing all the buffer zones, there will be less than 50 hecs left in the cemetery, which is not ... the concept of a memorial cemetery, these are the reasons, and the reserve itself, the bekovnyan graves, also opposed it, so this is the information we have at the moment, thank you very much, iryna sysak, researched the topic of the construction of a military cemetery, extremely important, a sensitive topic, and i think we will return to it many times, irina, thank you, and in brussels. in the meantime, we are ready for the next step in our relations with candidate countries for membership of the european union. the european commission, having assessed the progress of ukraine and moldova in the reforms, recommended today to start negotiations on the accession of these countries to the european union, we will cover all this live in a few minutes with our correspondent
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zoryan stepanenko, who works in brussels and has followed this whole story from the very beginning, and just now we will discuss it with speaker from the representative. representative of the ukrainian authorities, ihor zhovkova, deputy head of the office of the president of ukraine, has already joined our broadcast. good evening. good evening, you were happy to hear the news that today the european commission recommended starting negotiations with ukraine on joining the european union. of course, you are right, very clear and unconditional recommendation of the european commission, the european council, i.e. the leaders of the eu member states, the recommendation to start. negotiations with ukraine regarding accession and here you can even talk about nothing else to say, but one thing: the european commission today recorded progress in ukraine's implementation of absolutely all seven recommendations , that is, despite the speculations that, unfortunately
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, there were in some media, ukraine has also shown progress in all seven recommendations, some recommendations have been fully implemented. so very much. positive, four recommendations fully implemented and three incompletely? no, this is not true, but it is indicated in the implementation of all the recommendations, if you read the report very carefully, a lot is written about the implementation of the recommendations in in the field of anti-corruption, a lot of recommendations have been written in the field of national minorities, recommendation number seven, as well as in the fight against oligarchs, certain regulations that still need to be concluded are mentioned, but they did not appear in this report, let me remind you when president fonderlajen was in kyiv last saturday, the president of ukraine definitely discussed with her the report and the actual state of implementation of the recommendations, and in the press conference, if you paid attention,
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he said about a number of laws that still need to be passed and will reveal to you a big secret, these ukraine will accept laws literally in november, without even waiting for the meeting of the european council in december, so it cannot be said that some new recommendations appeared today, that additional conditions appeared, ukraine did not stop on the path of reforms. until this report, not stopping today, during this report, certainly not stopping after the report , not stopping after the decision to start negotiations, so this process will continue, we have checked our clocks today, today is the first, the only major report that is required was for the european leaders to take the appropriate decision to approve the negotiations , it will already be a political decision, it will already be in december, there will be a summit on december 14-15, so it is very important that we received such a very positive report. well, ursula funder, whom you mentioned, she really praised ukraine today for the fact that ukraine continues to implement reforms despite
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the war, but she added that with regard to the implementation of reforms by ukraine, the european commission will provide, as i understand it, another report on march 24 year, do i understand correctly what it is will there be another additional report like the one that was today, or not , i will emphasize once again that today's report was the main one, not only ukraine was reported today, today the report was conducted: on all candidate countries or such countries that applied for candidate status, we saw that today there was a decision on candidate status for georgia, for example, that is, there was a cut, a regular increase, it always happens in october for all countries that are on the way to eu membership, but ukraine was one of these countries , and turn please note that ursula fonderlein started her press conference specifically from ukraine, which will take place in march , the european commission will actually take place in march, before actually opening the negotiations themselves, getting a mandate for herself for the beginning of the negotiations, the so
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-called framework, and they will do it is not even a report, there is indeed the word report, but it is not a written report that we received today, it is not some kind of official report, it is just a check of the clock before actually starting the negotiations, so it is not possible in any way it was wrong to position this as another report, the main report took place today. progress is recorded, ukraine, as fonderlein said today, of the requirements, of course we are talking about the fact that we have to fulfill 100% of the requirements, and we will fulfill these 100% by december, by mid-december, when there will be a meeting of the european council in order to to receive an absolutely clean political decision on the start of negotiations with ukraine regarding eu accession. well, let's imagine that ukraine will really fulfill all these requirements and criteria, and there by march or even earlier, or certain you are 100% sure that
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immediately after this ukraine will start negotiations on joining the european union, therefore, in order to start these negotiations , all the countries of the european union must give their consent , we can already see from hungary, there are announcements, so to speak , that what is there viktor orban's government is already threatening that they will block decisions in favor of ukraine regarding the start of negotiations, are you sure that they will start immediately? yes, you are right, government. orban is threatening, you see , there is even one viktor orban standing in your picture, no one communicates with him, this is the last meeting of the european council, if i'm not mistaken, so look, now the ball is really in the court of the member states, the leaders, the ball is in the court of president michel, because he will call the meeting of the european council on december 14-15, ursula funderlajen and the european commission have done their work, they have made their recommendations, and here is this period of time, a little more than a month, literally tomorrow: both president michel and the leaders of liking minded countries, yes, those countries, what are our friends, and theirs is superior
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the majority of the european union will spend, including, on talking with the leader of the country you are talking about and also talking among themselves. i am sure that no political position of the heads of these or other states will prevent us from obtaining this decision, which has actually matured today. remember the situation before the candidate status, then just really some leaders. member states denied the possibility and granting of candidate status and generally questioned the necessity or possibility of ukraine's membership in the eu. what the situation is different today, today none of the member states and even the leader you spoke about does not question the need for ukraine's membership in the eu, and this is an absolutely striking positive compared to last year. therefore, the president of ukraine will definitely work with each of the leaders of the eu member states every day. he will work with mr. president mish. he will continue to work with mrs. president fonderlajen, with the president of the european parliament, roberta mezzola
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, and once again i say with each of the leaders that this decision, which we all expect was positive, i am sure that it will be so, i will only give a few examples for our audience from history, for example, the european commission, when it advised to start negotiations on joining the european union, for example, for albania and for macedonia, it was in 2018, and in reality these negotiations began in the summer of the 22nd year, that is, two years have passed since the countries received such a report as ukraine received today, and when the real negotiations began, you i will ask the question once again , you think that there will be no negotiations start right away? each of the countries that has already become a member of the european union, or is going through such a path, has its own unique path, unique time frames, and it is absolutely impossible to stretch the examples of the countries you are talking about, for example , ukraine. ukraine submitted its application for joining the eu under completely
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different geopolitical conditions than, for example, the two countries you are talking about, or our closest neighbors who joined. there in the 90s, at the beginning of the 2000s, completely different conditions, so it is very important for us, and we achieve, actually start the process of negotiations at the beginning of next year, then the geopolitical circumstances that will definitely accompany our victory will be completely different from the circumstances when other countries joined the european union, or our partners in the balkan region, which you mentioned, or well, moldova itself, look at ukraine now and they are in such a relationship , yes, but this process was completely different at the beginning, so the more we accumulate, the more we unite our position, and the president of ukraine definitely coordinates our negotiation processes with the president of moldova and with other leaders, the easier it will be for us to go, i emphasize once again, the political decision of the member states remains,
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there should be no bureaucratic or, let's say, technical obstacles, no artificial obstacles should appear. ukraine has earned this right, this start of negotiations and their successful conclusion. allow me the last question, it no longer concerns the european perspective of ukraine. i want to ask about the peace summit, does ukraine still hope to host it, or is it a little off the charts? ukraine, what hopefully, she will definitely hold, we will meet you during the interview, when this summit will be held. look, 66 countries gathered in malta and discussed the five points of the peace formula: national security advisers, diplomatic advisers, representatives of the ministry of foreign affairs, a very substantive conversation, and one that lasted all day. obviously, we will have to hold another meeting of our security advisers to discuss the remaining five points and then proceed to the peace formula summit. all our partners, both from the global cock, and from western countries, talked about the fact that finally there is a formula for peace
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begins to take on a concrete meaning, they saw what work has been done on these five points, because this is joint work, each of the states was divided into appropriate groups and worked here in kyiv at the level of ambassadors and reported to their security advisers from us, who gathered together in malta, so we are absolutely sure that this summit will take place, moreover, it is now gaining even more attention, by the way, even outside the events that are taking place in the middle east or in the caucasus, we had a representative of armenia, the secretary of the council armenia's security summit formula of peace, he actively participated, had a two-way conversation with the head of the office andriy yermak, therefore the formula we are ukraine, president zelenskyi today , on the contrary, becomes even more relevant than it was a year ago, when it was announced by president zelenskyi. earlier you said that the summit, the meeting in malta, it would be the last one before the peace summit, it turns out that it is not , you know, if everything depended on ukraine and , for example, our partners in the group of seven, we would have held this summit tomorrow, but in there are us
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countries of the global rooster, here i will name you four countries, the new ones that joined malta, mexico, kenya, thailand and armenia, however, each of these countries is unique and the truth is that you have to find your own approach to each of these countries. kenya had never participated in the formula peace format before. i personally sent dipradtka to the president of kenya all the materials from the nabali summit to our first and second meetings in copenhagen and gia, and kenya sent a representative. mexico participated for the first time. i have already mentioned armenia. ago indeed, the work is delicate and filigree, so it will take a little more time than we planned. but we don't need a summit for the sake of a summit, we need a summit that is carefully prepared and that will have positive results. i thank you very much, ihor zhovka, the deputy head of the president's office, was on radio liberty, we talked primarily about the european prospects of ukraine, and we also touched on the peace summit that ukraine still intends to hold. thank you very much. thank you for trusting us, svoboda live will return to
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my call sign is cuckoo, i am a sniper of the 47th brigade of magura, of course there are specifics in the work of a sniper, the work of a sniper is more in observation than in direct combat, we do not fight, as we fight, cat, we advance to the point, observe a lot, gather information, and at the right moment make a shot, when it is
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necessary. in general, everyone has their own area of ​​responsibility and everyone has their own role , but since everyone needs to rest, of course the functions are duplicated, one couple watches, the other couple sleeps, and we change, especially when it is night. we had one exit when we did this for 2.5 days, non-stop for two or three hours, one couple sleeps, one takes turns, one sleeps, one takes turns, it’s a bit exhausting, but it was the need to watch both day and night, and there was no possibility, for example, for everyone to rest, so it had to be like this. i would say 50 percent if it's the first. exit, because if you just rotate groups at this point, one group left, the second group entered and you are already alternating, then there
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is minimal planning, you already know what you need with you, and if this is the first exit, then this moment, that both you and the headquarters of the battalion to which you are attached need to understand how useful you can be to them, because they do not always understand how much you can to be useful, sometimes he thinks that you come and kill the enemies in packs, they are like that after an hour, so the snipers have already killed how many , we are like that, we are watching, you need to pack a big shoulder bag with you, because your rifle weighs 9 kg, so, like , you need to think about how to distribute the weight with others, because i have the heaviest shoulder bag in the group, because only the rifle is 9 kg, i still need to collect everything else, and when i went to the... exit, i realized that something was going wrong, because like, everyone was going very fast, and i passed out somewhere behind, and realized
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that everyone has a shoulder bag of 10 km, and under 20 it weighs, and on the second exit we had to redo it, that is, we redistributed the weight so that everyone had 13 kilograms, so that we were 13-15, so that everyone had the same load, we need to clean it rifle before going out, you need to understand that everything works so that there is no jamming at the time of the shot, uh , you need to collect all the necessary optics with you, you need to calculate how many days we will be there, because now the specifics are such that there are no wells , there is no other water, and all the water is needed pull on yourself and at the points, it will not be there either and there will be no lift either, so for all those days, two, or three, as long as you will be there, you need to take water with you, so that everyone will be ok, that's all preparation, the solution itself is to take a heavy shoulder bag, carry it to a point and there, and lie there, observe,
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and...' watch for a long time, it's boring, like, for hours, nothing happens, in general, you just lie and watch, there type, in a point, or in a sector that you can look at, lead your eyes, there from left to right, nothing, right to left, nothing, from left to right, nothing, there is also some kind of luck, there, you can at that particular moment look into that particular window in the landing, which shines through, and see that someone is passing by. type, but you can not look at that moment, bad luck, it looks very boring, in fact, because everyone imagines the work of a sniper as something as interesting as possible, it is such a ninja with a knife, who must instead of shooting to kill his opponent with a knife, having climbed there, it is not clear at which factory, but like, in fact it is doesn't look right, on the first exit when we
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were there it was for sure. our worst way out, we come to the position, and there, well, unfortunately, there was no other point, there was only a point that everyone walked past, and accordingly everything flew there, absolutely everything, there were groups of infantry that were going to attack , there were groups of wounded who were coming from the assault, well, there were grenade launchers standing next to us, who were working there a couple of hundred meters from us. and, accordingly, everything that flew into them, if it flew into us, and we had it a day like that, everything flies around, a bit like that, like, well, the brain disconnects you a little from that, you are like that, well, it flies and flies, well, like, in the war, everything flies around, like, it’s normal, so we come to the point to observe, but specifically, such that 5 m from us, then
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30, the closest, would fly there. 30, 50, 70 and so on, here we lie on a point, we look, and a group of wounded people is passing by, and besides, the russians, i understand, they did not see that there was someone in this particular piece of landing, right where we were , precisely in these 50 m.h., a group of wounded and stops right in front of the window where we are looking, right next to the road, and they just stop and stand, we look at them like this, and they say, damn, it's very difficult, we need help, eh, and we understand that we need to help , we take people from our group and leave this landing, and it is clear that at that moment they saw us from the drone, because they are already flying constantly, and our guys left, and i left, i was left to observe at the point, well, i was lying like that, like it flew there like 50 meters, i think so, well, it's normal, like, this, and i don't dig
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lying down, just on the ground from above. there was no opportunity there, i think so, well, it’s like, it probably flew further behind the group, this time , the second mine lands 30 m, i think so, 30, well, it ’s probably they are crooked, it’s just like, they wanted to follow the group, but this one is a bit the beetle flew in, and the third one flew in, 15 meters, then i actually saw the eruption, and then i raised my head and saw such a cinematic shot, as such gray burnt leaves fall on me from above, you know, it’s like snow in films about the second world war , i lie like this and think, in my own way you have to run away, they chased you for a gun, that's it, there is a certainty.


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