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tv   [untitled]    November 8, 2023 2:00am-2:31am EET

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[000:00:00;00] so that they don't try to do to us, we keep our formation, because we are strong, we will donate and do everything for victory, because we are free, we support those who are near, who have fallen in spirit, who have lost and continue to lose, free from captivity those who have become for the protection of the country and our future, because a strong rear is the key to a strong army, inevitable victory, and our independence, which we prove every day. the yerobot government grant program aimed at supporting ukrainian business. the own business grant from the ministry of economy is the most popular in this program. thanks to grant, you can get funds to start or develop your own business. submit an application
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and business plan through the diya portal. get up to uah 2,500 to your account, implement your business ideas and develop your own business. the rules of a warm country - a high-rise building. get together with neighbors, inspect the house , hire specialists for insulation, prepare batteries, repair and adjust windows and doors, check electrical wiring, take care of a warm room and personal. means of heating, take care of those who are more difficult, develop an action plan in an extreme situation, discuss the need for a backup generator, equip the premises for joint heating, let's beat the winter together. right now, let's listen to the address of the president of ukraine, volodymyr
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zelenskyi. i wish you health, dear ukrainian men and women, mostly a day of meetings, i recently finished a meeting with intelligence , a narrow composition, very sensitive issues of protecting our people, the details will be a little later, i held a meeting about international events and our ukrainian events, which are expected in in november, this month, it is also the anniversary of the beginning of the revolution of dignity and the anniversary of the famine, there will be various components of state work, including the international component, we are preparing everything. special attention, and it is a daily attention in relation to the european union. tomorrow is an important day, we are expecting a historic conclusion of the european union, a report on ukraine's implementation of the recommendations of the european commission. and we are already preparing our next steps after this report, our legislative work, strengthening of the state institution, ukraine has already come a long way in approaching
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euro union and our state is absolutely aware that the acquired membership in the european union is a political decision of all countries that are already in the community and want to see a new state in the european union, but it is also the work of the state itself, our work, it is the approximation and adaptation of eu standards, community practitioners. ukraine will be in the eu, we will come to this, in particular thanks to... the transformation of our state, an internal transformation that absolutely corresponds to the interests of our people. the eu for ukraine is economic security and social stability, and ukraine for the eu is this strengthening of the entire community, and it is very important that the deputies of the verkhovna rada of ukraine continue to support the legislative initiatives necessary for our european integration. as always, the day began with
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a conference call. most urgently, i was informed that additional pppo, nasams systems have been placed on combat duty. and that's not all, ukraine's air shield will be strengthened even more. i thank the partners who help and our entire team, which works in the international direction. of course, during the day i was in touch with the minister of defense, with commanders of kupyansk, mahmud. mariyanka, avdiivka, malitopol direction, the whole, south. we have results worth noting, 108, a separate mountain assault battalion of the 10th brigade, the third battalion of the 54th brigade, 92 separate assault brigade, our artillerymen of the 26th, 40th, 55th separate artillery brigades, 79 dsheve, 53rd and 110th
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separate mechanized brigades. national guard 3rd task force brigade and 132nd separate reconnaissance warrior battalion, i thank all of you, i thank you for your strength. your strength, the strength of all who fight for ukraine, everyone who helps, and this is the life force of our people. ukraine will stand and be free, and will be equal among equals in our common, european home. glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, it was the address of the president of ukraine , volodymyr zelenskyi. ukroboron prom has switched to serial production of kamikaze drones. the record combat sortie range of the development is 1000 km. the head of ukroboronprom herman smetanin told about this in an interview with economic pravda. he also informed that
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the licensed production of three has been deployed at the facilities of ukroboronprom models of fpv drones of private companies. we have an analogue of shahed, and there are also more powerful models, because shaheds do not fly that far. we are now in the production of more complex and expensive projects with high characteristics. fpvs are needed a lot now. we help private companies scale their developments. we have signed license agreements with three large companies for the production of their models. let's deal with this topic. we are adding expert vitaly bryzgalov to the broadcast. he is the development engineer of the kamika drone. vitaly. i congratulate you. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. good evening. good evening, well. i want to talk in general about what is currently being produced in ukraine, what types of drones should be produced, your opinion, uh, we should make any kind of drones, uh, the only thing is that they should be made in series, yes, that is, from
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every next one, from the 10th, hundredth, thousandth, you should expect characteristics that do not differ from the declared ones, so serial production is probably what is needed, and the format of these... drones can be any, yes, that is it's from small fpv, short range actions to the same analogues of shahed and drones that surpass the characteristics of the same shahed , then the possibilities are unlimited, unlimited for manufacturers, but whether there are, whether ukraine has the resources to really scale this production, that is, so that we can close the daily, daily , actually the needs of our army. of course, ukraine is quite an industrial country, there are quite a lot of engineers, and everything is not as bad as it might seem, they are gradually increasing production resources, importing
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equipment, creating new factories, of course drones with a short range will never be enough, that is, this, this is a new type of weapon, compared to the same artillery, it is tens of... thousands that we need for a week there, or thousands a day, and that number is still to be reached, and i hope, that the resources for this matter will be found, both private, and state, and there foreign , any are needed now, yes, but as for the drone that we just talked about and quoted, herman smitanin, we are talking about a long-range, actually strike drone , which flies for 1000 km' is it possible now to make serial production of such long-range drones. ukraine is one of the few countries
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that had its own aircraft construction, i don't see any restrictions if there is a desire, and the desire is there, and i don't see any restrictions not to do it, but it is surprising that they have been doing it for so long. that is, er, we need a lot of them and we need quite a lot of such productions, because a lot of these productions are subject to attacks, and only due to the number, diversification, there distribution throughout the territory of ukraine, these productions can be protected and this must be done, but technically i don't see any problems in doing this kind of thing weapons, this kind of drones. you know, i mentioned that sometimes you even learn about some ukrainian developments from russian sources, yes, the russian military talks a lot about ukrainian large drones, they call them baba yaga, then our sources also confirmed that such developments are underway,
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you can tell to our viewers, what kind of bplla is this, about which our enemies are already talking a lot, well, i love the information that i have... unfortunately, it is already outdated and in fact i am happy about it, because every day there are dozens of new initiatives, they are being modernized they are perfect. fortunately, this work is getting ahead of the curve, because the life of any technology in such a dense, such a dynamic fight , rer against drones, it becomes outdated very quickly, and if they discuss baba yaga now, then i already hope that they will already be flying to them bezspertny, well, that is, this direction is evolving very quickly, that’s right, thank you very much, mr. vitaliy, vitaliy bryzgalov, engineer-developer
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of the kamikaze drone, we didn’t talk much about this topic, but we will probably talk more in the next broadcasts, don’t switch, already in less than a minute we will return to other topics, let's move on, it all starts with the fire command, with fire they destroy the enemy, with fire they pave the way for with fire they bring our victory closer, from the cossacks of harmash to the present day, our artillerymen are the real gods of war, glory to the missile troops and artillery of ukraine. despite everything, energy workers restore, build, install.
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are connected, everyone in their place makes their best efforts, but all this will not work if you do not make your own, one small but such an important effort. share the light support the country the possibility of starting negotiations with russia - representatives of the usa and the eu are discussing with kyiv. this is reported by nbc news with reference to unnamed high-ranking american officials. according to the tv channel, these discussions, in particular , talk about what ukraine may have to give up in order to reach agreements. the discussions began amid concerns that the war had reached a stalemate, nbc reports. is ukraine ready to negotiate with russia, volodymyr
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zelenskyy answered in the same interview to an american television channel i am not ready to talk to terrorists because their word is worth nothing, nothing, we cannot trust terrorists, because terrorists always come back, war takes away from us the best, the best heroes, men, women, children, but we are not ready to give our will this terrorist putin, this is why we are fighting, let 's start discussing ukraine's relations with our western partners from now on, and for this we will add oleg lisny to the broadcast, he is the vice president of the political analytical center. mr. oleg, i congratulate you, that's it as if the president of ukraine answered that he thinks, or does he consider it necessary to conduct any negotiations with russia, but
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why do you think. this topic started to surface in one way or another in the western media last week, which is quite influential, by the way, look , firstly, there are two aspects here, influential foreign media have one disease, they are always up to date, let's say, referring to anonymous sources, this is probably such a technique, but it, let's say, puts a little pressure on the reader, viewer, and so on. because it is some kind of secrecy, but when it comes to specifics, as far as i am not, if i am not mistaken, this information was even denied by certain representatives from western countries that they did not conduct such negotiations, the president said that no one pressured him, so i believe , that i want to remind our viewers that i have been forcing us to peace from the very first day, the information is constantly circulating, it does not stop, then every time some kind of peace or this, or that,
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then peace plans that appear and do not take into account our interests, i'm not about not about today's article i say, in general, there was a chinese plan, yes, which was not there, it says why it is so, as you think, why there is, as if the support of ukraine is full, as if everyone understands that putin will not stop, even , if now he freezes the situation, achieves this, then it may just be a respite for him, ot. how, who can be behind all this? well , look, there are two aspects here, you correctly noticed that behind one of them is russia, which encourages its allies or sympathizers there to do so. for them to press on ukraine, in order to get a pause in order to destroy ukraine and not only ukraine later, this is one aspect, the second aspect, there are people and organizations, like useful idiots, who simply think that russia is a very powerful state and cannot be defeated, there are politicians who
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use our war as a political battering ram, in many elections, we have already seen it, there are politicians who are tired of war. who want to trade further , including with russia, to return to some kind of normal course, because it is unpleasant for them that there is a war in europe, there are such people, and such organizations, such politicians, but right away the main thing is that we have the last word, so they help us with weapons and say that we are helping, so maybe listen to us, no, even biden said that ukrainian soldiers are dying, and we owe them to help... so that they can protect themselves and their homeland, i agree, but let's not forget that the moment is now, we are all waiting for the publication of the european commission's report, by the way, the european union is promoting ukraine's membership application to compensate it for the war , another publication already writes about it, this the reuters agency with reference to unnamed
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high-ranking officials in kyiv, well, again, not named. let me remind you that the european commission will publish a report assessing ukraine's progress on its way to the eu tomorrow. november 8. even if it is positive, in order to start accession negotiations with kyiv, the consent of all 27 members of the association is required, a vote on this is expected at the eu summit in december. and this is such a really, such an important moment for our country, and today, in fact, during our broadcast, we heard statements from hungary, regarding their position, there are also different statements in poland. in your opinion, to what extent is this really a crisis moment for ukraine, to what extent does it now depend on the decision of the european side, and can this somehow change our position in this war, in particular? to be honest, i would not use the term crisis, i believe that
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we are on a difficult path, which will be very difficult, and we are aware of this, and in the address today the president spoke about it, about the fact that when we are helped... during wars are one story these are our allies, our friends, and when we enter the european union, it is more , let's say, about the economy, and now each country will conduct negotiations with us, i hope, and each country will set certain conditions for us, and this you know, not that this is a crisis, but that we will have to make decisions very quickly, because there are standards and so on, we already have it all, to support it, to adapt it to our legislation, to our economy, and this is a big challenge for our diplomacy, we have to convince those who are currently threatening us in one way or another, because we know them, in fact, the main thing is that we do not know many who will appear again, because , for example, we knew about hungary 100%, we
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know what she wants, on that she is pushing, and we know that she usually backs down when she gets some benefit from the eu, so here... there will be a bargain not only with us, there will also be a bargain with the eu in terms of give us this, but we are there with ukraine, well, let's start negotiations with it, yes, it has always been like that, this is not a unique case, it is clear that everyone the next member of the eu, he faces a bigger problem by one, two or three countries, because someone joined before them, it was easier there, when it was there at the beginning of all this, sir, the only thing i want to note is that i used the word crisis not as some negative term, this is really a period when you have to exert yourself a lot and it is possible to somehow change the situation, it is possible, it is possible that on the eve of this vote, this decision, new opportunities really open up for ukraine, by the way, do you think that we have
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there are real chances to join the eu, well, in the relatively near future, i always believed that this is one of our homework tasks, which we, with which we can cope, why, because look, this is how to consider the negotiation process itself, it is about very fast movements within the state, because when we are at the beginning of the journey there, we have a chance to sway, think, choose the pace there, well, the directions, yes there, how we will do this reform, first, second, third , here we have, by and large, only the way forward and we have to do everything, so i believe that when we get involved in this marathon. then the state will actually benefit from this and we will benefit as citizens. thank you, mr. olezh, well, tomorrow we may get some new data on how much ukraine is progressing in this regard. oleg lisny, vice-president of the politika analytical center, was with us live. moving on, the israeli military captured
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a hamas stronghold in gaza, and struck 450 targets in a day. this was stated by the spokesman of the israeli army, daniel hagari. publication of the times of with reference to a high-ranking official of the white house, israel previously wrote that israel's ground operation in the gas sector was improved after negotiations with the united states, what is currently happening in this country, we learn from zeev khanin, professor of political science at bar ilan israel university. congratulations, thank you for joining our broadcast and tell us how society lives in israel now, in fact also during hostilities, to what extent people are getting used to it, please. good evening, thank you for the invitation, i congratulate you and thank you, well, actually, the israeli
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society, it was very quickly organized , as you probably know, you know how they say in such cases, the people are usually wiser than their leaders, this is our case, by and large, israeli society is totally mobilized in support of the israel defense forces, in support of refugees, they say there are a lot of migrants all over the world, from the northern part of the gas sector to the south, which was greatly facilitated by israel, constantly demanding from them, offering leave, they will leave the zone of military operations, active military operations and move to a safe area, today , by the way, interesting information was published that a humanitarian corridor was opened, which was covered by israeli tank troops, because hamasniks are shooting in the back of those who leaves, for the simple reason that they need them, first of all, as a human shield, and secondly, as some candidates to present this chest of corpses to the international community, for
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the propaganda company, well, besides say, there is a process, in addition to the almost one million population that was there, about 800,000 more people who moved from the north have already accumulated there in the south, from time to time the brick arranges checks, under the guise of refugees... the leaders, representatives tried to leave there military command and activists of the infrastructure, so to speak, of the civilian military infrastructure of hamas, so today we had quite a lot of interesting news, the second thing is that if we return to israeli society, then in general in a country of the order of half a million refugees, too, from the south and the north, that is, from the border regions of the gas sector, from the border regions , so to speak, on the northern border, where in fact the case is, a second front is unfolding, the
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further, the more, hezbollah, this is the most active, the most powerful, well-armed, satellite of iran, until it turns to a full -scale military conflict, a few days ago, as you probably already reported to your television viewers, hassan gave a very long , five-and-a-half-hour speech, which amounted to with this sacramental phrase, will hizballah stand on the side of hamas? answer: there is no money, but you are holding on, you know, the source of this wonderful phrase. one way or another, the israelis are mobilized to support the army, there are still no queues at the military enlistment offices, but for the simple reason that the army generally does not take anyone anymore, i wanted, i wanted to ask you again, look, the level of anti-semitism is increasing throughout europe, this is stated in the latest report of the european commission, it states, i quote: european jews today live again in of fear, end of quote,
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887 anti-semitic incidents were recorded in france alone over the last month. as a result, the police detained more than 400 people. i wonder how all these events are, in general, whether they are discussed in israel during these hostilities, and whether people are worried about what is happening in europe in the background, against the background of the conflict. highly concerned, it is understandable, the level of anti-semitism has increased by hundreds of percent, in the united states, in western europe, and so on, that is, it should be said that the leaders european countries and the usa, they are shocked by what is happening, in general, we must keep in mind that america is a separate story, let's talk, let's say, a few words later, if there is time, but for europe, the emancipation of the jews is one of the factors. european civil nations, and for them anti-semitism is a kind of challenge to that model, that system of values ​​that
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exists for european society, the source of anti-semitism is: as immigrant communities, so-called carriers of transnational identity, it there may be a second and third generation of descendants of immigrants mainly from the countries of the east, arab, pakistani, turkish , and so on, but the ultra-left circles that followed the laws, so to speak, of the national agenda, that were the carriers, that 's what we call liberal ideas that long ago decided for themselves who is a good guy, who is a bad guy, racists , colonizers , etc. no matter what they did there, now this whole theory is out of their hands, and how they will continue to live with it, we don't really understand , but very briefly, please, actually 15 seconds, because we have to, anecdote of the situation, this
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despite the fact that we are a warring country, but it is israel. that's why it exists so that it never happened again, you'll laugh now, but israel is the safest place for jews. thank you very much, zev hanin, a professor of political science at bar ilan university from israel, was on our air, and we will talk about what is happening on occupied territories of ukraine. the occupiers are building a railway between rostov-on-danu and crimea, about the start of work on the temporarily occupied ukrainian territories, propagandist mass media, the occupying governor of galicia-zaporizka region, yevhen balytskyi apologizes. according to the russian plan, the railway should run through temporarily occupied mariupol, berdyansk, melitopol and yakymivka. this map of the plans of the occupiers was published in his telegram by the mayor of melitopol, ivan fedorov, who said: according to the plan of the occupiers, the track has
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to help export ukrainian grain, iron ore and coal to russia. now we will talk about these plans with transport expert serhii voovka. he is the director of the center for transport strategies. mr. serhiy, i congratulate you. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. good evening. good evening. how much do you think this new railway line they are building will help the occupiers? well, i hope that they won't have time to finish it, but they probably have big plans for it. explain to our viewers and listeners. please, you know, to paraphrase the famous odessa saying, to declare, it does not yet mean to build, in fact, of course, after the ukrainian armed forces took crimea under fire control, and we see a threat , including to the main transport artery of crimea, namely the kerch bridge, er,
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to the russians it is necessary to look for options for military logistics and supplies of military ammunition, on the one hand, and on the other hand, indeed, the export of frozen goods, grain, coal and other goods that they collect in the occupied territory, and there is such a concept here, even as a rolling railway, i.e. these are the railways that are being built on a temporary basis to serve some military plans and to build military logistics , it is obvious that we are talking about exactly this kind of project, i think that we will definitely, definitely not see its end in those in those they drew for themselves. obviously, we are talking about a more local project in yakemivka district , since it is really a very important transport artery that connects tokmak melitopol and jonpoit, just on your map it was very clearly visible, and according to the information, by the way, well it doesn't matter, you can just clearly see the railway there, the anchor, which just enters the crimea, and literally this year, at the beginning of the summer
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, the ukrainian partisans struck several... blows, in particular on the railway, they destroyed a large railway bridge there, which this, the main move directly to the crimea, it is obvious that some actions will be taken in order to restore these logistics, in addition, if you look at the situation that is currently happening in the occupied territories in general, then if earlier the export of the same grain and metal , it it happened, well, conditionally quietly, that is, ships, yes, ships. transponders, they tried not to highlight it even in the mass media, because they were obviously afraid of some legal proceedings, now this is actually the official position of russia, the russian navy, for example, reports every month on how many ships have entered, for example, berdyansk and mariupol in the occupied ports , how much metal, grain they took out of there, well , it certainly creates, i think, a very good and
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legal perspective for prosecution, since the de facto occupier ... literally


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