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tv   [untitled]    November 4, 2023 9:00pm-9:30pm EET

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[000:00:15;00] how to win a war from valery zaluzhny and the lonely struggle of volodymyr zelenskyi, high-profile articles in the economist and others that have already ignited discussions in ukraine and abroad, how this will affect what we can do from the united states, and what the situation at the front is now, and much more about this another one is released today. greetings, i'm iryna koval in the studio and this is the news, week's summary on the espresso tv channel. so, valery zaluzhnyi's article for the british publication zeconomist caused a real resonance, not only in ukrainian society. commander-in-chief
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frankly. said: the war has turned into a state of positional trench warfare, that is, into an exhausting and static battle, where the armed forces of ukraine liberate the territory in heavy battles, for every landing and every meter. it turned out that for someone it was a real unexpected discovery. they immediately reacted to the interview in the white house. john kirby believes that the article only proves how important it is to continue supporting ukraine. he noted that robots. congress can seriously facilitate this direction if it adopts a comprehensive aid package for ukraine, and it must be understood that on the other hand, a part of these funds will also go to replenish the stockpiles of weapons in the warehouses of the us army, president volodymyr zelenskyi did not hesitate with his opinion regarding the interview with zaluzhnyi. he said, i quote: people are tired today. everyone gets tired, and there are different opinions, all people,
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regardless of their status, and this is understandable. but this is not a stalemate. the president's office also reacted. ihor zhovkva advised the military not to comment for the press, for the open public, about what is happening at the front, what may happen at the front, because everything has been carefully read and noted down by the russians, conclusions are drawn, but the kremlin always draws conclusions, unequivocal, singing the same song. and this time piskov. led to an interview , it is absurd to talk about any prospects of ukraine, to win on the battlefield. so, how does the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine see the victory of ukraine in this war,
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see below. i hope that we will still be able to see the story that we have prepared for you, but you know, shortly before the high-profile interview of the person responsible for the publication , an equally controversial publication about zelensky was published in the american magazine time. on cover photo of the president and his quote: no one believes in our victory like i do. journalist simon schuster's article caused considerable public interest. the close entourage of the president of ukraine, in a conversation for the time material, quite boldly commented on the head
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of state and ukraine's prospects in the war. secretary of the national security and defense council of ukraine, oleksiy danilov, said that anonymous people provided false information, and law enforcement officers should find out who these people were. the author of the resonant article in time is simon schuster declared that he communicated only with zelskyi's current advisors, which really shook the ukrainians. let's find out. from a hero leader to a defiant and evil president. a discussion article in the american magazine about ukraine and zelsky was literally disassembled into quotes. its author, simon shuster, describes the challenges zelensky faced to keep the world's attention on the war in ukraine. among them, corruption, loss of interest in our country, mobilization and the situation at the front, under the photo of the president on the cover the inscription: lonely
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struggle of volodymyr zelenskyi. in the material of tami's october issue, zelensky is described as no longer so lively and optimistic. after his last visit to the usa, the author of the material asked one of the members of the entourage. how does the supreme commander feel? the anonymous answer was clear: the president is angry and betrayed, all because the support of our country from international partners is slowly falling, and zelsky remains categorically against the truce and does not plan to stop the fight. as it turned out, such unshakable faith in the victory of ukraine over russia, worries some of his advisers, the journalist quotes the opinion of an anonymous associate of zelenskyi. ukraine has no chance of winning the war. after the short-tempered reaction of ukrainians to the article, the president's office did not hesitate to respond. at first, the head of this office , andriy yermak , published a post on his telegram channel recommending reading
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simon shuster's material, but he soon deleted it. at the same time , his advisor mykhailo podulyak stated that the time article is exclusively a journalist's view and added that the heads of state do not have any anger. or feelings betrayals on the part of western partners. this is not the first article by journalist simon shuster about ukraine. the man worked in russia and ukraine for more than 15 years, reporting from both countries. in 2019, he wrote supposedly incriminating articles about the neo-nazi movement polk azov. in april 2022, the journalist spent two weeks in the president's office, where he communicated with zelenskyi and his entourage. after that, time magazine published an article about zelensky, and his photo appeared on the cover. in june 2022, simon schuster announced the publication of a book that dedicated to the current president of ukraine. in the same
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summer, volodymyr zelensky awarded the author of the material, simon shuster, with the order of merit of the third degree. and i suggest to return to valery zaluzhnyi's article for the british edition of the economist, which caused a real resonance not only in ukrainian society, so let 's see how our commander-in-chief sees the victory of ukraine. the british publication z economist published three articles by valery zaluzhny at once. the commander-in-chief of the armed forces stated that the situation at the front came to a dead end. neither ukrainian nor russian troops can advance. the technological forces of both sides... are relatively equal, under such conditions there will be no devastating breakthrough in ukraine, - admitted general zaluzhny. in five months of an active counteroffensive, the armed forces managed to advance only 17 km, and the main problem is that the partners began to give
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their tanks and long-range missiles, and the attacks are only now. zaluzhny publicly stated that now the war is moving to a new stage of static and exhausting combat in the trenches, on the contrary ukrainian this will allow the occupiers to restore their reserves, modernize air defenses and strengthen defense lines. general zalozhny emphasizes that in this war only a powerful technological invention will be decisive for ukraine, namely, a combination of all technical solutions that already exist, such as modern aviation for dominance in the sky, radio electronic warfare and drones, means for counter-battery work and demining, as well as mobile phones human reserves for war. most of all, general zaluzhnyi fears that the positional war may drag on for years and recognize the whole country. it remains to invent a complex of the latest weapons as soon as possible,
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otherwise there will be no one to fight in the armed forces of ukraine. and volodymyr ogryzko, diplomat, ex-minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, is in touch with us. mr. volodymyr, i am you. congratulations, good health, glad to see you, good evening to all our dear tv viewers. mutually, mr. volodymyr, so we have just reviewed two materials, heard the main theses, so i suggest to you, let's discuss these two articles of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces forces of ukraine, valery zaluzhny for zeekonist and volodymyr zelenskyi for time. in your opinion, who are they aimed at, and do they not indicate a split in the power and political leadership of our country. well, you know, i was personally affected by this thesis that some unnamed advisers do not believe in
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the victory of ukraine. you know, after that, i would, if i were the president, i would very quickly , i would have sorted out my advisers, and i think that after a few hours they were already working in other guises, it cannot be that the president's entourage presents a very different picture than her...the president himself , well, it's really incredible, i can't imagine how this team can work for the president if they don't believe what the president believes, he he also stated very clearly and clearly, no negotiations with the aggressor , we will fight until victory, then if the people standing next to him do not believe in this, they simply have to, if you are going even just from a moral point of view, write a statement.
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to say that i am leaving this position because i i don't believe in what the president believes, well, at least, it should be like that, our political culture is really crawling on all four legs, as they say, and so far it is not visible that it will change in any way, but if there is no such political culture of culture, then you have to make administrative decisions, well, it seems to me, you have to act in this spirit. and as for measures against corruption, well, unfortunately, this is no longer, not a novella, this is already something that we experience and hear repeatedly, and likewise, the president must draw a conclusion, or this topic is removed from the agenda and we move forward and we show everyone that not a single dollar, not a single, not a single euro goes, sorry for the words left, and then we have no
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problem asking, demanding, help, of the highest quality level, well, or then we will constantly hear that we will be accused, accused of stealing, that we are corrupt, that we are not capable of managing our state and so on, so here i think the signals are quite clear, everything else , i mean the time article. well, these are the opinions of a particular journalist, for god's sake, we we live in a democratic society, he has this view, someone else has a different view, well, for god's sake, i don't, i don't, i don't understand why we are discussing this as the main news of a global scale for the third day, to be honest, we need to be very calm about all this things to look at and not make a supersensation out of it, well, probably because eh, these two articles are completely different, if we talk about valery
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zaluzhny’s article, then we see a completely different side of the coin here, i was not particularly surprised by it, but there are such people she surprised and not clear, why? well, you know, she, i would say so, did not surprise her, she, to a certain extent, perhaps, demotivated some people, because, well, it is said that we did not actually fulfill the plans that we were very much counting on, but on the other hand, it is very positive, because it clearly and clearly says, dear our western partners, if you think that you can succeed without having the tools for it, then you are wrong, if you have to dig a hole there in relatively speaking, two or two, then dig it with a spoon, well,
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somehow it is very inconvenient and very long, for this you need to have a shovel, or better yet a small excavator, then it’s all done instantly, quickly and efficiently, well, that’s exactly what zaluzhnyi’s article is about, i really hope that our western partners will finally understand and hear it, well, you can’t give weapons for victory , by the way, yesterday, and even in minimal amounts, well, look, the tsahal went on the offensive with gas when, and then, when the aviation worked, because no textbook on military art foresees an offensive without the beginning of serious, strong air strikes on the positions the enemy, first the enemy suppresses aviation, artillery, and so on, and then... goes on the offensive, it doesn’t work in any other way, but
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why should it work in our case, why should our troops somehow miraculously pass it along mined roads for tens of kilometers in fields and not have losses, well, this does not happen either, well, for this you need to have tools to at least make passages in these minefields, sir, and so on and so on, this is this is this - a lot of examples, so i think , this is a very clear signal to our friends that if you if you want this war to end with our joint victory, then please. think about what you're doing or it won't work, look, without the financial support of the us and nato, the ukrainians can lose this war, and this is what us secretary of defense lloyd austin and secretary of state anthony blinken said this week during a hearing before the senate committee on budget issues. austin believes that putin
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hopes that the west will get tired of supporting ukraine and thus he will soon get his way. if that's the case, if we don't support ukraine and putin wins, no will stop at ukraine, so both officials believe that aid to ukraine and israel should not be divided, since both wars are related, however, we know that the us house of representatives has already approved a bill on emergency aid to israel, and in this project, on unfortunately, there is no mention of ukraine, despite the fact that us president biden asked the house of representatives to combine aid to israel and ukraine. let's see now, mr. volodymyr, let's see our material now, and then we will discuss it with you. 226 for, 196 against. the lower house of the american congress passed a package
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of aid to israel worth more than 14 billion dollars, splitting along party lines. democrats mostly did not support the bill, at. currently, it does not have funds to support ukraine. president joseph biden proposed adopting a joint $106 billion aid package for ukraine, israel and taiwan. but the recently elected speaker of the house , trumpist republican mike johnson, spoke out against it. like, israel is an undisputed ally of the usa, and if the white house wants to help ukraine, then let him, but on the condition that he will be settled. the american-mecca border, through which illegal migrants arrive in the usa en masse. ukraine will appear in the near future, it will be next. i said that we want to unify border security with ukraine. if we are going to take care of the border in ukraine, then we should also take care of the american border.
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the future of the approved bill on aid to israel is in doubt, it must pass the upper house to become law. congress, that is , the senate, and the democrats have a majority there, and theirs leader chuck schumer has already said he will not put the initiative on the ballot. president joe biden is also threatening to veto the document in this form. in addition, the leader of the republican minority in the senate, mitchell mcconnell, advocates the simultaneous allocation of aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan. he sees all three conflicts as a single challenge, and the dictatorships have given up. think of it as an axis, an axis of evil, china, russia, and iran, so it's not just a test for ukraine, it's a test for the united states and the free world, and the way to greater security for all of us
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is simple, to help ukraine win the war. another of mcconnell's arguments, the billions of dollars that the united states allocates to ukraine eventually returns. into the american economy. defense enterprises in 38 states receive this money for the production and modernization of weapons to replace those that washington gives to kyiv. but not all of mcconnell's party mates, both in the house of representatives and in the senate , agree with him. some of them are outright isolationists who are against even indirect participation in any conflicts abroad, others consider the actions of the biden administration. they say, the white house allocates funds to ukraine without any strategic goal in vain. this week, eight republicans in the house of representatives sent a letter to president biden with the conditions for further assistance. a simple strategy. you and i will not
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win yet, or we must win, is not a winning strategy. how will ukraine win, how long will it take. let these estimates. must be accurate, but we must understand the end goal. does white have such a strategy home this week, defense secretary lloyd austin and secretary of state anthony blinken persuaded senators to support the joint aid package during a senate budget committee hearing. they did not mention ukraine's victory. instead, they talked about the need not to give victory to putin. in ukraine. putin felt that he could wait, this is part of his strategy, the main part of his strategy. he hopes that the west will get tired of supporting ukraine and thus he will soon get his way, if that is the case, if we we will not support ukraine, and putin will win, he will not stop in ukraine.
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valery zaluzhny's article added fuel to the debate about ukraine. opponents of aid cling to the words of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, that the war has become positional and reached a dead end. supporters emphasize the need for increased aid in order to get out of this impasse. observers suggest that in the end, a compromise may be the allocation of an aid package to ukraine, but less than the $61.5 billion offered by biden, probably the military component will not be touched, instead , budget support for kyiv may be reduced, which means that ukraine will have to think about where to get money to pay pensions and salaries to state employees. in any case, the controversy surrounding aid to ukraine is a bad story, the issue that united american politicians at the beginning of the full-scale invasion has become one that has divided them. support for ukraine is also falling among ordinary americans. according to the october survey of the sociological company gelab, 41%
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of americans believe that the united states is doing for there is too much ukraine, it is almost twice as much as in august 2022. more than 60 us citizens believe that neither ukraine nor russia will win the war. well, mr. volodymyr, let's talk about help again. as politiko writes, zaluzhnyi's article for the british publication caused debate in the us congress and inflames party passions, some republicans believe that zaluzhnyi's words reveal deep differences in the ukrainian leadership and that zelenskyi's military goals do not correspond to reality, these republicans are a minority in the senate, but all same yes, this opinion already exists, so how can such differences of opinion and form on the situation at the front between the president and the commander-in-chief affect our international partners and aid in general?
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well i think actually there are no differences , there are different interpretations of what is happening, and i think that we do not need to promote or promote this line in any way, our only chance to win is the unity of all. er government, army, society, as soon as we start to find out, er, who is a greater patriot and who is a less patriot, we will lose, so this seems to me to be an axiom from which we must not deviate under any circumstances , now regarding aid, well, there are such figures that american aid amounted to 0.3% of gdp, the united states, thanks to this aid, according to
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the americans themselves, half of the russian army is destroyed, biden himself said that this is the best investment in the security of the united states, in your article it was also said that in fact most of the money allocated for aid remains in america, and so on and so forth, that is, well on... actually it's about things that are obvious, well, for sober-minded people, of course, there are there, this wing of dirty trumpists , no logic will work for them, but actually it is not about them, but about what we need to shape in one way or another in the highest, political... leadership of america to understand that this is in the interests of the united states itself, and to prove
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it with very simple and concrete examples, regarding the perspective of this bill, which has already been passed in the house of representatives, well , you know, it seems to me here, republicans, fell into a quite, skillfully set trap by the democrats, look, the mechanisms that both the president and the secretary of state have , will actually help to level this balance, well, think about it, eh, there are 60 billion or 50 billion, these are , uh, crazy funds , that's a huge amount of money, and if it's properly turned into a weapon, i think it would be quite enough to really change the course of the war. if we get what we want, it will mean that the russians will have
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much, much less chances, we hope that ukraine's support will remain the same levels, and maybe it will even be increased, i want to thank you, unfortunately, we are working live, so we do not have more time, thank you, thank you, we were contacted by volodymyr ogryzko, diplomat, ex-minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, and we are moving on, and therefore to the situation at the front, the defense forces of ukraine. hold their positions and continue to advance in some areas. in the lyman-kupyan direction, the attackers carried out assaults near synkivka, ivannivka, kharkiv region, stelmakhivka, luhansk region and in the district of verkhnyokamsky, donetsk region. but the armed forces of ukraine repelled them. in the bakhmud direction, the armed forces of ukraine have advanced near klishchiivka and are storming south of bakhmut in donetsk region.
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the occupiers tried to conduct assaults in the marya district. and novomykhailivka, donetsk region. they unsuccessfully tried to restore the lost positions near klishchiivka and andriivka, and the ukrainian troops inflicted losses on the enemy in terms of manpower and equipment, and entrenched themselves at the achieved boundaries. the invaders suffered failures in the zaporozhye direction near robotyny. at the same time, defenders continue their liberation battles in the melitopol direction. they inflict losses in manpower and equipment on the troops of the russian federation. spring. muscovites along the entire front line. ukrainian forces hold positions and continue offensive actions on the left bank of the kherson region. our soldiers conduct a counter-battery fight, inflict fire damage on the rear of the enemy. they shell enemy combat equipment like seeds. units of anti-tank missile systems
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russian tank columns are the first to meet. at the beginning of october, soldiers of the 66th separate mechanized brigade held back the enemy's offensive near makiivka in the luhansk region. in just four days, they destroyed 25 units of russian armored vehicles. the espresso team met these warriors on the front lines. more details later. if you ask a soldier what is the scariest thing about war, the answer is almost always the same. onslaught of tanks. you have to experience it, you can't tell it, it's fear, well, when you 're afraid, it's good, then you survive, call sign my father serves in an anti-tank unit, which destroyed 25 units of enemy equipment in four days, three calculations worked, the russians
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are constantly pressing, well, they were more cunning before that , they went there to check for strength, they checked for strength there, we already had cases when we had four or five pieces of equipment destroyed in one calculation in one light day, the ksp companies reported that there would be an assault, and they began to come in pairs, pairs of two, four pieces of equipment, two bmp tanks, there or just two tanks, these shots were taken by the guys during the terrible offensive of the rashists of the luhansk region, a cloud, one set in, no more, as i assumed, they started shooting at me, well , i don’t know how to say it correctly, everything is in front of my eyes, well, in short , i didn’t understand what i was doing at all, that is, i was doing everything automatically, i just heard the drones flying, and at that


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