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tv   [untitled]    March 31, 2023 4:00am-4:31am EEST

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[000:00:00;00] european markets, and it is admitted that it is not so easy everywhere, not all countries of the european union strongly encourage ukrainian e. poland is precisely the one that has opened its embrace the most , where many of our compatriots live, first of all, coffee, confectionery, canned goods , groceries, and this is meat products with lard , even e soft drinks are very popular, but the conquering networks are very picky because it is very difficult for local trade networks, they have local rules according to which they must work. and they expect
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ukrainian manufacturers to be accordingly also to work constantly, that is, that there will be no such distortions and they are not interested in cheaper, but they are interested in the fact that you had a price that you can maintain over the years, ukrainians so far manage to meet the requirements , ukrainians are always very strong in their they conduct business even under the fields under the rockets we do not stop and do what we have to do help uh we continue to create invent something create new and this is a unique property of all of us this is what makes it possible support the ukrainian budget, ukrainian business that absolutely pays taxes, but the prices of our products here are not ukrainian at all. in poland, they sometimes cost twice
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as much. the same kyiv cake costs as much as uah 800 for our money. however, this does not deter buyers , do not forget about everything, the last money goes you always spend on some dry kyiv or some crackers there, even if it's not healthy, you'll still eat it because it's from ukraine lyudmila zhytomyrshchyna admits that in addition to being delicious, it's quite encouraging ukrainians that i know here. when all the ukrainians are there, for example, they are on one hand, and where did you get that bull caviar? and where , for example, do you have those chocolates, and then there is a trick like this? everyone flies there to the saleswoman of this shop of ukrainian products. there are more. and those who came to them for the first time can be seen right away, even the moment. well, how immediately, from joy. so who takes snow at home, someone just came because of the war, anyway, ukraine is ukraine, because
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as the ukrainian buyers themselves say, this support and the opportunity to enjoy their family while they are waiting to return home from poland valery chernenko facts of the week ictv the only news this video broke the patterns of russian propaganda president zelensky's visit to the bakhmut region was so lightning-fast that the kremlin did not have time to distribute the manuals before the broadcast and the proclaimed skabeeva pounced on the russian venkor who previously claimed that the road of death to bakhmut is under the full control of russian artillery, but it turns out that zelensky drove by and presents awards to heroes, this is also a visit by the president of russian to mariupol, which is 80 kilometers from the front line, but the leader of russia dared to go only at night i wonder why it is safer
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to not see the details of the face, for example, this unexpected trip again raised a wave of talk about kremlin doubles you can immediately see in sevastopol that this is not putin. because putin has a very specific move, he always has his right hand. it seems that he has a sword or a saber hanging there, and he supports it with this. with his right hand, kortyk always waves with his left hand, and here is a person who looks like putin, he openly waves with his right hand. that is, this is not putin’s move at all, so i really am. it was putin’s double. more on that later in the facts of the week. wait, but for now, about those whom putin wants to break . it did not succeed, it was incredible, the residents of ukrainian cities who were under occupation but did not give up were approaching victory exactly one year
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ago, the great liberation of kyiv oblast , chernihiv oblast began from the small village of muschun, and president zelensky symbolically visited him this week and reminded him how they kept defense against the elite units of the russian marines, how a small village became a big shield for the country. incredible stories of people who resisted the invaders a year ago. they brought the liberation of the ukrainian land closer to the city-heroes through the eyes of serhiy kostash. on february 24, russian troops are being shot at again. invade the north of the kyiv region from the pits in a matter of days
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fierce battles begin already in the suburbs of kyiv invaders and went there to help people who wanted to get out of the occupied city. and from here we started the official corridor to remember how everything was then . did not clean then on march 17 of last year it was unsuccessful. this is how the driver shares with us the few shots that managed to be saved. the occupiers agreed to let their buses into the city, but people were not warned about people were very much in favor of evacuation, they were bad, they didn't understand anything, they were very afraid, they couldn't speak, there was no light , no television, no internet, nothing for the boys , they quickly figured out what to do, ran there , well, there, the neighbors shouted to everyone who
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was there and they are all ladies, we all drive quickly if in our cars, then in the car that we could there, well, there was literally only 5-10 minutes, they threw the car into their evening there and well, they all left after us, despite the fact that the driver managed to get 15 for the gas then this man somewhere in the area, a man left and 47 civilian cars, well, civilian cars, at the same time the enemy tried to advance towards the capital through the chernihiv and sumy regions, the occupiers fired at him, he found himself under attack and chernihiv, the life of the city changed in one moment, in two warehouses there were 328 permanent residents, that's the most and also periodically there were those people who tried to evacuate and asked to spend the night. olena yakovchuk , the director of the local school, was one of those who at that time tried to help people
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on the eve of the full-scale invasion. turned the former shooting range in her institution into a huge shelter, there are two desks next to them, a mat or an air blanket is placed on them. a pillow is warm and hard when it was sent to the city. it was here that people could hide from rocket fire . the perseverance and diligence of the school director saved many lives in this place. they slept my husband and i had a stroller with a baby next to the bed. and this is where our children slept. chernihiv was besieged by the invaders for a month, they tried to storm it 9 times , turned the houses into ruins, and so far the streets of the cone were hell here, everything worked like clockwork. i don't even know that the most difficult thing was probably to deal with your emotions , yes, because you couldn't show anyone what you were, either. it was difficult at the beginning of april, everything was over
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. our heroes did not stop in helping others, ms. olena was one of the first to resume studies at school , they stopped shooting and teachers from other schools started to pull up, and then we had all the items here stored or kicked oleksandr continued to work on intercity transportation in the kyiv region and ani did not think for a minute what he could have done differently in a year after those terrible events, in the cities of our heroes there are still open wounds and ruins left behind by the occupiers, but that time showed thanks to the efforts of simple and sincere ukrainians our nation is capable of winning under any conditions serhiy kostish ictv facts of the week - putin's only news on the bunks this week the world continues to discuss the sensational
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decision of the international criminal court warrant for the detention of the president of russia, who is accused of stealing ukrainian children, if gdp finds itself on the territory of a country that has ratified the rome statute , and there are more than 120 such countries, then the local authorities are obliged to put handcuffs on putin and send him to hell on the very first flight, although some such countries are already beginning to loop, for example, south - an african republic in august brics itself is to be held there, of which russia is a member , now in the park they are looking for a legal loophole so as not to arrest putin, but viktor orban, a hungarian friend of the russian president, decided in general don't bother with any catchphrases, they directly stated that hungary will not touch putin, fortunately for such countries, the unit is, for example, another partner of russia in the brics brazil, unlike the couples, confirmed that it respects the criminal code and that there brazil will soon not be able to go even to its ally in terms of gdp odcb to armenia, which this week
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began the process of ratifying the rome statute , which means that it will be obliged to detain vladimir putin, the main thing is not to make a mistake, because the talk about putin's doppelgangers is only intensifying too much already the sharp changes that are taking place with the gdp in the public literally within a few days catch the eye, what kind of tsar is the real oleksandr melnikov with experts, closely looked at the man who presents himself as vladimir putin, the replacement of the tsar, why putin's mysterious visits to crimea and mariupol may turn out to be russia's largest hoax, the wrong putin but how to recognize where is the real one and where are his duplicates, i can say that in crimea it was most likely not putin, we involved
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the leading youtubers and who is really in charge in russia, we know that he is not alone. the exclusive facts of the week are here. the presidential landing of the kremlin first went well in crimea, and then in mariupol, however, during an unexpected trip with putin, some strange transformations begin to take place. he is not at all like himself. suddenly, his lower jaw disappears somewhere. and his face sags, although before that he mysteriously got younger and became much slimmer , there was even talk that the tsar was not real in the main intelligence office of ukraine immediately emphasized suspicions that are quite reasonable in mariupol, it was nothing more than teatralna production and actually the person looked like putin, but there is no reason to believe that it was directly the russian dictator
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. if so, who was actually sent to sevastopol and mariupol, where is putin real and which of them is a double, an optical illusion is a very effective tool for manipulating your consciousness, now you see me one, so it may seem to you that i am original, but let's complicate the task . hello, how is it, how to understand which one of us is the real one. it is worth looking closely at inconspicuous details and optical focus with doppelgangers, the character's stand-up is crumbling, the character's chin can give away the gait and even the formal good, good, i am a doppelgänger and i he watched the president of russia for many years because it was his job we know we know putin 23 years old he talks to whom he
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a former employee of the russian foreign intelligence service, serhii zhirnov, is sleeping. he immediately notices a strange detail in sevastopol. more precisely, it is not putin . because putin has a very specific move , he always has a right hand. there is kortyk hanging or a saber and he supports his kortyk with this right hand, while always waving his left hand, and here is a person who looks like putin, he openly waves his right hand. that is, this is not putin’s gait at all. but you almost certainly could have missed another unusual moment, this one the mysterious movement of the head of the kremlin. putin seems to fix his face very strangely. and this is already a helicopter with a kremlin bench. he sits down near mariupol. he immediately finds himself behind the wheel of a car and even at night, at the same time, he never turns
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his face to the camera, as if he is purposely hiding it. what is the real putin, what is the real putin absolutely sure he could not drive a car, even though traffic was not blocked at all, this is excluded for me because when he came a week ago on the ulan-ude, this poor ulan-ude was blocked a week before putin's arrival, the gdp fits to the residents this is how pavlish begins to get to know us, almost without security, and suddenly the camera records the scream of a woman behind the scenes for them, the russian media likes it, they just don’t have time to clean up the excess truth, it’s just an absolute puncture, in fact, to putin in general they do not allow tea people, and even more so the unverified ones. and here he himself asks to go to one of the allegedly rebuilt apartments . what we saw in mariupol is a completely different picture. the picture is designed primarily
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for the internal audience of russian consumers of the same propaganda, who are being shown that here are the living . everyone is alive and not in the bunker , but look more closely putin looks tired and old, while in crimea he was cheerful and much younger, is it a play of light or are there two different people in front of us to figure it out we are going to one of the most famous plastic surgeons of ukraine dmytro word sir compare photos taken during putin's trip to the crimea mariupol and already when he returns to moscow his eye immediately notices the anatomical metamorphosis of the head of the kremlin look at the contour of the neck here tightened contoured here tightened contour still here he it sags, that is, even if he leaned over, such a drop is unlikely to happen and i think that these are just different people, however, the changes affected not only the face
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of gdp here, if you look closely, that is, precisely at in this photo, the shape of the skull is slightly different. look. so here it is slightly different. and to have a complete picture with scientific evidence, i turned to a professor at the university of southampton in great britain, mark nixon, an expert in computer vision and a leading researcher in the field of ear recognition. along with modern software is a more unique tool for identifying a person than even fingerprints as you get older ears get bigger but they never change their unique shape and therefore, even despite age changes, the ear remains a reliable means of identifying a person, we send photos and videos of putin's last trip to crimea and mariupol and ask the brand to analyze whether the images are really one and the same person
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, if in addition to his ears in the photo, they seem quite similar but one part was still different, if you look at this area, in the images that i saw, it had a somewhat different shape, it turns out that we are shown different people by our experts without hesitation, they make their conclusion, it is clear to me that these are two completely different people, we can talk about the fact that there are at least three people who perform this role and play the russian dictator in sevastopol, there can’t even be any options here, but someone really wants us to think otherwise . definite evidence that it was organized in a hurry . why is there such a rush? why did they work so poorly with
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the picture and a similar answer lies in the events of putin to crimea and mariupol, the international criminal court issued an arrest warrant to gaziv if only it didn't turn out that one of putin's lookalikes ended up on the dock and not him alexander melnikov ictv facts of the week - you will find the only news, more interesting things on our youtube channel facts of the week subscribe to youtube, we will meet you in a week and on the air of the national marathon , the only news of next sunday, the baton will be picked up by our colleagues with the father-in-law of the week , we will meet glory to ukraine, join
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the brave, defend yours we are warriors, not lazy , lying, and our work is righteous, holy, god who for what? and we are for independence. that's why it's hard for us. your spirit, the strength of your spirit, is like light, it's the light of the whole world. i pray that it will be bright enough to lead you through this darkness. we have to invest everything in
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the ukrainian people. hello, i'm benz stiller. i'm here. in ukraine it is impossible to believe how terrible the situation is in ukraine i want to say that i am close to the ukrainian people i am close to the ukrainians i give my heart in ukraine we have to help as much as possible i am very proud this war will be finished it must be won the fourth i am definitely sure that they will win. small and medium-sized businesses in ukraine now need support, that's why there is a job grant program for business creation and development, it helps those who want to grow and those who are just starting out , gives opportunities to those who have skills, the main thing is to be ready to work and create such an opportunity for others, submit an application and a business plan, get a grant and work in ukraine
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because there is a job, there is a government grant program for entrepreneurs there is a job, there is a job for the development of your business greetings my name is yana brynzy and now i am in the office of the president to talk to the advisor of the chairman op. mykhailo from a distance, mr. mykhailo welcomes you now that we are talking with you, another exercise is taking place in russia with the use of nuclear complexes, and this rattling of nuclear weapons during this stage of the war has already become so familiar to us that it even strongly affects him you don't mind but nevertheless, you always have to prepare for the worst-case scenario and i wonder if ukraine has an action plan in case russia uses nuclear weapons in this war and whether our allies have such a plan is a difficult question because it
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speaks of the unpreparedness of the world peace as a whole, the unwillingness to take responsibility until now, even despite the fact that the war has been going on for more than a year and 13 months practically, and you are absolutely right, russia has no trump cards, it is obvious that conventionally they do not represent themselves as anything well, there are a number and there are some remaining resources, this does not mean that everything will end tomorrow, there is a shortage of them, but this does not mean that there is nothing, there is a mobilized resource in russia and so on, but they themselves are already subconsciously at all levels, including the entire subject a strange subject who historically simply became the president, unfortunately for this world putin, they understand subconsciously that they are losing the war and it is emotionally difficult emotionally difficult to lose a key element of one's domestic policy and foreign policy, and the key element of russia's foreign domestic policy has always been fear and today it is worthless they are not
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considered as people with whom you need to talk about something. and this fundamentally changes the perception of russia, and that is why they use their last resource called we have we have anti-continental missiles, we have yarsians, we have sarmatians, we will use something there, we will build a storage facility in belarus, we will transport tactical nuclear weapons there, and it seems to me that the world is no longer a question of ukraine . it is a question of the global world, does he want to live in the world anywhere? what inadequate person can say that i have nuclear weapons and today i will use some levers of influence, they were documented, this is the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, the first is the treaty on global nuclear deterrence how
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this is russia. by the way, russia lied to china. we don’t forget that this is an interesting moment. we will now move on to china, but it just seems to me that the world already understands this . if we think so, i want us to record it. if we think that everyone will watch silent on what russia is doing, it is not like that, the world is not afraid of russia, i already have a political leader for the world, first of all, the world does not live yesterday, so it is not rebuilding as quickly as we do, but it has already accepted certain things for itself, see the intelligence agencies monitor everything what everything that makes russia with from the point of view of nuclear weapons from the point of view, if we are talking about russia's strategic nuclear weapons - it is tracked online if we talk about the carriers of, say, tactical nuclear weapons, it is tracked how many types of missiles there are, and the world is definitely ready for the fact that effective countermeasures will have to be used against the russian federation, they will be involved, because it is nuclear weapons, it is not a matter of ukraine
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. i want us not to take upon ourselves what is not ours, we can fight with russia conventionally, we are fighting and we will fight until the end. it is obvious. there is no longer any in who doubts but we cannot regulate global nuclear security alone, we are ready to do it within the framework of the fact that russia is blackmailing the same from the au, for example, the world, but meanwhile it is already the responsibility of such countries as china , the united states of great britain, india, france they have to solve it, i think that they it is being decided, but with regard to china , let us tell china how such a situation will be if, god forbid , russia will tactically use nuclear weapons that the g7 countries will simply say, oh no, no, they have already started throwing
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nuclear bombs, let's just stop something what purpose can be solved by using, for example, tactical nuclear weapons in ukraine, and this will determine that there is an enlarged world? well, because if you have used nuclear weapons once, it means that you can use and not only you, we have such a very active person there. uh, an entity called north korea , this will mean that tomorrow the weapon will still be used somewhere and the day after tomorrow, and it will be an irreversible path, an irreversible path to how we have a very popular netflix series about an apocalyptic world, one of us. let's see what this will mean for everyone, it's a one-way road, yes, it's a one-way road, and again, ukraine can stop and has already stopped russian chauvinism as such, we have shown that there is no need to be afraid of it and we must take responsibility
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for solving a specific task. we are today they killed the russian practically this concept of propaganda fundamental concept fear us but the second component is to kill the russian pontoons including the nuclear ones and this we must all do together and i know for sure that if russia uses it for this, they just have to understand it themselves, they don't think rationally. it's clear. but the political elite of russia invested a lot of money in itself. russia did not invest. the russian political elite did not invest this money in the country. they invested in their own well-being in their family. in their foreign e-e real estate and so on. and today they are limited in their rights and so they lose all that, and i don't think that people who invest money in their well-being want to die
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for some idea, you know, they can die for ideas only fanatics in russia, there are a number of fanatics, but today they have no influence on the russian political elite, the russian political elite is quite pragmatic, cynical and very fond of money, each of the ukrainian analysts said that a person who does a manicure , putin will never press the nuclear button, well, that is there love for oneself is present at such a level that they will not give it to him and everyone understands that putin is playing with words today russia has always played with words and this war has shown it russia has always said that we have a big army we have just a huge military-industrial complex . we have yars. we have the iss . the iss does not mean the iss, which we like .
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and today all this is disappearing. so, just in relation to china, how russia plays with words for which there is nothing , sidon ping comes to putin, they sign a joint statement that clearly states that all nuclear states should not place nuclear weapons outside their national territories and should withdraw its nuclear weapons located abroad, and a few days after this statement, putin said in an interview that by july 1 , we will build nuclear weapons storage facilities in belarus and, well , we will probably store them there. what what what to expect from china in this regard after such a it could have been discussed and agreed upon by everyone, but well, from the outside it looks like putin simply got up and wiped his feet on this joint statement , well, china needs to analyze all this and i think that they will analyze the chinese, not russia, but they


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