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tv   [untitled]    March 30, 2023 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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[000:00:00;00] agreement and so on. everything related to that, on the other hand, when it comes to uh , delivery and deliveries, uh, you know, that is , this uh, uh, milestone, will he come or not , he passed, he passed on january 20, during rammstein 8, it seems that is, all heavy weapons will arrive in ukraine, airplanes and fighter jets will also arrive, the question, as i understand it, is not being discussed in america now , whether the f-16 or p- will supply the f16, and the united states will not. speak now. there is only one country in europe that has them at the airfields of the netherlands or holland, they have more than 30 f16s there, because they are just about to arm their army with the f-35, that is, the f -16s are ready to take it even tomorrow. well
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, all that remained was to rent a small corn field in the netherlands, for example, there, well, they left for school and our pilots, we understand that it is possible that they are already on the alert, yes, and then fly out of the netherlands, you know the situation , how uh-uh, that politicians no longer solve these issues, the military solves the issue, and i would listen very carefully to the words of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, general zaluzhnyi, who actually has a word now in these matters of the military, who in terms of the armament of the ukrainian army is considered number one, even i would say that even and there was such a situation when president biden said that we will not supply the f-16 because it is not because it is not a matter of today and so on, he stated two days after that, general zaluzhny stated we need f6 f16th and literally the second day, this commander of the air force of ukraine, general
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oleshchuk, spoke with the commander of the naval forces of the command of the american armed forces on the territory of africa and europe about technical issues related to the supply of f-16 and two pilots went to some american base there to study in the 16th. transfer of f-35 fifth-generation aircraft to ukraine, taking into account the fact that the long-term perspective of ensuring the security of ukraine is needed, and here i would like to give you this opinion that i am greatly reassured by the fact that in ukrainians, again, a when the war will end, because the state department said that the war can continue. and we are ready to support ukraine for several months, even up to several years. 3-5 years. it reassured me that the americans and the anglo-saxons, in general, as a club
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, call russians systemic people. they have one option, but in d and then they know how to simply understand how to approach this matter. in one option, it is necessary to provide such and such, and it will cost so much . they are before this is taken extremely seriously ukraine will not fall out of the priorities of american policy for so long and that is to say, we will and should hear it in russia as well, do you want a war of attrition well, you will have a war of attrition without any problems, this does not mean that the armed forces of ukraine will not go to borders of 1991 then putin or his successor will conditionally sign a peace treaty with ukraine or you will sign well then there will be an open confrontation then but the needs of the ukrainian army will not disappear
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, the needs of the ukrainian economy will not the needs of nato's eastern flank will disappear, the rearmament of poland will not disappear, the rearmament of romania will also not disappear , and so on and so forth , that is , the americans today say that the security of europe is their priority. the issue of the war in ukraine is a direct issue of the security of the united states . you remember august 14th and president barack obama, who said that the war in ukraine and what is happening in ukraine is part of america's national interests. on the other hand, we understand that it is in the national interests of russia , well, he said that, and after a couple of years we have what we have, we have a feeling that our partners
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understand that we need to work together for a long time and why certain agreements, in particular the countries of the european union, indicate a large amount of ammunition for the nearest year, it is impossible not to mark it. and also the fact that our closest neighbors and allies are also thinking about how to rearm and modernize. and it is possible to help ukraine in a certain way at the same time, and i have been unable to do so for a long time. the agreement of the head of poland with south korea is simply insane amounts of finances. if i am not mistaken in july, last year it was about 15 billion dollars, actually, more precisely , a thousand tanks, about 650 self-propelled howitzers of various types, we were also talking about about 50 fighters, that's all what i remember is obvious. it's like that. it's a long project, but i'd like to understand at what stage
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of implementation it is at the moment and , again, from the latest news that we have. just a few weeks ago, south korea gave poland permission to share self-propelled guns with ukraine relax, there are fruits of cooperation that are so practical, a few dozen of them arrived in ukraine , well, of course, in public space, but there are why did poland sign such a contract with the north and the south? and so on, because the polish army is doubling its strength , plus it is building weapons on a huge scale. the modernization
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of the polish army is now underway, and its development is bordering with russia, from the kaliningrad region, from belarus, i apologize for the kaliningrad region, uh, russia, three new divisions are being created, two tank divisions, one general military division , it seems, it’s just huge resources that need to be spent and arm them , and the first ones who could come to supply weapons are uh, taking into account the needs of ukraine, that’s it i had to calculate myself. and what will be the needs in ukraine if we supply heavy weapons and so on, and it turned out that the south korean korean can come as soon as possible, plus the crabs indeed and they were created on the basis of the cooperation between south korea and i forgive, that is, it is such a hell that sooner or later the south korean will come to ukraine, i doubt it, since poland is a large
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logistical hub for ukraine in all respects, i think so in this regard, it will be the same when the political decision to supply ukraine with artillery and tanks and aviation has also already been made. so we are now engaging our expert who will be with us in our skype communication, we actually got to one of the hottest there today what will be with ukrainian the orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate within the walls of the kyiv kyiv-pechersk lavra, we know you in touch, george kovalenko, priest of the orthodox church of ukraine , rector of the open orthodox university of st. sophia of wisdom, we welcome you, mr. george, congratulations , glory to jesus christ, glory to ukraine, god's eyes . well, we would like to ask you about the dynamics of returning even not the eviction, so to speak , of representatives of the uoc mp from our ukrainian shrine, we would like to ask you about the pace
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of the return of legal ukrainian denominations in our temple is about the kyiv-pechersk lavra because it is, so to speak, similar processes, that is, we return some to their historical homeland in such a grand manner, and the other should occupy their rightful city in the shrine. well, i think that is exactly i am a supporter of the concept that there are two ways for the moscow patriarchate to exit physically from the lavra and from other monuments and to exit from the middle, that is, the moscow patriarchate should be expelled from the inside and then
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you can to remain together with the ukrainian people with ukrainian believers, with ukrainian churches, that is, but it is not an easy path to repentance and a change of mind, as it is translated from greek, one must squeeze the russian peace out of one's own heads and hearts, and then perhaps christ will strengthen there, and saint lavras will stand nearby. for example, yesterday we saw an example that one of the fathers of the spiritual cathedral of the kyiv-pechersk lavra actually joined the orthodox church of ukraine, headed the registered monastery of the orthodox church of ukraine, the lavra about ptsa da ot and literally in a few minutes of his e-e literally in a few minutes, he was banned in the moscow patriarchate, and at the same time, there were no sanctions against collaborators or those who are sitting in the kremlin for the annexation of ukrainian territories. are those who corrected the fire, or those who fled to russia? they
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have not been able to solve them for months are they worth any sanctions, and here is the person who took the risk, yes , supposedly, but in fact, what can a monk risk only with his conscience, actually? i think it was the right decision, the process of building a monastery of the orthodox church of ukraine first began , i hope that other monks who came to the laurel to serve god and pray together and next to the reverends, they will still be able to separate you from the institutions of the moscow patriarchate, god-loving eyes would like to ask you about the process of transition to the orthodox church of ukraine of priests and communities of the uoc mp or the russian church in ukraine i am constantly confused in those formulations, how many different obstacles are possibly created by the environment
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of pavlo lebedya, well, pavlo lebedya creates obstacles directly in the lavra. yes, there are other heads of the moscow patriarchate, some too of them under sanctions, some have already had their citizenship suspended, but they still continue to sit in the holy synod, go to the bank , so to speak, stand under the office of the president, threaten priests and believers with curses and excommunications, that is, the institutions of the moscow patriarchate continue to use all possible means the means were used for many years, and it was especially intensified during the tomos
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. e-e, that is, there is a certain education in certain e-e injections of priests, are believers, this is a process, a process that needs dialogue , a process that needs enlightenment, a process that needs sincerity, criticism , self-criticism, yes, that is, a look at oneself e-e, which requires orientation to what christ commanded and not why does the russian empire or the ideologues of the russian world teach that this is not an easy process, but that is, we know that more than a thousand parishes have already joined the unity, but i generally like the term to join the unity and to renounce the unity, that is, the moscow patriarchate in essence refuses unity with ukrainian orthodoxy and universal orthodoxy, but holds on with all his might to unity with moscow orthodoxy with the moscow patriarchate, what is so sweet there, or
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what keeps them there ? the ukrainian orthodox church has not severed its canonical ties with the moscow patriarchate. thank you. so stay in touch with us in the espresso studio. myroslav is a czech, a polish politician , a public figure. this is truly a historical revolution, but in real time, in the time of the return of the kiev pechersk lavra to the ukrainian people. that is, if you want, give it to the materialization of the tomos. that is, this is a historical revolution that is unfolding, and here it is not even a matter of the technical removal of representatives of the church of the moscow patriarchate from our ukrainian shrine. not that in general, a return to the origins, a return to the basics of what is called nationalism, so we know
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how the representatives of moscow tried to capture and hold in the 17th century the kyiv-pechersk lavra, because it is a cradle - without exaggeration, without pathos, it is the cradle of what is called christianity on one-fifth of the land of myroslavl, well, of course , when speaking with such large historical strokes, of course, events that determine the milestones of thousands of years, and not such century , because indeed the establishment of the autocephalous orthodox church of ukraine and the receipt of the tomos this is the recognition of the independence of the ukrainian orthodox church to the ecumenical patriarchs and it means confirmation
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of ukrainian statehood and i will not forget the words of the ecumenical patriarchate of bartholomew the first, what is his name, when he said that with us here, when he signed the tomos on the fanar , all divine services took place and so on , when he said that saint olga and saint volodymyr are not here with us. that is that's how deep it is necessary to enter well, of course , the return of the kiev-pechersk lavra from under the jurisdiction of the moscow patriarchate to the orthodox church of universal ukraine actually returns something much deeper, that is, the historical place of kyiv kyiv christianity as the place from where christianity came to the whole of eastern europe and not only to a large part of central europe
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. part of eastern eastern poland, that is, the place of kyiv in such a civilizational space, it is determined today, and when we say that ukraine is conditionally on the way to the european union and to nato, that is , it returns, so to speak, to its place in among european countries, the independence of the orthodox church in ukraine and the return of the greatest shrine of the ukrainian people, that is, the kyiv lavra, well, the second shrine is the juice of kyiv sophia, in fact, a confirmation of what is called spiritual independence, spiritual independence of spiritual sovereignty, i think that the ukrainian government is taking such powerful steps and not powerful decisions but i think that i have calmed down in such a public
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social significance uh, a very big to a big factor would be to simply say that the activity of the russian orthodox church is prohibited on the territory of ukraine, the church of faith is not prohibited because there is no difference between the creeds of the orthodox church of ukraine and the ukrainian orthodox church , all the same canons, ceremonies and so on , the same is prohibited, the activity of a church that is completely subordinated to the russian state and the russian special services is prohibited and this was recognized by the verkhovna rada of ukraine, that is, on the connection, also heorhiy kovalenko, and therefore such a question actually became known that a member of the spiritual council of the kyiv-pechersk lavra and the assembly of the most important spiritual figures of the brothers and archimandrites avraami the latvian announced his transfer from the ukrainian orthodox church of ukraine to the autocephalous orthodox church of ukraine, and actually he will perform the duties of the vicar
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of the kyiv-pechersk lavra as a part of the ptu, so the epiphany decided, and this is a very sea issue more about security, after all, we are talking about people who have been in a specific environment for a long time and may have certain beliefs, we are talking about a country that is at war, would it be appropriate to conduct certain checks on people who transfer from the uoc mp to the ptu and how to do it so as not to harm or frighten this process and so that after all it all happens very delicately, do you think that this is appropriate? well, first of all, such checks have already started for a long time, that is, the sanctions of the national security council against
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of a large number of figures of the moscow patriarchate in the process. i think it is not difficult to check what a person said during these years, that person, tell me what connections he maintained, but on the other hand, you know, the apostle paul was once a persecutor of christians, yes, and he became one of the first supreme apostles ago here it is also important that we trust each other, i.e. the clergy and the faithful of the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, these are the citizens of ukraine, that is, among them there are those people who really do not want to have anything to do with moscow, and this is not just a matter of checks, it is a matter of that a person testifies how he lives and whether he testifies again about unity , you know, let's talk first, let's pray together and condemn russian aggression unequivocally, we will
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solve all administrative issues later, because now there is a great need to protect the country and support the spirit of our people, who do not understand the phrases about the united people of our fatherland, as vladyka pavlo continues to preach and real cases of collaboration with the aggressor , sitting in the kremlin is the same activity and this is already and this is why they give a legal assessment to the ukrainian security authorities, but you know . and this is no secret in the church, so if a person sincerely repents and comes, then the church accepts this person, and then he will leave as he will behave to whom and decided to serve to god and the ukrainian people, or momonia and the russian special services, it actually becomes clear very quickly, when a person
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is near you. honestly, father , i agree with you, but there is another such process, a procedural point , for example, recognition in the uoc mp episcopal ordinations and so on and in general their recognition of the ukrainian orthodox church of ukraine as a truly legitimate denomination that is in unity with the patriarchate of constantinople is one moment and a relevant moment, is there no doubt so to speak, in certain ordinations that were carried out in respect of certain odious representatives of the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, because there were suggestions that far from all representatives would have the moral right to be generally in the status of a priest. well , it seems to me that church institutions, just like
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constitutions, security institutions as a business environment, a political environment, they need lustration , lustration is also a moral assessment. do you know the ukrainian legislation, which already has certain provisions that those people i don't know have become collaborators or state traitors, they do not have the right to hold certain positions, to lead certain legal entities, and again you spoke very correctly here about what is the difference between professing faith yes and carrying out legal or economic actions e on behalf of a religious organization ot faith - this is about freedom of conscience and ukraine is a country that respects freedom of conscience and the religious choice
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of anyone can believe or not or not believe yes and anything, but the question is whether people who commit state crimes or treason or are carriers of this ideology of the russian world, should they have the use of our monuments and shrines and should they lead and represent communities believers, yes, this is also a question for these communities, who leads them, whether they continue to be in this organization , not only a question of professing faith, but also a question, including legal property . just so to speak about internal church discipline, it's about great geopolitics, and here the good news reached us in quotation marks without quotation marks, the news that the name of cana is the holy holy father francis is worried about what he thinks is happening in ukraine well , there is a feeling that it is possible that
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he is informing the holy father incorrectly in general, somehow so very specifically perceives what is happening in our country. well, as a greek-catholic, of course , some position of pope francis that he expressed at the beginning of a full-scale war hurts me, then he corrected this position, addressed the letter very well letter to the ukrainian people as we know, the closest sviatoslav, the head and father of the ukrainian greek catholic church, worked a lot on the text of this letter, but still, pope francis in the end squeezed out of himself the inner conviction that he really does not know which side to take during this war, on the side of ukraine or on the side of russia, well, we have what we
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have, to quote a classic when even the hierarchs are counting from the roman globe. for the pope to condemn the war and address the ukrainians 318 times with support and so on, that is, on the side of ukraine, they clearly say so, but on the other hand, we have exactly such statements that show that not everything is evaluated in rome, the events that take place in ukraine , everything is fine, but it affects more global global issues and what is the general attitude of the vatican and the roman and apostolic capital towards the ecumenical orthodox? well, that's what the patriarchate of constantinople says .
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cyril's orthodoxy is conditional , it is a heresy, will there be orthodoxy, bartholomew , i have no doubt that orthodoxy will win over everything, patriarch bartholomew, and soon we will simply forget all these processes and go through them further. of the orthodox church of ukraine, to the rector of the open orthodox university of st. sophia of wisdom, thank you for participating in the broadcast. the churches of the moscow patriarchate, which are still the masters in the walls of our ukrainian kyiv-pechersk lavra, and even our journalist, pavlo, the swan, pushed him away with a microphone and so on. it is very interesting that repeatedly in his thesis that communication with journalists is beneficial to him, he noted that he really hopes at the un, and literally
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the day after tomorrow, russia begins to preside over the un security council mr. myroslav, we have literally two minutes here, is his hope, but in your opinion, absolutely useless, because, well, the ukrainian orthodox church of moskovsky the patriarchate of russia and the russian orthodox church really hoped that the development of the situation in ukraine would represent the persecution of the church, this will not succeed because everyone understands the situation, plus before that we have legal acts imposing sanctions on cyril , only the opposition of hungary did not allow the european union to do everything the european union should recognize kirill as subject to sanctions, i.e. impose sanctions on him for his political activities in support of the war. that is, everyone understands everything and there have already been such attempts to announce it
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to the security council at the council of security and organization of the united nations that there is religious persecution in ukraine, it will not succeed , it will not pass because it is too rough . it seems to be convinced because the picture is the same, the words and the actions are the same, and i think that soon the situation in the kyiv-pechersk lavra will calm down and everything will fall into place. leases, but uoc mp still it remains there and the prayers and religious services are held and the believers who came to the lavra today eh well, i don't know if citizens of a country in which there is a war going on under martial law can behave like that well
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, we are now in a completely specific legal status and these are certain restrictions we have to follow for the sake of the security of our country, today all this was neglected, in fact , i have a lot of questions for the law enforcement agencies , which would have a very delicate, but still keep under control and keep their finger on the pulse. as far as i understand the situation now about the law enforcement agencies , they are waiting for the decision of the court to which the monastery appealed, because the monastery has not yet appealed to the church management of the metropolitan kyiv metropolitanate. a few or a few nations or a few dozen to protest well, that's how it is. thank you, myroslav the czech, a polish politician, public figure, was a guest of our studio, further on our broadcast, and they continue their work already. my colleagues, be with the press. greetings, 12:17 on the clock, my name is


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