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tv   [untitled]    March 27, 2023 6:30pm-7:01pm EEST

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[000:00:00;00] and we will all have sticks if we want to do it, i don’t think that the chinese or anyone else will allow them to use it, but i would not exaggerate the absolute influence of the earth on putin personally and that’s it. i believe that russia has no more serious levers left. conventional weapons are understood by everyone. of the army ok i got it energy levers everything is a thing of the past uh food security they certainly don't manipulate and manipulate especially in africa but it doesn't work all they have left is nuclear weapons so in the near future we
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we will hear a lot more, and i am absolutely sure that this is an attempt to somehow put a pig's eye on them, as they are playing it under vilnius themselves , nato is the one to say it. so, we started here, and what does putin think of me again ? we will somehow let it go and there will be no reaction, that's why i and all of us should talk to those in the west who are making a strategy of deterrence, i said something about it, a strategy of strategic weakening of russia, that it is impossible to live with this russia for the foreseeable future , it is impossible in principle, it is dangerous for us it is dangerous for the west in the end, the chinese people need to be explained, for sure we will still talk about china with you today, so we will not go into another topic at all, but explain that russia is dangerous for everyone, both for the west and for the west. that
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is our task for today. on the fingers and with emotional arguments, that is, with the help of structured clear arguments and to say that this regime can destroy this planet and then humanity as such will not exist. and as you said, i also believe that despite all the levers of influence on them, they still can the brain has gone, it is not known where macron once, uh, a theologian, was not there and said that the death of the brain was caused by the brain. what is the diagnosis of the russian elites? i do not dare to say, i think that there are several of them and one diagnosis will not do here. but nevertheless , you can really expect anything from them mania nevertheless i believe that belarus is rather a symbolic step that is testing the red lines of the west, i will repeat again, which is
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adapted to the vilnius recluses and which simply says that belarus is our territory, you know it as animals that contain territory that's how putin wants to notice belarus, and he will figure it out with lukashenko later, as for me, i think he has several plans, he asks no, just which of them he will choose, so lukashenko, i think mr. pavel knows this very well, regarding brain death, i just wanted to to add, death can only happen when there are brains. and if there are no brains, then there is no death. i understand about the russians . that is, you can experience suburban life when they are there, when they are not, in principle, there are no
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surgical or other manipulations here. brain with the absence of a brain, it is not at all possible to er reactions this is a very important point which you touched on unfortunately through this war we saw and i hope the whole west saw that evil even if it is absolutely evil it can also plan it can also make strategic plans conclusions it can also be intelligent, but not in the sense of good, but specifically in the sense of evil, and so on. unfortunately, the west underestimated this evil for many years, it did not believe in it, it did not understand that the time had come to look at the world in chitic categories, and i agree with you that in our sense it is not our urban values, it is not our values, i don't even want to call
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what there are values, it is rather their mentality, but nevertheless, to underestimate evil is very, very dangerous, and we have come to this, the west itself has come to this we are part of the event, and this must always be understood, and this is a very important point. this is one of the conclusions of this war, if you want, about the world's reaction to putin's statements. let's talk, because the european union believes that the kremlin's statements about the intention to deploy tactical nuclear weapons on territory of belarus, there is an irresponsible attempt to escalate tensions and says that new economic sanctions will be introduced against russia in response to the increase in threats to european security in nato condemned the irresponsible nuclear rhetoric of the kremlin well , the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine and in general ukraine insists
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that the un council hold emergency meeting regarding russia's intentions to deploy nuclear tactical weapons on the territory of the republic of belarus. but in this context, it should be understood that from april 1, the chairmanship of the un security council will pass to russia, and that too in principle a very big challenge for the world according to you, how far are all the issues related to the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons and russia's chairmanship of the security council, how far do they all correspond with each other, and whether the un security council is the body at the head of russia that can in that including effectively discussing the issue of russia 's placement of tactical weapons in belarus. i don't see it, i consider the un to be a helpless patent structure that
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actually degraded even more than the league of nations before the second world war, although there was enough political will to exclude the ussr for attacking finland well, what did he do? well, we voted several resolutions, it's symbolic, it's really important, but what's next . and when we talk about the radbes, russia is sitting there. we don't have a mechanism according to the statute to throw it out there. that's why we need to reload the whole mess, but it's better to say uh, all the united nations organization, the united nations organization, has actually turned into some kind of intermediary that distributes contributions , money, that implements programs, there is its own
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bureaucracy that sits for 20 to 30 years and implements something in whose interests too in fact, it is not completely clear to us. beautiful, it is also clear to everyone that large countries can more effectively promote their representatives of the dion bureaucracy . i am not saying not to influence, as for the security council, it is the same ineffective organization as the un . of course, we can talk about its powers. there are our friends who help us but in general, today there is a stupor, there is a dead end, because not only russia is sitting there, but china. there are always several countries that do not want
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to act against them in one way or another, and if we are in a position tsukwanga in this radbez well, of course we need to bring all the discussion issues to the radbez , this is correct, this is the international logic that we have today, will it bring us anything , it is clear that no. important, and if now we will talk about sanctions, then we will discuss sanctions for a long time, and we see that it is increasingly difficult to agree to sanctions. even our polish friends, prime minister maravetskyi. a couple of days ago, i read my that to a certain extent is somehow creeping into that of sanctions and whether we will be able to introduce sanctions that will destroy russia's efforts today, this is a big question, therefore, sanctions
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are clear, but again , we need a collective solidarity western response, we need a new logic of deterrence, we definitely need to raise the stakes also in in the nuclear sphere, because people like putin understand power and the west very well, he has already started the process of rearmament, it must be just a tsunami wave that will destroy russia even more than it destroyed it. of course not i compare different historical events. but nevertheless, the soviet union and the west must say now we understand that we are in the xxi century and our answers are the answers of the 21st century and without us values ​​and our way of life we
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​​will not get it, therefore there must be a new nuclear deterrence strategy of russia and we should be part of it, this is exactly what we should talk about, and putin's trolling in front of the vilnius tsars , the west should find a worthy answer to him . and if you don't find one, it will be a blow to the solidarity of the west, and we should say in direct text, we have already partially started talking about these calls and about china, especially in the context of the russian-ukrainian war, the kremlin does not create military alliances with china, they have a fairly transparent cooperation , putin says this and repeats that nato is not builds new axes and develops new relations , that is, the west creates a global nato
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, putin says, let's hear what the kremlin's grandfather says to the customs system, there is no uh, no military union. yes , we have cooperation from the series of military cooperation, we do not we hide on this transparent there is nothing secret, we have military alliances, well, by the way, talk not only from china, but also from other countries, and what are they doing today? just talks about the fact that the west is building a new autumn well, look at me last year too much for the bill agreed on a new tragic
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concept for the development of the bloc and it is directly written that nato is going to develop relations with the strange asian pacific region and directly they list these countries there and new zealand and eh and australia and south korea and eh announce that they will establish global nato well, what is it here , mr. pavlo, it is obviously logical to ask what cd in said after the visit to moscow, and the development of events already with nuclear tactical weapons, doesn't this indicate that this axis putin is thinking about, it does exist , but this axis includes china, russia
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belarus, syria, iran, and this well, this is a real axis evil when they said in the soviet union, well, it was actually built. although cd -in-pin does not want to be the leader of this axis. and the leader of this axis is putin, because he is precisely the personification of this evil in this axis. i will return to putin's statements for a moment . of course, they are so twisted that maybe he will sell it to someone there inside russia or, unfortunately, even in the non-western world and sell it with the help of propaganda. unfortunately , it is even quite successful, but he talks about secrets, he says transparency, then,
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nothing. talks about how er started our war in the 14th year, how did the full-scale invasion begin last year well, that is, he, well, without knowing it, he is trying to mislead himself well, but i think that this is his propaganda style and now as for russia, i still do not see a russia that includes included in china, which included russia there, iran, belarus, but i clearly see china's desire to build a walrus partnership, and the center of this network is definitely not putin. well, who is putin to have the potential to be the center of such a network, the center
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of such a network, uh, 100%, uh, he is it is china er very well and builds authoritarian logic now er many of those who are engaged in classical geopolitics have started playing with maps if you look at the map of the chingizid empire then what is currently being built by china the partnership session has only two very important exceptions the first is of course we are ukraine and the second is south korea, and everything else will again plunge into this authoritarian frenzy , er, putin is using it, er, i think i dedicated
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a business card to explain to him what to restrain the united states and the west that is going to er have a precisely strategic dimension. i wouldn't say confrontation. nevertheless, such a competition with china without russia, without its potential , without its resources, without its military potential and food potential, will be difficult. china is always about china. china has no allies. i even once asked those who knows chinese well. they told me that there are many words in chinese, there are partners, whatever , but there are no allies in the chinese mentality, there was never any question of alliances
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. china beautiful knows what is happening in russia thousands, if not tens of thousands of people follow it in detail, even at the level of analytics. china follows every day in great detail , i would say even every minute of our war, it draws conclusions for itself from this . but as of today, a weaker russia is beneficial to china, therefore for china everything is going fine but at the same time it is not profitable and collapse is not profitable and defeat, and in this sense, unfortunately, it largely coincides with the logic of the west, since the west also wants to inflict a strategic defeat on putin, and biden talked about this a lot and the european leader, but this european defeat does not include the logic of the collapsing network, and i think that the chinese will continue
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to use russia, they will use russia both directly and indirectly, from the placement of tactical nuclear weapons in belarus , which we talked about today, this is one of the examples of testing of the red lines of the west and will this be a blow to solidarity for china uh, a complete disaster that now there is a collective event he wants to speak or compete separately with the united states separately with the australians separately with the europeans he does not want his rivals to have a collective action and the fact that the collective action was created as a result of our war, of course, everyone does not like it, but he will also wait for the moment when china can use its leverage to china, as i said, and not
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putin's victory, it is not profitable for any defeat and he will play a global game, you will not play the mediation of mediation for china, this is a global game, the chinese have shown the publication of their principles of global security, they have shown what will happen next with the fact that they brought the iranians together this is another matter. but nevertheless, he led the way and, as i see it today, he made a bet that china will not use russia as a prospect. russia is critically needed by china. i don’t know if china needs putin. but nevertheless , china will work very, very carefully. over the fact that if putin is rebooted, this person replacing putin should be the same about the chinese and as putin and have no other ways to iron out any policy, not to mention
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geopolitics on the eve of the visit, everyone to moscow western press wrote um claiming er, referring to his sources that everyone will definitely call zelensky after the conversation with putin, and firstly, why didn't he call if everyone was waiting, and secondly, is it even worth living in rehearsing this call to zelenskyi, i think that the contact has to take place, but his timing in the time frame, in my opinion, is not critical here, since everyone does not want to create the impression that he is taking on some kind of mediating role, and i already talked about it after he spoke with putin, if he immediately talks to
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zelensky, then it will be mean that china china is trying to use its mediation capabilities in its capacity. china doesn't want it. china's mediation is to realize china's interests, not our interests , and of course not russian interests, but china is still maintaining such pro-russian neutrality because russia is more critical for it. this is a reset of the world, which it started because everyone in and around him assumes that the context with ukraine is actually important, but everyone probably also understands that today if a conversation starts
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, china has made public the principles of the so-called settlement of the situation in ukraine , they continue to call our war the ukrainian crisis, they declare the principle of territorial integrity, but i do not want to put pressure on russia for the purpose of withdrawing troops. for ukraine further and in this situation, everyone understands that getting involved right now here is a matter of time, not only of the fact itself, it will make its position in relation to the west weaker, and this is such a banal, very cynical, clear calculation on the part of china as at the end of our program, mr. pavlo, i can’t help but ask you about the initiative of the minister of kuleba regarding the conscription of people to the diplomatic service and
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the search for the positions of ambassadors or attachés in various structures abroad . the country has such a diplomatic crisis, considering the number of universities that exist , and have you been offered a position in the structure of the current diplomatic structure, to return to the civil service in some capacity, i don’t know in what capacity, but it may well be. of some personal moment well, it's not really about me, it's about ukraine, and i really don't want what i'm saying to be caught as a slogan , what i can do as an independent person might be more effective today, and it's
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not about to get a position again, i held this position for 5 years, er, this is what i'm saying, it's been a long time since i've done it. today, everyone has to do what they can , i hope that i understand er, in some international issues, and i'm doing it. and regarding the competition, well my position why and no i don't i don’t see any criticality in this, and when they start this idea, it’s with their feet. well, maybe a few interesting people will somehow carry out this wave. diplomacy is changing quickly in diplomacy, of course, very specific skills are needed, and in critical areas it should continue to be so, but we are talking about the opening of some
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new directions in asia, in africa, where it is necessary to work, at the same time, as a person who promotes the economy, who tries to explain what ukraine is actually about today, that sympathy for us is not enough, because sympathy is not what we demand we demand solidarity and help and why this solidarity and help will work not only for us but also for them and through language i will tell you my experience because i communicate a lot with witnesses latin america well a little less with africa but nevertheless also it is very, very difficult, first of all, there is crazy propaganda , pedagogy, a lot of influences, and this story is only beginning if we, well, listen, if we found a volunteer drive, a volunteer tsunami and it helps, then why can't it
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help the diplomatic service, that's why i think it's an initiative to complete just literally a few seconds wishing thank you mr. pavlo it was pavlo klimkin diplomat politician it was a program the verdict was conducted by serhiy rudenko i wish everyone good health goodbye usual things become unreal heavy bags are not for my sick back from back pain try dolgit cream dolgit cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility dolgit what you want i will lift dolgit the only yellow cream for pain in the joints and back cinema television sports music education
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