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tv   [untitled]    March 25, 2023 1:00pm-1:31pm EET

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[000:00:37;00] i congratulate you, dear viewers, on the espresso tv channel, the studio program, the event, we will analyze the most important events of this week, of course, the key story is the visit of all dvinkin to russia and the plan, the chinese plan , myrny, which should not have struck.
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matthew bryce , secretary of state of the united states of america and markfegin, ex-deputy of the state duma , russian opposition figure in emigration, will speak on the air . matthew bryce, the state secretary of the espresso tv channel, will now be on the air. secretary of the united states, former director of european and eurasian affairs in the case of us national security, glory to ukraine dear mr. ambassadors, i welcome you to the air of the espressova tv channel , zinna's visit to russia, we understand that there is a formal part, there is an informal part. yes, we understand that certain statements were made, but the key story about that in fact , all dwinking and putin could just talk and agree, and what , accordingly , putin could ask from china. not only that, but the key story here is something and the ringing pin wanted to receive from putin, we don’t know because there were no such
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plausible claims, except for the usual joint statement on this issue, which did not say anything specific. so, washington was waiting for any calls from china to ceasefire in ukraine at a time when russian troops occupied so much of ukrainian territory and did not say a word about it, there is also no official statement about energy cooperation, in particular about the capacity of the siberia two gas pipeline. it seems that the goal president putin at this meeting was to get a commitment to continue the construction of this huge gas pipeline, but we never heard anything about it, except that china and russia have power, so i must say that the very fact that the family came to moscow shows that it is difficult for china to play the role of a mediator, if china at least had the intention to do so, then sieden-pin should come to kyiv and meet with president zelensky , the prophecy of zbigniew brzezinski about the possible
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creation of great cooperation between russia china and iran are beginning to realize this, and we understand that this is an extremely dangerous scenario on the other hand, how much salt , jingle, and foam is how much china will be ready to do this big global literally rocking of our country . it is not clear what goals china is pursuing, it is obvious that russia also wants it, iran desperately wants to increase its trade with russia, with china zre press who but what i don't understand so this is the ambition of china as we have already discussed xijin-ping went to moscow this means that china is inclined to support russia in this war but if you look at i am sure we will talk about this later the 12
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-point peace formula regarding russia's invasion of ukraine, which china recently made public, the initiative itself does not necessarily indicate support for russia , the fact that china acted as a mediator in the establishment of peace or the restoration of normalized relations between saudi arabia and iran, in my opinion, does not mean that on the contrary, this means that china behaves or tries to behave independently, otherwise saudi arabia would not allow china to play the role of an intermediary, and all because china is looking for benefits for itself and not for russia or iran. i think that there is still some tension between russia and china in relations with central asia, this tension is only growing. so now the main point is that china is increasing its influence in the middle east in central asia, and is probably trying to do it in europe, acting as a mediator between ukraine and russia, russia now finds itself in a situation where it becomes
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a raw material addition to the chinese economy. i don't know how far this process will go, but in any case, we understand what russia needs from china. russia needs to provide certain possible international guarantees, in particular through the organization of the united at the same time, russia needs economic assistance from nations and councils . the so-called economic support that china can give it, in particular, and i don't know about the peg of the ruble to the yuan, it is about the fact that russian raw materials will be laundered passing through the chinese economy and so on. putin also needs weapons. he needs military support for his army. how far do you think china will be willing to go to meet putin's demands? this is a very broad question. washington is most interested in whether china is going to provide military equipment and ammunition to russia, and so far beijing
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has not demonstrated. no sign of readiness to do so, he could do so at any time , while many chinese companies seem to want to try to avoid sanctions from the united states states and the european union this leads me to believe that bikinis are acting cautiously because the chinese government and especially qin pin do not want to be seen as those who fully support russia, but china is happy to sell certain goods, especially computer chips , which russia cannot buy not to receive, russia needs to restore its armaments, and china is happy to buy russian oil at a significant discount, this is in china's interests, so china's position is quite understandable, returning to china's peace initiative in the usa and europe the main attention was focused on the fact that china is inclined to support russia because it calls for a cease-fire, but if you carefully read the city, it is written there that china hopes for a de-escalation
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of tensions and eventually a cease-fire, which can be interpreted that china says we understand that ukraine we need to continue fighting for some time to fulfill the first point of our peace formula, support for the territorial integrity of states and non -interference in their internal affairs, so i think that everyone is now carefully weighing how much benefit can get china for itself in economic and strategic terms if it gives putin some of what he wants, but everyone is clearly not going to give him everything he wants. well, in general , as far as i understand the dilemma of the path, it was quite simple and in conversations everything is a ringer, of course i am primitiveizing and vulgarizing rather, he could present, so to speak, his vision of this formula of the russian-chinese agreement or arrangement. therefore, putin needs something to keep him in power, and sisinping made
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an extremely eloquent gesture declared that the russian people would rather support putin in the next presidential elections, well, there will be no russian elections, we understand that putin will re-appoint himself, this is one moment, the second moment , putin could have said to him, ok , then we need ukraine. and if you need russia and russian resources, they may be your main economic deal between china and russia is that russia actually needs china to keep buying their energy and china needs cheap supplies so it's a mutual interest that in fact, there is nothing in common with the territory of ukraine, i don’t think that everyone jin-ping says ok volodymyr take as much ukraine as you want because he still hasn’t done it this way this is an extremely important point from the other side, mr. amper, i would like to ask you about the so-called chinese peace
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plan it is as if he is and at the same time he is not. in reality, although i am rather more than convinced that putin and xi jinping discussed the chinese vision and the russian vision, in particular, about possible scenarios, and since i participated in the preparation of such a statement regarding other conflicts, let's say after russia's invasion of georgia or even before it, i see in the text certain hints about china's motivation. so, the most important element that is not in the text is a call to russia to withdraw its troops from all of ukraine . where did they invade after february 24 and this shows that these calls are really trying to subtly support russia or at least vladimir putin other elements of the formula also implicitly criticize russia and call on it to act differently again as
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i mentioned the chinese peace plan covers the fundamental international legal principle of the territorial integrity of states and their sovereignty in the city-pin, as well as vladimir putin knows that putin grossly violated this basic principle of international law and the un charter with his unprovoked invasion of ukraine , which began back in 2014, considering that this is the first point from the peace plan, we conclude that xi jinping no longer blindly supports putin, but now he understands that in order to achieve a just peace, of course , russia must withdraw its troops from ukraine because otherwise, russia will violate the territorial integrity of ukraine, so this is a very subtle formulation of the position before russia's open invasion of ukraine. it would be much better if the chinese came forward and frankly said that russia should withdraw its troops , so it would be possible to go on to condemn
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the threat of using nuclear weapons and detonating the safety of nuclear power plants are important components of criticism of russia's behavior and, importantly , the call for a ceasefire is not included in the plan, in fact it is not a call for immediate a ceasefire, but rather to a reduction in tensions and a gradual movement towards a ceasefire, if the salt wanted to simply support russia 100%, he would say that we call for an immediate ceasefire and the troops should remain in ukraine, wherever they are, but this is not what we are talking about the formula talks about the gradual reduction of tension and the eventual achievement of a ceasefire , which means that everyone understands that ukraine will continue the struggle or return its territories that are currently occupied by russia, so i am not so pessimistic about of the chinese peace initiative, but this is not yet a plan, but only a statement of principles
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that should be discussed between the parties in order to formulate a real peace plan . raised the stakes high that i do not know in what way it would be possible to influence de-escalation on the russian side , on the other hand, we must also be aware if there was no joint statement or no agreed joint plan spoken between by putin and sizenpin, this means that they either did not agree or agreed on all this in reality. as you said, an existential war for ukraine. this is what putin calls it, and therefore it is a genocidal war in an attempt to destroy ukraine as a country and also in the way he conducts the war
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by killing the civilian population. so this war is a genocide and you need to constantly think about it. that's right, because if russia, god forbid, succeeds, it will certainly be a huge tragedy for ukraine and also for all of us because georgia will be the next moldova of the baltic countries and i'm sure although i never talked to everyone, saying that he is not as if a war of extermination was being waged on the territory of ukraine. china has strong trade relations with ukraine, besides, everyone knows that if putin is left to float freely, he will expand the horizons of the war, he can use nuclear weapons and create a mass, to put it mildly, instability not to mention a disaster in all of europe and china really wants to have strong trade relations with europe china has its own expansionist ambitions in the eastern and indo-pacific regions from the chinese point of view this is just a recovery
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its territorial integrity by returning and ivaniv, in our opinion, this would also be an aggressive war, and yet china is not interested in mass catastrophes in ukraine and most of europe, so president zelenskyi is in an extremely difficult situation. in fact, i would like to ask you about the possibility of a scenario of correct behavior from the side of our top political military leadership, on the one hand , an endless international perimeter of negotiations continues , which can last for many years without ending with anything, on the other hand, the possibility zlinking, will you put forward other formal or informal proposals? yes, on the other hand, we understand that there is a clear position of the president of the united states, the state department, and so on , that is, america also has its position . the answer is simple: success on the battlefield. war, as we have said many times, is a continuation of politics by other means. that military success also generates diplomatic
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success, as we all know putin hopes that the usa, europe, canada and japan will lose patience and attention to ukraine i think that putin is praying for donald trump to be re-elected as the president of the usa and for him to stop supporting ukraine, this is the worst that can happen, what must happen is that ukraine will launch its military offensive, which will be successful, will push back the russian troops and put putin in a situation where it will be absolutely clear that he cannot win that there is no chance that he will ever win on the battlefield, the white house washington constantly declares that, like its allies, they must continue to support ukraine, provide it with the necessary military assistance and help prepare until the moment when there will be serious negotiations, when the diplomatic way can be successful and when the world actually
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listens to ukraine's point of view, i am convinced that the world will listen to ukraine's position. of course, there are selfish businessmen who want the war to end and that they can go back to buying russian natural gas and oil and in germany they are completely discredited ukraine enjoys the strong support of all its friends allies and future allies and needs to win a decisive number victories on the battlefield this spring, dear mr. ambassadors bryza. yes, we understand that one was an extremely important symbolic moment . putin, in front of everyone, found himself in the honorary status of criminals wanted by the international criminal court, a similar status at one time was held by mark duffy, and not only do i not think that president putin when will be arrested if he finds himself in a country that is a member of the international criminal court and i consider it a shame that the usa never
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signed the rome statute and did not as a participant in it, then the usa undermines the value or significance of recognizing putin as a war criminal. this is a huge humiliation and the only response of maria zakharova in the russian foreign ministry is that she is not a party to the international criminal court and its conclusions mean nothing to them, but they know what a huge condemnation and shame it is for all of russia, it cannot be hidden from the russian people that their president was recognized by the international criminal court as a war criminal, or at least received such charges, so i think that the practical impact is to further weaken putin politically and geopolitically and thus strengthen the moral position of ukraine, which should then translate into further economic , political, and military support of ukraine from its friends, well, on the other hand, we understand that putin is not going to back down,
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at least yes it seems that he will not do this, but the question is how much will become of his available resources, taking into account the fact that he is gradually starting to develop and activate his defense industry . so we understand that russia is preparing, perhaps to some longer protracted military scenario, putin will wage war against ukraine for as long as he can and i think the signals indicate that he is less and less able to do it. could not make any significant progress in the offensive yes they completely destroyed bakhmut but this is not a strategic gain the price was huge and ukraine managed to surprisingly successfully
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drain all this military power from russia and this will continue in the future, russia will never defeat the ukrainian military and we see that in economic terms the deficit of the russian budget is growing rapidly, they are burning their currency reserves and they are obviously not able to produce more accurate guided missiles that have similar ends. that is why they repurposed the s300 missiles to terrorize civilians population of ukraine, however, they have a huge number of artillery shells that they continue to use in order to destroy as much of ukraine as possible i think putin will stop when the european union can buy 2 million artillery shells for ukraine when they get to the battlefield and when the us can transfer more equipment to ukraine eventually we will see more fighter jets after poland took bold steps to transfer its mig-29 and i hope that eventually we will see the american f16, but regardless of how
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the situation with fighters develops , more and more powerful western weapons are coming to the arsenal of ukraine, it will take time to undermine putin's desire to continue to fight, but if the usa and its allies continue in the same spirit, providing ukraine with more and more powerful weapons, then eventually putin simply will not be able to continue this war , at some point he will also run out of human resources, not now, but you have to wait, but such a time will definitely come to you thank you, dear mr. ambassador bryza, for this extremely important conversation on the espresso tv channel. i would like to remind our viewers that matthew bryza, ex-adviser of the united states secretary of state, former director of affairs, worked for them. europe and eurasia in the case of the national security of the united states of america. glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes. now our guest will be mark
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feigin, a member of the russian opposition in emigration, ex-deputy of the state duma , iconic video blogger. glory to ukraine, mark. i congratulate you as a hero. in the teeth, the carcass of sisinpin around russia, so for almost three days we met with him , discussed and so on. well, in fact, we saw that russia is definitely becoming a raw material appendage of china. yes, but about the rest of the affairs , in particular, about affairs and the military and about affairs of the so-called diplomatic settlement, the sdf remained silent about this case and in the kremlin, well, i believe that there are two important conclusions, of course, two central conclusions that are fresh, you are right to do that strategic goals china has achieved in relation to russia, it actually received russia as a rigor of the appendix. - and managed to er-e about
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the devil's plan, namely economic expansion , and then every other one, well, you are punished , you speak of the legal registration of spain and so on a-a this was expressed both in public and in let's make an agreement in secret, which, in my opinion, took place so obviously. well, at the same time, he showed strength and power in relation to his vassal to moscow. well, how come the head of a neighboring state comes, even if someone says that you will be elected next year. him as the president, it doesn't matter how he is, the circumstances are not diplomatically not permissible, not from the point of view of a political point of view. that's why they swallowed the comments there, by the way, he was from the kremlin about what, oh , you know, we still don't know how to decide, it
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's very early, and so on. well, it's called turning on the fool, but it 's paid late, as they say, of course, yes, the owner said i'll leave it to you. here it is, and it won't be played here, and it won't be said that oh no. you know. we are radnye partners, and so on. putin himself speaks, says, we say, we envy you, he envies us. yes, this is directly understood quotes. china, he envies well, how would it be logical and the statement of what is in power now in russia, there is a traitor about the chinese party, all of putin has already stopped being distracted by rhetoric , talk, you know what we are talking about, well, you know, it’s ridiculous. it seems to you. when it didn't become mainstream like a couple of years ago before the full -scale russian invasion and so on. and so on . i remember very well how you and i
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outlined this scenario which, in principle, will absorb a significant part of the so-called of russian sovereignty and now the second part of this is the conclusion of this visit, it consists in the fact that china is claiming a greater geopolitical role through international mediators. for several weeks, an agreement was signed between teherans and illyrians, and the old sworn enemies, and china will not apply to you polish , this is what we tried on the fonts. agreed, too much is not worth it, here are these conversations about what we always mean between the saudi area and tehran, there are no more contradictions, you know, grandmother had to say , well, nevertheless, the quality is good , china liked zemfin, and they decide the fate of the world in different regions in different
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parts sveta and here, how would he, er, on this story decide to posit in what sense that if i manage to represent myself further in this capacity, i will still turn to china for the decision of these international problems in the quality of the permanent ones sought have influence on the mask in particular well, they are early, by the way, you also had an almost decisive influence in this question, and it will be successful, and the fact that, in principle, moscow is wild. there, the regulation is not according to its rules, in general , they refused any possibility of peace negotiations , this did not harm china much, but the visit was smeared because even in the canon of the visit , the date is not even indicated, the chinese side declared that it will be about peace in ukraine, and the negotiations are working washed ukraine the rest of the question has already been resolved long ago about the atasco-self-liquidation of the political subject of russia, the question has been resolved for a long time. that's what they're discussing . only what specific
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forms were fixed there - it was taken into account at the time of the uspensky compass of the son's company . indostan eh colonial means the policy of the british empire was offended in this or something else , i will already prove it to my mind. well, i want to say that we can't communicate with them after four, and then there are six, i think they are already they talked for a long time behind closed doors, but i think they met there in the evening , right ? by the way, i was more surprised that putin said that it is possible to feed on a plan. while we are talking about a plan , the chinese are speaking by example. these are the 12 declarative points published by the chinese country in the year. well, there is no plan, this is not a plan - these are the principles and the first point.
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it will be exhausted in general all yes recognition of international law and kusayustvennostorietyt international recognition of the border if we are talking about ukraine the same as the russian border no one violated well so what are the rejectors to accept here - this is a declaration that must be mandatory for a country such as russia to be a permanent member of the un security council, something else is needed guarantors of this peace and stability and security in the whole world, if there is any other plan, and you will make it public for us, show us where this plan is, and putin, even if the park was promised, well, in particular, i i don't remember whether piskov or someone or ryabkov promised to return, so to speak, after the meeting between these dvinkin and putin, and if they didn't, they didn't make two points public here, or they didn't agree on anything, or they agreed on everything and they solved this matter quietly do you know what to do quietly, yes , quietly , you will
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get nothing. it will be if this offensive is successful, it will be forgiven and no chinese plans will be successful, there will be a western plan, the american plan will fail, or it will choke or will not reach the maximum goal, who will probably return to some kind of mediation, a piece of china, i allow it, which will represent russia on its own behalf america will speak for china, that's how they think they want to solve the global issue and security, but i don't think that even if they assume some general concession in moscow under the plan, that's what they want, like we leave crimea partially there, the donbass remains, and we leave there, but under the conditions that ukraine enters, it’s necessary. but it’s not pleasant, no one accepts it here. another important aspect of westerners from the west is that they don’t like china’s follow- through. region and there solve the problems of which you have an enemy. he from one north korea solves and solves here. and you
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go to er, so to say, eastern europe to engage in something. what are you not stepsons and a hat , so you know how in principle and how it is usually he does not react, but nevertheless, this is a position , of course , the request does not want to see china as a negotiator, peacekeepers, etc. to the partner of the west of the collective request. this is not only the usa, it's all the same, like how china depends on this trade turnover of the usa and europe, first of all. therefore, it does not agree with the west, of course, because of this.
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ukraine is an ally of ukraine . it is impossible to compare when a-a in the conditions of the collective here indeed there is the primacy of america simply all the power of everything and the importance of a-a historical mission and so on and china which actually they say in relation to their satellites, it is known what kind of policy moscow is leading, and joining it does not presuppose any ideological unity, but presupposes a civilizational unity. russia must move to the position of the uyghurs. this is to say the ideas of the value of the collective note, which she sincerely strives for herself and wants part of it to be established. and therefore, the west, together with ukraine , will never accept moscow’s binding conditions. because now it's even more and there are the conditions of china , that is , ukraine is returning

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