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tv   [untitled]    March 22, 2023 9:00pm-9:30pm EET

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[000:00:00;00] the russian orthodox church well , which church can be called conventionally? ukraine good evening on bbc news ukraine olga palamaryuk is working in the studio and today in the morning bombardment of zaporizhzhia destroyed high-rise buildings has increased like this .
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ukraine's asian allies of the parties to the conflict xi jinping left a visit to moscow, and the prime minister of japan went to poland after ukraine , we reflect the results of both visits, which planes launch missiles at targets in ukraine, a report from the only place where you can see soviet-style strategic bombers, and he is in a new report warns humanity on the brink of a global crisis with a lack of clean water caused by pollution and excessive consumption fired shots zaporizhzhia hit two residential high-rise buildings in a video shared by residents on social networks shows how a rocket hits in an apartment building, at the moment we know about 18 victims, two of them children, one person died, three are in serious condition . the air force assumes that they were fired from
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jet artillery, probably tornado-s , the speed of these missiles is such that the interception system does not have time to record their release before hitting in just a few seconds well, also this night, russia released 21 ronkamikadzes over ukraine, 16 managed to shoot down in the city of rzhyshchiv, kyiv region, 60 km from the capital, drones destroyed several dormitories, people were killed, they also hit the educational building of the lyceum at first it was reported that four people had died, and later the rescuers recovered the bodies of three more people from zavali, and the number of victims of the night attack by the russians increased to seven. the police of the kyiv region reported that nine people were injured, one of them was a child. they have various injuries. president zelenskyi meanwhile went to the front, visited the forward positions of the ukrainian military in the bakhmut direction, zelensky listened to reports on
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the operational situation at the front, talked with the military and presented them with state awards and later he went to the hospital where the wounded fighters are being treated. zelenskyi’s previous trip to bakhmut was on december 20. then the fighters handed the president the ukrainian flag, which he handed over to the united states congress . the bbc correspondent in kyiv, james landea , described president zelenskyi in the context of this visit. president zelenskyi is very interesting if we look at it. on the news of the last few days, they were all about putin's arrival in russian-occupied mariupol, and also about how the chinese leader was received in moscow. i think this visit of the president zelenskyi to bakhmut in the east of ukraine, this is a kind of diplomatic response. russia has been trying to capture bakhmut for about seven months, this is the longest battle of this war, and it has not captured this city, so in this
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sense, bakhmut has become a symbol not only of the stability of ukraine, but also of the inability of the russian president to achieve his goals direct military goals, so i think that this visit is a kind of signal for the people to whom the president says , look, i'm still here, we're still standing, we 're still fighting, and at the same time, the event continues support ukraine, the last message from the united states was that the imf will allocate another 15 billion dollars to try to strengthen the ukrainian economy, which , to be honest, is barely holding on now, and this country needs money from the outside, if only to continue paying salaries , continue paying bills while this war is going on, we continue this topic together with the military analyst , the expert of the ukrainian institute of the future ivan stupak, mr. ivan, is in touch with us
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. it came to shulgu that the russians occupied 70% of the territory of bakhmut. this is how he writes. despite this, the commander of the syrian ground forces regularly goes there. today we also see president zelensky, what a signal you see . here are these trips, and first of all, the city is holding on to show that the bridge the city is not surrounded, no matter what the russians say there. they are already counting how many days or hours are left for the complete capture of this city , and zelensky's visit shows that the guys are still there. it is clear. but what do you want? add we saw the plot of our correspondent, he said that the battle for bakhmut is the longest in the history of this war and it has been going on for more than seven months because it is literally going to every street. and do ukraine have the resources to take the city? what is the situation there
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? what is the point of view of each city for us? it is very important , but now i will give you just a few numbers, you will understand everything. by the best people it lasted 84 days the city of soledar is the outskirts of bakhmut - it is 10,000 people it lasted 175 days bakhmut is still holding on like a magnet pulls the russians away they can't throw it away they can't children because so much effort has been invested there and they are there literally and figuratively it just burns. yes, their equipment is burning, their people are burning, and they are losing what is important is time, and during this time, while our military is holding bakhmut, there is an opportunity
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to drag western aid into ukraine including from great britain, the united states, france, germany, and other countries to prepare our military, that is, bakhmut, he fulfilled his function by 150-200%, and continues to fulfill this function, but there is another place, avdiyivka , but he is already called the second bakhmut. i wonder why the russians are so actively engaged in this populated point, what is the goal? look, they are taking action and are more active where they have at least something going on, but they saw that the defense of our military is sagging a little, they are making an even bigger rush there, even more people are throwing in even more equipment, and that's if look at the map, the situation is almost identical in the north, east and south of these cities. they are occupied by the russians , but they cannot advance further, and the military leadership , the military-political leadership of the russian federation cannot give instructions . well, it doesn't
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work. the template is still a little bit more to be held. what is to be held? they are throwing away the reserves, burning the reserves, this is their way of thinking and the way of acting, and i want to ask you about one more thing . britain has announced that it will transfer depleted uranium shells to ukraine the news did not make a fuss in russia, they say that because of their use in ukraine will be evaluated as a dirty bomb, so please explain what kind of projectile is it, or can they significantly affect the situation on the front oh, i will tell you yes, in the russian segment of the internet when they heard about these here are the shells of great britain. i’ll just say that the popcorn started to explode, they drew parallels there, it’s uranium, it’s a nuclear bomb , i won’t grow anything on ukrainian soil, now everything in general , and i’ll tell you. yes, russia has had such a munition in service for many years.
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it is called lead-2, there is also the same material, er, this hurricane. in a small amount , this material is inside . it allows this projectile through serious metal structures, through armored vehicles , to seriously penetrate inside and destroy the object where this projectile got into, that is, in comparison with an ordinary projectile, its armor capacity is very, very large, and we really need such projectiles, that is, imagine one shot of a projectile, one hit, and a russian tank and russian armored vehicles no longer go. in general, there is no need there an additional shot or a few more additional shots to destroy one or another armored vehicle, i.e. a hit-and-kill shot and we move on. well, continuing the topic of military support, many experts predicted that the great ukrainian counteroffensive would begin in the spring, but as soon as the promised western weapons start arriving in ukraine, you are also for it spoke up. what are your predictions, are there any ukraine
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now and what are we going to do with them? look , ukraine still has to go on the offensive, but we also need to get shells and equipment, and we don't forget. the most important thing is that everyone forgets this fuel just for a second. imagine how much fuel needs to be accumulated and stored so that the russians don't see it, in order to refuel at least once all that aroma of equipment that is traveling or has already arrived in ukraine. this is a big process. the second time i probably won't open a big secret for you, but our western friends , our coalition , use artificial intelligence during the simulation of a possible ukrainian counteroffensive, which is now a more active intelligence, which everyone uses very much .
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of the ukrainian and russian weather forecasters, he probably issued not very good forecasts for the ukrainian continent, and so it was decided to wait a little and reach ukraine. even more ammunition, even more equipment so that this software - this is a security program - could predict other success rates of ukraine, here in this is the reason ivan stupak, an expert of the ukrainian institute of the future, will be in touch with us. thank you for the conversation. the last few days have been quite full of visits by foreign leaders . today, 3d for the leader's trip ended. china traveled to russia, where he met with president putin, they signed more than a dozen documents, agreed on cooperation to increase trade volumes, and at this time , the prime minister of japan visited ukraine on an unofficial visit, he met with volodymyr zelenskyi and invited him to participate in the online format of the g7 summit what will happen in japan
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in may, analysts say the leaders of the country, which are in difficult relations in east asia. this is how they demonstrated whose side they are on in the war between russia and in ukraine, the us secretary of state anthony blinken said that china's political and material support of russia is against the interests of the united states, although he added that washington has not yet seen evidence that it provides lethal aid to moscow to wage war. moscow , the president of china, he said that if russia is allowed to attack its neighbor with impunity , it will open pandora's box for potential aggressors, according to him, it will lead to a world in dominated by conflicts, the stakes in ukraine go
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far beyond the borders of ukraine . i think that the war has a deep impact on asia. because although what is happening there is far-reaching, the consequences are marked by one of the leading countries of our coalition - this is japan, south korea plays an important role. is the world uniting or not uniting to resist this aggression the visits of two leaders in hostile capitals were noted by all world media the gesture of support shown by the japanese prime minister to ukraine was important at the moment when it became clear that beijing was not going to play a constructive role in the solution issues of the war and at least somehow take into account the ukrainian position well, what do we have in the end, we will understand the situation together with my colleague bbc correspondent
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georgy erman zhro congratulations, let's start with the visit of the sid of moscow, what did we agree on chinese and russian leaders, what is the outcome of this three-day visit, congratulations, well, first of all, we can say that the worst expectations regarding this visit that existed in ukraine have not come true so far, at least that is , there were no declarations of announcements that china will supply weapons to russia or will somehow openly support russia in this war , but on the other hand, we know that there was informal communication between putin and the foam, maybe some agreements remained behind the scenes, that is , even if we assume that they could invest some agreements regarding military cooperation. it is logical that it is not necessary for them to tell the whole world about it, that is, such reservations remain, and now experts in ukraine are divided into two groups, in fact, some believe that the risk of transferring chinese weapons to
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russia is increasing, and since all these interested in keeping a-a if putin's power a-a another group of experts believes that in principle e china it is not necessary to have putin at the head of at the head of russia it is not necessary for putin to win in this war and if he kept the crimea and e if china will simply arrange some kind of anti-western regime in russia, and in principle for ukraine, among the agreements that were reached between china and all, the most important thing is the usual cooperation between news agencies and tv channels of china and russia, this means that russian propaganda about the war will spread further directly in china the information space can also be said that so far there are no encouraging data on whether there will be a telephone conversation between
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volodymyr zelenskyi and sizinpin if it will not happen, this means that china will continue to ignore the ukrainian position on the war and is ready to press only its so-called peace plan, which in principle has already been criticized in kyiv because there are provisions that contradict the interests of ukraine. they studied in moscow before kyiv in this time flies prime minister of japan after analyzing this trip, what can be seen, what was the purpose of the visit to fomiokishita , well, first of all, it is a very appropriate gesture of the market , because the visitors' calls to moscow created a rather gloomy atmosphere, a lot they talked about him in ukraine, there were many warnings of concern about this, and here comes the person of the prime minister of another uh , big country in east asia and shows such great support for ukraine. japan is indeed one of the biggest donors to ukraine during this war, it provided 7 billion
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dollars of aid just during the visit, fimioksid also announced the removal of half a billion dollars, with 30 million going to non-lethal weapons for the armed forces through the nato trust fund, while japan currently mainly helps ukraine it cannot help financially with weapons due to restrictions in the constitution, but now the japanese parliament is debating whether to allow the export of japanese weapons to countries that have become victims of aggression and for ukraine. this is a great hope in relations with the japanese, but relations will not be limited to weapons the global partnership that was signed between zelenskyi and fomio keshida means that japan and ukraine will coordinate their policies in asia to a certain extent. japan can also become an intermediary for
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ukraine in its relations with india and the countries of southeast asia, which are quite difficult partners for ukraine during this war, and also directly, of course, in ukraine expect that japan will take part in projects to restore the ukrainian economy and ukrainian infrastructure after the war, and japan already in principle announced that she is ready to be involved in this, of course, projects in kyiv are more ambitious with regard to this involvement, it is about mechanical engineering and green energy, but probably you we will see in any case this is not the first time that japan is financing projects in ukraine, i am allocating a lot of money for this, in fact, that is why there is great hope that japan will even
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take part in these ambitious projects." only on the critical energy infrastructure and utility facilities since the fall of last year, the russians launched more than 900 cruise and ballistic missiles. ukraine disposed of almost all of its strategic bombers, part of them was given to russia along with the missiles due to gas debt, only four museum exhibits remained. bbc journalist dmytro vlasov visited the poltava museum of strategic aviation, where former missile-carrying bombers are stored. they are similar to those used by the russians to attack ukraine in most missile attacks on ukraine involved russian strategic aviation heavy bombers here 22 tu-95 less often here 160 after the collapse of the ussr there were such planes in ukraine and even missiles for them after the collapse of the ussr in ukraine there were such planes and
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even missiles for them, but their fate was already outlined immediately after the signing of the budapest memorandum at the end of 1994. after gaining independence, ukraine immediately declared its desire for its nuclear-free status of the fact that it will never use nuclear weapons to contain them and will not consider these weapons as a means of protection, therefore, with the adoption of such a decision, a decision was made evolutionarily to eliminate the carriers of nuclear weapons, ukrainian planes of the strategic aviation were let go and were disposed of from the end of the 90s to the beginning of the 2000s. from the charter 22.95 and 160 , only 17
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survived. machines are not picky here, 95 originally from the 50s and tu-160 are the latest heavy bombers produced in the soviet union before the collapse, in exchange for those planes , the russians wrote off $285 million to ukraine, the rest of the planes were simply cut under the supervision of the guarantors of security according to the budapest memorandum of the representatives of the usa, of course i was there, here at this airfield disposal was taking place in front of my eyes. there were tears from the hopelessness of the fact that you can't do anything. he flew on tu-22 planes for 20 years .
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21 hours as the last flight was. this plane can carry bombs like the ones that the russians dropped in syria. and it can carry x-22 missiles. ukrainian air defense can’t shoot them down yet. option, two pieces, one under the left wing, one under the right wing, one under the wing, this missile is used for targets of a large area, it was designed in such a way to perform combat tasks with a nuclear charge a house in dnipro on january 14. she killed 46 people x22 hit houses in zaporizhzhia, serhiyivtsi, kremenchuk, kyiv and other populated areas kiss a square of 10 by 10 km is considered an accurate shot, says oleksandr zakharov, who flew as a navigator on the same plane for 22 years and repeatedly
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launched these missiles however, most of the time during training, look, you see, here is kharkiv. here on the map, the lighting has approximately the same configuration, well, as on the map , that is, it looks the same on the screen, and when the crosshairs are thrown on the navigator's target sees where he launches the more he sees in the process of preparing for the flight where he will launch this missile, therefore they know everything about the flight, he sees where he will launch this rocket, therefore, everything is unknown to russia , dozens of such aircraft of strategic aviation are in service as part of the nuclear triad, several units there , they were able to complete the construction of several more , and due to the irony of fate, the service life was extended . there are still in service former ukrainian aircraft that were handed over to the russian federation as part of
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the disposal of strategic nuclear weapons on to ukraine, they quite faithfully take part in airstrikes on the territory of ukraine, having announced the nuclear -free status of ukraine, it refused to carry these weapons, keeping at least one aircraft of a squadron or regiment in flying condition meant adjusting the economy and industry to their support , servicing them would have to be in russia or with its help even if there were such bombers and missiles in ukraine now , they would hardly be able to carry out combat tasks, say former commanders, the question is only at what price ukraine agreed to give a valuable asset instead of paying off debts from writing planes, the country did not receive any technologies capable of protecting its own territory sports topic of the new acting coach of the ukrainian national football team ruslan rotan held his first press conference in london , the british capital will host the qualifying round this sunday the match for euro-20-24, the national team of ukraine will play against the national team of england, what is the task
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before the football player, the new kermanych will ask the football spectator with us in direct contact, oleg is lying so, how how does the new and acting coach of the main football team of ukraine feel, does ruslan ruslan rotan look confident preparing for the duel at wembley yes , i was quite impressed how calm and how confident ruslan rotan announced in his body for the match to motivate him one hundred percent from the players them against the fifth best national team in the world and show that it is not the coaches and football players from ukraine who came out to play on the lawn area of ​​the wembley stadium - this is the state of ukraine playing for its defenders and ruslan rotan emphasized that he knows that
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the support will not only be in the stands of the lembly stadium, but it will be in the trenches on the front line, so this match, according to the company, is a match for ukrainian fighters who defend ukraine, and ukrainian players must console their defenders with the game and the result on the ground , well, i see that i should buy tickets already it is impossible for the match, there will obviously be a lot of ukrainian fans there, what are the main problems of the ukrainian national team before the match with england, who is rotani counting on? the defense, in particular, the central defender ilya zabarvny, who is currently playing for the english premier league club bonwood, will not go on the field, the doctors gathered, examined his injury and said that he is not ready to go on the field for the second time.
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yukhym is the second defender in the defense of shakhtar donetsk. after the crushing 7:1 defeat in the europa league against feyenoord, yukhym called ruslan rotaniv and asked himself not to put him in the lineup, citing psychological problems, let's say, he is not ready to play for such a level that the coach is quite correct he went to meet him by ordering defender oleksandria myroshnychenko, doroshchuk and tsinkov, even the faces of his own program, however, there is a good chance that all these three key players will appear on the national team on sunday olezhe literally in one sentence what are your predictions for this match i would say that my prediction completely coincides with the result of er in 2012 1:1 draw at the home ground everything in principle under these conditions
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will be er almost like a victory for ukraine and 75,000 tickets are completely sold out it will be a full stadium furniture we can see that this is really yours predictions but once a football spectator was in touch with us well, today is the water education day and on this day the oun warns of an approaching global crisis due to pollution and excessive consumption of water , the organization has prepared a new specialized report and for the first time in more than 40 years convened a new the york conference on water resources because as analysis shows while water consumption is steadily increasing, 10% of the world's population feels its lack, the worst situation is in low-income countries and details in in the following material, the source of humanity's life force, water is increasingly at risk throughout the world due to excessive consumption and excessive development, this is the conclusion of the un report on the state of water resources, 10% of the world
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's population currently lives in rural areas and is severely or critically short of water, our report says that 3.5 billion people live in conditions of lack of water for at least one month a year, a conference on water resources in new york calls on governments to develop a plan and to achieve one of the goals of sustainable development of the united nations eight years ago, the world committed to 2030 provide all people with access to clean water and sanitation, currently according to the un - a quarter of the world's population does not have access to a safe water supply, the reason for this is the irrational use of water, pollution and uncontrollable global warming, so the un calls for a change in the attitude towards water as a common resource of the whole world, the global water cycle - this is a global common good , we simply do not realize this, we respect that water belongs to us, but in view of this
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, investments are needed, the report notes that the deficit water has the worst effect on the poorest people, first of all on children, according to unicef, 190 million children in 10 american countries do not have access to clean water, he says that the current level of investment must be tripled so that everyone has access to clean drinking water, that 's all for today, we are back in broadcast tomorrow at 9:00 p.m. take care of yourself habitual affairs become unreal heavy bags


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