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tv   [untitled]    March 22, 2023 6:00pm-6:31pm EET

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[000:00:00;00] to bring some money, in fact , the dynamics are very positive, we collected a lot of money with joint efforts, here we are, khrystyna yanskyi , the thief is clean , it is six o'clock. that's how people become volunteers and join our espresso community that supports such initiatives, you should support those who protect you dear tv viewers new for today in we are christenings, probably everything is like that with us, antin vorkovskyi continues the broadcast, our colleagues, in particular, you are waiting for the verdict project with serhiy rudenko glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko good day and good health to all, today
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is march 22, 392 days of heroic ukrainian resistance people to the russian occupiers this morning, the russian occupiers unfortunately struck zaporizhzhia, hit a residential building, and at night russian troops attacked ukraine with iranian kamikaze drones produced by the shahed type, the ukrainian military destroyed 16 of the 21st drones that were launched from the bryansk region into the territory of ukraine at night in the town of rzhyshchiv , kyiv region, as a result of an enemy attack , the fourth and fifth floors of two five-story dormitories and the three-story educational building of a professional lyceum were partially destroyed confirmed information about three dead and seven wounded. on the same night, naval drones attacked the temporarily occupied crimea
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. it is reported that the bay in sevastopol was attacked by three surface drones without pilots. information about these drones and the results of the attack on sevastopol are being clarified, meanwhile, the russian occupiers continue to lose manpower and equipment in ukraine, as of the morning of march 22, russia has already lost 167,000,490 people in ukraine in the last day alone, the armed forces of ukraine destroyed 920 orks with the beginning of the great war, the russians have already lost in ukraine 3,557 tanks, 6,887 armored combat vehicles, 2,589 artillery systems , 509 rocket launchers, 272 anti-aircraft defense systems, 305 aircraft, 290
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helicopters, 5,428 units of automobile equipment, 18 ships, boats, 907 cruise missiles, 2,183 drones, 271 units of special equipment. well, of course, the top topic of the world media and ukrainian media, not to mention the russian media, is a non-sedentary visit to moscow, his talks with vladimir and putin, today the leader of china has already flown home, but but judging by what happened during the last two days in the russian capital, the chinese leader demonstrated to the whole world that in fact there are only two poles and two centers of making important decisions in world politics, washington is the same because
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what was happening in moscow was not hidden - it was similar to the fact that everyone treated putin as an equal with equals, rather , one of the leaders of this pole came to vladimir putin and had a conversation about the future of the world and russian-ukrainian war i hope that we will be in touch very soon evgeny magda is already here so we are waiting we are waiting we are in touch with roman tsymbalyuk journalist yevhen magda will be in touch later roman good day good health to you, i'm glad to see you on our tv broadcast. congratulations serhiy, let's go let's go let's see how uh, i already mentioned all the bells and whistles. i think that the topic for conversation
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is wide enough . and although we did not see the results of this uh, the results of this conversation and the negotiations in general, but obviously there was a lot left behind the scenes. yesterday putin said goodbye to the chinese the leader noted that now there is a change in the world that has not happened for 100 years and noted that these changes are being implemented together, let's hear what the leader of china said, something he is writing
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, which means a name for the fidelity of such history to the forms, well, goodbye it took a while with putin. we got the timings mixed up. please excuse me, but what zinkiv said about 100 years , which we will see now is the perimeter. take care , please. this is the kind of farewell. it was a romantic affair with putin. what do you say? what are your
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impressions of the visit? all the calls to moscow to putin and about what putin actually looked like in this situation well, it seems to me that we have to look at the world from the height of the kiev hills and understand that yes, m.m. -and he never gave an answer to this question, as for ukraine , he actually did not say anything at all. that is, all these phrases about peace , about dialogue, about international law, etc. and so on, they are not said in such a way that china does not take any m-m additional commitments in fact if we are talking about m-m chinese plan with 12 points uh-e we focus only on the first one and there is respect for territorial integrity and borders
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in fact you can not read further and this is probably an important point regarding m dear friend, you know a little more than a year ago mmm, dear vladimir, this is how emmanuel macron addressed vladimir putin, and what do they say that this gave him? well, i mean , vladimir putin was attacked from all sides, and china is not an exception in fact. if we talk about the results of this visit, - a lot of things really happened, they happened. in the 100 years before , the leadership of russia never announced to the whole world that it was ready to exchange russian rubles for the chinese yuan as a means of trade with third countries, that is,
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we see simply present - clearly present a the chineseization of russia in general well, plus, without taking on any obligations there, putin gave the northern route, through all the northern seas, to the chinese people's republics , and if sledzempin were a german, he would say gutvaldamar, that's why it looks interesting, it is clear that the chinese are playing their own game and we are on the other team on the other side, even looking at all this flow for statements by american snakes and officials, and the delivery or the fact of the delivery of weapons and ammunition to russia is not recorded and if already
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to be measured by allies, as we see here, russia says that china is their hope , they need the chinese alain lis, and so on. sa- the position of our partners and allies, we will supply weapons to ukraine as much as it is needed , and joseph biden and the leaders of the european states also say this for me shows in that part, the american administration, the american american political community, that ah, in such a situation, if someone thought that china is a bigger problem for
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the united states than russia, then at the moment it is the only problem that must be solved by joint efforts. china published its vision of the russian-ukrainian war because they are called a peace plan, this is rather a vision as it was called in the documents of the ministry of foreign affairs of the chinese people's of the republic on the first day of sisinpin's visit to moscow, putin said that we had familiarized ourselves with this plan, but this topic was not developed publicly . invited china to join the ukrainian peace formula , the ukrainian peace formula is simple enough, withdraw russian troops from the territory of ukraine, renew the borders
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as of august 24, 1991-1991 well , today piskov was asked about what, if at all, they discussed this ukrainian the formula of the peace of piskor he said that it did not happen, but yesterday shoigu suddenly began to call a special military operation a war he said that the war must end with peace negotiations and peace , what did he say to shoigu, let's see what to say ends mine how soon can you say that he is probably not aware because some
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wars end with capitulation, so not only with peace agreements but with the signing of capitulation, for example, in the st. george's hall of the kremlin, and this can also be in principle, but what he does not allow it now. do you think these calls and putin reached an agreement regarding the main issue of the russian-ukrainian war and the finalization of this war in what way should it be ended? see here, probably the beginning of the beginning . an inexperienced viewer may not understand what we are talking about, but i will explain to everyone - we are talking about the supply of another million 155-caliber shells for our army from our european friends, and with these cartridges we
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will kill russians who crossed the border of ukraine with weapons in their hands eh i will add that this is already at least according to my eh most modest estimates this is already the third million of the corresponding cartridges handed over to us by our allies , that's why actually sergey i say yetovych ah lowers his eyes and where does it flow instead to answer the question, how will it all end in reality, and when he runs away, if he is looking for, among other things, he said about the war, in general, it is discrediting the russian army , and yes, the puck earned a lot to d- to discredit the russian army, while he was playing tank biathlon, the circumstances looked like they are a little more optimistic, so it is convincing that russia has a real
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strength there, at the moment we see that this army is so full of atavisms and has nothing to do with modern armed forces, so they blame human resources. but russia is not the soviet union and they have such endless possibilities no, if we go back to our chinese friends, they are the official beijing and thus got everything it needs, that is , it was obviously said that all the necessary resources will be supplied, and here, by the way, they are switching the flow of gas from europe to me to the east to china and it’s interesting. there it was announced that the supply will be delivered, because there are 100 billion cubic meters a-and for 10 years, it’s interesting that there are three times less boys than in europe and that’s just fiction that
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speaks of a genius before vladimir putin, they sold 150 billion cubic meters of gas to europe every year, and this is the amount declared. well, this means that there will be about how much, well, that is, somewhere five times less or even more, well, that is, the proportion is definitely not in favor of the russian federations and uh how about me it's so cool and interesting, and when we talk about this war, what's the most important thing, well, will china harness up? sorry for such a word for the russian federation, if you consider that this country has many common interests, first of all , trading for europe with the united states and again after all, here is the trade balance of these countries of the western countries, to assume that china
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will risk all this for the sake of, hmm, the power of friend vladimir, who has to protect himself, i am honestly not convinced, that is exactly why i say that everyone is so understandably watching the progress events, but you know. he went to moscow and then everything will be like this. chinese friends are constantly negotiating. western leaders will tell him, dear, why do you want to be a friend? everyone, be mr. ah, or better , the master. well, spheres and so on, that is, there are many more options, and hm it is clear that we are focused on china precisely within the framework of our war, but if you look at this situation from the point of view of china, then, in my opinion, their interest
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is much broader than helping putin. well, they still have such a plan, or is there a general vision that part of russian territory? be used by china far east far east siberia well, in principle, they never hid it, especially since there are a lot of chinese there , and even in the distant times, in the 90s, they simply moved and are slowly developing their land there, at the same time minister of foreign affairs of china yesterday, he said that russia yes, china represents, i quote, the forces of good in the world well, this is probably the best joke that was made yesterday no , the best joke was yesterday when putin was testing in honor of his friend, everyone said it to the bottom but did not
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drink it to the bottom, let's see this fragment too toast for the health of our friend, we consider him the chairman of the people's republic of china, lord, for the health of all members of the chinese delegation, for the deepening of the russian-chinese all-encompassing partnership and strategic cooperation, for the prosperity and well-being of the peoples of russia and the people's republic of china, maybe he really wanted to give a signal to the armed forces of ukraine which was launched by three surface drones that came to sevastopol well, to the bottom, in honor of the black sea fleet, to go to the bottom , god knows him, but the fact itself, that is, putin always even in such small details as a toast in honor of chinese friends
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, uh, well, he’s lying anyway. in a blue eye, as the russians say, because he said it to the bottom and even well, he almost lost it, that is, he didn’t drink to the bottom for his chinese friends. but it’s clear that the world looks at these changes i looked at these negotiations, how he was putin, uh, there, shuffling his feet and unsteadily holding on to the chair in the kremlin, and what kind of results, with what results, in fact, all the bells and whistles went to beijing, and here it is clear that in this situation there is some kind of signal these two leaders served everything the world, what should they be afraid of? what is this pole, er, that exists in beijing? it is not at all the multipolar world that putin talked about and imagined, because well, there is no such multipolarity, there are only two poles of beijing
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, washington, well, let's do it first, er recently, vladimir putin's legs have been disobeying his ego at all public events, primarily at events of an international nature where he meets with this president of other countries or with lukashenko. - the second when the minister of foreign affairs of china talks about the force of good well, maybe we just don't really understand chinese humor , and secondly, maybe he's talking only about his country, and in this case, russia is like a vassal who plays the appropriate role the role, among other things, about the vassal russia as a vassal hmm to china, the russian turbo-patriots also spoke up and began to analyze what
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could be useful from this, and about the multipolar world well, it is clear that the chinese are a powerful state , er, a serious player. arguing, but if we talk about the results of the visit, well, let's try to analyze together, putin needs military aid, as girkin says, chinese linglis in all nomenclature, it is, well , at least nothing is said about it, and well, of course , 50x50, but in my opinion, no further what i he said that russia will trade with africa in yuan and they appear to be the northern way through these cold seas, the question is that in this story russia won the oil and gas, they will
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sell it at a dumping rate of 70%, in fact it suits everyone, including on the western world because the overall balance of hydrocarbons on the world market is preserved and thus there will be no jump in the price and, accordingly, a shortage of fuel m.m. i still wonder what putin brought or won in this story for russia sergey you have an answer i don’t have i i think it's obvious. i think that he now looks like a schoolboy who brought a high school student and says, "you see in me a friend, a high school student, so don't touch me. well, roughly . now you can make such an analogy because these uh, high school students, they smoke together." in one smokers, you understand, exchange cigarettes, moods, thoughts, and teach
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each other bad things , and so on. answered this question. what did putin get from this? once again, a joint statement was made, many of these words were emphasized about what we are doing there, for great relations and many other things, but i am convinced that it was the chinese side who wrote this separately point about that that we are not a military-political union and a military frenchman is important to putin or is it important for everyone to write this on purpose, let's recall the previous contacts of the russians and the chinese at the highest level and somewhere last year there was
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a corresponding statement where the russian friends of the chinese chinese what did they do they prescribed very clearly that china is part of the people's republic of china, pay attention to chinese friends writing about crimea, for example , the answer is simple, nothing, that is, in ukraine , china still takes this position, you know these 12-point plans, because it is very strong for me reminds of the minsk agreements. you can interpret it as you like, and in fact china is not within its limits in any way, in further decisions, it did not undertake any public obligations, and when putin said that we are ready on the basis of the chinese peace plan, so the question who said that this peace
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plan corresponds to the way the russians see it, the russian invaders who continue to die on ukrainian soil , the chinese did not talk about it they talked about peace , friendship, we are for everything good against everything bad when, as the senior student says, yes such somehow pulls a mazuza for a younger man, it’s somehow not convincing maybe they just want to divorce the younger man for money, maybe that’s why igor girkin, a russian terrorist, called putin , i’m sorry, i’m quoting a liar and asked him to shut up. by the way, i just wanted to ask about gorkym said vladimir vladimirovich, shut up there , he said, shut up, he said, do you understand, this is also
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very interesting, even hatred, shut up, shut up, vladimir vladimirovych, such ah, actually, hmm, such a peeping tom there has never been such a public condemnation in the russian federation, and this is the first sign, but not the last, because something similar is happening on federal channels, in fact. so when people say, when vladimir solovyov says putin, putin has nothing to do with it, but the military says, well, wait, he is the supreme plan, the commander-in-chief for him the last a-ah the last decision, and he says no, that's all generals well, that's not how it's done, you know , we still have uh , hmm, we too. who who what do we think about er
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zelenskyi as the president, what does anyone think about the previous president? well, if we are talking about the unelected war, it seems to me that the majority of people understand that the decision of the military and the political year of the leadership is a joint decision of the ukrainian state, and it is not really a secret how do things happen in any army , not only in the ukrainian army, not only in the russian one, the general staff really writes the plans, we advance there and we fight there like that, then they come to the supreme commander-in-chief , he takes a pen and puts his signature and only after that, thousands of tanks and tens of thousands of people go forward. and many of them die as a result, and this signature is needed by a high -ranking official of the state. just so that
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everyone understands why these victims, this war, in our case, it is clear that there in the swamps , well, they are still not they can formulate the purpose of the war, they can’t even name it correctly. here he also tried and talked himself into it for a period of seven years. although he won’t be hanged , the editor tells me that we have a synchronized slide so that the audience can understand and enjoy what this terrorist says about putin, we will hear the bitters on strilkovo, shut up, vladimir vladimirovich, just shut up and better, and we will not be ashamed of you, and for the fact that in our country, the president and the enemy will not be shaved in this synchronization means another phrase, shut up forever well, in principle , it would be just fine
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sounded in this context, but er propagandists er in russia are already preparing the electorate for the next elections , all the bells announced that next year putin will be elected president again, again he did not add a single phrase if putin will live until that time, well, if we talk about it objectively, if not, he will not be arrested under the warrant of the international criminal court , but this phrase in these calls about how everything is so good in russia and he hopes that putin will be accepted as the next president is enough for the russian mass media to remind people who else but putin, especially now the war, let's see. we have some problems today with the directors. i apologize


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