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tv   [untitled]    March 21, 2023 11:30pm-12:01am EET

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[000:00:00;00] the meat war raised its head again in europe, reminding us of the darkest hours of our history. franz 24 constantly covers the events in ukraine , our team on the ground and in the studio will inform you about the dynamics of events. this is the most relevant news from franz 24 in ukrainian on espresso, see this week in the program collaborators 15 years of prison to the head of a village in the kyiv region, the collaborators will be sentenced in accordance with the current legislation of ukraine, and how the abbot of the russian church in the donetsk region was exchanged for ukrainian prisoners of war , such people easily and absolutely admit their
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guilt, on wednesday, march 22, at 4:45 p.m., watch the program of green kononenko's collaborators on the espresso tv channel, you are watching the program of the ukrainian service agent of america time , i am nataliya leonova, i congratulate nato, they see signs that russia is asking china to provide weapons for the war in ukraine, about this during a press conference in brussels, the secretary general of the alliance, jans stoltenberg, reported on the chinese peace plan. stoltenberg said that ukraine will decide what conditions are acceptable for the establishment of peace. the meeting in moscow of the chinese and russian leaders with toltenberg called part of the process that has been observed in recent years when china and russia are getting closer and closer , we do not see evidence of the supply of weapons by china to russia, but we see signs that such a request from russia has not reached beijing and is being considered
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by the chinese authorities. our message to china is that they should not provide lethal weapons to russia this was in support of an illegal war and would only continue it and support the illegal invasion of russia this is something china should certainly not be doing also welcomed the plan for future talks between all zempin and president zelenskyi on tuesday president zelenskyi said that kyiv handed over and left the ukrainian peace formula invited china to negotiations and is waiting for a response from the prc dialogue between kyiv and kyiv was previously supported by the white house all this pin is in moscow on a three-day state visit all zincen became the first the leader of a foreign state who met with putin after the international criminal court issued a warrant for the arrest of the russian president , the united states repeatedly called on china to use
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this visit to pressure the russian federation to start the peace process under the conditions of the complete withdrawal of troops from ukraine more about washington's reaction to the visit of the president of the people's republic of china to moscow, we will talk with yulia yarmolenko, who is joining our studio right now congratulations yulia, we congratulate you the administration is closely monitoring this visit one of the topics of the negotiations in the kremlin was the peace plan china regarding the war against ukraine, which initiative is working , the american administration now says very simply, gays for this or a plan for a peaceful settlement, it should first consult with ukraine itself about the peace in which and it is said, however, that unfortunately, it has not yet happened, as it has not yet happened, xi jinping called ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi, but if we are talking about the general results of these two days of xi jinping's meetings with russian president vladimir putin, today they are actively commenting on it in the white house at home in
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the state department and they paid attention to several details that were announced by the president of russia and the leaders of china as a result of their meetings . in its applications, china calls itself an impartial party in russia’s war against ukraine, and john kirabichi was asked if this is true. jonker would say that it is absolutely not. it is a biased party because china did not condemn the russian invasion of ukraine, and they also talk about what if china wants to demonstrate its capabilities as the peacemaker should press russia first of all to stop the war and to withdraw its troops from ukraine, another thing that was paid attention to today in the state department is the words that were chosen by putin and sedienpin describing the topic of ukraine they said that they particularly respect the un charter and in fact, john cyberbee, the representative of the us business security, also
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asked the deputy spokesman of the state department have an idea how china and russia can really demonstrate that they respect the un charter, ilya china, according to the strategic communication coordinator john kirby of the us security council has not yet ruled out the possibility of supplying the russian federation with weapons in its war in ukraine, i am commenting on the official washington this possibility now after the results of two days of the negotiations in moscow natalya, i will first return to the previous question, there should have been comments that we should have heard again and the species was asked and also john kirby emphasized that if china and russia want to show that they respect the un charter, then russia, for its part, should immediately withdraw its troops from of ukraine and if putin wants to show that he respects the un charter he should stop bombing ukrainian cities ukrainian hospitals and schools let's actually listen these comments are very important and then we will return to
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the next question about ukraine both the parties stated that the goals and principles of the un charter must be respected, and international law must be respected, that compliance with the un charter would mean the withdrawal of russian troops from the territory of another member state of the oun, which it violated . the un charter protects the principles of respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, including ukraine if china wants to play a constructive role in this conflict, it should press russia to withdraw its troops and the sovereign territory of ukraine, as i have repeatedly said, this war may end today if russia decides to withdraw its troops from ukraine, this is also said by the other side, they call for the cessation of all steps that contribute to the escalation of tensions and the continuation of hostilities. we agree that one way
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to stop the hostilities is to withdraw russian troops from ukraine, but in addition, putin could stop bombing hospitals schools could stop launching iranian drones to attack civilian infrastructure he could stop the forcible deportation of thousands of children and their placement in infiltration camps in in ukraine or russia, he could stop turning cities like bakhmut into ruins into mountains of stones, this is the way to stop the continuation of hostilities, now natalya, returning to your question about whether china can go to military support for russia, and we really felt it in the state department and in the white house in particular again from john kirby he believes that again at the moment the united states sees no signs that china has completely abandoned these plans but also sees no signs that
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china will go to such aid because again, washington says that they do not see how this can contribute to the interests of china itself today, from these statements that we have heard. so far, there are no signals that china can really support russia in a powerful way, in particular, to support weapons, because, again, the chinese leader emphasized that china wants to see its role as an independent observer here and maybe even a peacemaker of faith. let's talk about another important visit today to kyiv - the prime minister of japan arrived in fumiokesin as in washington, will i evaluate these negotiations on in the background, because of that, everyone is a dolphin to moscow, here western countries still support ukraine , and there is a global democratic coalition that believes that the world should be based on rules and thus world
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peace is maintained. even today , the international community supports ukraine and demonstrates that the actions taken by russia, such as the invasion of a peaceful sovereign neighboring state, are unacceptable, and you have also heard how other leaders, in particular, defense minister austin they talked about the importance of a rules-based world order for maintaining peace, in particular, to the pacific region , so i consider it important, and we will continue to be grateful to japan and other countries for their support of ukraine when it comes to preserving the international order, which is based on rules. thank you yuli yuliya yarmolenko was in direct contact with us for this information. in ukraine today, the prime minister of japan, fomioksid, is visiting, and he handed over an invitation
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to the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi. to take part in the summit of the group of seven countries before the meeting what will happen in hiroshima in may zelenskyi will join in the online format , the president of ukraine announced this at a joint press conference with the prime minister of japan the only leader of the group of seven who has not visited ukraine since the beginning of the full-scale war, let me remind you that japan has supported sanctions against moscow since the beginning of the large-scale invasion of russia. tokyo also provides ukraine with a lot of humanitarian aid today. visited the places of russian crimes in buch, kyiv oblast. i was shocked when innocent civilians were killed a year ago in buch. i really feel great anger because of this atrocity. having visited the same place. here sits the last j7 leader who visited ukraine. he will express his support for the ukrainian the people welcome his visit, especially in japan
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, the parties may have had a certain calculation that the time of kishina's visit should take place at the same time or a little earlier in order to minimize the visit of the seats of drunkenness to moscow, the president of china clearly stated that the war between russia and ukraine should end in peace, and the prime minister of japan also emphasized that the war in ukraine should end in a way that is better for compliance with international norms, that is , in accordance with international law, the ukrainian military will complete training on us patriot systems in the coming days, after that they will go to europe for final exercises with other groups of the ukrainian military, and the american anti-aircraft missile systems themselves will arrive in ukraine in the coming weeks, the official said the pentagon was informed about this by the journalist of the ukrainian editorial office of the voice of america ostap yarysh, who is at the american military base
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forsil in the state of oklahoma, the united states changed its decision and now does not give ukraine 31 m1a1 abrams tanks instead of the previously planned newer versions of the m1x2 - pentagon spokesman petrahedr said on tuesday and added that this will allow the us to significantly speed up delivery times and provide this opportunity for ukraine by the fall of this year, ukraine will receive modern weapons and will be able to start training only after an agreed decision of nato countries, senator dick durbin, a democrat, expressed this opinion in an exclusive interview for america's vote on why the recognition of russia as a state sponsor of terrorism is being delayed. as well as the prosecution of russian war criminals in the united states, the senator told my colleague kateryna lisova that your legislative initiative allows you to prosecute war crimes crimes everyone in the united states regardless of where these crimes were committed this initiative has already passed congress and been
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signed by the president can you describe how this law will work have the following if you are a war criminal do not hope that you can hide in the united states we will hold you accountable for your war crimes even if they did not take place in the united states or did not involve american citizens this is a clear message not only to russians who are involved in war crimes crimes in ukraine but also in the whole world and unfortunately, we have a number of examples when war criminals sought asylum in the usa and stayed here for years, for example, we discovered a person involved in war crimes in bosnia conflict but he was convicted of visa fraud simply because there was no appropriate law to prosecute him now that will change now we have an appropriate law that one topic everyone is talking about now is providing ukraine with fighter jets so far biden said no what is your position on this
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issues the states first express reluctance, then within nato the allies discuss the question of how far we can go, and then there is strategic and tactical planning on a military basis, what is really needed at the moment moment and already when the decision to move forward is made within nato, then the process of training the ukrainians so that they can effectively use the provided weapons begins. and we could provide the necessary reserve of ammunition, spare parts, etc., so this is a long process, which i am sure disappoints the ukrainians . they want everything and today, and this is understandable because that their lives are at stake, so such a reaction should be expected, but the deputy of the process that we see today is a strong support of the united states and nato, as well as a historical commitment to provide the most modern
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we will take the generation of weapons as an example heimers talked about them for a long time these rocket launcher systems are very accurate very lethal we had to teach the ukrainians to use these weapons and then prepare them for battle it turned out to be a great success and i am glad to report about it the same applies to the patriot complexes and so further in general this is a long list, so i would not exclude f16 fighters, but i would also take into account the step-by-step process of our thinking about how to implement it and if there are talks about it before the training of ukrainian pilots it's been a challenge for a long time, it's difficult ukrainian pilots are trained in such soviet times and they should familiarize themselves with the f-16 this year , death by combat machine, people spend the price of training in the city before starting to pilot these fighters, so we want to make sure that the ukrainians will be safe , skillful and efficient use them
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effectively world of let's go back to february 24 , 2022 putin announces an attack on ukraine live, the bombing begins all over the territory of an independent state, which were your thoughts then and what were the predictions words coming i predicted that this would happen many predicted but the russians and even some allies of ukraine denied a full scale invasion during closed briefings to members of congress our intelligence said putin has over 150,000 troops ready to invade we think kyiv will fall within a few days or at best in a few weeks ago we came to terms with the sad forecasts but this did not happen the russians invaded but the ukrainians were ready for this they bravely stood defending kyiv and others
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cities from which they pushed the russians away and it turned out that the russian determination was not enough after a while it became clear that the ukrainians held out at the same time i have no illusions about the russian war machine now they are preparing for another big attack on ukraine they have twice the number of troops than a year ago they are strengthening their own defense so this war is still far from being resolved but one fact is beyond doubt the ukrainian people are not going to surrender they will fight to the death to defend their country can you say that bucha became a turning point for legislators in the congress, uh, you say it like a school lesson somewhere, the excavation of mass graves and the identification of the bodies that remained and what happened to them, you opened the eyes of many, we often think in the congress about the second world war, the holocaust and the terrible war crimes that happened then we repeat never again, why today we are being challenged by the united states of the whole
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world if you said never again about those events, what you will say about ukraine now, what will you say to the future, for me it puts under doubt our statements, are we serious? are we serious about our words? are we going to live up to the principles that we stated? here is what is in question today, together with the first package of military aid, the congress decided to also vote for lend-lease for ukraine . now the inspector has to go back to the second world war when hitler and the nazis attacked europe the united states knew it was dangerous but we weren't sure we wanted to take a direct part in the war so president franklin roosevelt suggested the so-called lend-lease he took many old planes and ships and sent them to help the allies then we were in the process of making a decision but our involvement developed and lend-lease became part of it similarly in the situation with ukraine lend-lease was an intermediate
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step but in the end we went beyond of this and now we provide assistance to ukrainians at almost all levels i support such assistance isported there are two important bills for ukraine that were discussed during the year, this is the recognition of terrorism by russia and the recognition of the actions of the russians as genocide of the ukrainian people so far neither the congress nor the white house supported these initiatives. what do you think, why the experiment? but i will try to simplify it . do i think that russia is a state sponsor of terrorism? this is a legal term that carries with it certain obligations in terms of sanctions against russia, there is little we can do in addition i want to do everything possible but we have few levers left unfortunately as soon as
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you announce the state as a sponsor terrorism, other countries of the world that conduct any business with russia will face restrictions from the united states, and some european countries still conduct minimal but important business with russia, for example in the field of energy, understanding that this recognition is a punishment for our fanatical allies creates problems so it would seem simple and obvious recognition is more complicated sunday arguments of the united states and the nato alliance for this year you can name and at the same time what was done wrong usa happy danone we are stopping the advance of the russians in we have strengthened ukraine too much to help the ukrainians stop putin and i believe that the united states is leading in the formation of a unified position in the world that putin is a bandit and a risnik and
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that he cannot be trusted so i want this was an interview of my colleague kateryna lisova with the democratic nationalist dick dorbin read the extended version of the interview on the website of the ukrainian service of the voice of america and see on our social networks the demining of ukraine after the war, according to the estimates of low experts, it may take about 10 years for the usa and other countries already allocate funds to solve this problem in the territories liberated from the russian occupiers about the real scale of the problem and what consequences it can have for the whole world representatives of the state department and non-governmental organizations spoke in new york details in the plot of iryna shinkarenko ukrainian fields littered with mines where crops used to be harvested saw farmers in the kharkiv region after
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the liberation of the region from the russians what after before the occupation of the territory in only one field our workers came and were able to clear mines more than one and a half thousand individual mines none of our employees were injured, but this gives an idea of ​​only one field in the american company sigma blazer, which has been engaged in agribusiness in ukraine for more than 10 years, now they do not know when they will be able to sow the fields again after the occupiers managed thousands of mines there there are ravines and they are simply not in a condition to work on them they will require a significant investment before any planting of rubble mines and unexploded ordnance can be started there ukrainian fields can become a problem for the rest of the world. one of the main suppliers of grain will not be able to fully use its agricultural land for a long time . during her trip to ukraine , a businesswoman and
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activist from the usa was personally convinced of this . it can affect not only people who can lose their legs or who can die, it affects the country's economy and the world's food supply according to the published estimates, 10% of agricultural land in ukraine are currently so heavily mined that it is impossible to grow crops on them. ukraine has been facing the problem of landmines since the beginning of hostilities in the east in 2014, but now it has reached a larger scale . representatives of international organizations call minefields one of the most serious consequences of the war. correspondents in new york were told by a representative of the bureau of military and political affairs of the us state department, michael tyre, that sing challenges facing
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ukraine there, demining is one of of the most urgent tasks facing ukraine at the moment, according to the estimates of the ukrainian authorities, 174,000 m² of territory. that is, almost a third of the country can be dangerous explosions, this is a problem that ukraine will face for decades. we already know about several hundred victims among the civilian population and these devices in the territories liberated from russian troops. plans to allocate more than 91 million dollars per year for demining work after the russian occupation, part of the aid , according to michael thire, is directed to active projects on the ground are already distributing it between government programs, public organizations and contractors, funds and equipment for demining, together with the us , other countries also allocate the most important thing for any demining program, basic equipment, personal protective equipment , metal detectors, medical kits, vehicles for
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transporting teams and ambulances we also support mechanical demining operations that are more rival suitable for demining agricultural land some non-profit organizations such as alotrast have been helping to understand ukraine since 2014. now, increasingly, they have to deal not only with changes, but also with unexploded ordnance, miracles and defense in this needle against infantry changes are traditionally a protective measure, as the russian military has been grazing the rear in recent months unfortunately, this becomes a tragic and deadly incentive for them to use ground wars more often, besides when they try to conquer new territories such as bakhmut, their tactics are to use a large number of artillery and this has the same effect because unexploded mortar shells and other objects remain in the ground and this has the effect of ground exchange experts are convinced that ukraine
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will have to work together with international governmental and non -governmental organizations during the russian missile strike in the zaporizhzhia region in may, in vinnytsia , he was survived by his wife yulia and six-year-old daughter alisa, a voice of america correspondent karla bab met with them in warsaw. where did they run away from the war? yuria mamon introduces us to the report. there is such an incomprehensible connection. you can say we grew up in front of each other.
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and vitalya got married, he went to serve, she taught, and then alisa appeared . he always talked to her the whole time aliska was in my tummy. he said that she would have such a cut, which means that he has such lips. he taught her to be athletic riding a bicycle was not his other hobby. you can say that vitaliy was always the protector of little alisa . he always supported me . in the basement, she started having nervous breakdowns, she was constantly picking her fingers like this, my husband and i decided that it would be better to be in a city where
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, uh, she could live actively so that she wouldn't be afraid and somehow come to terms with this last photo that they they did together yulia ran away with alisa to warsaw and in may, 30-year-old vitaly was killed during a rocket attack in the zaporozhye region . alisa is too young to understand this war . the girl is having a hard time with the loss of her father. the child is constantly nervous. she is always stressed . she misses her dad very much. where dad is no longer standing next to where he is already higher yes you and when she asked vadimchuk if he will return, i said home and it was very difficult yulia and alisa from time to time visit the un support center for of ukrainian families arranged in warsaw, alisa communicates and plays with other ukrainian children there, mother and
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daughter are supported by the children of heroes charity fund, which helps ukrainian children who lost a parent in the war, the co-founder of the fund, dan pasko, says alisa is one of thousands of such children , now in this situation, from 20 to 50 thousand children, as of today, we support 388 children. as part of our program , we add 50 children by name every day. yulia says that the war turned their once bright future into something painful without vitaly you still wear your wedding ring because i am not yet ready to let yulia strive to keep happy memories of her father in alisa's heart, she hopes that she will soon return with her daughter to the motherland, for which her husband yuriy mamon died, andriy hetman karlabab voice of america, she said this is how we say goodbye, you watched the program of the ukrainian voice of america service time-time
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. also join our daily briefings at 6 p.m. kyiv time on youtube and facebook, where you can watch live ask your questions to our presenters. thank you for trusting the ukrainian service of the voice of america. i am nataliya leonova. have a good night and a calm morning. we are looking for eight-year-old sofiyka oliynyk, who under mysterious circumstances disappeared exactly one year ago in march 2022. help find the child . her grandmother is asking for help. i talked to her and found out that the woman had lost contact not only
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with her granddaughter, but also with her daughter, and in such shock mrs. rita told him that her daughter and

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