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tv   [untitled]    March 21, 2023 3:30am-4:01am EET

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[000:00:00;00] his support for the kremlin, but in my opinion, it’s probably still a shame because he came to moscow now, because on the day when you write and moza said that you will come to moscow again, damn it, on monday, not yesterday, according to your opinion , and the icc gave everyone what for you putin for the crime, and therefore it is not only a shame for china. well, he also came and even talked about
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the czech republic's support for putin himself when he said that there is . and arms deliveries from china to russia and the chinese peace fruit, and we still do not know what the results of my visit to you will be on those two main questions mr. john.
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that he will arrive in moscow on the 20th, just on the day when the international criminal court in the hague made this warrant for putin's arrest public, and there was a suspicion that they might have postponed the visit precisely because he will now officially meet with a person who carries the status of an international criminal did not do this. how did you correctly point out that this is history? here you said double standards, he said . but doesn't this history show that china and beijing are also completely useless in relation to the roman statute? and to the international hague court and to
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moscow. well, they also won the crime against him. under control, and probably having it. he, i have questions for you in such a case. what do you think, what kind of messenger are you with? you were and are in moscow, that is, it is a request from putin to withdraw the army so that they will not be pushed.
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всё как есть и дальше не yes, there is no need to wage war against ukraine , or is this some third option anyway well, who was the leader in this conversation today ? and you can to say that china is older, older, older, can tell him back now that they are the same age as krabanov's russian annexation of ukraine, because until now putin's success and prestige of russia is a game less than a year ago. i also have china lower today than an hour ago
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precisely because of the failure of russia in ukraine . here is interesting. the same moment what he can point to from the point of view of diplomacy , well usually usually if he had appeared there , everyone would have pointed to this as another sign that he is a younger brother, as the american press today
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wrote about this visit, how important he is for america. well, everyone understands that this is an important visit of an international politician and i i don't understand that the current situation and the visit again is still a--a community in putin's favor. well , they are now waiting for the results . will be ready, i didn't know a5 what a monster we see. and putin is called the peace plan
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of the regime, well, it's interesting that here is the institute for the study of war, an american organization, we often remember the analysts of this organization on our broadcasts. here they have already written certain conclusions after what they saw on the first by the declaration of all the lands during the protocol part of this part, they say that zemfin made his declaration very restrained, and perhaps this indicates that china still does not decide to support russia in this conflict. well, there is support from the chinese side for russians in this constitution carelessly go to support and in general, but a-a series of this support and the details of this
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support, we know each other in general china no, they are not ready to help the russians much, they certainly buy oil, which the russians can’t buy now to sell on demand but they will dig. they are at the same price for which we know in the past that china is not ready, but clearly, they are not ready to help, but they are afraid of sanctions, and for the same reason, they are not ready, but they are sending weapons from russia
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. the onset of the russian delay and the visit today in this spirit, but what do you think, can china now take advantage of this situation with these visits, by the way, we know that after the meeting with putin, sidimpin can talk on the phone with zelensky, eh, and also, obviously, poets meeting today and for the next two days. don't you think that now china is using the situation in order to increase its political rating in the world, so that the country becomes, well, again, in an equal struggle with the united states and russia and to prove its political value in the world they certainly want such a result, but in my opinion this is an opportunity now less
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precisely than what a-a this is a criminal organization a-a i forgot how he said it in russian. it was pushed into the ego, they are still walking and will use this crisis to support putin as you do, and also to raise your pardoner in europe, and even uh, how do you know in the global south and strange people will listen, that is, we understand that now even uh, economic china's market, that is, europe
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. this is the main goal of the russian offensive in february of last year. khitay was on vkontakte with his european masters and they said that they were not on the side of russia, that they actually had a spy face in this war, and it was difficult for them. convince, let's say a month at nine o'clock, or something is happening a while ago, europe is in this. now i said that it is impossible at all, and again, that further, this is an international organization, i accuse
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putin of war crimes, and he wants to draw it. the all-ukrainian side to the european public and i definitely complicate the chinese way to support the same attitude with europe, and while they support russia alone , in principle, among the european partners of beijing, we know it, paris and berlin, and uh, one of the following after a visit to moscow, setenpin can fly to paris and meet with macron. i think that china's interest is probably still in the european union, and it is not necessary to rule out that ukraine is also interested in ukraine, and today ukraine is a candidate
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on the members of the european union and the moment will come when ukraine will become a full-fledged member. such an ally as ukraine is probably interesting for beijing. what do you think? than the relationship of the end of ukraine, but also with europe, and the chinese, my fools, do not understand that even though they are european, everything
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else, including france and germany , leads to this question, and therefore, again, this is a complication for offending in their relations with europe, but for now, this is the course, well, if we say that in six months and in an hour, we will see a real ukrainian victory on the battlefield .
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the fight with the russian federation, and this, except for money , would also include weapons , supplies, and everything that we need in a cell on the territory of ukraine. membership in nato, alas, this son is still quite far away, but it’s closer today than it was. and 13 months ago, and now, many people who in the past thought that there should be a country between russia and the west, now i understand that stability in europe is accepted by nato brought ukraine
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as a new member armization, but unfortunately there is more, i don’t know. maybe there is only one father, which means that nato countries that do not divide this night, we hope it will be fast, yes, john edward coat of arms , we thank you very much, the american diplomat the fifth extraordinary ambassador of the usa in ukraine was in direct contact with us, they talked about the possible consequences and the visit of dvinkin to moscow, the secretary of state anthony blinken announced in a new package additional ammunition for high-mars bradley missiles, harm missiles , anti-tank weapons, river boats, grenade launchers and many many other things in the pentagon noted that the usa will continue to cooperate with allies in order to provide ukraine with everything necessary on
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the battlefield, president volodymyr zelenskyi in his evening address thanked for the help to our partners, the weight of this decision is 2 billion euros, both the immediate supply and the production of ammunition are provided for, this is a strategic step that adds confidence in our unity, in the immutability of the movement to defeat the terrorist state, and the announcement today of a new defense package from the united states of america, the amount of 350 million dollars these are rockets for highmars artillery and other ammunition everything that is really necessary to support our soldiers well jason jasonart american political technologist and political expert joins our conversations uh jason good evening good evening yes jason well today you know, or rather the day before yesterday, an interesting moment
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happened , you know, a yellow-blue sign was noticed on the door to joseph biden's office. it was written on a yellow background in blue letters of bil-bels, that is, he believe so hope in the ukrainian language and began to discuss what is possible, so joseph biden , the american president, hints that soon there will be an important announcement about military aid for ukraine, and so it happened, but we understand that it is probably some other joke is more related to the american tv series, yes, of course, yes, there is nothing better now, the best interesting moment, and why the name is now, you were at home, and there are several reasons in the first place. all these weapons are just these weapons in ukraine and help. and how much now? it is very necessary and necessary , that is, we see that ukraine is a great war, but
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there is simply not enough weapons, and we can precisely help. i and chobari really showed serious leadership there how are you tomorrow you probably know the rest of this trump, but until the ego of ares, they didn’t do everything so that we would say that we are from the americans. we will return to this topic even before trump , because it is also interesting, but regarding the next aid package of 350 million dollars, shells for the haimars. and an interesting point , we must pay attention to the fact that the supply of shells to bradley has also been announced for
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this equipment, which is not yet available in ukraine ot here pochemu well, how do you know how much? now, i stole the idea, for example, he smelled such things as a brother and the heat, super, and better now, ukrainian soldiers, so that i would not be close there at the front, the whites or the russians , and they were protected, that they could fight harmless, and we we know that it's russian, but there is such a story, they don't have such a thing as idleness, they don't have such things, even what kind of chemistry is there, and they are very little. not only that ukraine pobeda pobystroy and what else was this ukrainian life what we saved so that we could help and save ukrainian soldiers so that they have the best channels in the world, that's with the american price, but there is, and it can
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survive you, it's a war, but for now, we are что же мы российской армий honestly, don't you see the symbolism in the fact that yesterday the united states announced another aid package and yesterday the chinese leader arrived in moscow for a meeting with putin, are there any uh, um, related things or not and it's funny that we are salons they found out that the apostles met with the president of china and present pro russia to say that it was once or not yet that it is so simple that flowers armed missiles and did not sell spare parts, and the chinese showed that they cut anises with their bare hands putin and how are we everything was expected, i think that even the russians knew batam from this. let's meet today. and in two days porto . and the path itself is not in history - this president of china is also an example. styr will not be enough to be the president
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of china, and not, as a rule, as you want, to be a matchmaker. and this is the tenth very low orang, how quickly, perhaps, that is the president of china, and i think that i especially did not do this to you, but for now i said that there are not enough chinese partners, you know, mr. heps, in front of you, eh, we talked just on this topic, why putin himself i personally did not meet sydimpin at the airport, and according to the ambassador, this happened in order for peace , god forbid, to talk about the fact that putin is a real vassal. divy himself, and russia , you are not a fool to become, as you know, putin it is known that you are always late for the whole meeting, and angels. no, it seemed that the new force has what is important, it is always his profile, and you show that he is more important than
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everyone . чем это, but he himself would start very important, or there is nothing to show this car in chinese , well, the chinese are not decorated to understand that russia will almost fall apart now, and i don’t know what it is, only in china they will eat again well, if putin is there, where the airport is located but putina did it it is important to show some strength, let's say, in fact, john kirby immediately after this meeting stated that the united states doubts that this meeting of the leaders of china and russia will bring anything positive for them, and they say that there may still be certain agreements, such as the supply of weapons, or certain agreements there some kind of transition from sanctions to something like that. what do you think, what exactly are we talking about and why won't
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this be positive for ukraine ? that is, i didn't expect that the chinese are ready. the weapons of russia, so that education led to such a crushing and worry that russia could turn out to be some kind of pdshku from china, but it did not happen. and dash. i think that yes, china is going to dig up oil and gas from russia. well , you know that we get a discount, and look 70%, that is, this group of discounts that china will receive from russia, and it will be a control for 30 years, and this is gay. it's not enough like that
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it was difficult again. ukraine , jason . what do you think? is it possible to contact the ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskiy online? china said that the moment of life, when he can discuss how to make peace in the first place, the president of russia will be the president of ukraine, and there’s nothing, guys, i’m talking to you , sharko, it’s just a first conversation with the president of russia, that would be the reason but for now, why, i don’t see anything being given to ukraine. by the way, one of the points was that during the official meeting , a phrase was uttered by the soviets that he wished putin victory in the next presidential election, what could this mean, would it be further support or is it
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possible everyone knows more about putin's plans for the future. was it just a phrase that should not be ignored? putin is a dictator , but it's all new to me. they don't know that he will be president only once and he won't lose. there will be no one. rights why is there and here is some other thing that is a show that we think that it will be very interesting chosen and with you they know very well that there is where to play, well, there have been no democrats for a long time, viruses, this is absolutely jason, and i promised you, we still have more a little more minutes about donald trump, the story from there is non-political. there is a story of his ego’s debts to the actress, as far as we understand it, why he is turning this into some kind
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of political game against him, even for something against the law, and the criminal and i are fine i understand that he and indeed it is possible that the pope is coming when you are soon in prison and it is better to do it so that his supporters are on the street defending you for 60 he is known to be easier and you his colleagues are easier to negotiate and with a silver so that i do not let him go well in fact can we see this arrest arrest trump and so on what do you think the show will be today so how likes it that everyone will have such a huge interesting that will buy soft and what other news jason thank you jason james smart american political technologist and political the expert was in direct contact with us e-e marathon the only news continues stay with us and in a moment the news release with our
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colleague marina the cook thanks to you we saw how ordinary people become extraordinary heroes how hells of battle are born new ukraine ukraine that you protect in our family friends neighbors colleagues you were not always military but you were always ukrainians you are our pride and our hope we survived thanks to you we will win thanks to you together to victory smile glance
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acquaintance the first flowers and jokes are stupid in in my head i scroll again these minutes hours and days we haven't met you for a long time we learned to read thoughts how i just want to hug these minutes hours and days how i just want to say i love the whole universe - it's you son daughter mother hug i love and that's why the national guard of ukraine is successfully recruiting soldiers for the offensive guard . we all have the same goal of liberating our territories until the borders of 1991. how
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will the heroic units change thanks to the replenishment? units and units engineer-sapper anti-aircraft missile units and how to train soldiers who will liberate ukrainian lands these units are built according to the principles of nato countries - they are modern units that are compatible with the units of partner countries the first television interview of the commander of the national guard of ukraine lieutenant general yurii lebedya from the beginning of the full-scale invasion, watch today at 7:30 p.m. exclusively on the air of the only news, the marathon continues, the latest news as of four in the morning in the studio, marina, the cook, two russian reconnaissance drones liquidated our

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