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tv   [untitled]    March 20, 2023 2:00pm-2:31pm EET

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[000:00:00;00] two hours of airtime and my colleagues are with you until 21:00 two hours of your time we will talk about the most important things two hours to learn about the war serhiia zgoretska joins our broadcast military summaries of the day and what is the world like what is there in the world yuriy the physicist will tell two hours to be up to date with economic news oleksandr borschivtsi sent him he tells us about the economy during the war and new sports evgeny pastukhov is ready to talk about sports for 2 hours in the company of his favorite presenters about culture during the war he is ready to talk lena or something else that many people have become like, maybe the weather will give us some optimism ms. natalka didenko is ready to tell us and we will also have distinguished guests of the studio today volodymyr ogrysko if everything goes well events of the day in two hours vasyl's big broadcast in winter a project for intelligent and
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caring people evening naspresso greetings dear tv viewers, it's time to learn about important events, the news team will tell you everything, and i'll start with the fact that a 33-year-old resident of the village of mikilska lost her arm due to a shrapnel injury, russian killers fired at her a village in the kherson region. this was reported in ova oblast. the occupiers simply hit the houses of peaceful local residents . at least five houses and possessions were damaged . a 39-year-old man was also injured. the number of victims is still being determined in the morning. points karpovychi and leonivka recorded 12 arrivals there, reported to the operational command of the north, information about
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the victims was not received in the black sea there are five enemy ships in azov, one missile carrier among them, there is no enemy army swarming them to the base points , the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine are informed in seredzemno, there are seven ships of the occupiers, of which three caliber carriers with a total salvo of up to 20 missiles hit the kupyansk pile ukrainian fighters destroyed a platoon stronghold of the occupiers in the yansk direction , the state border service reports that a successful operation was carried out thanks to aerial reconnaissance, our artillery
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worked perfectly at the point with an isb kit the russians have been destroyed china is ready to guard the world order based on international law together with the russian federation this was one of the first statements all dzvinpina who arrived in russia today met the chinese leader near the plane avice prime minister of the russian federation chernyshenko according to the message of the spokesman of the kremlin dmytro piskov the beginning of the meeting all xi jinping and a. putin are scheduled for approximately 15:30 kyiv time, and the official ceremony will begin tomorrow, march 21. the united states of america has already reacted to the visit of the leader of china to russia, the official representative of the pentagon, john kirby, called her putin and xizenpin an undermining of the world order, there is no doubt that russia and china, and this is directly significant in the national security strategy, are two countries that are quarreling against the existing international order, an order based on the rules that the united states and many of our allies and partners created after
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the end of world war ii they do not like this order they would like to rewrite the rules of the game around the world and most recently china and the russian federation strengthen their cooperation and relations, look carefully at the sky dmitry peskov threatened to launch a rocket attack on the building of the international criminal court in kerosene, according to the official, he can well imagine the pinpoint use of hypersonic missiles on the iss, and nato countries, in his opinion, allegedly will not dare to respond to a nuclear state on march 17 the international criminal court issued an arrest warrant for the president of russia, vladimir putin, and the commissioner for children of the russian federation , maria lviv yebelova, this decision was welcomed both in ukraine and in other democratic countries the countries of the world, the security of sweden will not suffer if finland joins nato first, the finnish president
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of the ukrainian autonomous soviet socialist republic stated this with the linearity of the local tv channel. he added that both scandinavian countries are negotiating with the usa on bilateral military facts, and the minister also believes that rejecting turkey's proposals for ratification would be extremely wrong, i remind the turkish president erdogan said ankara will ratify the protocol on finland's accession to nato, but separately from sweden , the document was submitted to the parliament that same evening turkey's luxury worth uah 50 million, the security service seized the property of yanukovych's bodyguard, the court's decision concerns an elite hotel complex in bukovel, an apartment in the central district of kyiv and several parking spaces, as well as five plots of land in the kyiv oblast , prykarpattia and yalta. units of weapons and more than 5,000 cartridges are currently being checked to see if the person involved in
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the financing of the russian occupiers was involved in a fatal road accident . volodymyr gevko, a people's deputy from the servant of the people, got into an accident as a result of in which a person died, a car wreck took place yesterday evening on the highway in the zolochiv district of lviv region, the car driven by a people's deputy hit a pedestrian, the incident happened outside the pedestrian crossing, it was noted in the dbr that they are investigating this tragedy, the victim himself died, volodymyr gevko wrote on social networks that he cooperates with the investigation and promised support to the family the investigation of the deceased continues according to the awareness on the drager device, the driver was sober, at the moment the issue of initiating criminal proceedings under the
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part two of article 286 of the criminal code of ukraine, violation of the rules of road traffic safety or the operation of transport by persons that caused the death of the victim. these 21 years met nazar tomashevskyi , a young national guardsman in the trenches who set out to freely defend ukraine from the enemy , see the story of the boy in our material nazar tomashevskyi, a soldier of the national guard ukraine joined the army at the age of 20 before the great war, worked abroad felt that there would be a full-scale russian invasion that's why i returned to ukraine and decided to prepare because i saw the news about the movement of russian troops near the ukrainian border that putin would let them down like this - and at that time
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, because i was reading historical documentaries and this topic was very similar and parallel, so i went to the army, managed to pass the course of a young fighter and the full-scale russian invasion began on february 24. nazar with my brothers and sisters i was met in the barracks by the lifting team, they gave out equipment, weapons, ammunition and went to defend the country at 4:27 a.m. then they lifted us up and told us that the war had started. in principle , everyone reacted. er, there was a call from my mother, the beginning of meetings for some attempts to calm down my
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relatives, watching the news, and working to get us out of the territory of the unit as soon as possible , because there was always a threat of some kind of flight . on february 26, the guys were already in positions on in the kyiv direction, at that time , commanders who had combat experience in 2014 worked with young national guardsmen. with their help, very successful operations took place in the main battles. it would be better for the benefit to have three opportunities to get out of that battle, give your artillerymen, your foreign gunners or some technicians there an opportunity to work out, and then go into position
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or hold them. but the guys are constantly performed work at zero, the task was to destroy the columns, protect the strategy, introduce intelligence, everything happened in the field of view of the enemy, constant arrivals, always crashing somewhere, the pseudoma was on fire, it happened. that is, you are in constant movement, you are in a constant search, you are in constant work to some degree. this helped us a lot because we were always doing something, and then the brain is distracted from thoughts about what surrounds you, go, think more about how to complete the task, a few months, the world, 21 years old, a guy met v the trench now continues to be in the army, because during this time everyone has already become a small family, they help each other out, take care of and save each other, the war also left its mark in
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the boy's life, he began to hurry more, sleep worse, he became more impatient, he became more attentive, war is war, they change during the full-scale war , nazar tomashevsky had to go through a lot , he saw hunger and the devastation that the russians brought to ukraine. but this hardened the boy even more and he is ready to defend the motherland. khrystyna parubiy, espresso tv channel the city of melitopol has actually become the largest prison in europe, because it is almost impossible to leave there. however, the number of activists there has increased only in the last week . dozens of residents have joined the yellow ribbon movement . those who don't care create postcards with their own hands , demonstrate patriotic symbols and spread the sign, and on the posters increasingly often appear sand a clock that symbolizes
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the quick liberation from the russian occupation. here 's what's going on in tsiomet. i'm telling you. see you at 15:00. read more about important events on our website espresso tv. subscribe to like our channels in social networks, stay close and continue and expresso will continue my colleagues antin borkovskiy and khrystyna yatskiv fm halychyna on the air and there halychyna prepared its answer and we heard that our armed forces promised a spring counteroffensive of the occupier, so radio fm halychyna will be in the formation of informational spring you will hear and even see counterattacks
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, life goes on, the war is going on, galicia is not enough for the russians, for the ukrainians, spotlight ukraine, a new project of the espresso channel, a project about the war and ukraine, spotlight ukraine products which journalists and experts do better, inform, analyze, forecast, spotlight ukraine, exclusive interviews with foreign guests, politicians , diplomats, economists, soldiers, ukraine, the key to how we will live in the next few years , ukraine, with volodymyr ostapchuk , every sunday at 21:30 on espresso . thank you for choosing us. my name is khrystyna yatskiv. we continue to cover for you the main events in ukraine and the world. the focus of our attention
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is the aggressive war of the russian federation against ukraine, but today the world's attention is primarily focused on the visits of the president of china, all ding-ping to moscow, where he is scheduled to meet with the russian dictator vladimir putin, the plane carrying tsing-ping landed at moscow vnukovo airport , russian president dmytro piskov said that putin and seven they will discuss the war that russia unleashed against ukraine with just such headlines, in fact, today was the start of our day. china published its peace plan on the anniversary of russia's invasion of ukraine at the same time, without condemning the russian federation, it also did not contain a clause about the withdrawal of russian troops from the territory of ukraine. in fact, the meeting between putin and the soviet union should begin approximately at 3:30 p.m. kyiv time, and we will certainly follow it . instead, the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine stated that they
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following the visit of the president, the chinese have called the russian federation and are ready for a closer dialogue with the prc for peace in ukraine , the spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine, nikolenko, announced that ukraine is closely following the visit of the president of the prc to russia, we we expect that beijing will use its influence on moscow to force it to stop its aggressive war against ukraine, as the minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba emphasized in a telephone conversation with his chinese counterpart last week, restoring the territorial integrity of ukraine should be at the center of all diplomatic efforts, we are ready for a closer dialogue with china with the aim of restoring peace in ukraine in accordance with the principles enshrined in the un charter and the latest resolution of the general assembly on this issue well, if a little to detail this text that was published on the e-e resource of xinhua, the president of the people's republic of china, on the eve of his
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visit to russia, expresses his belief in the possibility of a peaceful settlement of the conflict between russia and ukraine. from its very beginning, china maintained an objective and impartial position and actively contributed to peace negotiations. of the un charter, respect for the legitimate security interests of all countries, support for efforts aimed at a peaceful settlement of the crisis and ensuring the stability of global industry and supply chains , they have become fundamental principles of china for solving the ukrainian crisis, it is emphasized that it is ukrainian on this matter that the secretary of the national security and defense council of ukraine, oleksiy danilov, has already had time to speak he is convinced that in order to implement the so-called peace plan of china regarding the war in ukraine
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, russia must either capitalize or withdraw his troops from the territory of the country, danilov reports this in his social networks, quoting the formula for the successful implementation of china's peace plan. point one, the main capitulation or withdrawal of the russian occupation troops from the territory of ukraine in accordance with the norms of international law of the un charter in order to restore sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity. well, the first ones statements from all of zinkivnia have already been heard in moscow, we will certainly analyze them, but for now the important message from our defense forces is that the russian occupiers are trying to surround the situation in avdiyivka of the donetsk region in the near future may become the same as in bahmut, the head of the joint press center of the defense forces of the tauri region , colonel oleksiy dmitrashkivskyi, reported this. the enemy is now constantly trying to surround avdiyivka. i agree with my colleagues from britain that avdiyivka may soon become the second bahmut this
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is true, but i want to say that not everything is like that. okay, in the russian units attacking in this direction, over the past day, the enemy has lost about three companies of personnel only on to the avdiiv direction, well, i think we will talk about this and other things today during our broadcast today, there are a lot of events , yes, no, we only understand that the situation on the fronts remains bloody complex and tense, well, in any case , there are many events, and we will involve the most competent and informed experts for in order to correctly convey these events to your dear tv viewers. well, we begin with the introduction of roman svitan, a military expert, an instructor pilot , a reserve colonel of the armed forces of ukraine. congratulations to roman glory to the heroes
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of ukraine . i wish you good health. there are several important moments that are worthy of your attention . a new situation for us often happens that the raising of these vessels into the air is not accompanied by any real consequences for ukraine, but it is definitely not worth neglecting this danger, mr. roman, and according to your observations or russia has increased eh, now this is purely psychological pressure and maybe some kind of military training, the level of this military training that they conduct eh in their aviation , in particular, this is control training flights that are not currently carried out eh on mig 31 k that can carry daggers plus escort fighters are rising, you already understand that we may have a system
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of long-range anti-aircraft missile systems, they are already asking for these uh-uh mig 31s , which are recognized as not fighters, it’s more mm uh-uh missile carrier bombers we say they are running away from the rockets, they can’t cover them because they are already rising , er fighters cover for these planes and now they conduct certain group flights for group cohesion, this will be repeated for a certain time, but we can’t relax, no one will happen, as er every such a takeoff carries a potential burden on the range of practically the entire territory of ukraine, they still have up to no daggers left, and the range of the dagger’s flight just exceeds the territory of ukraine, therefore very carefully, and very carefully, it is necessary to make a decision on actions in the event of such a threat
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, colonel, well, they note certain changes in the discussion regarding the allocation of f16 fighters in ukraine, but in any case, we are already waiting for a part to be handed over to us mig-29, in particular, it is about the polish and slovak portion of air assistance, how can the situation change in your opinion after the arrival of the mig-29 and how do you generally assess the pace of the discussion regarding the allocation of the f16 to us and the mig-29 will be with us as soon as possible, all of them are already with us how at least polish and it is getting ready to transfer slovak, plus a few more countries that have a few planes left, they have 29, and in any condition there is a revenge 29 that can be and can’t fly, but they can become donors to those planes that we
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have or will be comes in order to restore certain shortages in the resource of aircraft spare parts eh this will be done quickly i think in the course of eh a few weeks until the end of the month exactly we will have these boards and there will be about three eh squadrons, that is, squadrons of 12 aircraft total amount somewhere more than 30 aircraft, we will receive this m-m amount of aircraft to restore our losses from combat e-e actions with the russian federation, this is a plus, to add firepower, since these boards, some of them are 29, they are already modernized to perform certain tasks of e-e s by working with nato weapons, that is, they will increase our combat potential by increasing the capabilities of nato weapons, and train 16 e-e by transmission and by working with the f-16, and there are
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three options for action, all three are considered the first global variant is the transfer to us of the complete modernization of our aircraft fleet on a transitional basis in 16, for this we need about two hundred aircraft, the preparation of airfields , the preparation of the equipment for the operational cleaning of the engineering and technical staff in the factories for the repair and maintenance of this equipment, it will take several years, that is, two three years is exactly enough to fully prepare the base and the main direction, and the second direction is the preparation of the flight crew of our flight crew and rebuilding f-16 planes are at the airfield, they are operating in the airfield mode in a jump , that is, when they are not performing a combat mission from our airfields, and maintenance is carried out at bases in europe, and the third direction, which also now begins
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to be discussed, is the use of m-m on these f-16 american pilots who have already expressed their desire to perform combat tasks on the f-16 from our airfields have joined our foreign legion, all three directions are being worked on, and all three directions are promising. a little about the conditions under which we can provide in 16 e-e such an interesting detail, if you quote the spokesman of the command of the air forces of the armed forces of ukraine, yuriy ignat, that f-16 is needed in ukraine to protect against enemy missile attacks in cities and critical infrastructures, we talked with you in our conversations about the fact that f16 and any other fighter aircraft can be, er, well, let's say that it is a significant part of our offensive capabilities, the contour of offensive capabilities in the given directions, is there
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still this moment, er, now it is possible that one of the demands of our partners will receive f16 in perspective if you will not use for offensive purposes exclusively for defensive purposes, well , this is impossible to do . - and in what form will the defense of our territory be in the mode of full defense in the mode of offensive and liberation of our territory? on the state borders of ukraine, there is a defense of our state, that is, there is no sense and it is very correct to play the game of our spyder and they do not focus on this, because uh, for our partners, the optimal supply is precisely such
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a-and kind of requests, give us weapons for defense, for the defense of our uh, the state for defense and uh, uh, cover from the air, life and infrastructure, uh, of the ukrainian country and ukrainian citizens, that's optimal. well, we , as uh, military experts, can tell you how uh, it's really possible to use them this type of aircraft will be used, uh, definitely the f16 platform - it's four in one - it's a fighter, an interceptor, a bomber , and an attack aircraft, depending on what kind of weapons it will carry, then if there are air bombs, it will be uh, a bomber, if there are rockets, air - it will be attack aircraft if there were rockets air air it would be an interceptor well, if you have to meet in close combat with an enemy fighter it will be a fighter because of
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the optimal option that's right ignat talks about defense well, we will talk about it, well, accordingly, the spring offensive, which everyone is talking about , we understand that it is a state secret, a military secret, and so on. it is difficult to predict how the enemy 's aircraft will behave. well, the more fighter aircraft we have, the calmer the mik-29's soul will be, the first task they will destroy the enemy's anti-aircraft defense, that is, destroy of anti-aircraft missile complexes, we are now dealing with the harm rocket to a depth of 150 km, they burn the spaces where we will attack a-a and where enemy radars are detected, this is already being done, increasing the amount of noise 29 will simply increase this
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task a-a the implementation of this task is also a moment 29 in the next stage will be used to destroy enemy missiles to intercept cruise missiles and intercept and destroy enemy aircraft, again due to the combat radius of the 29th itself and plus the range of the missile, escort and execution the combat tasks of those missiles that they will be for me now, the question is being asked about whether they will hang 29 rockets on them, which are widely used on all aircraft, and for intercepting nato aircraft, this is an am120 amral rocket, the most common rocket , by the way, it also works in a ground complex on the sams base, the base is precisely this missile, because only the book on the 29th will be found an approach to carry the missile, it
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will become a good fighter and interceptor . this is the most important task. well, then the main thing the support of the advancing troops is already the aviation equipment of bombardment, that is, guided bombs or free-falling bombs plus hellfire missiles, these are air-to-ground missiles for the destruction of the enemy's armored vehicles. that's how the mig 29 will be used, and those three squadrons will be enough for at the first stage, at least at the first stage, it will be enough to successfully launch a counterattack, mr. romane , british and german fighter jets intercepted russian aircraft twice in the last week planes while patrolling the airspace near the coast of estonia, how extraordinary is such activity , according to the russian aviation in this location , er. the fact is that the baltic fleet of russia is based there, and it has to cover it, and
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they are in a disadvantageous position on all sides er- е подлётное время от от от от seconds от minutes от seconds е-е half of the destruction of the baltic fleet, then russia we have to spin like е-е yula е precisely on this coin and already practically the internal nato baltic sea after the entry in finland and sweden, it is possible to say that it will be an internal nato war and it will be very inconvenient to defend the baltic fleet in their place already a long time ago . in nato, that is, there is no danger for the baltic countries, this slot clearly does not carry this kind of action - it's just such phantom ones that i have to


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