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tv   [untitled]    March 19, 2023 11:30pm-12:01am EET

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[000:00:00;00] in each of the 123 countries that have signed the rome statute. well, first of all, you need to be interested in which of these countries vladimir putin can visit . kyiv, in principle, has few. he can go to the united states, which has not ratified the rome statute, and speak at a session of the un general assembly. he can go. to beijing, he can go to delhi. and neither china nor india have ratified the rome statute , of course, the most interesting moments should happen when a person who is under this warrant ratifies, goes to a country that has ratified the constitution, and here is an experiment because president bashif traveled to such countries, as far as i remember, his trip was to the summit of the african union , they say that putin will go to the bricks summit to the south african republic, he came there
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was a scandal, one of the judges said that he cannot leave the territory of the couple until the court decides whether he can stay there , he calmly went home, moreover , the leadership of the african national congress party made a statement that this international criminal court was created for in order to oppress the countries of africa, well, that is , they didn't even try to pretend that he, er, er, could really be extradited, he went to the inauguration of the president of uganda. this trip did not end with anything. he is calm, he arrived and left . the delegations of western countries left this inauguration as a sign of protest, but the president of uganda , as you understand, is much more important that in
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he was the president of the court due to the fact that at that time sudan was not yet the largest country in africa. and in this sense, of course , we cannot say that we can necessarily expect that president putin will go to any of the countries that ratified the rome statute and they are detaining him there, they say, you know what a horror tajikistan has ratified the rome statute and now if putin flies to shanbe , he will definitely be arrested there and others say no, he just won't fly to shanbe now. the trick is that he will fly soul and nothing and nothing will happen of course they will do everything possible and impossible for him to fly to chambay, i just promise you, he will definitely do it because it is important for him to humiliate the world community, so i came and to show the worthlessness of the international rule of international law along with the land
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rakhmanov, what about the mes memoriah to this international criminal court, but if he quarrels with russia, it could be a serious problem for him, he is wonderful, i know all the more that he and putin are very close as, er, people who have us joint style of management is one such story, another story, there is no justice in absentia, that is, in fact, we always want to form some kind of tribunal that will judge putin in absentia , now our western partners can tell us, listen, why create some more jumped-up ones who will judge someone in a situation when we already have one a real tribunal that can convict putin really when he will be in court and he may never be in court and there will not be an absentee tribunal and there will not be an in-person tribunal because i am not very i understand what needs to be done so that putin himself is not really a hologram. but putin himself is on the bench. i know
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what needs to be done. there must be a revolution in russia and with it such an economic blow. after this revolution, which would force the russians to change their legislation in addition to that. why bashir, this sudanese is not in gaza, because everyone understands perfectly well that when he appears in gaza, he can say a lot about sudanese generals, well, after all, all these people who run the courts, all these generals, all these politicians, they all grew up in his price and they simply do not want them to go with the courts, neither is putin, the entire russian political elite , it did not come from nowhere, it has existed for the last 23 years in this regime , there are no other people there, they can not be against judging him according to russian laws and that he died of a heart attack somewhere in moscow but go to the hague god knows what he will say and i , you know, i don't believe that this is even possible with the
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russians. and drop it immediately in front of my eyes is always cairo in the 60s and 80s, in the 67th year of the six-day war, israeli tanks on the outskirts of cairo and the then president of egypt, hamalib delneser, who, in principle, unlike putin, was a combat officer, well, in reality, i am not a big supporter of the president of the ussr but this is just another person , well, a left-wing politician, a revolutionary, well, a person with his own political personality, and he was shocked by what was happening, because he certainly did not expect such a terrible defeat. egypt then lost the sinai peninsula, the israeli the troops have reached a place they have never had from the point of view of the egyptian leadership , the children and he is resigning, a completely logical political step. what is happening, it is already clear that there is a leadership in egypt, there are already people there who are ready to fulfill the duties of the president
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because they understand that the president has suffered fiasco here too it turns out that this cannot be done because hundreds of thousands of egyptians are taking to the streets near the presidential palace and asking him to stay and in principle it becomes clear in the egyptian leadership that his resignation will generate even more chaos than a military defeat, so many russians can be under putin. well, if we see that the vast majority of russians remain supporters of the occupation of crimea , that the vast majority of russians remain supporters of the war, that the vast majority of russians do not see anything bad for themselves in the fact that the war it will be long, but let's read this sociology. and you know, everyone says that this is a fictional sociology because it may not reflect real attitudes, well, the same sociological centers conduct the same
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studies in belarus, they are the same authoritarian i will look at the results of the state. the belarusians do not want war, they want it to end sooner. these numbers are exactly the same. there are 90%. there, it’s just belarusians. russian society is run by the same scumbags . they look absolutely different. well, that’s also a lot, but i don’t know if they will come out. russians are on the street but i think that the russian political elite is perfectly aware of all popular legitimacy and that the collapse of putin as a personality can lead to serious problems in the functioning of the russian state itself, so in this situation i it seems that the only way for the russian political elite to survive is to keep putin as long as physical history continues, because it's all illiterate , you know, she's a mess, but once mandelshtab wrote about stalin. it is clear that there were already individuals there, some revolutionary bandits, but with a big political
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background. each of them had a collection of works in 20 volumes, we can naturally assume that they are political criminals but even when a person turns out from the stuffing. she can have a great political intelligence, and here people who could not write competently, like voroshilov, like kaganovich , are simply some kind of absolutely incomprehensible creature, and they rule the state, and of course they understand that who are they without stalin? well, and by the way, they all turned out to be right as soon as stalin died, how long did kajanovych last in the leadership of the communist party without stalin, four years, it even stirred in eh six, then everyone was excluded from the voroshilov party there he repented at the party congress, that means i'm sorry i'm an old poor person i didn't understand what he was doing he became such an idol after his death, but when he was alive he was no longer an idol everyone said he was a participant in the repression
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they renamed this er luhansk to voroshilovgrad to luhansk. he decided again only after his death, that is, these people had something to lose, and in this sense, of course , i would say that the russian elite may have something to lose in this situation that has developed in the current situation. the current e-e of russia so i don't know i just think that i think that i will say yes, the russians are putin’s servants, they deserve putin, that’s what the problem is. what do you think, mr. vitaliy, putin is furious . is it the other way around ? they will recognize it as such a bad thing in the west , and then no, he understands perfectly well. he is a criminal
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and a scoundrel, a bandit, but he is whoever he wants, as long as he does not find it, he understands exactly what it is , besides, you understand putin, a man who lives by some mystical feeling, he always feels like the embodiment of mamarak dafi. i'm not kidding. people who are close to putin , they didn't tell me that when he looked at the death of gaddafi, he was all white and gray, his complexion changed to the same color. this is what he saw, what gaddafi for a few more years there, you were your demli of the military revolution, the head of jamakhilya, you came to all countries with camels, guards, er, associates, lived in er, in such and such a specialty building on the street, everyone took it for granted. oh, what a great leader and
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reconciled with the west after committing terrorist acts, all that, and here the raptor is simply killed by the libyans themselves like a wild animal , and everyone also said, god, this means in a few months, such a path and putin. what happened in egypt, because they understand this logic, there were military coups, but the days of the military were different, not what happened in tunisia, because it also happened in 1991. one elite replaces another. but he was scared of death. made medvedev hysterical for several months, did not communicate with him because medvedev did not agree to a no-fly zone over libya , they say what does that mean? that it doesn't matter much, they didn't assess the situation as usual and here he means to live with it, not to end his life like a qadat but you listed gaddafi
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among these people who received a warrant of the international criminal court, so, in this sense, we can say without a doubt that putin is aware that this is a black thread sent by pirates, so to speak, to their friends, and it was already clear that we really can't get you because of that that you are sailing on this ship, and god knows where you are, you are somewhere in the pacific ocean, but as soon as you catch our eyes , we will take your father, your protest, your protest, and the other leg, we will cut off his head, then we will cut it off and let you air it well, i have it it is very positive if to think about putin is natural. this is the point if you translate it into the language of the middle ages. this is such a moment and he remembers that when you received this suspicion and a few
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months later he was no longer there and he may think that this is another attempt to destabilize in russia well, and then also the question and how can he be a legitimate leader who will initiate negotiations with the west, well, after all, the president of sudan could not conduct negotiations with the west , he had his own there he lives in his own world , this is africa, well, a conflict, fury is needed african mediators, mediators are needed to resolve the issue with south sudan, chat egypt, that's all, but in russia , after all, it's not in africa, it's located, he 'll never come to france again, no, forget about it, thank you there will be no france, no germany, no beer with german workers in uh-huh, all this is already over. that's it. that's the end. i just think that maybe he didn't intend to, but in
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principle, this is what a person understands that this is the end, it's not some kind of sanction that can be cancel that is even if the european countries cancel all sanctions against russia, they cannot do this suspicion. i don't even want something . there will be no more putin in europe. and if these accusations are made against some lavrovite, then they simply become people who can and and you understand that honor is also a matter of overflight, i.e. you always have to plan the routes of your planes so as not to get into the airspace of the state that signed the rome statute and what do they have the right to land this plane like lukashenko once sat down, but imagine that the plane has some kind of problem and you are forced to sit down and that's it, and you won't be going anywhere, we'll wait for it. when he flew with some kind of visits, he flew with
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a fighter squadron because he was simply afraid that something would happen to the plane and if he sat down, he would still be security so that they could not approach, perhaps the grandfather will not come out of the bunker, but at the end of this topic, should we expect other decisions of the international criminal court, because this is directly related to the deportation of illegal children and other war crimes, orders to kill civilians destroy cities, look at the international criminal court, it works enough i would say logically, he expresses suspicion when there is verifiable evidence of the commission of a crime, that's when he signed an agreement on orders to kill people there after all, no one doubts the order that these are war crimes, but it is necessary to clearly trace where they end documented , that is how it was with the hiring process 17 everyone
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understands that the russian political leadership everything above is responsible for this, but together with this, how to prove it is documentary, you don’t have a signature, you know how the story of the katyn tragedy was when polish officers were shot , how were the culprits identified and why did the soviet leadership never want to admit it , it could, in principle, admit that they were killed nkvdists could but there was a document of the decision of the central committee of the communist party of the bolsheviks on the liquidation of these people, and there were handwritten autographs, no no no surnames that were typed with a typewriter and just specific names, the signature of stalin and the signature of other members in front of the bureau, that is, if we say that he was responsible for the trial of the bolsheviks, then there is no need to prove anything. they signed this as a confession and what happened to this deportation of children. - a strange woman simply
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framed putin with a large bill, and the people who filmed this plot put him there. they also managed not to realize the consequences , boasted how they easily fit children into a family. but in principle, it says what is in them bad legal service because, in principle, such things should be discussed there with the minister of justice of russia, so we want to make this story about how my children are being established and how it should sound, well, they absolutely sneeze as we see and it turned out that this story is on television cameras putin himself speaks like this, you know how in this, uh, russian ditty, putin is a scumbag, a thief, he bit uh, uh, four children, and they saved the fifth bruised one so that he would go home, well, we thought it was a joke, and it wasn't played out on television. well, now international
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the criminal court does not need to do anything because the question arises and on what basis did you write the suspicion, do you have evidence , well , what kind of evidence. and this is historical. by the way, this is a ped, you know this, if hitler had called some er rosenberg or eichmann in front of the cameras and we would have discussed with them how you are doing there in the constitutional camps and they tell him fuhr the gas chambers work 48 hours a day we we execute the plan produced by the leadership of the central committee of the nationalist workers' party of germany, impeccable, he says, oh, great, now we understand what gas is, roughly this is what it was. well, then you don't need to know that the hitlerites hid this story about the final solution of the jewish question in such a way
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that the real list of people who are in favor of it voted became known some three decades after the end of the second world war, i.e. they clearly understood they gathered they voted but they clearly understood that they they are committing a crime, but people are aware that no one should know about it, and these banks are just some puppet characters, they are committing obvious crimes without even realizing that they are crimes from the point of view of any law, what is this bilova lvova chernova petrova white bill with ruffles and how was it in the frame with putin it didn't help to be doves of the world well, she is sleeping, these people have lost even the signs of morality , this same madam, she is the wife of a priest of this sect well , there are no priests there, i think that's why oh
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, let's pray oh oh oh oh oh oh with the children let's pray which we stole ah sorry, porn movies shoot child pornography, we also have cases open about this well, of course, that's what russian priests do , but let's move on to the next topics , because we can talk about putin indefinitely and we will have to p vitaly again many times to mention him, let's talk about our internal commander of the 46th battalion separately, an air mobile vehicle, i apologize to the anatolian brigade in the dome, he was demoted in rank, now he will be the deputy commander battalion of the training center, but the serviceman did not agree with such a decision and wrote a written resignation, and accordingly, this all happened because of an interview with the washington post
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, where he talked about what was happening inside, in particular, that young people who are just entering the service and who are immediately sent to hot spots for vitaly, there is basically already a command action here. they said that in fact the training continued and that his phrases about the fact that one hundred fighters out of five who joined the battalion died is an exaggeration. that is, completely they captivated him with rhetoric. do you think he would become a military serviceman and tell a lie? well, he is a famous person, he is not some random, unexpected person who suddenly appeared in an interview with the washington post . this person has already had conflicts with teams in everyone has their own character. in general, i believe that the fact that officers in the ukrainian army can have their own opinions is not
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a disadvantage, it is an advantage, because uh, in a soviet-type army, where everyone mindlessly follows orders, as a rule, they are either doomed to defeat or doomed to overwhelm corpses of the enemy, as it always happens, it happened with the soviet army, now it happens with the russian one, what an officer thinks about his soldiers is important, how important is it for a soldier to think about his soldiers, er, this way is also a question , to what extent discussions about the state of the ukrainian armed forces should take place on in the columns of the washington post newspaper, this is also a question for me. i think that this, to a certain extent , indicates a certain failure of communication on the rights of communication in the ukrainian armed forces themselves and a failure of social communications because it turns out that there is no trust in the media and everything that is happening. i think that one of the biggest mistakes that was made this year is the creation of the so-called single telethon, and i
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always have a suspicion that this is as much a political mistake as it is financially related to the desire to finance oligarchs, since one way or another we are dealing with the tradition of financing clan interests, which is not shared anywhere even during the war, and of course it must be said right away that the existence of the telethon itself was filmed by all these lists of people who are invited by the list of people who are not invited by the list of people who are invited there, yes, not so often this already speaks of the sovietization of the information space, it has nothing to do with the war, it has nothing to do with the authoritarian tendencies that are taking place in e-e society, i really hope that after the war these authoritarian tendencies will be condemned, people who lead them will leave responsible positions that were not their merits during military operations if society does not give a fair assessment to authoritarian tendencies the authorities of ukraine after the decline, anarchy, the rejection of european euro-atlantic integration, a new war with russia, the loss of new territories and other things that we do not want to talk about now during the war, but no one should expect anything
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good, that too. it is clear that ukraine can only survive as a democratic european sovereign state in which she had - the country will be for the government, and the government is for the country, and communication is the most important tool, which is an indicator of the absence of authoritarian tendencies in the leadership of such a country, it is also necessary for everyone realize, i will not give an assessment of the officer's performance at the washington post, i will simply say that the person did not do this anonymously , the person allowed himself to be photographed, said his callsign, did not hide behind anonymous sources, because, as you can see, a large part of this article is based on the anonymous testimony of representatives of the presidential office. i i absolutely believe my colleagues from the washington post, representatives of the president's office , only they say almost the same thing, which is that they don't
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say their names and don't take pictures and don't lose their positions, although it's possible much it is easier to fire a few officials from the president's office than a real combat commander, especially since 2014, to the question if we simply change the officials of the ministers of any political leadership of the country , do we lose a lot no, we do not lose anything, but the main thing for us is to preserve the institution of power so that there is continuity power to have a legitimate head of state, in any case, this is important , everything else can be changed, as we see, you have seen that personnel changes are already taking place during the war, they are not paying anything now the administrator of education will now resign, it is surprising that this did not happen two years ago, but the ministers demanded about the structures now under his charge because, according to china, the head of the luhansk regional administration will resign because there will be a production in kazakhstan, this is normal, but the combat commander - this is the question of who will replace him. if you now make an unsuccessful
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personnel appointment, let's say in the ministry, it 's bad, but it can be fixed. and there it may not be possible to fix it because something will be lost , some position, some people will die if not there will be an adequate command , this must always be remembered. so i will not discuss here the appropriateness of the speech in the american leadership. i am just thinking about the proportionality of the reprimand, the proportions , do it differently, put it to the gas, talk to the person, and not drive him out from a combat position that if he had exhausted all the possibilities of communication , then he would not have voiced it so surely in a public process, it is difficult. people are different , people have different characters. especially, i
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remind us once again not to judge this because a person is at the front, because here i was thinking in the studio, his commanders, by and large, are also sitting in the offices, the majority, and he is in a combat position, this is a different psychology, you thought that a person in a combat position has nothing to lose, the generals in the headquarters have that the representative of the official’s office has a lot to lose and a person risks his life every day, well, this is also a reality , it must be remembered when we discuss it, and here it is necessary, i would say so. defenders were not exchanged anyway. well, i’m talking about this because in the end it may turn out that the number of reserves is so exhaustive. i
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’m going to offer a pin to moscow and there was also information that he plans to talk to zelensky, but perhaps in an online format. how do you do you think there will be some pressure on volodymyr zelenskyy on volodymyr putin , but i don’t know if it is possible. i think that it is precisely china that puts pressure on putin more easily than on zelenskyi. well, that oleksii dempin can put pressure on zelenskyi, what does china do for ukraine with what it will offer. well, there is nothing to offer because there is a huge problem. katayu needs to decide on the first point of his peacekeeping program when he talks about the territorial integrity of the participating countries. how does he play all the countries and i. how does he consider the territorial integrity of ukraine? how does he consider the territorial integrity of russia in a year? what he sees as the territorial integrity of russia in its international external borders. then you need to put pressure on putin if he
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considers the territorial values ​​of russia and constitutional borders then he needs to admit to putting pressure on zelenskyi, but then again, another question that can be asked to zelenskyi, and in our territorial integrity do you perceive yours in the internationally recognized constitutional borders, but in those or those borders that do not coincide with the borders of the russian federation well, that too an interesting question. and until the moment we get the answer to this question, it is absolutely irrelevant what i will say all dmp , because this conflict today is connected with two fundamental things territorial integrity and security, all the calls i can say that russia is experiencing a security deficit, well, the chinese say this all the time, that they understand russia's problems . i think that this is an absolutely speculative question , that this is idiocy, that in fact the russians will absolutely not care. sweden or finland
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is already retreating to nato, it has a huge common border with russia, and putin somehow does not die of a heart attack, unfortunately , but that is a separate conversation. and there is a question of territorial integrity, even if you imagine although it is being discussed at the negotiations, the question still arises. what do the borders of these two states look like? zelensky can ask this question, but he will not be able to answer it, because if he says yes, we consider crimea, donetsk, luhansk, kharkiv , kherson, zaporizhzhia regions to be the territory of ukraine. to mean that russia's security can be guaranteed but before that russia must leave the captured territories well, that's how it should be said, you know we want ukraine to be a neutral state, not to join nato , not to have strategic relations with the allied


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