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tv   [untitled]    March 19, 2023 1:00am-1:30am EET

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[000:00:00;00] 8:00 p.m. march 18, the window facts teams sum up the day, i am tetyana vysotska. i congratulate you. today in the issue you will see the hague tribunal for putin is becoming more and more real. signal and what it will lead to carefully enemy special operations zone how to recognize russian pso like intimidation of ukrainians about handing out subpoenas near the subway the main thing how not to give in and sensitive with things on the way out the ministry of culture evicts the moscow patriarchate from the lavruk and chernihiv ministers refuse and pull up a support group, what hit will the state make in the suspended status of russians who
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lived in ukraine for a long time and until last february did not have time to get out of russian citizenship, cannot get a ukrainian passport and therefore found themselves in a legal vacuum , is there a way out at least two people were killed , eight more were injured as a result of daytime shelling in kramatorsk, three were seriously injured, as reported by the regional military administration of donetsk region, the russian army shelled the city with cluster munitions, more about the enemy shelling of peaceful ukrainian cities and the situation on the eastern front from our correspondent kostyantyn melnikov, he is with us live. i congratulate my colleague. i congratulate you, tanya. russian troops do not stop terrorizing the population of the entire country, but it is most felt here in donetsk region every day in the region from the enemy peaceful towns and civilians suffer shelling
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. kramatorsk was covered with cluster shells today in the middle of the day. as a result of this shelling of a densely populated area, it is known that at least six wounded enemies were fired from volley fire systems, a hurricane shook the city from them, and a large-scale fire broke out in the private sector the night before, one person was also injured, in total during the day in kostyantynivka, the occupation forces damaged and in some places completely destroyed at least 25 residential buildings of buildings, our defenders defending this direction say the russians are adjusting their fire from the air, so they know for sure that they are not hitting military objects, they are even scouting for artillery such as they are working, thank you for the constantinovs, they are arriving and cluster munitions have already started to arrive , 152 and similar barrel artillery
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are being scouted, the situation remains extremely difficult in bakhmut today, on the approaches to the city , a russian projectile hit a minibus of polish volunteers, they were just delivering humanitarian aid help volunteers sent one of them wounded to the dnipro for treatment russian troops are already in bakhmut itself carrying out dozens and sometimes hundreds of assaults every day in a day to take root in the central part and occupy advantageous heights, but for now, it may not be easy, but our defenders do not allow the enemy to realize the plans of our army ; as the soldiers of the 93rd brigade of the kholodny yar told us, they force them to go with prepositions. we have had this happen more than once, and for the assault group, the e-e sat down in the house of the local two, sending the local passed
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they entered the street to our position, returned back to that building, then the assault group has already left, such actions of the russian occupiers are another evidence that russia is a terrorist country , what it is doing on ukrainian lands is nothing but genocide, at the moment i have nothing more to add, so tanya, thank you for the word donetsk was in contact with us 11.16 iranian drones were shot down in the sky over ukraine this night according to the command of the enemy's air forces, the attack lasted four and a half hours, this time the invaders launched drones from two directions, from the eastern coast of the sea of ​​azov and from the bryansk region of russia, they flew to the central western and eastern regions only after lunch in novomoskovsk in the dnipropetrovsk region, rescuers managed to localize a fire that broke out due to the impact of two enemy kamikaze drones on a critical infrastructure facility
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, oil pipelines were involved there strong destruction from the blast wave affected 10 country houses, fortunately people were not injured trishakheds with which the russian army attacked dnipropetrovsk region were shot down by the military from of the air command, the east has the same number of drones, ukrainian popovo destroyed three more in the west, they hit non-residential premises in the yavoriv district, there were no casualties or injuries, the anti-aircraft defense worked perfectly against air targets flying in the direction of the capital. in zaporizhzhia, a s-300 was fired from a residential area on the outskirts of the city . our owner , correspondent andriy, works at the site
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of the explosion. the destruction of vitay tetyana this is how they look at the houses from the residential complex next to which the russian s300 exploded, as the enemy launched a rocket from the occupied part of the region , it fell directly on the restaurant that is located nearby and it was completely destroyed , only the ruins of the surrounding houses were left by the blast wave windows and damaged the breath, residents are so terrified that they refuse to comment on anything , rescuers and employees of communal services immediately rushed to the epicenter of the terrorist attack, according to their calculations in this in the residential sector, hundreds of square meters of glass were destroyed here, 650 m² of glass was broken in the houses that are located here in the district , so it means that 200 usb sheets will be lost somewhere , the 9 houses closest to the epicenter of the explosion suffered the most damage, in dozens of apartments , officials say that together with the law enforcement officers
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record the losses of the powerful, the powerful wave gutted everything and fortunately there were no dead or injured in the houses of two, which are very close to the pool, there was almost nothing left in the apartments because the windows were broken all the furniture was destroyed, and there was a gas leak, there were main lines, gas pipelines, and everything was quickly removed. last day, the law enforcement officers received seven reports about the destruction of civilian objects from the residents of the vasylivskyi and pologivskyi districts of zaporizhzhia. on the front line, the teams are constantly shelling those positions of our armed forces and our the defenders are giving the occupiers a decent age, we visited donetsk region, where our tankers are pouring the enemy with kindness.
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in our story, the march steppes of donetsk region, plowed by the tracks of armored personnel carriers, are constantly humming, and it is this rumble that our tankmen explain to their liking, the ukrainian artillery is the force of foreigners, it is ours , in my opinion, it is a veteran of the zhytomyr anti-terrorist operation. -64 minometer or artillery 122nd projectile because no , well, there was a small gap and it went through, hit down the tracks, broke our guide roller , broke the first and second rollers, well, i scraped a little car and he says they regretted it. however, we were there for four or five days repairing the car and left on december 31, so very symbolic, we congratulated
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the coming new year for at least 40 years and it is reliable and while the art is a few kilometers away, the enemy is cutting the enemy, it is time to air out the equipment, the crew commander oleksiy is in the army for six months. he came for mobilization during his military service. he says he was also a tank driver in the same brigade . they call their 36-ton armored personnel carrier by nicknames and call the kid something. it got a little attached. this is the word, the kid is reliable, reliable, yes, how many times have they gone out, they have never failed these cornigoms, now it is difficult and the enemy is sure to press here every day 300-400 m of any plantation or forest strip there or a piece of field they are trying to squeeze out it happens all the time , they found what is there accumulation of infantry and immediately works on it, they found that some bmw
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arrived with infantry, they worked on it again , and because of the activity here, they can constantly talk for hours about the tank , which they frankly admit they dream of transferring to leopards and believe that if our allies note that the war is not for the survival of our country, for the survival of the civilized world in principle, they will give more banks, they will give more, we will get new equipment faster among the exhausted steppes and the deadly although they beat the enemy every day for the sake of their families who do not seen for months, don't try anything for a long time. this is our work , so they randomly send greetings to their relatives to everyone who knows me. hello, everything will be ukraine. andrii on the 4th dazhenkov. the windows stb program is the only news from now on. world leaders are doing well. think before you have any business with putin. the international criminal court has, without exaggeration, made a historic decision, issued international arrest warrants for the president
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of russia, as well as the so-called children's rights commissioner lviv and belova, they are accused of illegal deportations of the population and children from the territory of ukraine to in russia, the court declared that there are reasonable grounds to believe that putin is personally responsible for this, that this issuance of the warrant means strategically and tactically , putin's husband oleksandr will tell in the gag from now on, it is not just a horror story for the kremlin that is shouted and written by those who support ukraine in different parts of the world, but a reality and a prospect for the russian president to sit behind bars, the international criminal court issued two arrest warrants in connection with the situation in ukraine of vladimir putin, the president of the russian federation and the russian authorities
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did not object to the deportation of children from the occupied territories of ukraine to the russian federation for alleged war crimes by maria lvova belova, the commissioner for children's rights of russia abduction of children from ukrainian territories , explaining it by the need for so-called re-education, moreover, all this was recorded by television cameras in mariupol, pictures are not 15 years old more than 40 volumes of materials documenting the illegal removal of more than 16,000 children from donetsk and luhansk , kharkiv and kherson regions, but the real figure may be much higher the state of makupants is prohibited by international law from relocating civilians from the territory where they live to another territory; children have special protection in accordance with the geneva convention; the content of the warrants is classified in order to protect the victims; this is a historic decision; this is how ukraine and the world react to the international warrant for putin's arrest
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. joe bidde emphasized that the decision of the court in gaza is a very strong position, i think that the arrest warrant for putin is justified or should he be tried for war crimes, it is quite obvious that he committed war crimes in the international criminal the court in the trial against putin promised to help britain deputy prime minister and minister of justice of the united kingdom dominica said that london will help with the forensic examination and investigation of the allegations it will be a suspicious long way but people said the same about yugoslavia and roland and many of those who were the person in charge closed the hug ended up on the dock, i think that in the short term it will be very difficult for putin to move around the world because so many countries have recognized the jurisdiction of the international criminal court, so they are obliged to arrest him. the rome statute, which established the international criminal court, was ratified by 124 countries, in particular, all the states of europe and latin
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america, mexico, canada, japan, south australia, new zealand and most of the african countries, so from now on, theoretically , putin cannot go to any of of these countries even to an international conference, now the situation has changed, president putin has been charged, he has become an exile, and it is difficult for leaders. and although there are no precedents for the extradition of current heads of state, human rights defenders are convinced that this first swallow is far from the last accusations against putin and that he, together with the kremlin leadership, is awaiting a number of international criminal cases, the other day the new york times newspaper wrote that the court in gaza will open two cases against putin, the first actually for the deportation of children, and the second, according to the publication's source, deliberate strikes on civilian infrastructure are a strong blow to putin's prestige, because the court in the woods is such a boundary marker that separates putin from the european
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value system completely and ends putin enough renegade he will end up with us, it became toxic legally, it is legally recorded in russian propagandists full of rage, putin's spokesman piskov said the kremlin does not recognize the jurisdiction of this court and, accordingly, any similar decisions from the point of view of law for russia , you are polite, a former member of the tandem with putin and deputy chairman medvedev of the security council lowered himself to the level of toilet humor , writing in english that there is no need to explain where this piece of paper will be needed, and the propagandist simonian immediately moved on to nuclear threats, would you like me to look at a country that, by gaga's decision, will arrest putin and, well, in 8 or so years, the flight time to its capital will be the action of the international court of justice, an important correct student, precisely because in russia it is believed
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that until, uh, we have an atomic bomb, we will all be they are not afraid of a court of atomic bombs, they are not afraid of sorbitol, er, it will violate the letter and the spirit of the law . arrest warrants for the heads of state are issued extremely rarely. putin is only the fourth in over twenty years of work at the international criminal court. thus, the russian president found himself in the company of such african dictators such as mamorka dafi omar bashir and lorang bahbo, who were also accused in gaza, in the end, all three were overthrown and removed from power, and the unchanged gaddafi, who ruled libya for more than 30 years without separation, was brutally executed by a mob. since the beginning of the full-scale war , a war criminal wanted by international justice came to the occupied crimea. this is how
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the dictator marked the ninth anniversary of the annexation of the peninsula visited the school, art, and the children's center in captured sevastopol, in the program of the visit there was also the opening of a part of the chersonese tavriyskyi park , in the published footage, putin was limping, strange bald spots on his head were also visible, all these 9 years that have passed since the annexation, the mechanism of the return of crimea to ukraine looked rather vague, but in recent months, after the liberation of kherson, crimea has been talked about more objectively. we were joined by a guest who, all these years, did everything to ensure that the peninsula did not disappear from the agenda. refat chubarov - the head of the mechlis of the crimean tatar people i congratulate you on the current situation in which you see the return of your homeland, the military or diplomatic path. good evening, you are absolutely right to say that there is a certain time for the liberation of crimea, despite everything, because ukraine
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has always emerged as a state from that and on all international platforms asserted that crimea is not only the territory of ukraine, that it will definitely be liberated . nevertheless, no one dared to talk about specific measures, wait for it, but everything began to be formulated with the holding of the first establishing the crimean platform in 2021. it was a kind of breakthrough when our international partners began to unite around the liberation of crimea, 46 of them are participants, 43 states, three international organizations - this is the year 2021, and they are writing that we will liberate crimea peacefully dialogue with russia because again some of our partners of the second year and february got confused and now it will
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go because some of our partners did not want to leave the fact that there could be different ways february 24, 2022 she is fundamentally everything changes because of the victims because of the crimes, it is terrible, but a big door is opening in order to liberate crimea and now our partners and it is clear that we are talking about the fact that there is also a military path and maybe it will be in the first place and other options are combined with the lawsuit and most likely with the approaches of the armed forces forces of ukraine to chongar, with their ascension to crimea, negotiations with the russian side may also begin, that is, we need to push kherson region and then we will see. what do you know, what are the moods in crimea now, how many russians are already in
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their suitcases and crimeans are waiting for liberation you all know that every breakthrough of the victorious armed forces of ukraine increases the expectations of hundreds of thousands of people, these are the crimean tatars , ethnic ukrainians who long for liberation. settled in crimea , it is clear that they are also aware of the inevitable liberation of crimea. they are preparing to leave crimea or find some other options to stay, although they will not be able to do so. how exactly do you see the return of crimeans to ukraine, because
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for example, in these 9 years, some children have already graduated from a russian school . they are different programs, uh, or is it connected due to the development of post-war crimea? i think we will succeed in everything that concerns reintegration and those people who, and the majority of them, who live in conditions of occupation, it is clear that there must be a whole a complex of measures and primarily measures aimed at the healing of their consciousness, which was distorted during the years of occupation, thank you very much, the head of the machlis of the crimean tatar people, refat chubarov, was with us, liberation and victory, thank you and we are moving on, russian terrorists are killing residents of the nikopol district of the dnipropetrovsk region during one of the last massive attacks in the middle of places in marganka , the occupiers shot dead seven civilians
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, two of them died, enemy troops hit the city with artillery installations damaged 15 high-rise buildings and 12 private houses, four people with shrapnel injuries are still in hospitals report by sofia bogutska russians shelled marganets in broad daylight with heavy artillery one of the shells hit the children's playground directly and scattered into fragments one woman was killed and another was injured tetyana has now buried her old she tells her friend iryna that everything happened at 4:00 p.m. the woman was standing by this window and a russian shell exploded just in front of it. my daughter called and she went to the window to talk and at that time flew here to the site just in time and there was a mother on the balcony, her mother
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injured an elderly mother with shrapnel wounds , now in the hospital tetyana says that if the family had been away from the windows, she would have survived iryna lived here , only this is an apartment mom, and her apartment is next to the window, well, everything goes there. she was staying with mom in this 12-apartment apartment building. a russian projectile hit a direct hit and completely destroyed the apartment on the second floor. tetyana lives on the bottom one says that day i went down to the basement with my mother for the first time. we heard the first explosion , but somewhere in our area it was very loud . for five and five minutes there was a strong explosion. we realized that we had to run away. we were sitting on the porch and it was like a bang. and we already heard something rained down, i say it has already arrived, i say in our house as soon as the shelling ended, the neighbors came out, everyone was alive, but their house was thoroughly destroyed
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, we saw, well, it’s horror, of course, it ’s just horror in general, we went into our houses, everything everything everything luckily, everything fell out of the window i lived in an apartment here. no one lived here. god forbid, if someone was here, there is no longer even a ceiling . everything has collapsed, and so the russian terrorists aimed at the private sector of manganese in this yard. now they are dismantling the broken house of mrs. elena. what remains is a complete fire. in that case, she hit the roof and there was an explosion, and everything went crazy. the woman says that an hour before the flight, she just returned to manganese because she was picking up her husband from the zaporizhzhia hospital after a complex operation, and as if she felt it, she decided not to go home right away. i took him after the operation and said come on a little, well, we need to move a little. go
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there to the garden , you see, i really wanted to get out of here. he saved himself in bodi and only now says the owner gave a voice, did he get into the fishing rod like that, or did he also get such a shock, plus, this is a shock wave , probably a concussion, on what day did he voice it somewhere on the third mrs. elena and her husband built their estate for 13 years save nothing happened from the house, the woman works as a nurse in a polyclinic, that's why she doesn't leave the city, and she says it's very difficult to watch how the russians destroy people, i was injured , i became bloodless, and two of my people, my people, at the police station, they would have stayed alive, you understand me, i'm just carrying people both ways and all that you understand with beans war with children after the last massive attack four people are still in the hospital, three women and a man have a traumatic amputation of the hand
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in the luchan areas they are completing the examination of the commission to determine the amount of aid to the victims the documents are all filed, now we provide all the help we could to issue it and a slate and a usb for windows, a plus 80,000 if a major repair is not possible, it is not possible to do it, we allocate 300,000 for the purchase of a new wire, well, used, well, new from the beginning of russian shelling last year in july in the manganetsk community, 16 people have already died , more than 50 have been injured, more than 1,300 houses and apartments have been damaged or destroyed. of prime minister denys shmogil, the cabinet of ministers should dismiss the minister of education and science
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serhiy scarlet, oksana lisovoy will be appointed to this position, he is currently the director of the small academy of sciences of ukraine, an honored worker of education , candidate of philosophical sciences, and with the beginning of the great war, a volunteer for the shift in education , mykhailo fedorov will now be involved his future position is the vice-prime minister for innovation , development of education, science and technology and the minister of digital transformation of ukraine. in addition, the government announced the dismissal of the minister of strategic industries of pavlo ryabin, instead of him, oleksandr kamyshyn, who previously headed the ukrzaliznitsa, takes the chair of the head of the department. on march 29, the ukrainian orthodox church of the so-called moscow patriarchate must return the kyiv-pechersk lavra to the state. and this is a unesco heritage, they built illegal structures, the head of the monastery pavlo
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lebyd calls it illegal and says to leave , no one is going to ask to leave priests of the ukrainian orthodox church also from the oldest shrines of chernigov there long ago the lease term expired about this with the return to state property and in the pochaiv lavra in the ternopil oblast, what the temples will give voluntarily and what to do with the state if not ? are closed to communicate with the press ani head ani monks we did not say anything they do not prefer to talk about anything until march 29 the ukrainian orthodox church of the so-called moscow patriarchate, which occupies all
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the premises and churches of the lower lavra should be returned to the state property , the free lease granted during yanukovych's time was terminated. which have neither permits nor relevant documents, the ukrainian orthodox church condemned the war but did not break relations with the russian orthodox church, says lyudmila filippovich , she is on the state commission that investigated whether the church is managed from moscow, it is also one of the possible reasons for terminating the lease from someone, first of all, you have to do about it the mother church, at least one letter was written by the church leadership to patriarch kirill, where it was written, but only in 2022, we want to live independently, so this did not happen near the reception of the head of the lavra, i meet the father luke does not want to talk about the broken agreement , he says that he has a far-fetched attitude towards the russian church and its leader, he has a neutral attitude
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, well, what kind of attitude does the patriarch of moscow have, and like all other patriarchs, he is orthodox the patriarch and that's all. a league of attitudes. well, he blessed the russian army to kill the ukrainian people. listen, you know , i have a phone like that. you see a simple tv. i already forgot when i was watching what i didn't see and what i didn't hear and what, well, i'm not here myself . i can't draw conclusions about the russian occupiers, the holy father, neither in sleep nor in spirit, what do you mean by the occupiers , that's me, i'm talking. i don't listen to the radio. ukraine continues. russia attacked ukraine. war is always bad. i've always been an opponent of war. that is, you don't

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