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tv   [untitled]    March 8, 2023 8:00pm-8:31pm EET

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[000:00:00;00] well, to drop personal equipment from drones, then in my opinion, the story is about collecting grenades for automatic grenade launchers of the west or rkha-2 grenades in general. well , it looks like this if you remember the publication of one of the zelensky media where our journalists are for danish journalists. i apologize to our fighters for then the journalists were shown where they make a bomb from a bottle and a canadian tuborg beer. well, maybe they even symbolically chose it for the fun of dancing. but nevertheless, well, just show how much it is a dangerous matter, our request, the request of our side, which was voiced, has its own rational basis to the american allies, especially as it may appear to our side, that is, to disassemble the caspase that is located there in syria, the zone of international law, and from there take out the most interesting, that is, the yielding elements can bypass such a story as this, which took place
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at the 2008 conference, in the framework of which the united states and other countries of the west signed up not to spread cluster munitions because they carry , well, let's say, a certain threat to civilians population that is for post-war demining. that is, we can say that we will be able to bypass those restrictions that so far worry the american side and there is a high probability that we can really get these supplies from these aerial bombs. what are your expectations? i think that we really have b our side at least aims to achieve such a goal , to get at least such a cluster munition, you know, in parts that could really be used against the russian occupiers and used in such a way that it would not cause objections from the american side because there is one point that we usually pay attention to, we simply read what colleagues write there about the fact that the americans have certain cautions, which they say according to their
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standards, it is normal when it does not work . % they say that civilians are being undermined on this, but the same numbers should be applied. let's put it this way on our realities , according to which at least 20% of the ammunition that is used . damaged by russian munitions, well, at least a third of the arable land from which, for example, grain was harvested before the war , unfortunately, this also worries our allies, that is why they have such a story. the mines of the american allies are not the problem, but the dpsi projectiles that are there . let's say so, according to some reports, it seems that turkey gave it, but then turkey denied it, so maybe 88 is
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ammunition in the same projectile, they may have their own nuances. if we recall the characteristics of the same mak 20 bomb , then it is obvious that in view of some errors that were in the communication of the whole question, they decided not to demonize the western partners right away, and it is better to choose the easiest way to achieve their goal, because that at the same time there may be another moment when it is quite possible that we are asking for these mak-20 bombs not only in order to mean a copter that will operate directly on the battlefield but, let's say, in order to improve the combat part, well, which we know under index tu-141 swift and which fly to deliver cotton to the territory of the russian federation. moreover, in theory , the price of bo-paper 20 can also be screwed into us as a combat part, and it may turn out to be more effective than the ammunition that was used before. soviet aerial bomb pub in 100 dash 100 500 with a weight of 123 kg. when a similar drone was digging under a log, well, it’s very good that such a drone flew
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so close to moscow, but it’s bad that the bomb didn’t explode at the same time, but the storage of the american mak-20 air bomb or its here ammunition with which you can spy on this swift well, the problem is unlikely to arise that even if somewhere there an older er filled with cotton falls incorrectly, it will cause some damage world especially since if we talk about any mistakes that could have been well, you know, we can't here bypass such and such a taxi story when, let's say, one of the ministers of transport, who is responsible for transport and is similar to the insertion of the supreme body on the commander, is possible and one of the best. the minister of transport should have asked for locomotives, rail cars, building a ban, not weapons, which are prohibited by international conventions , so unfortunately we had something to mitigate here, and in the end such a story arose that please give us ammunition from a cluster bomb and we will use them correctly, mr. ivan
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thank you for your professional comments, for your forecasts and assumptions, i will remind our viewers that philip at espresso was ivan kirichevskii , a military expert of the defense express company . these were the most important accents in this day, and more international and economic more news from my colleagues on the big broadcast. thank you to his guests. it will be interesting to find out why it didn't explode. here is the cotton that flew almost to moscow. well, i hope he has new bombs and the cotton will be brighter . american intelligence, well , the joint intelligence community of the united states of america has assessed the annual threats and a little about the influence of vladimir putin and threats from him , meaning the threat on the battlefield. i am not talking about nuclear
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weapons. success on the battlefield, the russian military has faced and will face the problems of exhaustion, lack of personnel, morale and ammunition, which makes their forces vulnerable to ukrainian counterattacks, it is emphasized in the report , at the same time, with data from american intelligence. the so -called partial mobilization, which putin announced in 22 personnel and reservists only in the near term, why and because the further mobilization of a putin can only lead to an increase in negative attitudes among the population and the non-acceptance by the population of that mobilization announced by the supreme commander of the aggressor army, vladimir putin, although the people do not have a particular choice, the russians are not even georgians, it is not that even they were not georgians at all, this proud heroic people who are fighting together with the ukrainians against russian aggression is fighting against e pro-russian people in the country, well, actually , it's about making georgia what you're about to hear is happening yuriy fizer, the world is with us about ukraine , yuriy. good evening
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. good evening. good evening to you, vasyl. who joined our progrozium broadcast today, i will definitely say, in particular, in addition to this, i will also tell about western weapons for ukraine , as well as about the fact that sweden has become one step closer to nato, about this and other things in a moment in the world about ukraine column. well, and despite the fact that the protest action in georgia continues today for the second day in a row. today , fortunately, it somehow goes more calmly , well, at least as of now, today , according to preliminary data, it is more like a peaceful rally near the country's parliament building about 30,000 people gathered. they expressed two demands to the government and the country, firstly, to withdraw from the parliament the law on foreign agents , the adoption of which in the first reading caused a wave of indignation among the citizens of georgia, who believe that this is an attack on democracy, and secondly , to release all those who were detained the day before
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if within an hour, the authorities did not comply with the demands, the protesters promised to take other steps, i would like to remind you that yesterday's protest was dispersed by security forces with the use of special equipment, dozens of people were detained. there was also information, it would be from georgia, that the country's leadership had already said that another law on foreign agents was scheduled to be considered tomorrow, it turns out that there are two of them, so this second law will not be considered, or the first will be canceled or at least removed from consideration in the parliament, in another reading, it is currently unknown. well , no one needs the law on foreign agents, it was written in the corner of moscow, and therefore i will definitely tell him about it during the address to the protesters who gathered near tbilisi
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said the president of georgia, salomea zurabishvili, addressing the people from washington, where she is now, the president assured them of her support because , according to her, the people who protested against the law on foreign agents represent a free, democratic georgia , which must be fought for. well, in the united states america does not exclude the possibility of introducing sanctions against all those people who voted and supported the law on foreign agents in georgia , the spokesman of the state said this during the briefing the us department did not mention the names of specific people from the leadership of georgia against whom sanctions may be imposed , but he emphasized that joe biden's administration has a number of tools that allow to bring to justice those involved in human rights violations in any country in the world well
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, the chief european diplomat josep borel also commented on the situation in georgia . the law is incompatible with the values ​​and standards of the european union and contradicts georgia's stated goals of joining the european union, and so on, and also, since i have already started talking about jozep borel, i will continue with him, but i will not threaten it. and about ukraine, the countries of the european union should give ukraine above all, the weapons they have , but if they can give them more, then i will be happy about it today, before the meeting of defense ministers of the eu member states, said the head of european diplomacy, josep borel, however, he asked participants of the meeting to be realistic and pragmatic and to discuss those issues that can be decided now , and for this mr. burel proposed to the ministers to allocate funds
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for the priority purchase of weapons for ukraine from the already existing european funds, and after lunch there was information that the ambassadors of the european the union agreed to additionally allocate an additional 2 billion euros to the european peace fund , from which weapons for ukraine are paid for. a sufficient normal amount to buy weapons for ukraine and hand them over to us in the coming days, the ukrainian city of the bakhmut fortress may come under the control of russian troops , but it is too early to talk about a decisive turning point on the battlefield today, before the start of the meeting of defense ministers of the eu member states in stockholm said nato secretary general jens soltenberg well, at the same time, he added that
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the possible withdrawal of ukrainian troops from the city confirms the need to immediately provide ukraine with all the help it needs for of the fight against the army of the aggressor country, the secretary general of the north atlantic alliance also added that last year, nato member states provided us with approximately 150 billion euros of aid, of which 65 billion is military aid. well , unfortunately, the russian war in ukraine may last a long time despite that we are making every effort to complete it as soon as possible, about this during a conversation with the residents of the german city of hodbus , german chancellor olafsholz said, according to him , the priority remains a peaceful settlement the situation in ukraine in general is also a priority for germany, but this may require a lot of time and effort, and regarding the effort, mr. scholz added that he had already
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talked to putin on the phone many times, but despite the fact that there are many differences between them, the bundeschancellor still assured that, for the sake of peace in ukraine, he will continue to talk to putin as long as it takes. well, i will only add, and then he will continue to laugh at olaf scholz, who will call him and he will laugh as long as it takes, well, at least this is mine this is the opinion that if china does decide to give russia weapons, then berlin should help ukraine and give even more weapons than now, german defense minister boris podstorius said about this during an interview with a german radio station, while he noted that in such a case, the role of heaven if it will give weapons to russia as a peace mediator between ukraine and the kremlin, which could put pressure on the leadership of russia, will be significantly weakened . boryspil storis called such a scenario disappointing in
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geopolitical terms and did not even rule it out. in this case, sanctions may be introduced against china, however, the minister emphasized that now it is necessary to do everything possible to stop the russian war in ukraine, according to him, germany is doing it now and will continue to do it in the future. the swedish parliament received the government bill on the country's accession to nato now members of the highest legislative body of ukraine will have to consider and approve it, in the case of approval, sweden will receive the full right to become a member of the north atlantic alliance in that only after this application is ratified in hungary and turkey, which are the countries that are still delaying this by commenting on the transfer of the government bill to the parliament of the minister of foreign affairs, and by mistake he emphasized that membership in nato is the best way to strengthen the security of sweden
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, in addition, together with other members of the alliance , to strengthen the security of the entire euro-atlantic region of the region, well, everyone understands it in sweden , they understand it in finland, they also understand it in ukraine, we also understand it, that's why we are going to nato, that's why we strive and do everything for it, but first we need to defeat russia. well, what well, today i have everything in the world about ukraine section, but not everything is on our broadcast , so don't switch. i feel chained to a chair. everything is starting to annoy me . there is no convenient moment for pain, but there is a yellow dolgit cream. dolgit cream helps to eliminate pain and has an anti-inflammatory effect. the only yellow cream for pain in
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the joints, and for muscle spasms, dolgit antispasmodic tablets to relax muscles and tendons . god, the ukrainian team of miners, continue the football fairy tale and reach the quarterfinals , cheer for shakhtar in the europa league exclusively on megogo volodymyr horbach political analyst of the institute of euro-atlantic cooperation mr. volodymyr i greet you good evening and listen i want first of all to talk about the situation in georgia because there are a lot of nuanced aspects in this story that we do not talk about economic sanctions circumvention sanctions help russia through georgia well, there are many things that russia does not need now, nor about russia. let's say that to the politicians in georgia , but these protests have started. please tell me
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, zorina, how the authorities behaved. so they understood that these protests would happen. can it be considered so or not? is this after all an unexpected outbreak of popular discontent and, accordingly, demands to change this law on foreign agents, please? well , in general, the very appearance of this law is like an idea to the appearance of the idea of ​​such a law is already a serious symptom and it positioned the current georgian government as pro-russian, the georgian opposition has long called the government in its rhetoric the oligarch ivanishvili, he himself is not a member of the government, but uh, one way or another he is associated with her from the ruling party and with the current government of georgia, and he is actually considered to be a russian oligarch. the russian oligarch made his fortune on
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russian energy resources of his time and now he is sitting in georgia. in the russian-ukrainian war, georgia conducts a very similar. well, if it is not openly pro-russian policy, then it is not pro-ukrainian . well, if you look at it from kyiv, that is why. actually, this appearance of such a law, which is basically rewritten from russian legislation, is positioned the current story the current georgian government as the one that is on the side of russia and in our eyes and in the eyes of the georgian opposition first of all and i understand that in the eyes of the international community first of all the europeans of the european union and the united states of america the first reactions and comments of the official people of the european union and the united states , they condemn the very point about
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this law about the appearance of this law, well , actually speaking, the reaction of georgian society, first of all, of the georgian opposition what was it yesterday, it was predicted, maybe it was even easily predicted, moreover, they wanted to deceive them by voting, uh, this question is not for a vote on march 9, tomorrow , as it was planned, and two days before this march, the moment of the absence of a significant, significant number of opposition deputies in the session hall next that is, it is er, well , i would say so, a provocative er provocation on the part of the georgian government itself and the reaction to this provocation, we are watching it, it is what it could have been, what it has become, what did we want
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this is a provocation to buy georgian products from the leaders of the current georgian state. it is difficult to say, but if you look deeper into the interests of the country, it is obvious that they are preparing for some kind of isolation, and this law itself about the disabled, this is a step towards the self-isolation of georgia, this is a step that cuts it off from the perspective of european integration, that cuts it off from being a member of the future nato member, that is, it is the previous policy of the georgian state, which can be there for decades. self-isolation, why is the current georgian government self-isolation? i think that oligarch ivanishvili needs it in order to survive , because just like the fall of the putin regime in russia
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, the lukashenka regime in belarus will be doomed. you know, the head of the ruling party of georgia, irakli i kubakhiza, who at one time headed the georgian parliament. he said that the maidans are not like that. in his own words , i will convey that the maidans are not needed . why? because of the maidan, e-e, ukraine lost 20% of its territory, the truth is here, if it weren’t for the maidan and the resistance of ukrainians and the resistance of the sleeve, all of its territory well, that’s another story , what am i leading to? the parties clearly, but refute or confirm such a-a theory, they say that russia can try to implement in georgia the scenario that failed to be implemented in ukraine, that is, the creation of the maidan and protests, inciting these protests through the killing of demonstrators, as was the case in
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in this way, yanukovych the president becomes dependent on russia and then the protests merge and yanukovych is pinned to the wall and fulfills all the whims of moscow, and in georgia everything can work like that. scenario, can there be such a story from georgia or not? well, this phrase irakli gerbishvili , what mushroom shvili you quoted from the very beginning, it had, well, first of all, for us, it sounds like absolutely not friendly and somehow to an even disparaging extent, that is why it is perceived very negatively in ukraine , but in the context of the interview he spoke, he alluded to georgia, to georgian methane, that is, he said that if people continue these mass protests, it will end there with the loss of some territory of georgia, hinting that well, i don’t know, the kremlin, russia, putin . well, what is there in principle? well, it is unlikely in this
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situation, when the russians are more busy with ukraine. georgia, on the contrary, does not use this busyness of theirs and does not hint at some kind of struggle for the lost er lost control over the template itself or the southern part and abkhazia, on the other hand, the current georgian government adapts to the russian whims to russian well, in principle, to the condition of the aggressor . it is possible to protest because we will attack putin, mom, i say intimidation. in this way, georgian georgian society did not support the protest actions of the opposition, but i sat at home and waited until all the wars in everything the world will end and georgia will somehow magically relinquish its control over the overused territories
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, well, that won't happen, or they wrote about such a way why russia why russia is afraid of protests and is afraid of certain changes in mood , pain and in the direction of the government's actions i don't know, in a word, maybe this law will be repealed well, as the president said while in washington, everything will calm down in general, but in any case, if it does not grow for russia, this is unacceptable because, again , the circumvention of sanctions helps to do this the georgian authorities for russia, the import of goods is the most important thing that they say and write about what is possible, this is about the import of certain goods from iran, which russia is helping with weapons and parts and components for weapons, this is where there are problems, so of course the problem here is that russia can keep it under special control because for it it is vitally important to leave this georgian corridor. well , to be honest, if you look at the map, you are still there , armenia, yes, azerbaijan. but i think that you can always agree to move somewhere there
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through georgia, you can go directly to russia , so to speak. well, it's not so much about logistics , that is, supply routes, because russia has a direct supply route too early, or the caspian sea, and is it land-based, or the easiest and most direct , of course, through azerbaijan, and georgia can be interesting in terms of the legal circumvention of sanctions, that is, some goods can be labeled as game without being georgian in origin. well, of course, this is not possible, it is not about direct supplies of weapons, but such spare parts, some goods dual purpose, they can er can use georgian markings or er transition, so to speak, legal registration through georgian territory but again, in my opinion, this is not the main thing, many other countries are engaged in the same thing, playing along with russia. in this regard, it is also belarus of course, kazakhstan
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also added to us that such quality was used, and logistically it is of course much more convenient for russia . turkey also trades. that is, all of them with russia. that is, all those countries that did not impose or join the regime of sanctions against of the russian federation, and unfortunately for us, we consider georgia to be a brotherly nation, a brotherly people, we have many common problems and russia is a strong problem, however, the current georgian government did not join the sanctions against russia, and what, actually, did it impose suspicion on itself in the fact that it is what we are currently discussing in the e-e legal form in order to help bypass the sanctions of the sanction regime imposed e-e against the russian federation, well actually the topic of georgia for now we leave it and now we will move on to our ukrainian topics and publications
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in an interview, petro poroshenko said that this was an unsuccessful attempt to drive a wedge between zelensky and zaluzhny, it failed , the russians are using certain influential publications abroad , and they tried to advance this thesis not only in ukraine, but most importantly abroad, and it is about about the fact that zelenskyi allegedly demanded that the troops remain in bakhmut, and zaluzhnye allegedly wanted the general zaluzhnye allegedly wanted the troops to be withdrawn from bakhmutt, this publication wrote pain and was widely discussed, and president poroshenko , er, just said that this was not true, then it was the rate where zaluzhnyk said where it was said that zaluzhnye and the syrian wanted the troops to remain president zelenskyi the supreme holocoman said so let there be someone who tries to kill this wedge and what are these attacks on e and on and on us and on our partners and on the top ukrainian military and political authorities, please well, of course, here the main source of those who want to drive a wedge between the ukrainian command and political leadership is our enemy, the direct enemy of the aggressor country, the occupier, it is
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theirs, they can be well, only they can be taken advantage of by an officer or by me as an officer of such a conflict when , well, they cannot divide us in half well, there are two parts, and this will make it easier for them to deal with both parts gradually , one by one, or at the same time, and very well what is wrong with former president poroshenko? he voiced this opinion and even stood up for the current president volodymyr zelenskyi . i think he is not alone. petro oleksiyovych in this desire. i also wanted everything offensive about zelenskyi's address. let's say that they were offended, even so, so much more than offended, i said so, and here it is necessary to clearly understand that everything that concerns the internal politics of ukraine is the business of the citizens of ukraine, as soon as someone
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attacks us from the outside, whether armed or informational or simply rhetorically, as lukashenko himself, here we must act as one front and support each other in this defense. the issue of children deported by russia from ukraine about the issue of the grain corridor, there may be something else that is ripe and that could have been talked about, but it was not widely voiced, please was the phrase of president zelensky at this briefing or press conference where he thanked mr. un secretary general for his understanding and help of sensitive the questions were formulated that way, so i think that not everything was voiced and said, some sensitive questions remained outside the limits of disclosure, but i
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do not know anything about them in detail. there is a list, of course, but if even if it was known, i would also refrain from them. well, really, when there are personal meetings, there must be something like that . why is it worth flying to kyiv? many issues can be solved through assistants or in other ways. well, there are structures, there are apparatuses in the presidency of zelenskyi and bts that work. that's why ah, i want to ask you about the fact that putin has enough resources until the summer and the armed forces financial ah, supposedly in russia they are saying that let's negotiate, although the official piskov says that we don't want any negotiations china says about the negotiations, hungary says that let's come to an agreement somehow and it is resounding resounding resounding and that now is a critical phase in the war with tollenberg says that bakhmut can be lost for the economist writes that the hardworking one is doing everything right bakhmut holds his own and he beat the russians at this stage under bakhmut but in any case, everything comes to a certain point where there should be negotiations, although putin does not want negotiations in reality. how do you assess the safety margin, or is russia really trying to bring negotiations to the table, well


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