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tv   [untitled]    March 8, 2023 6:00am-6:31am EET

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[000:00:00;00] voice who are you and i thought that these were orcs and he pixels with students and it was such happiness he said glory to ukraine i wanted to cry from happiness we ukrainians we ukrainians will definitely win now we can watch how it will look like we have to finish the work of the generations of our parents and we let's do it's heroes from monday to friday 23:00 in marathon the only news
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the ship ukraine
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dew for sleep fortify the borders of ukraine with drones join the gathering of the border guard our weapon is the truth congratulations inter's information service joins the marathon on the front line of the information front, our people are invincible, we are victorious, united, together, we are united, news in the center of events in ukraine, the marathon continues, the only news
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, the inter team begins its work live, we are with you for the next six hours . my name is liliya nalyagaka. cities - this is the merit of ukrainian heroes who have been choosing the future for ukraine for more than nine years the strength of our defenders gives us confidence in our victory ukrainians ukrainian women died in battle today da vinci hero of ukraine volunteer man symbol man bravery dmytro kotsyubailo fighter of the 67th separate mechanized brigade combat died in battle under bahmud in the battle for ukraine since the 14th year defended our independence dignity of our people, one of the youngest heroes of ukraine, one of those whose personal history, character
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, courage has forever become the history of the character and courage of ukraine for more than 9 years , ukrainian heroes in brutal battles with the state they are choosing the future for ukraine, peace and relative safety in the lead cities is their feat our confidence in the victory of ukraine is their stability and strength ukraine will always remember its heroes our memory of them will not die this enemy who came to ukraine in 67 will die brigade of warriors. glory to your bravery. all ukrainians who fight for bakhmut. glory to your heroism. thanks to the soldiers. is there stability and perseverance? they are destroying the army of the occupier in donbas today
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. a separate motorized infantry brigade of the 93rd and 54th separate mechanized brigades. glory to you soldiers, marines, 35th paratroopers of the 79th assault-assault brigade, 55th artillery brigade . gives results to ukraine where the fiercest battles are going on, to every soldier , a sergeant to an officer, to a general who, together with his soldiers in battles, glory, we do everything to liberate our land as soon as possible, to put a historical end to attempts to deprive freedom as soon as possible our state and our people, all the activities of our state are subordinated to this goal, each and every one who helps
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. today, i want to thank again our entire team that is engaged in the exchange of bodans. other parts of the defense forces, as well as every corner of our country that is under occupation. we remember every one of our people who is in russian captivity, we will release thank you to all our fighters on the front lines who realize how important it is to replenish the exchange fund for us and for ukraine. if it doesn't happen, we have to persevere, if it doesn't happen, we have to remember all our heroes. glory to all ukrainian men and
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women who are now in battle, eternal memory to all who gave his life for ukraine glory to ukraine video of an educational conversation with russian prisoners who were exchanged for ukrainians was released by the verkhovna rada commissioner for human rights dmytro lubinets, the footage was recorded before they were sent abroad and according to lubinets - this is the traditional format of such you promise to talk, guys. i will tell you that you have the same institution of the plenipotentiary in russia. it is managed by tatyana nikolayeva of moscow . if you have heard of this one, if they want to send you here again, you have the right to contact her. all those involved in war crimes in ukraine should be punished, this is how the state department answered the question of our correspondent in the usa, dmytro onopchenko , during the briefing. he asked the spokesman of the state department to comment on the video of the shooting of a ukrainian
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prisoner, which went viral, of course we we know about this terrible video, there are no other words for it. the terrible footage of this unarmed ukrainian being executed after simple words . glory to ukraine simply takes your breath away . this is such barbarism. this is contempt for the basic rules of waging war, basic humanity and decency. russian leaders in the kremlin, when they see these terrible footage, must understand that the international community - including the united states - will do everything possible to ensure that those responsible for this lawlessness from the lowest level to the highest political level are the situation in the chaos of arms supply and the strengthening of air defense were punished, these issues were discussed by the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhnyi with the top military leadership of our western partners, he met with the supreme
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commander-in-chief of the united armed forces of nato in europe, the chief of the defense staff of great britain, the chief of the general staff of the armed forces of poland and the commanders of the support group security of ukraine, according to the official , at the meeting they also agreed on the continuation of the training of the ukrainian military in allied countries, canada will strengthen support for ukraine in particular, regarding the training of ukrainian military personnel, this was announced by the prime minister of the country, justin trudeau, in addition, ottawa will send instructors to train our soldiers in the skills of combat medicine, and will also provide ukraine with another 3 million dollars for the disposal of land mines and unexploded ammunition, this is not in addition to 32 million dollars have already been allocated for anti-mine activities for the same purposes . the european union will allocate 43 million euros
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. in the surrounding areas, water cannons and tear gas were used against the demonstrators, who in response threw molotov cocktails at the law enforcement officers, several people were detained, the georgian media reports that several journalists were injured during the cleanup , the controversial law on foreign agents, which the deputy passed in the first reading the night before, became a new norm is very similar to the russian counterpart and actually calls into question the freedom of speech about the consequences for the country in case of final adoption the european union warned against the law in tbilisi. they said that the attack on the press was incompatible with european principles. in the united states, they called the events, i quote, a black day for georgian democracy and threatened sanctions against the law . the president of georgia , salometrobeshvili , also spoke. the law and now
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i say that it will be so, i am not interested in even discussing it, all that matters is the future of georgia and the constitution, which i am the guarantor of. and everything is written there without exception state institutions are obliged to work to ensure that georgia becomes part of the european union, mass protests took place in france , thousands of people took to the streets of almost all major cities, and trade unions announced an indefinite strike, the reason for the government reform , which raises the retirement age to 64 , was announced yesterday today a general action of defiance can actually block the country, because railway workers refuse to work and road carriers even threaten to close inter -city routes and because of a strike air traffic controllers only today, march 8, will have to cancel up to 30% of flights, those schools will be closed because teachers have warned about
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disobedience, and in universities students have been blocking faculties since yesterday , clashes broke out between protesters and the police, mostly protesters burned garbage cans and smashed car windows in response , law enforcement officers used tear gas in advance parliamentary discussion on pension changes will continue until the end of the month, according to polls, the government's plans are satisfactory only 32% of the population is simply a shock in times of colossal inflation when prices have risen by a quarter the authorities are putting forward such an illegitimate project, it is completely illogical, neither from a financial nor from a demographic point of view , there are simply no grounds for this step the united arab emirates will help ukrainian families who have lost their housing war, the country will join the foundation for the construction of safe housing for family-type children's homes, the project of which was presented by olena zelenska, the first lady
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of ukraine met with the president of the uae sheikh muhammed bin zaid al na gayan, she thanked him for his support, because earlier his country supported the ukrainian un resolutions, in particular, the one aimed at promoting the ukrainian peace formula. the arab emirates also provide us with humanitarian aid. olena zelenska asked representatives of this country to participate in the post-war reconstruction of ukraine. do everything to make the world aware of the scale of the threat to the environment from the russian invasion of ukraine. this was stated by the head of the office of the president of ukraine andriy yarmak during meetings with representatives of public organizations that take care of issues of environmental protection, he reminded that the solution to this problem is one of the 10 points of president zelenskyi's peace formula and proposed to hold a conference in kyiv with the participation of representatives of ukrainian and international environmental organizations at which to present
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the concept of compensation for environmental damage of ecoactivists andriy yarmak called more actively participate in communication with countries that are not yet sufficiently focused on the topic of the ecological disaster in ukraine, the losses of which today, the ecosystem of ukraine has already been affected, they are already calculated there in billions of dollars, and this will also become a component of the reparation compensation that we will present to russia for payment, and i think that we should start this work already yesterday, that it should be raised to such a high high international level so that today ukraine really had a powerful voice and today it was a top topic for discussion at all
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international platforms organization for the sake of economy in cherkasy region one of the communities completely refused gas for heating there they repaired part of the heating network, installed solid fuel boilers, and heat only with firewood and even prepare some of the fuel themselves for this purpose, they have the latest devices for processing and drying. our film crew showed everything . a modern, bright and spacious classroom is not the only advantage of the school in this community. the room is also warm despite all difficulties this winter , the teachers say, we have 19° of heat at school , it is quite warm and comfortable, of course, when there are interruptions and the light is a little cooler at school , but all the children and we are ready for this, we have warm clothes, and we dress a little warmer. the school was one of the first in the community to give up gas heating, and the main reason is economy
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, it’s expensive. we didn’t always have enough of this gas for about a year. that is, it was much cheaper than we burned about 200 cubic meters of gas , another plus is the ability to adjust the temperature today, the temperature is currently 65 because it is warm in the yard, the temperature is not so healthy, and when the children arrive, we change the temperature to 70-80 so that the house is warm, children undress, the community has already given up gas, 10 social institutions all use solid fuel boilers, part of the firewood is purchased, part of it is harvested independently into wood chips , the residues after sanitary felling are processed in
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forest strips and in the village, now they have experimental installations for drying wood chips for the operation of devices, even electricity is not needed. there is a system of mirrors that directs the sun's rays, well, now the sun is not there, as the sun comes out, it is very well visible , it heats the wall. here is this container raising the temperature of the container and due to this, drying takes place after drying, briquettes will be made from wood so that the savings will later be even more significant , the boilers had to be replaced and part of the heat pipe repaired , the cost of this object was about one million 850,000, well, the execution of these works, but it was worth it because we have almost halved the cost of firewood. last year, we shut down the last gas boiler room, and to this day, our
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social institutions do not use a single cubic meter of gas. the refusal of gas in this community was gradual, they have been working on this since 2015, and this year they are recording significant savings in heating costs, and most importantly, they say in the community , it does not depend on the decisions made when to start and end the heating season, lesyura, denys kononenko, details, inter tv channel, marathon , the only news, portrait by donat in kropyvnytskyi, a local photographer decided to help volunteers in the collection of military supplies, so in the open air in the center of the city , she organized a photo shoot for all those willing. received professional photos, the kropivnychan woman plans to do such actions and will continue to do so. happy victory day, light, mood and a donation
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to the armed forces of ukraine are the main components of this photo shoot. in order to get a good photo, the townspeople had to stand in line, because there were many willing ones . one of the first was to donate to the ukrainian defenders and take portraits of tetyana and ruslan, a kropivnychan woman first of all, we would like to thank the armed forces of ukraine for the fact that they enable us to do this , enable us to live a more or less full life yes and we also have to take some part yes to that we do it as much as we can, not even because of such donations . yes, of course, it works because, first of all, i am doing good for the armed forces and our defenders, and also, of course, these are cool emotions , because today is sunny, beautiful flowers, beautiful people, the photos will be cool, and in general, this is a very cool promotion this is how the local photo artist mariya shaluba works behind the lens . in this way, she decided to help volunteers in
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the collection of military equipment . she announced the campaign in advance. photos of the work can be downloaded from the link on the social network. we have a wall. we have a bouquet of tulips. it is already minimal in the view of the participants, citizens can join by simply walking around the square to see us and already join and you have already donated and are already collecting all the funds from this photo shoot, the volunteers will add to the collection for a very important order from the ukrainian defenders, this is a drone with six a- and he is big, massive, the flight range is from 10 to 15 km, they can take on themselves up to 70 kg, therefore, in principle, support is needed, although we ourselves are from the novgorod region, so
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we need the support of the entire region, because the amount is significant, the amount is a million uah 200, the campaign was so liked by the people of kropyvnytskyi that the photographer plans to do so in the future. in this way, to attract places to announce the victory from kropyvnytskyi olena brynza volodymyr chernyshov at zsu with vira, details, inter marathon tv channel, the only news in a few minutes on the air of the marathon, the face column, a conversation with a radio presenter and volunteer sonya sotnyk later i will wait for you with news see you defend your russia russia with the inscription of the press and our enemy landing party ran in
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gostomel horrors buchi destroyed dream every day 365 days a year, we are your eyes where fierce gods go, where day after day ukrainian soldiers liberate our land from invaders , our unbreakable cities that stand and flourish despite thousands of shells and rockets and insidious artillery against civilians, we were there in the most difficult days and deliberately stayed to work during the occupation, they did not hide their faces, recording the crimes of the rashists and the frantic resistance to the enemy onslaught, because they knew that the ukrainian flag was captured above every city again by the majorites, our soldiers
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hold the indomitable fortress of bakhmut, we are close to to imprint their heroic faces and their exploits and they feel our support, your support and faith are the only ones that are unbreakable or not children at 20:00 facts of the week tsn week for the marathon the only news see the most important in the final programs of tsn week and facts of the week presenters to which the whole country listens about the strategy and tactics of our victory, about the most interesting and often hidden details of each event, we return together to understand what is happening, why, and what to expect next, an accurate and verified analysis of events, we tell simple and clear about the key events that change our lives news
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that impresses you will know more to act more precisely facts of the week and tsn week for the marathon - the only news every sunday at 20:00 this is the column of the face of the guest of the studio today the famous ukrainian radio host singer sonia sotnyk i congratulate sonia sotnyk, radio presenter, singer, volunteer, known throughout ukraine for
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the come together morning show on radio roks, for many years , the constant co-hosts of sony are serhiy kuzin and ksenia vladina, since 2014 sonya, together with her charitable foundation, participates in the life idps from donetsk and luhansk oblasts have been there several times with charity concerts in the capital, organized a hat project, these are permanent charity performances by ukrainian musicians , writers, artists in the ghettos, in a word, artists , also during these evenings, an auction is held , the proceeds are transferred to tactical medicine for the armed forces and the palliative program of the foundation music heals and saves, proved by the project on
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the cap , max is no longer there for tactical medicine, what was the largest amount for the evening that you collected, and the largest amount for the evening was during the performance of lesya podervyanskyi and olena gruzovska of the gruzovska band, and it was more than uah 100,000 in 2 hours. well, if we take into account the concert, it was the largest collection in the entire history of the hat. and the history of the hat actually began in podil, it seems somewhere in the art here , it began on froliv street, well, kiyani , i know well, it was a place of strength for the immigrants who came to us in the 14th year
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, who were fleeing from the war. was luhansk the donetsk region and the crimea also self-organized at that time, as was already accepted from the maidan, the self-organization of the ukrainians was already at the highest level. and there was such a center , there was literally one window into which i did not bring any household items , from clothes to dishes and other a window in which things were handed out right away, and then it grew, grew, grew, and a small children's playground was created, on which mother, when they came, they had somewhere to leave the children to do their business there, get help, and then on this we started doing concerts at the venue. lesya litvinova told me that you will do it all. from now on, uh, from the 15th year , we started there. there were a couple of concerts there in the 14th, but from the 15th year it was already regular. if we did it only in the summer period, uh, there from may to september, that is, now we started the traditional one in may and will not stop until
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there is a victory. by the way, about the 14th year. so you started helping then. unfortunately for most ukrainians, the war has not yet started the second year, but then also among pop stars there was a rock of stars and for most of them there was no war in particular, so how was it back then , um, agreeing that someone would come and speak, and so on. well, it was difficult, more difficult than now, and it was always a story of uh, personal contacts , so this is uh at the level of one phone call and at the level of the fact that those who are there call them, you don't need to explain once more what you are doing. this is definitely trust. a huge thank you to everyone who responded, until today, the situation has changed a little because there is such a small it's my turn because they are calling me now and oh-oh they ask us to perform our and can we perform on the cap situations have changed fundamentally
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on today and from the acceptance of musicians so situations of this and what before they do not understand the score earlier that is i was lucky i was in the realm of rock music er grew a-a all these times and everything was fine with the rockers, and they were mostly 98% there, er, they were inside this situation and they traveled and traveled a lot and travel a little in the same year, musicians are now in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, and most of such musicians are there whole in groups went, for example, like zhenya halychi otorval, then two of them from the team, like uh, punishment, like yurkesh, like someone who can’t, volunteers uh, and collects help, like oleg, for example, savchuk, who of all people collects abroad and here is your volunteering how has nothing changed in a full-scale war? it just became
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bigger, just larger in volume. and it hasn't changed. well, in principle, all those who understood in and in general understood that in the 14th year it would never end and were aware of what was happening around and were aware of that ukraine cannot move to another part of the world and that an obsessed neighbor will remain an obsessed neighbor, that this is not a civil war, that this was an invasion, that back then in the 14th year , everyone who knew and understood what ilovaisk was, and no one had any illusions, it was only a matter of time, you know, i will leave now from some prepared question, yes, because now i'm talking to you as if i'm listening to the radio, uh, well, i'm just a person . i used to go to work there very often. one morning show on the radio and know your voice, but very few people have seen you, although you


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