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tv   [untitled]    March 4, 2023 8:00pm-8:31pm EET

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[000:00:00;00] this is all absolutely understandable and maria zakharova comes out, whose salary is not enough for a normal skirt, says something and the fifth column picks up here, so to speak , brains to our fellow citizens, but you are talking about a real threat today, in my opinion, eh , the special services do not pay attention to me, of course but from what i understand, he says today that there is no real threat because everything is being resolved at the front. and why is the parliament in russia against ukraine, and this is preceded by the fact that there are some threats that we talked about before from russia to moldova or some others
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the reasons you see on the one hand i am a parliamentarian and it is difficult for me to answer this question, i do not reveal to you our domestic cuisine on the other hand moldova from the very beginning took uh moldova as a state took an unequivocal position let's remember the participation of mrs. my samba in the crimean platform our support for refugees and so on, voting in the general assembly of the united nations and other things , we clearly supported ukraine, but i will probably tell you a little secret because i wrote the draft of this declaration i smoothed it out a bit, i am the old radical, but in this declaration, we state that the republic of moldova is facing threats inherent in hybrid wars, so this is a declaration in addition to the fact that we expressed support for ukraine and expressed support for the international tribunal, we expressed
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support smoothly for mr. zelensky and recognized that what is happening with the demand for genocide of the ukrainian people and the demand for the destruction of ukraine as a state ? it is clearly a hybrid war that russia is waging against the republic of moldova, and it is important for us to have such a policy, a legal document based on which, on the one hand, to neutralize this fifth column, and on the other hand , to consolidate the citizens of the republic of moldova around the idea of ​​preserving peace in moldova for all countries, i have my own interests, but it's good when it coincides with ours. thank you for your android device . member of the moldovan parliament. in moldovan politics, a political analyst. we
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ordinary water is not enough tv channels espresso vitaliy portnikov and angelika seasons good evening to everyone who joined our broadcast simply now came my personal favorite part of our program when mr. vitaliy answers my questions with the most interesting talk for a whole hour you know it's everyone's own priorities it's a shame not to like this part i'm a little sorry but it seems to me that you are also interested in it . after all, we have good topics that are final this week and we will start with rammstein, which has already been nicknamed
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legal, and it was held in lviv, and here general prosecutors and ministers of justice from all over the world were gathering, mr. vitaliy and i were already joking that lviv is the capital of europe, now the first persons of our state and neighboring countries are coming here, and mr. vitaliy, why is there now this so -called legal rammstein where the question of attracting putin to responsibility is an element of political pressure on russia, because you and i understand perfectly well, we have already discussed that in order to bring someone to justice, we must have jurisdiction over the country that you accuse of being a warlord and we discussed that there are two models of real prosecution of a war criminal, the first model is the nuremberg model, when you occupy a certain country and you can simply arrest its leaders as war criminals and prosecute them not even under the domestic law of this country, but under specially developed a legal procedure that may in principle not
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correspond to your own national law, this is what nuremberg looked like, many german war criminals were prosecuted by german courts for by german legislation, however, it was the main leaders of the reich and the national-stylistic workers' party of germany who were brought to justice for a specially developed procedure, but the allies could arrest them and bring them to the tribunal, and there they had the power, we know now. no one is talking about the possibility of such an outcome for moscow, another formula - this is when the state itself recognizes the decision of the international tribunal, russia does not recognize it, and when the state itself is capable of handing over its citizens to international justice, russian the legislation does not allow even if one imagines that the regime changes in russia and some government comes to power that
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considers putin a criminal, it can judge putin only according to russian national legislation or change russian domestic legislation yes and it seems to me that this is a constitutional norm that it was possible to extradite russian citizens federations to other countries, but the legislation of the former union republic of yugoslavia, now the republic of serbia , montenegro, it allowed it to be done , but the law of russia does not allow it, so putin does not not even because he has immunity as the head of the state, but simply because he is a citizen of russia. international legislation does not give him anything for money, just like all other citizens of the russian federation who commit war crimes if they are on the territory of russia. they cannot be the species of israel of their time. conducted a special operation to capture a nazi criminal like her in argentina because no one was going to extradite him, you know that israel would have provided
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indisputable evidence there that it was eichmann that it was him a war criminal. by the way, when this was done, many countries, and in a civilized way, condemned their headquarters for it . everyone i would say so silently agreed that the person who can actually be blamed for the death of 6 million people is, so to speak, outside of all these simple procedures but again , eichmann is not putin, nazi germany was defeated, he was hiding in argentina he was hiding, he was not an argentine politician or general , well, it is obvious that in this regard
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, of course, all these efforts look primarily declarative. the prosecutor of the united states the general prosecutors of the european countries the european commission representatives of the legal department the president of latvia why because even if you drive criminals cannot be brought to justice can you the processes that will take place over them in absentia have caused, say, eternal sanctions, eternal sanctions against a state that does not want to extradite or try war criminals, facilitate the confiscation of the assets of this state if they do not control their criminals. that is, this is the moment of the political struggle itself. we also said that the pressure on putin is putin. personally, and not rudely speaking , to spit on what is being done against him in his world, he is trying to show that he is against the whole world , of course, he personally does not spit, he knows for sure
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that he is not in danger from these people, he can be in danger only from his own environment if it appears in principle but he simply understands that such actions close certain political opportunities one way or another we have to think that he is crazy there, well, a politician such as there are questions the level of competence, the question of the level of adequacy, but in any case , he evaluates these events, he understands that if this happens, it means that the west continues to be rigid, that with each day of the war, the west does not capitulate, but increases countermeasures, that this could lead to the destruction of diplomatic relations and any other economic relations, that those people and those countries that can now one way or another lobby for his interests, such as hungary , it will be very difficult to do so if there are court
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sentences, that such countries like china or india , it will be more and more difficult to maintain legal economic relations with them when there will be a court verdict and not just a decision of the european union or the united states of the landing states that it will no longer be a question of unilateral sanctions if it likes let's talk about china and about the decision of the international tribunal, which will be implemented by the judicial authorities of certain countries, which can , in principle, then impose some arrests on some companies that collaborate with war criminals , that is, this process continues in the wrong direction that putin wanted, or putin wanted the movement to be the opposite direction, and this is an element of such a political confrontation. this is a long one, just as putin is determined for a long , exhausting war with ukraine, and he sees a perspective of 3 in 5-8 years.
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thinks in such categories, he does not think that he will be in kyiv tomorrow, but by 2030 he will be, and the western show still doesn't know, it's not you. in 2030 , you will be in kyiv, you will not be in kyiv, but in gas , children in 2030, because we are also moving, here you are moving and we are moving we are moving towards each other and it is not known where we will meet do you think that we will meet in kyiv and we think that we met in gas and this is to a certain rada no matter how much you don't care about it but it destabilizes you a bit when it is that you know that our president is here rammstein said on this that putin should receive a specific sentence for crimes committed on the territory of ukraine on his orders , it is rather simply his desire, which is our common desire, of course, or reality, but you have already partially answered this question, but then why is the president on this appeals as a politician, as the head of this state or as a person
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who firmly believes that it is possible, the president is trying to be a symbol of morality for the west , this is the position he chose for himself in february last year. relation to specific legal decisions, no, but no one said that the reality will not change, it is changing ours, although already several times and what seemed absolutely impossible immediately becomes possible from the point of view of today's realities, putin cannot even be present at this trial as a participant even in absentia, because from the point of view of all legal norms, he enjoys immunity at one time, there were incredible situations when even former presidents who had diplomatic immunity were delayed and then they were forced to let go, it was with the former president of chile augustantina chvet general you on chet was detained in london on an international warrant issued by judge
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baltazar kherson who prosecuted him for crimes against humanity that were apparently committed during the rule of pinochet and his eventual was released. it was a long process . they believed that he could not be detained because he was too much. because he arrived with a diplomatic passport, the british thought about it for a long time. how far were the crimes against humanity correlates with the status of general pinochet as the former president and current senator of the republic of chile, well, in the end, a legal formula was found that allowed him to leave great britain without violating the warrant and status but putin is not going anywhere , he is not pinochet, pinachet had his own at all views about his historical role that allowed him to believe that despite all this he could
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fly to london , putin has such knightly notions of the conditional. that's right, he fought communism, it should be evaluated, and well, he's just a person of a different school. and this is a completely different person who knows for sure that he would be arrested here, so he will be arrested there, so he will be sitting here now , regarding immunity, putin will be the president of the russian federation as long as he will be able to be as long as his health allows him until 2036 until the remainder of 2036 , since he will be 84 in 14 years and we are now 62, it seems 70 70 70 plus 14.84 if he lives until 2036, 2034 will be the constitution was changed so that he could continue to lead russia. he will die in the presidential chair in one form or another. if he suddenly moves from it, then to a position
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that will also retain the contours of power and immunity, so to believe that this person will someday, from the point of view of current international law, be there are no grounds for the defendant, but the law may change because the times of war are ahead, and not only russian-ukrainian, and we do not know in principle how it will change, how international law will adapt to these years of war, the death of thousands of people, the occupation large territories of resistance to crises and sabotage, all this will be absolutely obvious, and we hope that at least as a witness, at first, a participant in the hands of the russian-ukrainian war, and then as witnesses of others, and then if we are not in nato, we are still participants in the next russian-ukrainian war, all this can take place under putin, if not him, if he does not disappear, so in this regard, international law can adapt to the fact that the person who leads russia is simply a criminal
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, you won't cut anything here, let's see, and then the president's opinion zelenskyi's life will be fully embodied, although i will reveal a secret at this moment the president of ukraine may already be a completely different person because zelenskyi's term in office , even if it will be two terms, has already ended long ago. that is because we are a democratic country and president zelenskyi will follow this process over putin will even go absent as a private person together with this heir, who is also possible as a private person. vitaly, you mentioned the state of putin's health, after all, the russian media also wrote that putin was so angry the investigation about him, i probably don’t know the candle, we didn’t keep the mistress kabayeva and their children, they say they were all there together with putin , and in some residences, in some one of the residences, in a bunker, they were hiding there since january , it seems that this year they meant and said
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the russian content what did they say he had a heart attack there, he is already lying on the incense there, he is not breathing. so why are these throwaways because, well, almost every day some yellow press writes that putin is dying , why is this all a cartoon because everyone has to live in the expectation that putin it's simple today is saturday and on wednesday he will die and there is no need to do anything, you just need to relax and wait for putin's death until 2045 photo from 2045 year he will finally die and everything will be fine telegram channels from experts who all the time say that putin will die right now, in principle, many already dead people could resurrect according to all these reports, i don’t think he is there , we don’t know anything about putin’s attitude to the situation with
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kabayev, they don’t like putin at all when someone interferes in his personal life, this is true, this is a taboo topic from the first days of putin's stay in power, that is, we know nothing about his children, well, that is, only some , it is possible , putin's daughter. of family values, he should always go with his family with his daughter, well, it doesn't matter why for him. so it's better to hide everything in secret and not show it like most politicians really do. look, i'm such a family man. so the wife of the child. well, maybe for the same reasons that he generally treats life and special operations, he sincerely believes that he is under threat, that any members of his family will be under threat if their names are made public, that it
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is necessary to live in strict secrecy because by and large he believes in this logic of the kgb, then there is another point, he may simply not trust anyone, he may believe that even his own children, if they are public suppliers and can suddenly start acting so that he blushes for them, then this can be given in marks on his own reputation, they say that already about some random uh, i would say companions uh or companions of his life there , his friends there and so on, all this is never made public to you, we do not know who he meets or has now the family because when they broke the legal family , he also did not appear as his wife, only on record, children, grandchildren, friends , nothing is known about kabayev, this is only a story that is reported to the press, which has never had
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any confirmation. i remember very well i'm reaping the moment when it appeared for the first time in the newspaper moscow reporter, my colleague printed this text about putin and kabayev, the results were amazing. and what did he refer to? they were seen together somewhere, it’s impossible. he published it in a newspaper that belonged to a former colonel of the russian foreign intelligence service. who then was the owner of new gas, so no one asked what he was relying on because everyone understood that he was relying on something, so as a possible source, the newspaper was closed, he left russia, he never lived there, that is, that's all that's the end of it, the person disappeared from russian journalism forever so it's true that lebediv went to close this newspaper, he later tried to help the new newspaper
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, he started owning the newspaper, and his son , lord, our favorite boris johnson gave it to his son, the son of a colonel of the russian soviet and russian special services favorable give him the title of lord of the pen of great britain , it's easy to go crazy, but in russia everything was closed, all possibilities were completely closed, that is, everyone understood in this regard that you can never talk about putin's private life, there are some sacred things, two are sacred in russia , you can never putin's private life and private life , but pugacheva's is also one of my former colleagues. i don't know what he's doing there, that 's what they call him. oh extra critics, what can you do with the avatar of our film? once he suggested that in fact kirkorov is not
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a man, but that pugacheva was beaten by unknown people in the entrance hall. it is sold on the day of the release of this dua - remember, no one has ever tried to understand who is not and who really is not. i held a candle more to anya pugacheva than anya over kirkorov and not over pugacheva's next husband. it's just that everyone understood that alla pugacheva wants to keep her privacy and you don't need to interfere. if you want to be a pop critic, please discuss how she sings the voice of the show, but not a man, but it's not a fact that you can pugachev, kirkorov just wanted to keep private, he seemed to me to be a person who already belongs to privacy . to be honest, but it's like that in a personal way, but it seems to me like that, i won't, but listen, but putin is not kirkorov and not even pugachev. well, in this that's the problem. so what do i think? i think that it's simple. here's such an incredible complexity. we fashion a person at such
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a height and such complexes as a teenager. well , nothing would be tragic if he married some woman with whom he lived after he divorced his wife . and so many people do, and even in his circle there are people who divorced , went out again, got married, and this is no - no one perceives it as a problem, but notice that now the russian leadership practically does not have this atmosphere that existed from time to time even in soviet times, but we also always believed then , when we looked at soviet history, that the absence of a normal, i would say such a family life and to a certain extent a sign of the closedness of power in nikita khrushchev was a family
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he was with that family traveled there to the united states on the volga on a steamer, it looked like it after the closure of stalin. by the way, who does putin look like? the rest, there was no one. his wife ended his life by suicide. the children were in an inexplicable condition. stalin in india, his son ended up in prison, after prison he died, well, that is, it was a tragedy in fact, but here is a beautiful example . by the way, an absolutely identical person lived absolutely alone with the government, no one was ever needed, children, grandchildren, all this was somehow, that is, there was a question for what is all this power, that is, here, too, exactly, but after stalin , khrushchev looked like a real family man , his beloved wife, it was clear that people were just eavesdropping on each other, the children looked at them with the eyes of a father in love, my grandchildren looked at me nikita khrushchev's grandson taught at moscow university, i knew all these people. i knew his son-in-law's daughter, it was like that
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, well, people, you are in a normal family, how could it be a normal family in the former first ossetian company of ukraine, the central committee of the cpsu, but none the less later i did not become brezhnev's wife, it was possible to find out only by fragments, he almost never appeared with her , the children held some positions, but in any case there was a family, it was not a secret that everyone knew that brezhnev's son, yuri, was the deputy minister of foreign trade of the soviet union and daughter halyny well, she's such a socialite, well, they didn't, they didn't hide, they existed in reality, they were talked about here roughly like in stalin's times, and even so, with such double standards, they promote family values, also with an accentuation necessarily on traditional ones, but here europe is such an unconventional practice, but we see biden and his wife looking at each other
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with loving eyes, and we know this whole family story, how biden's wife helped him survive a serious life crisis after the death of his first wife and daughter. that's how it was you can imagine what a tragedy it was when biden said goodbye to his eldest son, who died with his daughter, so did his daughter and his wife, and then , after many years, the eldest son, and we understand that a person lived such a life, but this is a life with people whom he loved, so here is the question of values, we we see president macron looking at his wife with eyes in love and this is also an amazing scene, a woman who is older than her husband , who is older than us, but he looks at her, as you know , like a teenager in love, and it is also clear that this is love. we saw a family of angels there dead yes and the husband with whom she always rested there on the island of iski and it was always clear that this is such a union of like-minded people, in fact, such a family petro poroshenko with marina poroshenko, his zelensky, who is now almost an icon for everyone
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, yes, they are beautiful couples and children, the truth about the previous president similarly, it can be seen that there are real strong families in nazi ukraine, and to me, nazi russia, who are they, what are they, who are these people, absolutely the only person who tried to somehow show that there is a family, it was medved, but he was not a real president, you understand, that's why he couldn't be a role model for anything, his putin just doesn't have that, it's just that yeltsin's family was some kind of criminal plan, i don't want to say anything bad about his wife, inna, who was devoted by her husbands, but her daughter and the sons-in-law climbed into this administration of the president just like in which you know the medieval imperial times and it also looked quite i would say not tasty well here it is just some kind of paranoia just paranoia which
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once again says that a person lives exactly how is stalin or one of those authoritarian rulers who don't need anything, who live with the government, or piskov, once said that food is fine there, everything is fine. this is dzidzo, first marriage, second, navka, life on oil money, and nafka lives on piskov's money, and it is not known who is richer, but in any case, even if putin only cares about russia, he is generally married in russia, and i immediately remembered that once there were elections in sicily, and politicians ran for office there, hey, this is in sicilian society, can you imagine, you say to the traditional and everything is simple, and him too not before the election campaign, they asked, of course, what about the family, well, you are gay , why do you want to be our head of our government, our tradition, our traditional island, where is your family, and he said he
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is married in sicily, i want to get married in sicily, they burst into tears and elected him as the head of the government, well, emotionally, but then he is not gay, at least not openly. family to hide in a bunker with someone. and if he lives with someone in a hole in a church , you understand, brothers, then what kind of orthodoxy? to be honest, russian politicians, in particular, putin, got a bit of a kick in the bed . now, let 's get back to more serious topics. china refused to sign a statement on the withdrawal of russian troops from ukraine, and at the meeting of the twenty china and russia, respectively they did not


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