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tv   [untitled]    March 3, 2023 2:30pm-3:01pm EET

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[000:00:00;00] is it in korea? who stamps them with a trench rap? well, i didn’t have it directly. i can’t say what they don’t know. whoever stamps there knows what their spiders used to identify our drones and our long-range sights there . most of the russian microcircuits are of russian production. i believe that if there is evidence that other components are imported from the same china or some allied countries, as we understand it from geranium two, that these are martyrs, then of course it will be political the decision to adopt these other sanctions at the highest level of political power denys if we talk about countering this phenomenon , that is, how intensively do we manage to land russian drones so that they cannot spy on what they need from the air , or do we
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have enough means for this hello, thanks to our developers . did you see how we did not effectively start bringing the same ones there? there are water drones and uavs . there is an army of drones that are currently being developed . of a serious level. yes, it’s not yet on the stream set for the war as we would like, but it’s all time. it’s just that we lost a lot of time before that and we didn’t work on this together, but this war showed not only us , but the war showed those that to the israelis, i read a study by israeli generals who are currently studying the ukrainian war and understand what exactly is needed to equip the army, because this war is the first world-class modern war and it shows what exactly is needed
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. only for me it is very easy . thank you, mr. denisa, god help you, thank you for your service. with ukraine in its composition, the european project is truly complete only with ukraine in its composition, nato will become a truly strong, strong defender of the peoples of europe and all our gas-free values. ukraine will fight for its freedom and free europe have been united in an unprecedented way by the european union, our steadfastness during more than a year of this full-scale war proves beyond doubt that the ukrainian contribution to the euro-atlantic public security will be truly unique, and i thank you, mr. president, and in this latvian people for the unchanging support of our people, i will not change
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the support of ukraine on this path of integration with the european union, nato and all the struggles for our land and for our lives today, a-a-a diapersistent together with other high-ranking guests of ukraine, brother and by participating in the special conference that we are holding in lviv, the first to be held in lviv under the name of the youth of this time, united now justice as a researched lawyer as a person who is well-versed in the work of european institutions and global structures mr. levits personally and the republic of latvia as a whole i am confident that i will be powerful assistants for us for ukraine in bringing to justice all the russian murders of terrorists there katy on the right fludno
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touched on relevant issues, including the creation of a special tribunal on the crime the aggression of the russian federation against ukraine, the process of preparing a vote on the general assad conditions for the ukrainian resolution of cooperation with the international criminal court and legal institutions of the european joint one of the aspects of russia's responsibility for the war is the continuation of sanctions pressure, the authorities recognized russia as a state sponsor of terrorism on the basis of this recognition , support is based in principle latvia of joint european sanctions a-a today we discussed how it is possible to further increase the pressure on russia even before the full-scale russian invasion latvia began to help ukraine began to provide armed assistance to ukraine, in particular the walls, this was the right
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signal to all the european community of concrete effective assistance our garden during the year english defense e defense support it remained tangible for this very you very little personally grateful to the government society e-e today we discussed how, together with our allies and partners, we can still suck up our soldiers and move closer to the time of liberation of the entire ukrainian land from the russian occupiers, we handed over documents regarding priority needs for our defense, in the second part of our meeting with mr. president, we will discuss reconstruction in ukraine, latvia's participation in the reconstruction of ukraine , in particular, the chernihiv region, as well as demining to give our people guarantees of a safe life. of course, i am grateful to mr. president and latvia in general for
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readiness to support ukraine to support the ukrainian peace formula and to participate in the implementation of its specific points so, mr. president, thank you for your visit for the visas of your team july 1st of latvia for your great support for the fact that we really have such partners and friends. glory to ukraine , glory to the heroes, the statement of the president of the republic of latvia, the third visit to ukraine after the start of a full-scale war on february 24, full
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of support and we will help as much as it will be easy, so we are fighting for our freedom and for our values, ukraine must win this war. this is obvious even now , western countries, nato member countries, ukrainian members of the european union, they all now say that the victory of ukraine is the main goal of this war and there is no doubt that ukraine will win. discussed the current support of latvia to ukraine only from the side of the government, but also from the side of municipalities and civil society, we talked about practical and political support, if we speak practically, then here we will certainly help politically, and here we are talking about our voice in the european union, in nato, in the organizations of
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of the united nations and on other international platforms and sites with e-e latvia's support for ukraine e-e has already exceeded one percent of gdp in view of the last aid package, this is only about military support, this is for us what a priority because in the coming months, ukraine will face decisive combat operations, and we definitely support ukraine at this time. we continue to work on the supply of various military equipment and equipment. deliveries of what they promised we also train ukrainian servicemen
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through a training mission in line with the european union, the first concerns humanitarian support, which is about psychosocial the support of those people , especially women , who suffered damage as a result of this war. we are also still providing this assistance and military personnel . and there, for a separate period , funds for assistance to the chernihiv region are prescribed in the budget. in addition, we help ukraine with the implementation of reforms on
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the way to the european integration process. we we support the fact that negotiations on very specific aspects of the process of acquiring full membership began as early as possible this year, in addition, together with ukraine , we are fully working on pressure on russia , it is not only about sanctions, it is also about responsibility. i will also promote the idea of ​​a special tribunal, because no other international court can consider the case of crimes of aggression, of course the international court plays an important role in the form of collecting evidence on the commission of certain crimes, but
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it is important to consider the crime of aggression and this is a crime committed by the leadership. of course, everything is a crime and it is stipulated by international law, but there is no court that has a mandate to consider the relevant crimes, that is why there is an urgent need to preserve the already achieved level of international law itself therefore, compliance with it is necessary to ensure the creation of an international court that would consider these issues, in addition to the need to create legislative legal grounds for the use of frozen assets of russia under
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with further use for reconstruction ukraine in the form of reparations, this can be done now, but it should definitely be done after the war, because western support for ukraine will play an important role . so why not use these frozen russian assets, because we are talking about more than 300 billion dollars, which are frozen of course er, they could have been used for ukraine, now it is a question of long-term peace and security, we support president zelenskyi's peace plan, which consists of 10 steps. the peace formula is er, what will allow
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to create a long-lasting peace based on the foundations of international law, which also provides for the full territorial integrity of ukraine within the borders of 1991. without this , peace will not be long-lasting . and we need a long-lasting peace. e when ukraine becomes part of the european family , it will also we will help restrain russia from further aggression aggression russia is responsible for stopping this war and only ukraine will decide on its steps to peace i would like to emphasize once again that only ukraine and only ukraine
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can talk about a peace acceptable to itself because it is obvious that a long-term peace will mean the full territorial integrity of ukraine and, by the way , russia too, because russia must return to its territories and its borders, which are international acknowledged, this is perfectly understandable, we also emphasized that ukraine has every right to join the security alliances. and this means nato, and in view of the future of nato itself in vilnius, we perfectly understand that ukraine continues the euro integration processes and that nato plays a very important role in the security architecture latvia supports
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the inclusion of ukraine in nato as soon as the conditions allow it glory to ukraine and heroes, your questions please tv tv3 er latvia in his microphone i want to thank you for your strength and indomitability i will ask questions in english because er i speak but er i understand but i do not speak i justang back i just returned from donbass, i saw with my own eyes the situation in bakhmut and other cities on the front line, how difficult
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it is there and the fact that supplies from western countries are very slow, that is, the question what do you think we , latvia, together with the other baltic countries, can do for that to increase the ukrainian voice in european institutions and nato thank you thank you for the question i will answer in ukrainian because you understand everything and first of all i want to thank you and your colleagues for being in donbas today, this is very important to support the boys and girls of all our soldiers who are fighting in the east. i always talk about this, that recently it is very important , and my colleagues and i discussed it today, and that it is very
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important to understand that the war is not over and people are dying there now, and that the war this feeling is so far away, it is false because the war, if the wall of our heroic people does not last, the war will go on , there will be another occupation of our country. number of people and therefore i am grateful to you once again for the fact that you were there in donbas in the east and supported our people who are definitely not in comfortable conditions today and are doing everything so that everyone else should have the right to this in the future in our state and in
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to the whole of europe and in the process today the president of the republic of latvia said, we are fighting for common values ​​for a common future. what can latvia do to help, first of all, it really helps. and i confirm once again, uh, all the challenges we had, from defense, deficits to the result of terrible attacks on the power system, i.e. different energies , something and everything. this is really us as much as possible. we see what is happening, it is happening all the time, we always know, somehow we start from ourselves , then we start all the others, and here we are grateful for the advocacy of our baltic friends, it is
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true, latvia, lithuania, estonia, and also poland, these the states always support the maximum in the european union , everything that we see, we work. with some sanction steps, compromises, this makes a quick victory impossible, because the military infrastructure in the russian federation depends on it, we must do everything to give them the opportunity
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to produce the amount of these weapons with which they they came to us and they can still come, but the soviets are acting, it is important to press it is important to press partners both in europe and the whole world, this is where we need the help of latvia , latvia is there so that there is no discussion about the size of the states, but an equal voice in the european union rib, an equal voice ah on the o site and in other international organizations, that is why we highly appreciate that this voice is always for the truth and for ukraine and that is why this support at the un site support support at meetings of nato allies support at meetings at rammstein where allocated or accelerated, aid is accelerated, please, this support is very, very important for us. well, in principle, we do not need to continue working in such directions
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. the main thing is that there should be more strong states with a strong word, such as atlant. thank you. next question of the tv channel, please, mr. president greetings, mr. levits vacuum to ukraine frontime, mr. levits, greetings, it is probably worth starting with our guest, e.e. russia throughout its history has created many warriors and brought a lot of pain and suffering to various peoples nowadays, we are talking about the fact that ukraine must already win, this year must be a victory, president zelensky said about a quick victory, what is needed for this, and at the moment, in your opinion, what can the civilized world as a whole do in order to prevent further threats to any nations and any people from the side of the russian imperialist regime and from the side of the russian encroachments maybe master loves eh heat that i will not be amused here and perhaps another question
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about the actual borders of the borders of the two countries that you mentioned thank you very much for your question it is obvious that for a long period of time russia will remain an aggressive country and ukraine will definitely win this war . but if we talk about the long-term perspective, only the deterrence of russia can be carried out at the expense of real military capabilities, which means that nato must have sufficient military capabilities on the eastern flank and for those countries that make up the eastern flank, with the addition of finland, it will mean that the borders and the length of the borders between russia and nato
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will increase significantly, and since then a powerful and the potential of nato can deter russia because russia will know that any attacks are pointless because they will be defeated and this is precisely the strategy of nato which was adopted at the madrid summit last year. so this is exactly the right way to introduce itself with such an aggressive country that there is russia, this is a long-term process, now returning to the short-term process, all countries, the entire free world must support the military now ukraine and now we are doing everything possible to ensure that and what all all those weapons
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which was promised by the west so that it would be delivered to ukraine in the shortest possible time ukraine had the opportunity to win this war and er so that we could get a new security architecture not like it was before with russia but against russia because if russia does not change its aggressive ideology, it will remain an aggressive country for a long period of time in order to change this ideology. i think it will take a very long time, because now we are talking not only about leadership, but also about
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the leadership of the country, but also about the fact that the great part of russian society is now permeated with this colonialist imperialist ideology, and that is why we must be ready for a long-term security architecture that is based precisely on the military potential of all nato member countries , and after the war, ukraine will also join them , because after the war, ukraine will be one of the most powerful countries in military potential and, in essence, these are the only armed forces that have powerful military experience, and this is very, very important and will be an asset for nato and an
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asset that will serve as a deterrent for russia if we are honest, the aggressive actions of the russian federation will not stop without failure in ukraine, it is clear to everyone, and russia will not endure this war, i am sure that their narratives everywhere are not as powerful as it was in the beginning, we have already united the european union together, everyone understands what such primitivism is in which some people still believe that they came to liberate our country from the nazis and we can already see when they want to overthrow the government of moldova and it is interesting what they are afraid of and what they are protecting themselves from, what can
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such a pocket do, what can a pocket do take over the mask of that, that is, everyone understands that they are well, it doesn't look funny, everyone understands that they need a decline in ukraine, they need a decline in er, everyone in the east of europe and where there was the presence of the soviet union , the soviet army, that's basically it, and this aggressive behavior is always in history, when did people act like this, when they could not put order in their state and could not develop the economy , could not do anything because there were beggars and that's all, and that's why russia seized other territories - that's what it's doing, we'll stop them from our partners, we have no other way out and, to be honest, there is no other desire for a long time. victory is our victory , victory in ukraine, victory of ukraine and will stop
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russia's aggression, in my opinion, we have time for one short question, short oschadbank, mr. president zelenskyi this week we met with your the military in bakhmut also saw and they all say that there is an insufficient amount of uh actually weapons are also an insufficient number of airplanes and helicopters for the second year of the war, what can be done to speed up the supply weapons and do you believe that the west will long-term support its obligations to help ukraine open war thank you for the question and because it is possible to do this publicly talk about what we lack and the states that help us can
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absolutely publicly support the supply of action or other weapons, there are no more secrets, what kind of weapons we have, there are no more secrets, read- there is something mysterious in russia , it is clear to everyone that there is not such a powerful army there, there are just a lot of people who absolutely do not feel sorry for the leadership well, let's not talk about them let's talk about us artillery, artillery number one, this is what we need, both a system and ammunition, a large number of shells to stop russia, not to shoot at the territory of russia , but to throw them out of our territory, which is fair, the same as about airplanes, a shortage of airplanes, start training mission , we talked about this, we have confirmation of support from the united kingdom, we have the support of
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poland, today we talked about where our partners from latvia and lithuania, estonia can help us in the appropriate training places we need planes, just don't say something there and promise to just train our guys and hand over planes, a tank tank. the tank coalition has started. i believe that no matter what happens , we are getting a tank army. i am absolutely sure of this. the forces are training soon it will be but nevertheless there is a corresponding deficit well, that's all to close just all these holes are permanent deficit that's what can help us and believe in victory just as we believe in victory and then we will win thank you there was a last question, unfortunately, we are

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