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tv   [untitled]    March 2, 2023 9:30pm-10:01pm EET

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[000:00:00;00] the death of captain roman karpov, at the same time we were told that due to fierce fighting and the subsequent occupation of the territory under the raisin of the command of the unit, it did not have all the information about the situation on the spot .
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tera with an incident from an incident in bryansk in russia, what happened there, a ukrainian trace, a provocation of russia, or is it russian partisans who have started to actively act, we'll talk about it in a moment . in the meantime, i urge you to like this video, so our broadcast will be seen by more people on on the territory of russia, combat clashes have begun or have taken place and ended. entered a village in the bryansk region to, as they say, liberate their native land, the russian volunteer corps , according to media reports. this is a military unit of the armed forces of ukraine, which consists of russian emigrants. it is part of the international legion. but whether the units coordinated with the ukrainian army is still unknown. named the armed men who crossed the border with the russian federation as ukrainian saboteurs and that they allegedly took civilians hostage and allegedly fired
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at a car according to the reports of several of the russian media, children could be injured as a result of the shelling, but their reports often contradicted each other, and the local authorities denied several reports that appeared in the space, for example, at first it was reported that a girl was injured, who had a back injury, in the media there was even information about her death, allegedly she died in the hospital, but this information was denied by the regional government, stating that the girl is alive and her condition is stable, then the publication base stated that the wound was not the girl, but the boy, and even when he was wounded, he was wounded helped the girls hide in the forest, president of the russian federation vladimir putin canceled his trip to the stavropol region, where he was supposed to participate in the opening of the year of the teacher, due to reports of an alleged ukrainian drug war, but he joined the event online and, speaking, called the event in brandy oblast a terrorist attack and also cited another version of events that denies all previous today, another terrorist act
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, another crime, entered the border territory and opened fire on civilians the car saw that there itself citizens of the militia niva ordinary people opened fire - this is violence the real crime is committed by the nazis, about which i have now told them the owner is confident that i am today's crime, these are the same owners do not remember, no one will even pay attention to this, but again i repeat nothing from them it won't work, we even have them well , putin says about the alleged field before the media reported about the school bus, representatives of the same russian volunteer corps denied it in a comment to the edition of the careful history that they took someone hostage, but the very fact of the operation on the territory of the bryansk region was confirmed, according to the interlocutor of the publication, at least one border guard of the russian federation was injured. also in the morning, on their official pages in social
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networks, the russian volunteer corps posted several videos allegedly filmed in the villages where they penetrated and stated that do not pose a threat to civilians, we worked for putin's army and the chiefs, we came here to liberate you, we urge you to take up arms and cook with putin's kremlin blood by the regime of slavy radikas, there is no kremlin tyrant ukrainian authorities reject accusations that the armed men who crossed the border of the russian federation and probably joined the battle with the russian military are ukrainian saboteurs for example, the adviser to the head of the president's office mykhailo podoliak wrote on twitter that the story is about the ukrainian drg in the russian federation - this is a provocation meanwhile, the partisan movement in the russian federation is becoming stronger and more aggressive, the representative of the general
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directorate of intelligence called the events in the bryansk region intra-russian events the russian federation is an extremely unstable formation with a large number of internal conflicts of ethnic, petty, interreligious, social, political, and today's events on the territory of the so-called russian federation, well, once again this is emphasized, perhaps a part of the population of the so-called russian federation is beginning to realize something and fight against putin, but in any in any case, these are intra-russian events that ukraine has nothing to do with , since ukraine defends its borders. and what it is doing what is being done on the territory of the russian federation is the responsibility of putin's regime and the russian federation well, actually, if part of the russians rebelled today against putin, then in the end it can only fly as long as the ukrainian authorities and the military leadership distance themselves from today's ground attacks in the kobyrian
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region, the russian volunteer corps are nominally part of the armed forces, what exactly is this formation and who is it led by in the structure of the defense forces of ukraine is not known for sure, but the public has questions about its leaders , for example, denis nikitin. and he is accused of neo-nazi views, he was previously banned entry into the countries of the schengen agreement due to the desire to violate the foundations of the democratic system of official confirmations that the people who are called fighters of the rdk in the video from the bryansk region and are currently part of the russian volunteer corps, which is subordinate to the bolt, no representatives of the latter have yet to comment on this information , one of the men on this video in december last year, he gave an interview to radio svoboda and introduced himself as denis as the commander of the russian volunteer corps, the unit was formed in august 2022 and is now part of
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to the international legion and eross, when i quickly got rid of the belorussian er regiment and the kalinovsky bone, i began to think about why, in fact, we can’t collect an ethnic russian unit , and i started with this idea. even in the middle of spring, according to data from open sources, the corps was formed from volunteers of ethnic russian emigrants, according to denys, a large part of his fighters are fugitives from russia who illegally crossed the border, we think что а вот россияне - это такая вот the political nation that is trying to blind the territory of the russian federation, all these videos are funny, when representatives of different ethnic groups go there, i say that there are yalmyk and alakit and odargynets, we are russian, that is, they want to blur, necessarily , this is the understanding that there is a titular nation yes, these are russians, and there are all the others. well, that's that. let's say this: the order
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of things, the authorities want to destroy it. and we, on the contrary , highlight this point. i sincerely believe that ukraine will win, and after that, russia will seek to there is a very dark future and some kind of civil war or civil war will start there, and i don't know. gangs of prigozhensky prisoners were here to fight with the kadyrovs and it is not clear who else and ukraine . how do i think it will become, let's go. we are there with by fire a thousand years ago and i remembered what kiev was like in the 10th century. it was a large civilization center in eastern europe around which it was built. this is exactly the slavic civilizational component, according to the participants of the rdk in
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ukraine, they fight for freedom and against slavery telegram-channel russian volunteer corps admitted that representatives of the unit entered the bryansk region however , there is no confirmation that it is the same structure max grabovsky radio freedom so what happened in the territory of bryansk region this morning, did the russian volunteer corps fighters really conduct an operation on the territory of the russian federation now we let's try to figure it out with us, adviser to the head of the office of the president of ukraine, mykhailo podalyak . good evening. you wrote on twitter that the news about the ukrainian drg is a provocation and we understand that, you could have hinted that it was about partisans a-a that is, this is probably the internal history of russia. you understand. but were they really representatives of this russian volunteer corps, in whose social networks we see these videos that allegedly confirm that it was them you know well, first of all, let's immediately record that ukraine is definitely not fighting on
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the territory of russia . populated areas, which we are talking about with you today, that is, it is absolutely pointless to go there and fight something there against the civilian population, only russia can talk about it and do it. so, this is the first . well, that is, ukraine has absolutely nothing to do with this. its component is really two versions, they can intertwine with each other and they do not contradict each other just as there is no contradiction between with our help, they got the opportunity to show themselves in some way from the point of view of trying to break putin's vertical in russia, this can definitely have a place, but meanwhile, in russia itself
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, today there are more and more different groups , small or large, that are gradually beginning to behave aggressively in relation to the russian power vertical this may be one of such examples. i will now move on to the one that is more clear to me, but meanwhile in russia we see many different excesses not only in the regions bordering ukraine, such as , for example, in this case, we are talking about bryansk region, such as belohorodsk kursk or even there krasnodar region or tula region and so on and even far in the depths of russia there are a lot of excursions that have , let's say, an artificial character well, that is, they are provoked by some kind of sabotage or really partisan well, you just use such a word as partisan actions by actions, this indicates that there are a lot of such groups in russia, this is the first thing they start about, they understand that there is practically
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no power vertical anymore, so others a certain number of men who are trying to keep control over the communities, but in the meantime, they are beginning to behave very actively, and this is a good sign , a good sign that, and therefore, not only special riots will begin, as we think, because the standard of living has dropped significantly, and in addition, a lot of funerals are coming, and also because there are a large number of people who want the redistribution of power at different levels, this may only be the beginning, but it seems more likely to me that the theory that it was such a production by the special services is not very successful because these are all mutually exclusive explanations that it was a bus and a little field or a girl, boys, give this one such an eloquent story about the fact that some boy is a folder of carts there or a young man, and morozov, yes, he took someone there into
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the forest, they hid people who kill children on the road and so on, well, this tells about you know, it is a story, and it is needed in order to mobilize the russian communities, which today care about this whole problem, the english hysteria about it, the peaceless war, we must continue to fight, we must set traps and, once again, knock out and kill ukrainians, and in order to somehow strengthen it, somehow, er, put different accents, what if we are not taxed, well, classic russian, yes, er , the antithesis of if we are not taxed, that is exactly why they came up with an otaku production, that is, to say , look, they found, they found a ukrainian derg who speaks to the skin of the ukrainian language in the center of brian's table. well, they were talking there . by the way, in their informative e-e expositions , the ukrainian language was heard there. i'm just
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a little surprised that there aren't these mine camps and portraits. there are more hitlers or hitlers there is no one and there is also a small one on the back with plastics painted with a number somehow there they have 14 88 and something like that. yes, there is one inhabitant of all this is not in this story, but in the meantime i still believe that this is an attempt by the russians to throw into this topic and you know it seems to me that the further it is to the end of this war, the tougher the provocative actions will be against its own people in order to scare you, you can be clear, mr. dalaika. let's say that this is really the handiwork of this group , why do i think that it makes sense, because at least on their official resources, because this is said, representatives of this corps were called by journalists and they
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confirmed it, here you are i understand now do you deny this or? well, i at least deny that these are representatives of this particular group or not. i am not saying that it is not this group . work and certain types of work because everything that was later told by the russian official platforms about the fact that there is a huge battle going on, that they are taking hostages , that they squeezed out the ukrainian army on the territory of ukraine and destroyed the artillery, this was not a fact, you understand, this does not mean that these partisans, including the legion of russian kindness that they were not there, of course they could have been there, i don't see a contradiction in this, just because i say they could have been there to fulfill a certain mission, to show that
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the kremlin is not as scary as it is portrayed to be we need to work on what we can do. i will say by the way that he, if it was, they emphasized some important things, firstly, that russia does not control its internal space , secondly, that the protection of the territory of the russian federation is poorly established, and thirdly , they emphasized that no one does analytics the fourth thing that is happening is that all the eyes in this case are bahamians there, for example , is it old-fashioned, well, the governor in this case of the bryansk region is a bahamian who tells that they train people there to protect the region and all this is a fiction, that is, if these guys from the russian legion went there and even made these informational eyes, let's say the materials, this already says a lot about the quality of russia's control over its simply skillfully, but look why i ask this question, these people are on the video that we showed them, by the way, they are in
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the uniform of the armed forces and presumably they are a part of the ukrainian armed forces because they are part of the international territorial defense legion of ukraine. you can comment on this moment. including the russian federation at the beginning of the war, they came to us. well, for example, and they got the opportunity to liberate their country. that is, we gave such an opportunity, this does not mean that they are an integral part of the armed forces , which reports directly to the general staff in terms of direct participation in hostilities, but they have the opportunity to use a certain resource because we have to defend our territory, for that they are ethnic russians or even citizens of russia, and you don't see a problem here. well, first of all , the legions are not only russians, they are still people which are in the hands of the police, despite the fact that you now say that they are not necessarily subordinate to the general staff, they use this resource and it can then
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be used to discredit ukraine. how can you comment on this? but the question is whether she will prove that there were some terrorist attacks there, as putin stated. because putin always tells false information , we must understand it, but secondly, we will explain that any people who are enslaved and russian the community is not opposed to putin's regime, they are enslaved and have the right, but i emphasize once again legally, see the legal armed forces of ukraine there is a brigade that specifically works as citizens of ukraine who perform their duty directly on the battlefield, this is very important and there are citizens from other countries, which are completely uh differently legally motivated to perform this or that job, they are legally registered, can you explain this uh mechanism , there is little information about it, so when i was preparing for
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a race to find a siste champion, it is necessary to apply definitely to the general staff so that he explains in what legal relations they are today er-er necessarily part of the armed forces of ukraine, how can it be that some part of the armed forces is not part of this or what do you have to say again see if you want to get information about of the legal component i do not fully understand the legal component, please clarify with the general staff , they will then tell you about the legal component , i am talking about the fact that there are citizens of another country who are not citizens of ukraine and citizens of another country have a different legal component regarding which relations in them are driven by the armed forces because the armed forces can include citizens of ukraine, the russians got when they switched to the side of ukraine for the first weeks of the war, they got the opportunity to use weapons to defend their territory, which they
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call russia, from the russian occupation regime, how do they do it in russia itself, this is how it should be perceived. in other words, you do not know whether the people who today, at least presumably, removed tim between tim or other units, may not be a political component, but only the general staff, are servicemen of the armed forces of ukraine. it is clear but still i wonder why this is how you comment and say that ukraine is definitely not involved in this you are sure of this and that they are part of the armed forces of ukraine you are not sure once again you say that it is definitely not ukraine sends subversive groups to the territory of the russian federation, you wrote it on twitter, just repeated it on our broadcast, while you say that you do not know whether there are these people who say that they are taking responsibility, so at least they have publicly stated that they
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are the same saboteurs who ended up on the territory of the russian federation, you don't know if they are employees, let's try to do it right. i'm trying to understand whether you see a discrepancy here or explain why you think that there is no compliance here, in your opinion, first, carefully, i understand. prove that ukraine is attacking russian territory, continue to do this, it's really freedom in that we are proving that i did not understand by the way i am asking a question and you say let's repeat it once again listen carefully do not interrupt very strange manner you interrupt first continue prove that ukraine is attacking russian territory, continue to confirm putin's thesis that the terrorist attack was bought by the ukrainian trk, i apologize for the vat, there is a second, you can, secondly , ukraine does not officially attack the territory
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of the russian federation, does not send within the framework of the orders of the general staff , second, third, citizens of russia, they can do anything whatever you want and be called whatever you want, whether they have legal relations with the general staff today, not at the beginning of the war, but today, check with the general staff before you continue to prove that this is ukraine, the armed forces of ukraine are attacking russia. i didn't prove it, i didn't prove what i'm asking you . the question is if there are people on the video who introduce themselves and can say anything that others can, you can deny it, i'll insert the question, you you can say for sure that this is not true, you can say it if you know it, once again officially i am speaking very simply, i think that for the 10th time it should be clear to anyone , officially, there is no need for such an order of the general staff or anyone else
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ukraine did not send any people to bryansk declare who declares what they are doing and so on, especially if they are citizens of russia who fled from russia and who impersonate russian partisans. they are doing it right, they can declare anything to the official position of ukraine - it doesn't matter. i understand, i understand, please don't raise your voice, let's also talk about how this situation can unfold in russia, we can already see the reaction of the president of the russian federation, he has already called it a terrorist attack, and how or what further events can you expect, or what ukraine you can prepare to raise your voice here. i am forced to find the official position of ukraine for the fourth time. the official position is clear, so let's continue . ukraine does not officially carry out any attacks on the territory of russia, and that is why we are partners and partners - they also understand this, and if someone emphasizes it once again
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statement on behalf of someone in the public space , this is his right, especially if they are citizens of russia, the full stop is the second component regarding how it comments. the russian federation comments exactly as it should comment. she does not understand that she doesn't understand what they can do about it, it's very important. putin, er, talks about it as an abstraction , some kind of terrorist act, definitely . therefore, the russian federation will not change its position, because for us, well , i mean, it will not change, and legally, it does not matter to us how they will interpret the fact that the belgorod region of poland, they are trying to scatter their society to show that this is already a war for
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survival in them, that's why they have to voluntarily maxima, everyone get together to go, er, mobilize and come to the territory of ukraine again. for now, there is such an opportunity to come to the territory of ukraine and kill people here, so they can legally say anything, they can say that we will rename it to a counter-tourist er operation we will rename it a war we will er er urinate bandits in the toilet and so on. it doesn't matter to you and me the following matters to us, we will continue counter-offensive actions regardless of the propaganda elements about which the russian federation constantly says that they wrote new territories of the world there. the second component of the constitution is the offensive actions of russia in donetsk . is present in counteroffensive actions, for this
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it is necessary to accumulate a certain resource. this is the third component, the fourth component is definitely russia will try the process to talk as much pain as possible because the usual mobilization tantrums which they staged a year of war, they are no longer working, they need, i emphasize once again, somehow to rally their population and say let 's go to fight in ukraine, and you see, when i was preparing for the broadcast, i saw that many people from the russian audience, when they comment on it , do they ask such a question or it is possible there . as you have already said, the change in the status of the so -called special military operation and what the consequences may be . what is called the new wave of official mobilization ? since the mobilization probably continues even without this, but what can change, for example, the borders can be closed, for example, certain sentiments inside the country can grow, they can use uh, this can be
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used as such an excuse for the use of nuclear weapons - this is an unlikely option , again, but it is being discussed again these are the risks you see, how can you comment, let's start with nuclear weapons , the propagandist is discussing this and it is clear on their channels, of course they need to say something, they are beating us, but we are strong, we can to take revenge, but in the meantime, the risk of using nuclear weapons is low enough, well, this is nonsense. let's say the second component regarding the legal status of , for example, the counter-tourist operation and the closing of borders. today, their borders are practically completely closed. and they continue to mobilize today, that is there will be no significant changes, but in the meantime it can only , let's say, increase the hysteria. in russia itself , that is, the russians will understand that everything is not going
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according to plan. they already understand it today, because of course, the number of corpses is very large, which are returning to the federation from ukraine, but in the meantime, in the meantime, they will be even more frightened , they understand that everything is already clearly recorded in the war in russia itself, this is very important, but it will not increase loyalty to the war, and the russians understand, look at least they understand the main thing is not to attack russia and if russia did not continue. and if russia did not enter ukraine in the 14th year and if russia did not enter ukraine on a full scale in 2022 , then they would have no problems. they do this subconsciously already understand and they will understand consciously the more such provocations there are, the more putin talks about the fact that there are terrorist attacks here, that is more terrorist attacks, which the more there are excesses in critical objects in russia, there are airfields , oil depots and the like there will be some unidentified flying objects falling


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