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tv   [untitled]    March 1, 2023 11:30pm-12:01am EET

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[000:00:00;00] with the press, click to sponsor and become part of the community with a ukrainian point of view andriy yanitskyi keeps the economy under control, yes, we are talking about economic news on the expresso channel, but it is not about dry numbers and clear terms, it is about the economy, it is about the ability to analyze, forecast and get profit about what the exchange rates will be currencies, salaries and pensions, and how product prices will change , information about everything that affects our wallet, and informed means armed
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, see the economic news project with andrii yanitsky on weekdays at eight in the morning on expresso, you are watching the program of the ukrainian voice of america service , while there i am nataliya leonova. i congratulate january that the kremlin is ready to start meaningful diplomatic efforts to stop its aggression against ukraine. uzbekistan he added that the conditions announced by putin for the start of negotiations on the recognition of the so-called new territorial realities by ukraine are unacceptable blinken visits kazakhstan and uzbekistan on the way to the meeting of the group of 20 in india if russia and president putin were indeed ready to participate in the meaningful diplomatic efforts necessary to stop the aggression, of course we were the first who would have worked on it and joined, but there is no evidence for this on the contrary , all the evidence points to the opposite, just
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listen to the words of president putin, i will give just one example, recently he publicly stated that until ukraine recognizes what he called new territorial realities, there is nothing to even talk about in other words until ukraine recognizes the fact of russia's seizure of its territory and will not allow it to keep it, they will not even talk about it. this is obviously unacceptable. the parliament of hungary started a debate on the ratification of the accession of finland and sweden to nato. non-aligned status after russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine, acceptance of new members requires the consent of all alliance members all of them, except turkey and hungary , supported scandinavia's application, why ankarat
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there, budapest does not give the green light, what are the prospects for nato expansion and how it can affect the course of the russian-ukrainian war, we will talk with our european correspondent bohdan tsyupyn, who joins our studio from london. congratulations bohdan. so, sweden and finland submitted applications for joining nato back in in may of last year, all 30 members of the options signed the protocol on the accession of new members in july, and most of them , except for hungary and turkey, ratified these protocols. why are ankara and budapest delaying this process? countries and hungary and turkey, but the peculiarity of the hungarian position is that the government of prime minister viktor orbán has not yet openly expressed any objections , the issue was simply not brought to the attention of the parliament in budapest. and only recently, in fact, last friday, in one of the interviews with the prime
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prime minister viktor orban spoke about the fact that he is concerned about the threat of russia due to the expansion of nato, and here is a quote from his interview . of the immediate nato border between finland and russia, and in view of the ukrainian situation, this is a high threat of war. let's think about whether this is a good idea. this is a geopolitical issue. i believe that we have convincing reasons why we can take this risk . orbán says that he is ready, so to speak, to take what he calls a risk and ratify the accession to finland and sweden, possibly during march, a little later after consultation, as
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he says, in particular, the trips of hungarian deputies to finland and maybe sweden or maybe next month with turkey, the situation is completely different turkey almost from the very beginning at least since the summer it has stated that it has serious claims against sweden and finland , bigger claims against sweden in particular because those countries which, by the way, many others in europe provide asylum to those persons who in turkey are called not just opponents of the government of president erdoğan, but even terrorists, had other problems, such as an embargo on the supply of weapons from sweden to turkey because that country criticized turkey for its actions in syria and so on and so on, but the bottom line is that turkey's claims
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are known to turkey, and they appear even more and more to a certain extent recently , for example, in stockholm there was an action by the extreme right-wing koran burning and for example, the turkish minister of foreign affairs recently said that at the moment, they do not see the possibility of turkey's authentication of the accession to sweden and finland , at least to sweden, here are his words, we held two meetings, canceled 3 after the koran-burning campaign, but because at that time the conditions were unfavorable, it will be useful soon to hold a new meeting in brussels because the secretary general of nato, some of our allies say that the laws have been changed in sweden and declare that they must now become members . my colleagues will be at the meeting scheduled for march 9. let everyone see that sweden has not
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fulfilled its obligations. the swedes and the finns react to the demands of turkey, what is the position of the other members of the alliance and are there mechanisms of pressure on hungary and turkey so that the membership of sweden and finland in nato takes place, the position of the others is obvious, they nato secretary general also ratified last year, and ann stoltenberg says there is no reason not to ratify and it should be done as soon as possible. and the pressure is on the other side, not only on turkey or hungary, on the contrary, turkey is obviously trying to get its way. hungary is also very disliked by the hungarian government for the fact that in the european union he is criticized for problems with democracy and the rule of law and petersierto today frankly stated that he really does not like that sweden and finland
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joined that criticism of the then parliament parliamentarians were seriously worried because in recent years high-ranking officials like finland and sweden have spread a lot of fake news, a lot of lies, a lot of accusations, now these countries are asking for a positive assessment from our parliamentarians, who sometimes feel very offended by the fake news and lies spread by finnish and swedish government officials in recent years therefore, these statements currently give the impression that there are problems or delays with the rectification of sweden and finland's accession to nato, these problems are certain and the discussions will continue for at least for a few weeks, it's problematic, it's turkey, first of all, hungarians. it seems that they are finally ready to give in. and to ratify whether it affects the situation in ukraine is obvious because the security situation . how does finland feel? how ready is it, for example
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, to help ukraine, considering whether its allies protect it obviously affects what is happening in that part of europe, so we will follow the development of events. thank you, bohdan, for your analysis , our european correspondent bohdan tsyupen was in direct contact with us a year ago, the day before of the full-scale invasion of russia into ukraine, the voice of america film crew visited sumy oblast to see if there were signs of preparations for an invasion from the north. at that time, the locals did not see a threat, but had plans in case of aggression a year after the start of the great war . olena adamenko met with two residents of sumy and oblast with whom we talked in february 2022, these people were at the center of events and it was because of their area that the invasion was taking place, which they managed to capture on
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camera. i woke up in the morning concretely already i was in the rear because they came from yunakovka, i arrive in khotyn, and here these columns of russian vehicles are already moving, we just stand there and look , they passed on kyiv, and if the guards came after them, you understand. everything is already. we are all under occupation. mykola turyanik lives 800 meters from border with russia a year ago, two weeks before the full-scale invasion, he told the voice of america about the situation on the border when everything looked calm. mr. mykola heads the khotyn community in the sumy oblast, in which 11 out of 14 people have taken refuge in russia this year to record an interview with mykola in his village was disturbed by shelling literally a while ago they shelled the kindrativka eight farm houses two critical direct direct hits one each the grandmother was sitting she says she was only pouring soup she says i'm sitting in the back house she says
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she'll do anything she says well the front house has no wall there are three walls. there are no walls. there are no hangings. the bed is standing. well, it’s true. everything is covered with dust, that is. well, everything is already in the whole house. according to mykola , there are no soldiers in this village. the army of a neighboring country is shelling civilian objects in the village. there is no military at all in the counterattack, where do you hatch every sunday, you destroy the village with mortars already in the village, the school is destroyed in the kindergarten, the hospital is destroyed by a direct hit , everything is completely burned down, everything is only repaired, there is nothing there at the beginning of the invasion of the russians, the leadership of the military administration of sumy oblast, and the head of some communities left for the borders of the region mykola toryanik stayed tomorrow the village will be closed, all the people will leave, everyone is looking , where is the village head, the head of the village is not here yet, if the car is not there all summer, that's it these people are already like a stabilizer, all this calms down and the shotin community is now fighting at the front, about 100
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men are fighting for their military needs and for local ground defense , the community has allocated uah 10 million from the budget, now they will say you had no right to buy it, it cannot be done with these funds, but it is a priority number one, if a guy is fighting us today, he is protecting the homeland, then we must help him. what about whether it is legal or illegal , how will we defeat these katsaps ? andrii bukin, a citizen of sumy, a public figure, volunteer and ato participant , also spoke to me. i have a lot of acquaintances who say frankly that if necessary , they, well, if the time comes, they will take the good and will fight. that's how it happened in the first days, a colossal number of people took seven yes, but a colossal number of people took up arms and the land itself, who is still in
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our sumy oblast, who is in donbas, andriy himself tried to evacuate his family on the first day of the invasion, i had several evacuation points for my family, well, due to the fact that the invasion full-scale and all the points i took were cluttered until i got there, and actually one of the extreme points was in uzhgorod, because we arrived just on the street of their landing , there were receptive turntables, they went to the landing of the vyshgorod lady, then i made the decision to move on, we stopped in ternopil and from ternopil so that i moved on , and i returned to kyiv on february 27. last year , andriy serves in the national guard battalion named after kulchytskyi, first defended the kyiv region. then there were battles in donbas, including for
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sviatogorsk, liman beligorivka and kremennaya do you want to go down? and here there is a fire above you, stupidly, a house is burning above the basement. now andriy in his battalion commands one of the departments that work with drones on the front. sometimes he will go to the front again olena adamenko mykhailo zayka for the voice of america of sumy oblast, an american volunteer died one and a half times in a firestorm from a targeted attack by the russians , the witness who filmed the moment of the hit is convinced of this of a shell in the car, he ran to the phone after analyzing the video, the american's wife and colleagues are also sure of the deliberate attack on the volunteer convoy, three countries have launched an investigation into this case. as a war crime, a 33-year-old podrod was killed on february 2 while providing
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aid to wounded civilians. details in iryna shinkarenko's story on these footage from bakhmut the last second of the life of an american volunteer pitarida a shell hit the pitarida medical vehicle on february 2 when the american was helping a wounded civilian woman, the volunteer died on the spot work in ukraine is what he loved and what he was good at. it was his passion. the thought that people were suffering was a heavy burden for him, so it was very natural for him. if there was a need, he saw it and extended a helping hand before coming to ukraine. the 33-year-old podrod already had a lot of experience working in hot spots. a former marine, he participated in operations in iraq at the beginning of the war in ukraine. he led a group of volunteers to provide medical and
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humanitarian aid to ukrainians in the front-line area. he was very efficient and very compassionate. had a huge heart and just wanted to help people he started his work in ukraine with global outreach doctors actually last year then at the beginning of january we invited him to the position of ukraine manager my relationship with pete started many years ago in iraq when we joined his team to provide medical aid during the battle for mosul on the last day of his life, the podrod worked in bakhmut , the city was actively shelled by the russian army , the war with a group of foreign volunteers went to the call to the wounded, the estonian volunteer leadership who was next to pete
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he said that the projectile came from the side of the russians, who, according to him, pointed their weapons at the humanitarian column on purpose, uh, croup warcing, russian groups were working and shelling street after street into house after house, that's why we were very careful there, we were in an open space, he drove up in front of me and stopped near the injured woman under and his team went to check the condition of the victim. i stayed in the car because i wanted to park. i drove for only two or three seconds and the explosion happened. and i wanted to take a photo but accidentally turned on the camera. that's why i have this record, the volunteers say, although the markings on reid’s car were dirty, next to him there was a car with large red crosses on all sides, which the russians could get a good look at after the personnel analysis of the video with experts , pitarida’s wife and his colleagues said that the volunteer was killed by a guided missile with laser guidance against tankov. is in service with the russian army, it was a targeted attack on people who provide humanitarian aid. our team provided aid
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to an injured civilian. there were markings on our car indicating that it humanitarian, our personnel were dressed in civilian clothes and it was obvious that they provided aid to wounded civilians, and since the missile they used required laser guidance to the ground, we know that they were watching us and we know that they deliberately entered the humanitarian object from the shelling of the wounded two norwegian volunteers also knew, although the russians are accused of unarmed murder , they reject the case in the usa, norway and ukraine are investigating the case as a war crime, this is a war crime and it is being investigated as a war crime in several in other countries, he could not celebrate the first wedding anniversary, instead his wife had to fly to ukraine for his body in memory of him, fellow volunteers plan
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to continue helping ukraine , the ukrainian volunteer community is very needed and now we want to continue pete's case, we know what he dreamed of and we are working over this continuous pet read became at least the sixth american to die in ukraine since the beginning of the full-scale war iryna shynkarenko pavlo terekhov voice of america after the full-scale war invasion of russia, not every state in the usa has aid organizations for ukraine, several of them have budgets of tens of millions of dollars. iryna matviychuk will tell in which areas of aid the largest ukrainian public organizations in the united states have directed their efforts. most of them have been helping ukraine for many years. but in the past the scale of their assistance increased hundreds of times over the
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past year, psychological rehabilitation of adolescent children and their parents is one of the largest areas of work of the volunteers of the public organization united help ukraine from the american capital of the city of washington and its surroundings over the past year, they provided assistance to six thousand ukrainian children, says the president of the organization, maryna baidyuk, and have already started creating so-called psychological rooms in ukraine, where children and adolescents can share their experiences with a specially trained psychologist the organization has already financed the training of 250 psychologists in ukraine to work with children, the psychological rehabilitation of children occupies a very important place not only for children, but also for adolescents who need psychological rehabilitation and who need to know the mechanisms of how to deal with this trauma, how to get out of a state of stress, parents also need psychological help . they need to understand how to deal with children whose parents are traumatized and who have very serious psychological problems, and that is why these mechanisms
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are provided to them by psychologists with work with them, it is very important for parents and children, expanding this program, we wanted to capture the majority of the population of ukraine a year ago, united hulk ukraine, in cooperation with israeli psychologists, launched a therapy project psychological trauma in children with the help of a specially designed hibuki toy, and we followed a very interesting pattern that when children receive this dog , we analyzed 1,500 protocols so that they become calmer . they receive their own coping strategies for overcoming trauma. they find unique methods of contact with this dog. they find some personal characteristics that specifically give the child the opportunity to withstand this situation, in addition to helping children, yuhu also sends humanitarian, medical
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, military aid to ukraine, works with hospitals in pro-front zones of ukraine to prepare them to accept a large number of patients in the event of large-scale shelling ukrainian society of doctors of north america uman in illinois before the full-scale invasion was mostly involved in medical education held joint conferences with ukrainian doctors exchanged experience after february 24 volunteers mostly american doctors of ukrainian origin are changing direction activities and begin to send expensive and hard-to-reach medical equipment, medicine, to the ukrainian hospital anesthetic machines, surgical light, staplers for suturing wounds, drowning syringes and rare antibiotics in the combat zone, when the alarm goes off, the surgical department must evacuate to the basement and perform operations there, for this you need a light that moves, which you can take with you for comparison, an anesthetic machine in the middle of the ears costs about 100,000 dollars, volunteers turn to those hospitals themselves with a request to allocate for charity
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to ukraine necessary equipment during the war , there is something, i will find something. i know that it is very necessary there, for example, a stapler for suturing the lungs for such uh wounds, so, so, for me, like christmas, i also opened the package and found something that i know is very, very necessary. i even immediately write to the surgeons on whatsapp there, he tells them to look what i found, you will have it in two weeks, and this is such a moment that they are happy and we are happy, and we thank everyone who sends this. dental facilities to serve people volunteers in my illinois will say if they were able to save even one life. their work is worth long shifts and sleepless nights
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. they say they are ready to continue doing it until the ukrainian victory. at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, ukraine brought 55 seriously wounded soldiers from ukraine to the usa for treatment and rehabilitation. its founder is a former ukrainian athlete . iryna dceva vashchuk was shocked by the fact that what losses ukraine is suffering and what injuries in the military, and looking at our medical system, it was simply unreal, the medical system was not ready absolutely before the acceptance of such injuries and the idea arose, i think maybe okay and of course i will give the money $ 1,000, there or $ 2,000, we will collect it and give it to a person who, for example, was burned by 60%. recovery is shorter saving infected wounded limbs to prevent amputation iryna vashchuk tells what is chosen for the treatment of wounded
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men and women whom the ukrainian medical system can no longer help servicemen get these infections which are very difficult to remove in ukraine, not all antibiotics are suitable if fixationists work in america and it is completely led by a person, what is the infection, how to introduce samples, different directions, different antibiotics that can fight this infection , this is the least that here in the diaspora, we ukrainian americans, ukrainians can make a sauce pot of charity events, concerts, auctions , evenings, agree on the treatment of the military with hospitals across the country in the united states even before the full-scale invasion, the player ukraine founded a rehabilitation center in ukraine in the city of irpin for the rehabilitation of wounded people with
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spinal injuries to work for the formation of civil society , to train specialists and fight corruption, the founders of the public organization new ukraine from san francisco, california , set themselves such an ambitious goal when we were formed after the maidan. is our mission, but now this mission has become even shorter to help the ukrainians , at the beginning of the full-scale invasion , the organization suddenly expanded greatly and created la for the areas of activity: supplying ukraine with medical supplies, helping with the evacuation of people, rescuing animals, rebuilding destroyed housing, supporting small businesses, the uniqueness of new ukraine, their access to rich technology companies in the silicon war and the opportunity to collect generous donations , microsoft visited and made a very fiery speech after which microsoft raised the sword, that is, on every stador that
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their workers donated danyla ukraine microsoft joked several times more than zhek still this is the former author, he wrote a check for a million dollars, we see thanks from people who we give them food we give them e -e medicines we somehow help them continue their lives but in fact, probably the most important thing is to give them hope that they are not alone and they remember and they are needed life goes on and this. we leave some faith in victory. after that, we understand that it 's not just a public organization . since the beginning of the war in 2014, we have been engaged in humanitarian aid to ukraine after the full-scale invasion, when
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many other organizations appeared in the united states together. decides to strengthen the direction of defending ukrainian interests in the usa both among ordinary americans and among politicians , we do everything we can to help people in washington who decide how to help ukraine in the office of advocacy for ukraine there are four teams, the first research and policy team they investigate what priorities they have politicians are here in washington and our organizations conduct briefings on various topics , for example, the attitude in washington to the wagner group or the chances of declaring russia a sponsor of terrorism, this information later use all of our other teams in their advocacy work and in the dissemination of messages within the us organization volunteers work with the committees on national security intelligence foreign affairs armed forces in the senate and in the house of representatives contact legislators from both parties democratic republican we meet with congressmen and senators or staff their offices and convince them why
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us aid to ukraine is very important, we are talking about more weapons for ukraine, faster logistics and sanctions to weaken the possibilities russians in this war, they are trying to get the usa to recognize wagner's group as a foreign terrorist organization , to have russia's invasion of ukraine recognized only as genocide , and also to convince american lawmakers to support the decision to recognize russia in general as a state sponsor of terrorism . everything is possible to contact the representatives of the american authorities and provide them with the information they need in order to better understand what is happening in ukraine about the brutal crimes committed by russia and how they can help and the more all of us ukrainians around the world will be in contact with their government, the more success ukraine will achieve, however, the main one mykola
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murskyi calls the victory of ukraine iryna matviychuk dmytro savchuk voice of america did you watch the program of the ukrainian voice of america service when i was there nataliya leonova have a peaceful night and a peaceful morning. congratulations, now i will tell you about a very difficult story of the search for a boy who disappeared abroad, who eventually, fortunately, managed to be found, and this situation once again proves that even for under the most difficult circumstances, there is always a chance to find a missing child. so, we are talking about eleven-year-old oleg karagin with a report about the disappearance of his grandson. the boy's grandmother contacted the hotline of the child tracing service. the woman said that her grandson had recently lived with his father in poland, and at the end of december, the boy's father

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