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tv   [untitled]    March 1, 2023 6:30am-7:01am EET

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[000:00:00;00] of this region and if we talk about returning to the situation around bakhmut in your opinion and how much longer can the russians attack our positions with such intensity you know, i will tell you honestly it is a mystery because uh, from a military point of view, to break through the defense for six months and reach simply the results of some minimal results are not total, such losses do not make any military sense, but the enemy continues to press on these positions, continues to carry out attacks on this settlement and, uh, it is connected, you know, with political decision, we see that the kremlin regime does not count on losses, it is trying to achieve some political result
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, therefore, from a military point of view, it is very difficult to assess the expediency of such losses for the enemy and the expediency of capturing this particular city. operations, we destroy the enemy who moves there and in this way we weaken his pressure on other areas of the front . yes, it is very difficult for us, yes, we also lose, but these losses, well, for today hmm, it is difficult to say the language, i do not return to say justified, but this is a war and they allow us to actively act and focus on other areas of the front, from serhiy, until the meeting, one clarification about other areas of the front , now, supporting such an intensity of the offensive in the direction of bakhmut, the russians are using forces from deep in their rear are they transferring them from other directions because , well, they also don’t have an endless flow of people and equipment. can we expect that in the coming months certain sections of the front which
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hold the russians will be weakened due to the continuation of this politically motivated attack on bakhmut, well, we are actually talking about it, actually we are talking about it, i will tell you even from a strategic point of view, you remember the statements of our military leadership regarding the threat of an attack by the russian occupiers from belarus or from the northern directions, to date, we are already observing, well, according to the data of the belarusian army, at least the second echelon within a week is leaving belarus precisely for the rostov region on the strengthening of the eastern direction of the russian occupiers, that is, the strengthening of the donetsk direction, and this indicates that they are unable to concentrate a sufficient number of troops on various areas of the front and are forced to maneuver . thus, the heroic defense with bahmut actually saves kyiv, saves the north of ukraine from possible attacks enemy in the near future, we want to touch on one more topic with you, panic in russia over the past day , unknown unmanned aerial vehicles attacked infrastructure facilities at once in
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several remote regions of the federation yes, last night two drones exploded on the territory of the ros nift oil depot in krasnodar krai, despite the statement of the authorities about the alleged insignificant consequences of the incident, in the video photos published by local internet resources, large-scale destruction can be seen , and on the evening of february 28 in yeysk-krasnodar krai, local internet resources reported about explosions, smoke and fire near the airfield, although video was shot, sirens were heard, however, the local authorities declared that nothing happened, they say that military tactical exercises are taking place in the city, we will remind you in kyiv is the base of the military aviation, which strikes in the east and south of ukraine, that 40 km from the border with ukraine last night, the wreckage of unmanned aerial vehicles was discovered. before that, there were sounds of explosions in the city . the mayor of belgorod, valentyn demidov, said that one of the drones allegedly flew into the window of an apartment.
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another witness claims he hit a supermarket, causing a fire, mr. serhiy , let's analyze what russia says , nothing actually happened, like lukashenko, when they were distributed by plane a 50 they said in connection with internal state of affairs, but all the same, a number of microfactors, if analyzed, point to the fact that the internal state of affairs is such that 50 of you were hit by drones, i was informed about this by belarusian partisans, and there , in particular, even one person was declared wanted. territories are hit by drones in russia why the krasnodar territory because it can be reached or is there also a good story about what will cause panic anywhere in russia, well actually if we talk like that from a military point of view
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of order, the belgorod region it borders with ukraine from the belgorod service area, shelling of our territory is carried out, so the strikes are carried out. i would say that the test strikes make sense as far as the esk is concerned. in addition to the e-e air base, there is another interesting object of hitting in which in which or reaching which also poses a certain threat to the russian federation. well, tuapse. that is, it is a demonstrative strike or well, in principle, a demonstrative strike does not matter how it was inflicted on the base that already provides the needs of the black sea fleet, and not in the crimea region, but already in the region of the north caucasus, that is, i would say yes, in addition to this, we must also talk about certain sirens that sound constantly in the crimea , that is, in this way, we are talking about demonstrative or, i would say, even test possibilities for the use of various let me talk about what is possibly being tested. yes, we are still here. perhaps it is worth mentioning st. petersburg, the day before moscow. you have already mentioned the crimea
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. it is appropriate to mention the situation in the crimea. i wish it wasn't like it was in august, because it was tough in august. this is just an application, yes, accordingly , if testing is taking place. the framework, well, the nearest time is today, for example, because you understand , there is such a concept as research and research design work, which includes, among other things, field testing and testing in real conditions, that is, these works take a certain amount of time, and even the wreckage found in the belgorod area can be a confirmation of various options .
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for several weeks in the last month of this year, when we hear that the armed forces of ukraine have repelled 80 and so the enemy, as it manifests itself, who counts, that is, taking into account the fact that mobile small groups of the enemy are currently operating, this is there may be an attack of fifty people, please explain this moment , well, including, you need to understand the different scales of such actions of assault groups, that is, it is about both an attack on an observation point of the ukrainian defense forces and an attack on some company, not a strong point or an attempt to break through defensive positions battalion level well, as a rule, today we are talking about small groups, that is, the enemy uses such wave tactics, that is, one position can repel from three to five attacks, and up to 10 attacks on the day of independence from the intensity of hostilities in one direction or another. thank you, mr. serhiy, serhiy, a military expert from grab, was in
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direct contact with us. and further on the air, a brief overview of the news , the most difficult winter in the history of ukraine is behind us, the risks that threatened the work of the utility system and the energy industry during this period were unprecedented after the autumn together with the armed forces of the russian federation, the russian regime made a bet on the destruction of facilities critically important for life support, power plants, power grids , boiler houses, infrastructure of gas and water supply, etc., however, the enemy did not succeed turn off the light and heat to ukraine against air defense destroyed most of the enemy's missiles and the damaged critical infrastructure managed to be promptly repaired another threat was connected with a possible shortage of gas and extremely high prices for it , however fuel from own production and reserves in underground storages was enough to go through the cold season what as for prices, on february 28 , the price of gas on the ukrainian market
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fell below uah 20,000 per thousand cubic meters for the first time in a year and a half, so we can say that winter has arrived we congratulate you on spring fuel in ukraine continues to become cheaper according to the call-salting group a-95 during the past week the price of gasoline at gas stations has decreased . hryvnias to the dollar, as well as surplus resources both in ukraine and in the european countries from where we import fuel. currently, it can be said that the sanctions against russian oil products introduced by the european union on february 5 did not lead to to the shortage of fuel and the jump in prices in march, the situation will remain stable, the price increase is not forecasted that the office of the organization for economic cooperation and development of ukraine will start working in kyiv from today
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, the eusr together have already achieved results, particularly in the anti-corruption field, noted prime minister denys shmyhal, it is also expected that the eusr will play a leading role role in the recovery of ukraine, the opening of an office in the ussr will allow us to effectively exchange experience in matters of post-war recovery, the implementation of reforms, the formation of state policies we expect that the ysr will be one of the drivers of the plan for the reconstruction of ukraine, railway workers whose work during wartime helps to bring victory closer, noted the chairman of the supreme council , ruslan stefanchuk, presented the awards and awarded the entire staff of the ukrainian
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railways with a certificate for their services to the ukrainian people in the operational wagons, deputies from the main fronts, which is you are the ones who provide the front and those who provide them , you are the link, you are the link of the vital activities of our state, that's why i want to thank you, i want to thank the leader, i want to wish you good health, let everything be successful and let the train of our victory pass through ukraine as soon as possible, the russian regime and its leadership will be punished , president volodymyr zelenskyi said in his address, he emphasized that russia's genocidal policy against the ukrainian people will definitely have legal consequences and this is not an empty sound, the rule of law and the power of the international court of justice are what will be one of the guarantees of punishing those guilty of crimes against ukraine and the security of the future, confident
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president roman edrev, international lawyer associate professor of the department of international law of the taras shevchenko kyiv national university is in touch with us , mr. roman, let's hear the president's address right away , we showed it on our broadcast, let's immediately comment on the phrase about approaching the opening of the international office of the international criminal court and the president singled out specific crimes of the russian federation, what processes are currently being discussed, well , look, international law knows four types of international crimes, this is the crime of aggression , crimes against humanity, war crimes and crime of genocide, in our opinion, the russian federation and its servicemen above the military and political leadership have committed all four of these international crimes. and here is our task to ensure the responsibility of the representatives of the russian federation for each of these types of crimes. here there is
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a problem that is really necessary different tracks for different types of crimes, the crime of genocide is one of the most difficult in proving international crimes, we need to prove genocidal intent that the crime is committed specifically against a national, ethnic, religious or racial groups in our context, we can talk about a national group or an ethnic group, the crime of genocide can be considered by the international criminal court, but there is still a lot of work to be done to convince the prosecutors of the international criminal court that this crime was committed on the territory of ukraine. crimes against humanity and war crimes are clearly an international criminal court , cooperation is already underway, a large number of icc prosecutors cooperate with the office of
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the prosecutor general of ukraine and document crimes after a full-scale invasion, we will also agree on an initial investigation , so initially the procedure, but the case will move quickly, i am sure, and there remains a fourth international crime, the crime of aggression, where we need to create a special tribunal for aggression, because the international criminal court does not have jurisdiction to consider this international crime, due to its special and legal nature, is especially complex, therefore we are talking about the creation of a special tribunal in one of the possible
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organizational and legal forms offered by what ukraine offers to its allied states is either a tribunal created in accordance with an international treaty, an open international treaty with as many participating states as possible, or an international judicial body called a tribunal created in accordance with an agreement between the un secretary general and ukraine, or a variant of a hybrid court yes , according to the law of ukraine, but with the involvement of international judges, international prosecutors and the location of this hybrid court outside of ukraine, each of the ways is possible, but each of these ways requires a lot of work from the diplomatic service of ukraine from the law enforcement agencies of ukraine, this is the same work because when we talk about a tribunal created under national jurisdiction, we understand, speaking in the national marathon with experts, that it will not be so good for
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ukraine than an international one special tribunal directly, which will have a much greater international reaction. and you said that the crime of aggression cannot be prosecuted by the international criminal court, but there are some experts who propose to make changes to the roman statute and they say that then it will be permissible for the international criminal court to prosecute russia for the crime of aggression. do you agree with this or not with this possible option? to be honest, i do not believe in the political will of the member states of the rome statute at the moment that they will make changes to the rome statute. watch history in 1998, the rome statute was adopted, but it did not contain the definition of aggression, the definition of aggression appeared only in 2010, that is, changes are possible, but it is a very long process and i am not
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sure that ukraine has time to wait for completion of this process. therefore, we need to create a separate international judicial body. it is absolutely correct to think that the hybrid format will really cause more questions than answers, including the russian federation, which will begin to claim that this is a court of the winners over the losers, but the hybrid format is actually still better than not to create any international tribunal . therefore , ukraine faces a very difficult choice, and if at some point we feel that there is not a sufficient number of votes , for example, in the un general assembly for the creation of such a tribunal under the auspices of the un will have to go in other ways with the sole purpose of bringing the top
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military and political leadership to justice, but now you see, we have the next resolution of the general assembly of the united nations, we see that support is not decreasing , we see that the issue of responsibility for international crimes are mentioned in the text of the resolution, but this is the next step anyway. i am convinced that our diplomats feel wonderful how many votes are in support of such they can receive the resolution and if ukraine does not insist on this step , then it means that more time is needed for diplomatic work to convince our state communities. it is clear. thank you . we continue the topic of the so-called cotton in russia , we will talk about several more regions in the republic
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of adygea in the caucasus in the area of ​​the village of nove, on the night of february 28, explosions were heard, and later there were two craters with a diameter of approximately 2 m and the wreckage of an uninstalled aircraft were discovered in the suburbs of moscow, 100 m from the voskersensk gas compressor station, which belongs to gazprom , a drone was found, the explosion did not occur during its fall, the regional authorities made reassuring statements about this, saying that the local residents were fine an imminent emergency occurred yesterday morning in the airspace over st. petersburg , the airfield has regimentally stopped receiving and sending planes, a plan was implemented carpets that are announced in case of appearance in in the air of unknown objects, fighter jets rose into the sky allegedly to intercept the great uav, however, later the authorities stated that this was training , meanwhile, the russians may launch a new massive missile attack on us
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within the next two days, warned nataliya humenyuk, the head of the press center of the operational command, the south can testify to the preparation for it the activity of the russian aviation in the last few days, the terms that the enemy withstood from the past massive attack and the development carried out with the help of drones, trying to check the readiness and power of our air defense system, let's talk more about it with igor romanenko, retired lieutenant general, founder of the charity fund for the crimea, the sky of ukraine , congratulations igor i congratulate you, it is also clear that the threat of missile strikes from the russian federation, unfortunately, has not yet become but do you really observe from your side that the russians are preparing for shelling, this was also said on february 24, but we did not
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observe it in those days. you can notice note their activation of the use of unmanned aerial vehicles and shot down our anti-flood defense means up to five all night, in addition, the number of naval means in the black sea that they put on duty is increasing. and in general , they have opportunities even before volleys using somewhere up to 40 calibers, this is necessary also take into account, in addition, taking into account the fact that they angered their strategic bombers, such as the tu-160 and the 95 ms, these are aerial platforms from which modern high-precision 101 missiles are launched
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ha 555, then the probability remains that they will be used worse with ground complexes as launchers, such for them. it is clear how iskander is small, but the overall number of missiles is slow, but they can be produced due to the fact that the enterprises of the industrial complex are transferred to military rails, although it does not have the opportunity to do this in full, and therefore production is, according to their optimistic forecasts , 40-50 missiles per month, that is, the situation for them in terms of the use of missiles is much worse, but they have such opportunities, and that is why we must be vigilant and carry out alarm signals . well, our means in general, anti-aircraft defense
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, will do their job to destroy the targets of the enemy air force. if we talk about that night when there was an air alarm when the shaheds were flying, and we talk about exactly the racket tactics of behavior russians, it is changing for you, that is, these small groups of shaheds were initially many , is it due to a shortage? with you, they made the number of its reduction, then it remains precisely the unmanned aerial vehicles among the komikaze people or the protective shells that they use, and the changes that can take place here, who are you? what will the iranians provide a more modern new
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generation of this kind of unmanned aerial vehicles, that is, if the chess some they used the 136th, this type is from 20 to 40 thousand dollars, then the more modern chess 129-131 in ours, it is already a new generation, they are not richly produced by iran so far, but hmm , in fact, according to the data of foreign developments homes that will still begin to be transferred to the russians, and this is a small number, but there are opportunities of this kind, as for those who use our means of anti-flood defense, it means that they have learned to knock them down , the effectiveness is quite significant, so here is, especially, a summary of the fact that we
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are receiving new means of anti-flood defense yet these are not anti-aircraft missile complexes with anti-missile capabilities that our servicemen are training for, they mean patriot-3 , the americans and germans provide batteries, and we also expect franco-italian ones or the mamba this is primarily important for us because we will have the ability to fight missiles, so, well , we will hear about the probability, possibly the probability of new shelling. later , natalya humenyuk will be live on our air , the head of the joint coordination process of the defense of southern ukraine, the captain of the first rank well and in the meantime, the training of ukrainian air defense specialists on petriv systems will soon be completed, the training course is taking place in the usa in the state of oklahoma, and the equipping of the first battery in ukraine
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, the patriot, is nearing the finish line, reported general douglas sims, also the general, noted that since january, more than a thousand ukrainians have trained the american military, and a total of 4,000 during the year, mr. ihor and here is a patriot, when we will finally see them in ukraine. what effect can we expect, well, the question is obvious, although at the same time when the irish appeared inasambs, we saw recently in the e-e answer the commander of the air force who said that 10 out of 10 hits are definitely true, but i want to say that the fight against missiles is especially ballistic, and this type of missile, the iskander m, is ballistic winged, but they have ballistics, and we already know the kinozhal, and this year, at the beginning of the year, they put zircon missiles on combat duty - they are from submarines, and the first ship that went on
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duty has a long range and even more speed. that is, all these rockets have the ability to maneuver not on the final trajectory of their flight, and this is even taking into account the modern complex is well, let's say complex targets, although from what we saw from the characteristics of the capabilities of both the patriot and those themselves, they should work and the anti-aircraft missile considering the fact that it is difficult for us to learn any technique very quickly and then we see effective application, i am optimistic about this. i understand correctly that so far we wanted to be optimistic. as you just emphasized this, but we look at the theory that the patriots will work
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against ballistic missiles and the russian federation, in practice, it seems that there was no such application, the second was used by the americans in the war in russia and they shot down the soviet missiles that were in service with the arab armed forces. and as for the so it will be the first, probably, er, such a combat test, a test, not that it does not check how directly participating in hostilities, therefore, it will be such a confrontation , er, not easy. hypersonic ballistics in the first place well, but we can talk about the fact that the manufacturers and countries that supply these weapons for
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ukraine are interested in the effectiveness of their work well, because this will then present them on the international arms market, it is definitely necessary without illusions, clearly decide on the fact that, despite the great help provided by our allies with the participation of their respective companies of the industrial complex, these campaigns see an interest in the fact that their equipment is shown to be defective in this war if something any shortcomings are revealed to eliminate them to improve and be effective including earning money on sales then around the world and this takes place in the campaigns of the american and french italian in
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the case of these systems thank you for that ihor romanenko, the general and the founder of the charity fund, we will close the sky of ukraine, joined our broadcast this morning. he was with us live and at the end of the hour at the beginning of the week, level a against the euro strengthened by 21 kopecks to 38 hryvnias, 61 kopecks , these indicators were published by the national bank of ukraine the official exchange rate of the hryvnia to the dollar remained unchanged at 36 hryvnias 57 kopecks , we note that the value of the currency at the exchange points is higher than the exchange rates of the nbu, so the dollar can now be purchased for 39 hryvnias, and for the euro you will have to pay 41 hryvnias, 30 kopecks further we pass the word to our colleagues olena morozov with


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