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tv   [untitled]    March 1, 2023 4:00am-4:31am EET

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[000:00:00;00] walking means life, but for me these are the same things, i do not distinguish between the lives of svoboda after i passed in the basements of donetsk, this is a war for survival , the western world is only beginning to realize the real scale of the threat but we do not have time to wait, we need faster action in every region of ukraine, of course, ukrainians will fight, it is very important that all your countries and people support us, but it is also important that when you return home, you will tell your people and politicians that the struggle continues because we need your support and weapons as soon as possible we need to win as soon as possible russia is running out of steam and wants to return to a hybrid war they benefit
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from a protracted war probably putin is pinning his hopes on a war of attrition i think now he understands that he cannot win that is why he is playing at attrition so the challenge for us is to so as not to allow this to become the dominant narrative i think that with enough support from the west ukraine can win for this ukraine needs long-range artillery as soon as possible aviation and tanks the help of modern weapons will not lead to an escalation in russia and that applies to everything it has, we see that the whole world supports ukraine and when we ask for tanks, long-range artillery or planes, we never hear no, we only see delays in the supply of ukraine ukraine i am convinced if we give weapons which ukraine is asking for are long-range missiles, which also have a range of 300 km, in the appropriate amount, not a hundred, but at least 300, and modern military
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aircraft, which in 16 ukraine can break through the russian defense in three or four months, there is no point in guessing putin's plans, because he has already lost, it is worth thinking about what to do with russia after the defeat, the collapse of russia will create a new post-war reality, the fermentation of russia has already begun, it began on february 24 , dear friends, as at one time, the fragmentation of the ussr began on march 2, 1989. yes , the fermentation of russia began on february 24, 22, it will definitely happen and you won't have the opportunity to keep the situation under control , i won't have the opportunity to keep you there, rely on putin, god, all processes take place according to completely different laws. believe me, it will happen, and you need to prepare for it. keep in mind that the country of russia
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, as it exists today, will not exist for the next 3-5-7 years. the diplomatic victory of ukraine and the complete failure of russia . at the end of the week, the un assembly adopted a very important resolution calling on russia to immediately and unconditionally withdraw its troops. from ukraine, from all captured territories, including crimea, for the sake of a comprehensive, fair and sustainable peace in ukraine, what is important is that the basis of the document was the formula of president zelenskyi's peace, and moscow did not like it very much who wanted to derail the resolution on the ukrainian resolutions with her own hands, but the world did not buy into this trick, out of 193 members of the un , 141 countries supported ukraine, 32 abstained against the resolution, only seven actually russia , the belorussian gdr, syria, eritrea, malita, nicaragua
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, putin has a good campaign, what is the importance of the resolution, because it is clear that it is not a decree for putin himself, it is a signal to everyone else that even after a year of full-scale war, the world is still on the side of ukraine, and not only the measure on the ukrainian resolution was supported by powerful countries of the global rooster such as brazil, argentina, chile, egypt, saudi arabia, singapore, that is, the vote breaks the kremlin narrative that in this war our ally is only the west. although there is still room to move. who to work with, for example , india and china abstained during the vote , the latter generally rolled out on the anniversary of the great invasion his so-called peace plan, what is behind it or not, will these ringleaders play along with putin , who this week delivered a message to the federal assembly, who were
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the kremlin's signals aimed at, oksana analyzed the scenario china's butler's new game for peace will include a new project, what does beijing's peace plan mean for kyiv? china will start supplying russia with some weapons . putin 's nuclear threat. simply incredible attention was paid to the peace plan of china , which after a year of war in ukraine decided to enter the game, but what kind of game is it acceptable for kyiv and what role is assigned to moscow in it, let's start with events in russia, where did the adviser go, and where did everyone expect a sensation from putin , because he did not address the federal assembly for almost two years, we are just afraid to talk about it , well, the fact is that russians listened to the dictator's message from almost every corner and thought that he would at least
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announce a general mobilization. i also got a job it's more convenient with popcorn. listen for almost an hour and a half. but so far, apart from the well-worn narratives about uh, neo-nazis in secret biolaboratories and everything they are twisting the west, nothing new is absolutely crazy. and only at the end, putin seems to have released the main state the thesis of your long speech today that russia is suspending its participation in the treaty on strategic offensive violations, in essence, russia has closed its nuclear arsenal from us inspection, first they talked about a new cold war and a nuclear arms race, and what this loud statement by putin really means, first it is not possible to suspend participation in the contract, you can only withdraw from it, that is, to terminate it formally for the second time. this contract has not been implemented for at least
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three years because the american inspections did not inspectors are going to russia, russians are going to the united states. putin himself was unusually public this week, appearing almost every day at a concert in luzhniki, shaking hands with everyone present on the stage, and pomolodetski , he stirred up the audience. putin, who lazily read from papers about the speech before the federal assembly, did not notice, was he lazy , two completely different people, the morphology of the face is absolutely different, everything else is the real putin, if you listen to all the speeches of the real putin he has been coughing constantly for 7 months, the real putin does not shake anyone's hand, he is afraid for his health, the dictator met with ra and until recently was the main chinese diplomat, wang
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is the most dear to the president of the prc, so that general phrases about strong friendship were echoed in public, although maybe he brought her to moscow xi jinping's peace plan, the text of the peace plan, the chinese foreign ministry extended 12 points to the anniversary of the russian invasion of ukraine , if it was shortened for world peace, calls for a cease-fire, negotiations, the nuclear taboo, the abolition of anti-russian sanctions against ukraine, within what limits that with the russian troops, the conflict is frozen without answers . so why did china, which remained silent for a year of the war, suddenly enter the political arena ? is an important part in the solution of international problems , it just began to look absolutely
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experts immediately spoke that this plan is not about a plan, but primarily a message for the main geopolitical rival of the united states of union, in fact, with the student state of america ago that for him and russia and ukraine it is only a chessboard and these are the pieces of our wave board where they play with their key partner and adversary of the united states of america , the president of the reference to american development reported that china plans to help russia with weapons to begin with allegedly preparing a batch of drones kamikaze that there is no evidence of this and by the way in the summer i had a long conversation about it all i said look it's not a threat it's just a statement and if there is evidence biden promises a response probably sanctions it
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something that china avoided in every possible way throughout the year, because its main markets are the usa, half of chinese foreign trade is the united states and western europe, the russian economy in chinese foreign trade is 3%, even 2%. china pragmatically cannot exchange 50% for two, and what beijing is taking now, pragmatism or increasing geopolitical influence is another explanation why china has become more active right now. russia today is much closer to defeat than it was a year ago or even six months ago, and the defeat of russia for the chinese people's party the republics are well, far from an ideal scenario for people's relations, because they will actually leave china one on one, not just united states, but with the entire west of russia, they
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met with putin a year ago during the olympics in beijing, shortly before the beginning of the great russian invasion of ukraine on this year, china made good money from russia by buying cheap oil and gas, and the possible economic profit is still far from exhausted, and you understand that now there is a unique situation when it is possible to stretch russia as much as possible, and they are already they take advantage of the fact that they buy oil at a huge discount, the fact that they now have the opportunity to buy gold and crime in baskets, uh, i thought that in principle , they will continue to uh, try this chokehold on the neck of the russian federation, keep enough space , there is enough space in russia. congratulations and a few of controversial issues, putin's nuclear threats contradict the deterrence policy of sisinpin, in addition to that issue, and ivaniv for china is at odds with moscow's occupation policy in ukraine
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, he supported any seizure of territory , it does not matter where it is kosovo, crimea, so that it is not was from both sides, both the west and russia, precisely because it has its own sore points that are subject to doubt in this case, in this case, it is too much to support moscow. vitay absolutely does not need a strong russia, but he needs it as a kind of weakened world that will be forced to play along -e china in these upcoming games, so when we talk about china's peace plan for ukraine, this is not a question of tomorrow and it is a question of maybe not even 2023 in ukraine. china's peace plan is still
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being studied, president zelenskyi sees in it rather, thoughts out loud and several positions, for example, on territorial integrity or nuclear security are quite good , which means that dialogue can theoretically be the main thing that china started talking about ukraine oksana dvoretska ictv facts of the week - the only news we are strong in our fight for that is even stronger in the unity of the unity of the whole world hand in hand side by side at the same table here is ukraine and freedom today with us from dozens of political stands europe and america democratic countries of all continents
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sports and cultural community hello i am business and i in ukraine support come to ukraine we spent with mr. president of the united states of america in ukraine help give weapons give hope for a prosperous future our land and we will definitely win for the sake of the freedom of our people and world peace with us the whole world energoprom begins with you houses today , millions of old lamps consume more than a gigabyte per wall of energy every day, replacing them will strengthen the energy front, the eu aid program allows ukrainians to exchange five incandescent lamps for free in the modern economy in to any branch of the ukrposhta to be guaranteed to receive the armor of the lamp, the application of actions, would replace it, add energy to our country, light it together with one second , go get it in the history of the legend, this is a masterpiece
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simply because everything is unique from birth, weighing 500, she is beautiful until the last minute, as if on the funeral pyre of a close friend the plane that captured the hearts of the whole world , here is another 8 m of wingspan in debt, later the planes were even dedicated and which will definitely be rebuilt, will rise from the ashes, let's start working, the dream must happen the documentary project wings of dreams by lyudmila gavrylyuk today at 21:30 and now i will show you where the attack on belarus was being prepared
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, but this is not a fake map of lukashenka, but a very real plan for the occupation of belarus, which was developed in the kremlin, there are even deadlines for the final annexation, 2030 is a secret year the document fell into the hands of the journalists of the dossier center, it is called the strategic goals of the russian federation in the belarusian direction , the implementation of the plan will take place under the banner of the union state, although in fact it is banal absorption because everything belarusian must gradually become russian refusal of science education culture to laws that need to be rewritten and also the kremlin plans to establish complete control over the information space of belarus well and play its favorite game called passportization , i.e. handing out russian passports to locals in order to obviously protect them later. does he know about lukashenko obviously knows this plan. another question is whether he supports it or sabotages it not because of his love
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for belarus, simply taking over will mean the loss of personal power, maybe that's why next week, lukashenko flies to china to bow to china, so that beijing can loosen the iron grip of moscow over the years, or negotiate a place for himself under the chinese umbrella in the new architecture of the world order, what will it be like after the defeat of russia, why has the west finally changed its rhetoric to victorious, and will it help ukraine to win already this year, maksym krapovnyi had a unique opportunity to ask influential world experts about this: the security of our world is how it will change in 2023. china, india and turkey are not what they support they do not interfere with russia, or will zayasya manage to cross the borders of 1991 already this year, when we are ready to become allies, they will accept the time frames that will define ukraine and
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end a full-scale war, it is absolutely obvious that putin will fight until one of two things happens forecasts from world experts, how the participants of the munich security conference see our future, how to negotiate with russia 8 previous years after the occupation of crimea and donbas, at the munich security conference , this is what was discussed for the first time this year another rhetoric, how to defeat russia and what to do with it next without gray areas and half-tones, after a year of hesitation and calls to putin, the usa and most of the eu members began to talk about one key scenario victory on the battlefield , for this it is necessary to arm ukraine so that it can return the borders 91
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it is absolutely obvious that putin will fight until one of two things happens. he will achieve on the battlefield what he planned or he will lose on the battlefield. i don't think there will be any negotiations for an agreement. i think that this will be a critical year, this year must become critical in the context of arms supplies, because it depends on it. the major counteroffensive of the armed forces of ukraine during 2022. ukraine step by step unblocked the arrival of various types of weapons, starting with javelins and ending with tanks, but only planes remained. the history of western arms supplies to ukraine looks like a no-no and then ukraine will receive fighter jets . it will only be a question of how to establish cooperation with partners and a view of how ukraine will protect its airspace, but when
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exactly will the armed forces of ukraine receive everything necessary to expel the enemy troops have some kind of consensus regarding the time frames for the great counter-navy ukraine. when it can happen, when we are ready, they will accept this time, then the allies will accept the time frames that will determine ukraine, and we will determine them, taking into account the availability of the necessary weapons and brigades , american generals are greater in their in the forecasts, they explain that the counteroffensive depends not only on armor and aviation ; the counteroffensive most depends on the uvenkit , the planes are a bunch of special equipment and electronic means, means of communication, logistics ammunition, medicines. i believe that the armed forces can be provided with all this at the beginning of the summer if the big counteroffensive starts
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in the summer. does this mean that the war in ukraine will end by the end of this year? this optimistic scenario would be realized if the global security architecture depended only on the western world. everything is not so simple, the world security order will be different because we have a new superpower, china and countries such as india and turkey, which also want such a status, and here the question arises how to establish new relations in the world between states china's so-called peace initiatives give several great forces, most experts consider them not as a desire for peace in ukraine , but as an opportunity to strengthen its geopolitical positions and weaken the leadership of the united states, because by wearing the false guise of a peacemaker, beijing will be mastered by an allegedly belligerent washington politician who advocates the defeat of russia on the battlefield tea, india, china, india and turkey do not support russia, they do not interfere with it. they wanted to be in this war in
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the event that ukraine definitely loses because of the relations of the west with the global south and the victory of ukraine over russia is directly related in the context of what the new world order will be, simply put, everyone in the west understands that if putin is allowed to win or at least not lose, all world security will fall like dominoes, because a precedent will be set in a world on the verge of a truly tectonic break, this forced nato to look at the world security order in a completely different way, and tatiana is on the verge of making it possible for nato to be unified with the exception of some countries such as hungary and turkey, but i think that now we need to rethink our military efficiency and the production of weapons will not be the task for 2023; political unity; military efficiency
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; another challenge that the civilized world will face in 2023 is the exclusion of russia from global security; radical changes are needed there, we are preparing a diploma , this is a process, of course in this matter the west and the global south will once again pull the strings, but then there is an even more urgent question that what to do with russia when it loses, with whom to negotiate in a nuclear state and build regional relations, there is no other option than to return to the cold war after the defeat of russia, to the policy of containment, i don't think there are any options for agreements with putin, we have to contain russian power until there will be no internal changes in russia, this strategy worked during the cold war and it took tens of years, but what kind of internal changes in russia can we talk about ?
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must include the complete liberation of the ukrainian territories up to sevastopol, including the payment of reparations and the creation of a tribunal for war criminals, it inevitably means a change of regime in russia, it must actually be the end of the empire, a new security order is being formed right now, just as it was formed during the first and second world wars will the victory of democracy be final this time or will it only free the overthrown autocrats, how will this year 2023 change the world , history is unfolding before our eyes from munich maxim krabivny - ictv facts of the week are the only news latvia will be ukraine's lawyer during the creation of a special tribunal for russia, this was announced by the vice-speaker of the verkhovna rada olena kondratyuk, this week i was on a working visit to this baltic country , i met with the president of latvia eggles levins, whom i thanked for his personal leadership in the issue of the creation of a special tribunal
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, discussed the legal mechanisms of the confiscation of russian assets with the latvian minister of justice, as well as the supply of weapons with the head of the ministry of defense and the visit of our heroes who are currently being treated and undergoing rehabilitation in latvia, a country that extremely powerfully supports ukraine as its baltic neighbors, on the anniversary of the full-scale invasion of russia, the prime minister of estonia, kayakala, said that her country is committed to helping ukraine win this war, and estonia is doing it so zealously that it simply amazes the world this is the gulf of finland is larger and part of it is the territorial waters of estonia and finland, but in the middle there is a narrow corridor of international waters that russia uses to st. petersburg to get into the baltic sea and then into the world ocean and in the reverse direction without restrictions on vessel inspections, do what you want, when you want
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, however, the estonians rummaged through the maritime laws and found a norm that allows them to clap this corridor in putin 's language. the fleet will arm itself and ukraine, as well as how it trains our fighters artem in the bullet they told everything and showed the exclusive facts of the week from estonia plan b for putin will the dictator open the baltic front most likely estonian intelligence got it certain data, how small estonia is preparing to confront the aggressor and why is it giving all its howitzers to ukraine, it can fire up to eight shots per minute, why did it escort the russian ambassador, hundreds of thousands of russian diplomats are spying on how it wants to slow down russian ships in the gulf of opin, this is actually half of the estonian fleet exclusive party of the week
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from the coast baltic sea suitcase station russia and the great diplomatic commotion in tallinn, the russian ambassador packed his things ahead of time and returned to moscow estonia following other baltic countries sharply took a course to lower diplomatic relations with the aggressor and it seems that this is only the beginning of the inscription 100 russian-estonian relations, which recently
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seem to have reached a boiling point . moscow and russia replied , let's lower diplomatic relations to the level of chargé d'affaires. the same thing happened to latvia. and in lithuania, which sent the russian ambassador even earlier, they called eu countries get rid of russian diplomats throughout europe, why did the baltic countries go into open reconciliation with russia, in an exclusive interview, the fact of the week is explained by the minister of foreign affairs of estonia, urbas reinsalu, code severo caseism, we have had several cases in the past when these people, protected by diplomatic immunity, were involved in cases that are in no way related to the vienna convention, there are hundreds of thousands of russian diplomats in western countries who spy, organize provocations and so on provocateurs from this un this diplomatic war and this is against the background of estonia's statement about the transfer of all its 155-mm howitzers to ukraine and here is the same
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training ground near tallinn where the ukrainian military is already training on them , fash70 howitzers were developed back in the 70s - these are time-tested artillery systems equipped with their own engine can move independently at a distance of up to 20 km and shoot even further up to 30 km, but one of the main advantages, the estonian artillerymen with 20 years of experience explains, is the absolute speed of these shots, the maximum system can fire up to eight shots per minute it depends on the professional level of the crew and the conditions in which it works and the maximum speed is the first three shots in 15-20 seconds and here is a video to confirm how such howitzers transferred to ukraine by western partners used to destroy the enemy on the front lines our logic is that the fewer russian tanks that can threaten us, the higher our
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security is. so we give you weapons because these 3,000 tanks - 6,000 armored vehicles and hundreds of helicopters and planes will no longer threaten us because they no longer exist so this is an investment in the security of estonia investment into i will put it in kivertsyakh estonia plays cases not only in the initiative to help ukraine, but in the isolation of russia bufinsky gulf through which the sports of the leningrad region and kronstadt are moving russian ships the country wants to lead the adjacent zone it can lie 24 ml from of the estonian coast and actually block the corridor of neutral waters that russia currently uses to transport contraband goods, in particular oil, as well as probably military equipment if this zone will be introduced estonia will have the right to inspect all russian civilian vessels, these may be environmental reasons, tax reasons, these


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