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tv   [untitled]    March 1, 2023 3:30am-4:01am EET

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[000:00:00;00] if we are going to fight, our children will defend theirs, thanks to you we saw how ordinary people become extraordinary heroes, how the hells of battle are born, new ukraine, the ukraine that you protect is our native friends, neighbors, colleagues , you were not always military, but you were always ukrainians, you are our pride and our hope we survived thanks to you we will win thanks to you together to victory smile look
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acquaintance the first flowers and stupid jokes in my head i scroll again these minutes hours and days we haven't met you for a long time we learned to read minds how you want just hug these minutes, hours and days, how can you just say i love the whole universe - it's you, son, daughter, mother, hug me, i love you, and that's why your blood can fight in the war . the ministry of health invites ukrainians to become blood donors.
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every healthy adult citizen of ukraine can become one or a foreigner with a residence permit, call the blood center in your city to find out about the need or register at the moment on the platforms or and plan to the nation today a year of full-scale war that is next when it is possible whether it is possible to end negotiations with putin. the revelations of the big press conference of president zelensky. the devil is not there somewhere. he is on the ground and in the light in kyiv and munich . putin will fight until
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one of the two things happens in the country. this has never happened in american history. how will he change it ? the situation, his historic speech in warsaw from poland is empty words, why such an announced eternal address of putin turned into a rant, he has no understanding of how to end the war with ukraine and what the new nuclear declaration means and also whose side he is on in fact, china is playing a unique situation when it is possible to strip russia as much as possible. why is beijing in its peace initiatives and do they have peace and a plan b for putin? will the dictator open the baltic front? this is actually half of estonia's fleet. exclusive facts of the week
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from the baltic sea coast. oksana sokolova and serhii gudimov dream of victorious ukrainians. facts of the week pick up the air of the national marathon with an analysis of the key events of the week. we will understand what is really happening and what we can expect next. february 24 is now forever a symbol of fierce resistance, the date when russia began a new countdown to its war against ukraine, then putin was completely sure that kyiv would fall in three days , the world was counting the weeks until our defeat, but the ukrainians stood steadfast day after day, month after month, showing the whole world what the true desire for freedom, the carnage unleashed by russia in ukraine became the bloodiest
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since the second world war, but cruelty will never overcome the will of free people and ukraine will never be a victory for russia, never so said us president joe biden this week, on the anniversary of the great war, in the midst of threats of a new offensive, he came to the very heart of a warring country, visited kyiv and poland, the greatest friend of ukraine, why is this visit called historic and how it can bring our victory closer, all details, symbols and statements of joe biden tracked valery chernenko's unprecedented visit to a warring country in 1946 has never happened in american history and his annual speech in warsaw on the anniversary of the russian invasion ukraine
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will never be defeated russia will never this means changes in the geopolitical game, this is a very powerful signal from president biden and what remained behind the scenes of the visit and in the usa exclusive facts of the week the royal castle of warsaw, a symbol of polish statehood, it was reborn from the ashes several times, but this week an event is taking place here that will affect history not only more joe biden's landmark visit and speech program will obviously affect the course of the war in ukraine, the future of europe and the next us presidential election, but i will start with a dry and powerful special operation, as the western media called it the beginning of this visit when kyiv stopped in huge traffic jams on monday morning, few could guess at what level the guest arrived in ukraine, the addresses of the podmykhailiv cathedral caused the effect of a bomb explosion, the 46th president of the usa, who until the last advertised only visiting poland, wandered the border of ukraine and
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arrived in the very heart of a warring country this is the first time in the history of non-biden in the history of the united states since the end of the 18th century when american presidents went to a combat zone where they are not deployed american troops were the first to do this in american history, but the leader of the most powerful country in the world, the main thing, like other western leaders of the bidens, got on a train in poland and for 10 hours , accompanied by american reconnaissance planes that circled along the border with ukraine, he went to kyiv because at this moment in the capital, the leitmotif of the entire visit was declared an alarm because a dagger bearer could fly into minsk. this is what
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the russians traditionally scare us with, but as we can see , it did not affect biden and he promised a new aid of half a billion dollars, however, the main thing, of course, is not the size of the amount, but the weight of the political support publicly declared to the world, a year has passed, and ukraine stands and democracy stands firm, america stands with you and the world helps you, kyiv entered my heart, this is the first visit of the president of the united states of america in 15 years to ukraine is the most important visit in the entire history of ukrainian-american relations for the kremlin, the visit of the american president to the sacred ukrainian capital was a complete shock
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to react to such a move, moscow was without power, even russian propagandists were at a loss 100% видео но мучшина на карах и правда eerily similar to the american president we are waiting for an official confirmed meeting in the mariinsky palace, a visit to st. michael's cathedral, arranging flowers on nebesnaya sotna alley, president biden spent 5 hours in kyiv before leaving for warsaw the center of the polish capital was waiting for the guest under close control, the entire area is surrounded by policemen who were brought from all over the country about security measures in kyiv. we can only guess, but in in warsaw, biden traveled in his armored limousine, a beast that is traditionally used during foreign visits. its tires are able to drive even if they are punctured and the door thickness is 20 cm. it is equipped with an internal air circulation system and has a life support system like in spaceships . at exactly midnight, the motorcade of the american
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president arrives at of the warsaw hotel, which during biden's stay turns into a real fortress at the entrance, metal detectors on the roof, snipers, the 40-story marriott hotel in the very center of warsaw, i know one of the favorites places of american presidents, barack obama, donald trump stayed here , and for the second time the number one guest is joe biden, although the room in which he stayed this time is more modest than usual . a separate dining room, i know that there is a special room for him, and he seems to live on the top floor of the marriott. already in the morning , several hundreds are gathering in front of the hotel, calling on the american president to provide
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fighter jets to ukraine is there a strong wind, a bunch of people were waiting for biden and under the royal palace, where the main speech was expected, it was striking that the entire perimeter of the castle and the stage were decorated with the flags of not two, but three countries , poland , the united states, and ukraine. located in the old part of warsaw, this place was completely destroyed during the second world war and, as the poles say, was rebuilt from the ashes . in the future, everyone who wanted to help restore ukraine could listen to the american president, but they had to go through a special registration procedure, stand in a long line and , most importantly, part with their mobile phone. to the support of ukraine, this visit of the us president is actually
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recognition of a new status and role and support , because for warsaw, moscow poses a historic threat from biden's speech, everyone was waiting strategic signals regarding the war in ukraine and they sounded already in the second minute of the speech. the american president actually sent president putin to a knockdown. a dictator who has been rebuilding an empire for years will never be able to weaken people's love for freedom. cruelty will never break the will of freedom and ukraine will never become a victory for russia. it never shows that in his 20-minute speech, biden mentioned putin's name 10 times and paid a lot of attention to moldova, a country that is trying to escape from russian rule, the president has sandu at the moment
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was also in the background, mentioned joe biden and the belarusian opposition, that is, he actually outlined the zone of support and resistance to russian encroachment, and in the center of this ukraine, we will not tire of ukraine, we will always support ukraine , what the united states has supported, supports and will support ukraine. this is very, very important. on the other hand, this is also a message to er to russia, actually to putin that er supplied weapons to ukraine and we will supply weapons to ukraine er russia will not win in this war because the entire democratic world is standing by ukraine, every nato, as it is now, will definitely be strengthened in this onslaught and the confidence of the american president, many saw hope . the war in ukraine will not end sooner, and in this context, one more detail is interesting, i don't remember what the president of the states said in warsaw
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on the background of our colors on the background of our flags and when he says that he is going to the end and with us as long as it takes it means more than some political signal it means i am really with you to the end after that somehow jump off there sweat i'm not saying that it's about biden, but simply for those who doubt, this is all the point, not returning biden's visit, a meeting with the bucharest nine, which includes nine eastern european nato countries, because of the russian invasion of ukraine, they are worried about their own security and therefore expect from the us, strengthening the military presence on the left flank of the alliance, even more determined support for ukraine, russia will never defeat ukraine, this is the key thing that joe biden told the world, his confidence is built on the unity of the allies on nato is stronger than ever. the american president cements this unity and promises
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to be with the ukrainians until the end, given that putin is betting on a protracted war - this is the main strategic response from warsaw. on the anniversary of the full-scale invasion of russia into the united states, a new package of military aid to ukraine worth 2 billion dollars was announced, uncle will send us additional missiles for heimers , ammunition for howitzers, drones of various types from intelligence to kamikaze and means to combat enemy drones well, this is without exaggeration historical footage, the first leopard-2 tanks in ukraine, four vehicles with crews trained in poland, on february 24 , the tanks were delivered to ukraine by the prime minister of poland, mateo shmurowiecki, according to his words
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the rest of the leopards will be there soon. by the way, the head of the polish government was not the only high-ranking guest in kyiv this week . on tuesday , italian prime minister george melani visited ukraine for the first time, who promised to give us the anti-aircraft missile complex semti is the european analogue of the american patriot well, on thursday the prime minister of spain petra sanchez came to kyiv, he did not rule out that spain will supply ukraine with more leopards than announced and such news is no longer surprising , the truth is, what distinguished guests are in kyiv, by the way some somehow sanchez has been here for the last year, not for the first time, as it contrasts with january, february 22, when diplomats closed embassies and left ukraine en masse because they did not believe in us, but this year everything has changed thanks to indomitability
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every ukrainian and our armed forces, which crushed the russian myth about the second army of the world, how ukraine managed to reverse the course of events, became a global trend and changed the world around it pavlo vasiliev will remind how it was a year of pain and indomitability, a year of separation from the most dear and of unity, a year of losses and courage, a year of hope and of unquestionable faith in victory, how ukraine became a global trend this year, broke the backbone of the occupying army and changed the world around it brussels, the beginning of february, the parliamentarians of the countries of the european union shout glory
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to ukrainian heroes and this is washington, december last year, zelenskyi's speech in the us congress was interrupted by applause 21 times, and not only because of emotions, it was not just a reference . it was a way to visually demonstrate that they agree and their voters saw that they agree with it. now no international event is complete without the topic of ukraine and symbolic artifacts of the terrible war unleashed by russia , such as the ukrainian flag from bachmut fighters, which zelensky handed over to the american congress, this flag is a symbol of our victory in this war resistance to the occupier and victories on the battlefield became the irrefutable argument that led the world
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to this applause in ukraine and turned the attitude towards this war by a practical 180°. i think hundreds of historians will write. i think historians will write about the miracle near kiev that you created, because all the analysts , all the experts, all the intelligence agencies of the world spoke for three days , and you showed that you inspired everyone. at the beginning , everything looked dramatic when russian helicopters entered gostomel under kiev , and russia is destroying our private cities sector in sumy, dozens of dead in chernihiv, bombs fall on irpin, crushed high-rise buildings in borodyantsi, one of the first turning points was the fact that our air defense managed to survive and win the first victory over ukrainian skies. after that, the activity
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of russian aviation began to decline exponentially and it never flew further than a few kilometers behind the front line , the first successes opened the way for western weapons , the harp missile, the ukrainians learned how to launch this american projectile from soviet aircraft , before this was considered impossible, what we were given unfortunately, we suppressed the russian air defense and made it possible for our strike aircraft to strike at the advancing russian troops, the crushed russian convoys of equipment became the next breakthrough . berdyansk ballistic missile point in the armed forces destroyed a large amphibious assault ship saratov one ship was destroyed
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completely damaged for a long period of time this sea route is logistical for fueling their offensive in southern ukraine. it was actually stopped. the next target of the same saratoga moscow canceled the plans of the rap for large amphibious landing operations in odesa in march . in fact, there was an escape, which was due to the skilful actions of the ukrainian defense forces, first within the framework of the defense, then counteroffensive in parallel in the south, the battle for in three months, the russians razed the city of mariupol to the ground, but the indomitable defenders of azov-stalin all this time shackled the most combat-capable russian troops
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. it is quite possible that the front line in this part of the russian-ukrainian front was supposed to pass along the dnieper, according to the russian control, as if to cross the left bank of the dnieper in the zaporozhye region accordingly, because they had to go to the area of ​​the city of dnipro, then in the most difficult spring months of the war, the defenders completed two tasks, stopped the enemy and created the conditions for the next step of krok forward in the summer, the russians in the south shook the bolt, they believed that our attack would be on kherson, but the occupiers received a blow in the north in the kharkiv region, and after that the attack on kherson began. on november 11 , the ukrainian flags returned there . ukrainians win
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unbreakable and incredibly brave, that 's what they say about us in the world, courage and cleverness national ukrainian brand well joseph the seventh exe apples we have seen many examples of ukrainian troops when they used equipment in a much wider range than it was designed to put a loader against ship missiles, combine it with turkish drones and hit the flagship ship. all these things, innovation , creativity, understanding how to use technology, convinced most of us in the west that ukraine can master any new weaponry, so ukraine fought for on the battlefield , their right to modern weapons, at first, even the transfer of javelins and stingers was considered by the partners as possible from the collection towards putin, then the pro-heimers said so and long-range howitzers 9 months ago, the usa categorically denied the transfer of the system to ukraine. and now they are going to
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ukraine. you are a united nation. you are the only nation in the world that today uses almost all military technologies. there is no such army at all. there are no armies anywhere at the moment. from poland, which already entered ukraine this week, even germany, which was criticized for its lack of haste, finally released the brakes on heavy weapons, anti- aircraft cheetahs of the air defense system airisti is almost one of the most important diplomatic achievements of ukraine on its front this year a whole division of diplomats worked endless contacts by western leaders at the beginning of the year the visit to kyiv looked like an incredible breakthrough once again the governments in poland, the czech republic and slovenia were the first to dare, but the real boom began after
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the visit of boris johnson on april 9, so far the visit of ukraine has become a necessary step for every european leader, it's like touching the symbol of freedom and confirming his commitment to the principles of a democratic world to kyiv by february of this year to kyiv until february of this year, look at all the world reports for about 15 years, exactly 16 to 18 years, democracy was dying on the planet everywhere , all these putinists and fascist communists of all kinds grew and you stopped it and during this year ukraine changed the democratic world and proved what kind of freedom and democracy it is necessary not only to vote, but also to fight, it seems that there is no chance for the leaders of the lion's will , the question of joining the eu for ukraine no longer looks so fantastic, and ukraine has almost become a de facto member of nato, the members of the alliance
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no longer doubt that russia must be defeated on the battlefield in order to put an end to the war and not another comma. negotiations between ukraine and russia are now impossible. president volodymyr zelenskyy repeated this thesis several times at his big press conference in february, the year of indomitability, which he held on the anniversary of the beginning of the full-scale invasion. dozens of foreign and ukrainian journalists asked the ictv channel about theses that are heard in world politics about a war of attrition that can take too many forces and force them to talk with putin, president zelensky clearly outlined the requirements for russians that should precede any conversations stop bombing us stop killing the civilian population stop killing all our infrastructure energy drinking water
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stop bombing cities villages kill just dogs cats just animals burn forests here you stop all this and then we will tell you in what format we will put diplomatically full stop, we are not at war, we are fighting for our lives - said volodymyr zelensky, now putin needs to show his voter something about the quality of victory, therefore zelensky does not rule out russia's attack on another country. it could be moldova needs powerful international support to stop the aggressor already this year unity and president zelenskyi wants to involve not only western partners but also representatives of the african continent in the ukrainian peace formula, as well as talk with india and meet personally with the leader of china and xi jinping volodymyr zelenskyi hinted that things have already started to improve relations with israel and there have also been developments regarding
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the weapons we need - it is with the prime minister of poland marawiecki that we open the possibility of training on the f-16. we have talks, negotiations and real, well, real feeling, what else? i don't want to talk with which of the three european states we will have the opportunity to receive these trainings and planes. complex, but this is comprehensive protection of the sky. the press conference lasted two and a half hours. volodymyr zelenskyy spoke energetically, but fatigue was felt. the most emotional reaction was caused by the mention
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of the family of children who remain in ukraine and about the most terrible day of this year, for sure bucha was very scared because of what it is, we also saw for real that the devil is not there somewhere , he is on the ground, probably about the terrible crimes of the russian invaders in ukraine, literally in the hall next to the press conference , a photo exhibition in partnership with the office reminded the president and the association of professional photographers, it was organized by the viktor pinchuk foundation, stunning photos became the backdrop for an informal meeting of the eu, where world experts discussed the year of the war, what ukraine is fighting for , what the world is fighting for, and what will happen next, key theses the discussion was chosen by artem kula, the war for survival is how ukrainians see this war. this thesis was crossed out immediately at the beginning of the meeting, and
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russia does not want to take away our freedom , which means life, but for me, these are the same things, i do not distinguish between the lives of freedom after i took place in the basements of donetsk, this is me, a war for survival, the western world is just beginning to realize the real scale of the threat but we don't have time to wait , we need faster actions in every ukraine from the regions indifight, of course, ukrainians will fight, it is very important that all your countries and people support us, but it is also important that when you return home, you tell your people and politicians that the struggle continues because we need your support and weapons as soon as possible, we need to win as soon as possible, russia is exhaling and wants to return to a hybrid war


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