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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 20, 2024 2:00am-2:02am CEST

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i assume about the sounds of power and inspiring story of us. the volume music under the swastika starts may 25th on dw the distance dw news. and these are the top stories or thoughts operation is under way to locate a helicopter, carrying the iranian precedent about him, right? you see state retail sales that had to go up to was forced to make a hod lending in the northwest. know the board over the other by john. it's not known. what has happened to day you see, and the foreign minister who was also on board the body of the gentleman is very tender victim. shawnee luke has been laid to rest in australia for 22 year old was killed at the superbowl off as to what event was attacked by him on october 7th, last year. looked remains would have covered by its very troops along with those of
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3 or the wicked, and the dominican republic effectively elect. it's hotline veto. and mutation from neighboring haiti has dominated weeks. so for election campaigning right here. do you still on a pod by den wolf or the dominican republic is sorry when you cannot make the president luis? i've been, i did as promising to crack down on asylum seekers and finish a concrete order. what your wants and you've got the newest umbrella and you'll find much more information on our website. that's d, w dot com the of the blood red arch. a look at the unique way. jasmine alicia carter paints nutrition with a mission. where is the global slow food movement heading lightweight,
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yet meaningful? how are communion wafers made? all this and more, coming up on jerome x, the germany is celebrating the 75th anniversary of its constitution known as the basic law. to mark the occasion. we'll take a look at the iconic ice talk buildings, the seat of german parliament in berlin, and we'll show you where to go for a tasty meal afterwards. this is the home of the german constitution for the basic law, 5th, ice tax. the country is governed from here and you actually can get one of the best views of the city from the top of the do.