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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 19, 2024 7:00am-7:03am CEST

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the just education makes the world the age of your own mind. made for mines the . this is the job, your news, and these that are top stories. russian forces are gaining ground, jordan heavy fighting and ukraine's eastern car to you've reached them. president blog. mr. lansky has won the assault could be the 1st. we're buffle vidal, offensive by moscow. a new ukranian mobilization law has come into full set laws. the age of conscription for men to 25, many guns, a member of his dress walk cabinet, has delivered and ultimatum. he's given prime minister benjamin netanyahu 3 weeks to present a post war can forgot though. otherwise he says he'd quit guns if the former
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defense minister and a long standing political drive of nathan, yahoo! he agreed to enter unity government off to the october 7th. come off to attacks. johnson, the olaf shows has inspected slough damage and south western germany, heavy rainfall and extra good flooding and land slides, forcing hundreds to leave the homes. the reason the government in the state of garland has freed up funding to help presidents relocate a target to use of lifted a storm warning. let's say flood waters are likely to keep pricing. are you watching dw newest on button? you'll find much more information on our website that's at dw dot com. the one of main kinds, oldest ambitions, could be within reach. what do you see?
7:02 am
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tomorrow join us and register now for the d. w global media for in 2020 for the the students for 100 the syrians has been demonstrating against the reason.