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tv   At the Ready with NATO  Deutsche Welle  May 19, 2024 5:30am-6:00am CEST

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a mapped out shows the geopolitical reality. the on the board is what makes things to the way they are mapped out. navigating a changing world. now on youtube, the think more is terrible. nobody wants to was month. if we want to prevent it, we have to let every potential aggress and know we are capable of defending ourselves. we can take you long up. so that's what it to, what about nothing else under the i want to look out for laughter that i'm moving position possible and then we move it to the east. thousands of the world. sondra, the idols always had a lot of missions abroad, like enough kind of style of basic training laws and national defense submitted the founder. of course, we've already prepared our equipment so that we can keep our reaction time short.
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if we have to deploy those things on the, it's early february 20, 23 and $4.00. i told him a small town and syringe here. the german armies, 300 and 91st tons are granted. dear battalion marches in front of the cultural center where i tanya, and is a partner town of the mechanized infantry battalion station didn't nearby bad cell phone today. young recruits are taking their oath. the battalion will be honored for its past appointments abroad in summer. another one awaits the soldiers. this time. in lithuania, bbc scobee the i the indeed tell the members of this battalion all very aware of just how important the deployment in lithuania is of freedom and peace in the alliance areas in the baltic region. in other words, where a direct confrontation with russia seem, is conceivable. gone,
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that's good. all the money to buy them in summer 2024. some $150.00 of them will be deployed to lithuania for 6 months. so i, they will be part of the nato enhanced forward presence. battle group needs to be a phone interview, about 2 people involved the group was created following russia's annexation of ukrainian crimea. the f. b consists of for multinational battalions with over $1000.00 soldiers each stationed in the nato, states of estonia, lexia, lithuania, and poland. their personnel are rotated every 6 months. these combat troops are intended to strengthen the 4 host countries militarily and deter russia from attacking. each battalion is led by one nation's army. the nation in charge of the lithuanian mission is germany. the p battalion in
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lithuania currently consists of around 1700 service men and women about 850 of whom have been sent by the german armed forces. while the others come from the netherlands, norway belgium, the czech republic, lexia, and luxembourg. the the grunted years from bad salts and already were in lithuania, 4 years ago with their aging murder, infantry vehicles, the a few days later, we're back in the rims. yeah. in the cooper boys or mountains were a platoon from the 300 and 93rd pens are battalion from bad franklin housing is setting up a screening post. part of it, boston is idle. screening post simply allows for advanced visions for some 3 kilometers a head of your own forces act. so this reconnaissance gives the actual line more time to react. they get the same. the task on the front line consists of spotting
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and delaying the enemy until your forces have gathered at the nato level. this is also how you could describe the role of the north, the range you a battalion in 2023. with around 30 battle tanks. it belongs to nato's very high reading. this joint task force, the v j t, f, v j t. f was set up in 2014, in response to russia's annexation of crime in the year before. it consists of around $10000.00 soldiers and is the spearhead of the nato response force, n r. s, which has 40000 troops in total. the troops for nato's v g t. f and n r s are provided by different nato partners for up to 3 years at a time. countries take turns commanding the forces deployment time to any location within the alliance area must be 2 to 7 days. it's mostly land forces, but some air force and navy to the,
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in the event of an attack on nato territory. it must be the 1st to confront the aggressor together with the army of the needle country under attack. they should hold off the aggressor until the alliance has brought in more troops of last year, the syringe and battalion receive new tanks for as operations delivered to a 70. 1 of the tank commanders is master sergeant. josh, how does he see his units mission as part of the nato response force and the height and threat after rushes attack on ukraine? but i'm going to also assume that sort of funds took by 12 by that of course, we've already prepared our equipment so that we can keep our reaction time short. if we have to deploy it apart from that, we try not to make ourselves nervous about it. the only place where i notice it a bit more is in my private life. i'm enjoying my free time more and not just taking it for granted i since i know in the back of my mind that things could escalate any time in eastern europe, a war is raging,
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keeping it away from nato borders is another objective of the armor troops from syringe. yeah. i just give over that to the state. of course we're following the war in ukraine very closely and with great concern i think, you know, for me will, is something horrible. it came, stood when i see the fighting going on, that's what the russian troops are doing on the 4800 and what it means for the civilian population system. i find it very, very frightening. that's most i have to state that clearly and we're ready to prevent something like that from happening on the territory of any of our nato allies. poplin goose 8, and cut the arm, or troops from bad front and housing, the granite 2 years from bad salts. again and their comrades from the 37th spencer granted, deer brigade are facing a challenging few months. it spring in 2023. at the old mark training area in the german state of sax,
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me on health 1st lieutenant jordan, and his men from the 390. first pens are granted. dear battalion are moving to an outpost of the concrete for them. i mean it's fall. we're acting as a security platoons, which was my mission with the me is a bit different from my usual mission in the german army public. here we're providing security for the command post as well as the deficiencies. you will, blocking entrances, securing buildings, and calming, worried villagers. these are the task, so the security platoon, all the while keeping an eye on the enemy. before long the security platoon receives reinforcements. they position themselves in the nearby forest, defend off a possible attack by enemy paratroopers. major johan is works in the battle groups command post. he's a member of the granted 2 years from bad. zeltzin german, dutch and belgian soldiers worked side by side around the clock here. each must keep their own commanders update as the officer from the ring. g. a says all nato
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partners involved are aware of the ball, the tile nature of their upcoming deployment. in lithuania, very close to russia and its ally, bella. ruth, i helped us go through. yes, i think we have a high level of professionalism here. mind that everyone has a common mindset. what role sonya is? i mean, it's, you know, how we've done little missions abroad. i'd like enough kind of started a basic training lies and national defense could be that that's the case with all countries and everyone is professional and fully prepared for the mission. meanwhile, a practice operation to delay the enemy is happening just a few kilometers from the command post. the granite dears are now slowly retreating, their planting mine fields. if a vehicle drives over the wire, a projectile is triggered and flies into the target barrier. one of 3 is closed, working on the 2nd to the to the mines are meant to by time to rally for
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a counter attack. the weather defending or attacking german soldiers must be able to fight without a weapon. we catch up with master searching. josh, the tank commander from bad front and housing at a close combat course at the infantry school in hamelburg. but why does a tank soldier need to be able to fight by hand? it's also a head for the site, but they never have to leave the tank because that means something will have gone wrong, but the ability to engage in close combat is important for also just because you weren't always be sitting inside your time. biggs, of the course, is intended to teach participants how to hold their own in close combat and train other soldiers. how to do so. if i want to reach under the weapon, grab the shoulder rest, just like i did to my turn, the weapon 180 degrees, then use it to punch either to the face or neck of the enemy and store,
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hold on slot, and fight for fitness. get ready from the cross or the training is meant to push soldiers to their limits. quick call from the forest and take the trip down the road. oh josh, stand up for $1.00 to $1.00. step on it again. come on. oh god. that's right through that wasn't stay together. pick up the pace, guys get on with a p fighting. come on now. oh no. i was on the phone with it pulled up and set up solutions. stone and to me so i think keep it up and keep it on the moon. 7 and be neutralized to something. take the pistol. what was the website and so to find the enemy, does a neutralize to a model style me,
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i will get up here or go get the goal is off my head. as it is, the next station simulates combat against several people. the goal is to apply the technique, but it's important to stay in the container for one minute. the health of the mind can we see the same is sitting in the tank when you're fighting and come, it's uncomfortable and then come in here. you just notice it more in your own body when you have to fight as a couple and dave off for attackers who was on the cell, but we managed in the end and was on them. so we've successfully completed this part of the training to offer and we'll hopefully catch up with the granite 2 years in bed, salt thing, and also continue their training through the spring and summer major. your highness in his unit to prepare for nuclear biological and chemical warfare. the soldiers
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donna full protection kit, they train in a closed room with irritant gas. in addition to the physical strain, the soldiers have to deal with a mental pressure. the goal is to show the menu that care works that i'm off fitness. joe must take it with you and take good care of it, then you'll be well equipped. meanwhile, 1st lieutenant jordan is on the firing range as of the facilities, that one's actually. so the pistol is basically our 2nd with an in money is in other words, if my g 36 jams or i find myself in close quarters or urban, come back to the p e is a better choice than the big, bulky rifle for glad i was fairly the bill the granted years have gotten some new equipment, assign things are changing in the wake of the ukraine war. honestly,
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some old ones. um, i'm always though, so starting from the top. this is our combat. tell them that we have. here's the very latest version like so. i think it has the same level of protection as the old version. but here i have the option of wearing my pelt. here's my hearing protection underneath that the ones on the cotton con. despite it's going, my body armor will hold the right fire up to 762 seems like a some body armor will also snow traffic off of the advice, ballistic fish company load on nevada to defend. this is all new equipment let's we've had it since last year and we're very happy with it. the in bad front and housing precision is needed for master sergeant josh and his comrades. next task. they are loading tanks for transportation. they're destined for the italian island of sardinia, where the nato v j t. f. troops are meeting for an exercise.
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the, it's early may 2023, and the v. j t. f. troops have set up camp in the south of the island. over 2000 soldiers from germany, norway, the netherlands, belgium, the czech republic, lexia and luxembourg, are participating in the nato exercise noble jump, dealing with long and full as the plant. i'm just go to the ultimate goal and the exercise has been planned well in advance to be a cost. so it's important to select the areas and to rang that a more challenging in terms of geography and climate. places that require deployment from c on the 4, and that's why this exercise planned long before pollutants invasion of ukraine takes place. and so didn't yet it will. but in principle, it could be almost any way contest i bought closet well as on the tank company from bad franklin housing has taken part in several training sessions. in the last few days, the commander braced his troops. the position of anointed trench barrier target
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his troops have been put to the test here in sardinia. the good advice has been down very happy with the boys and girls. i saw them jump at the train is giving us a bit of a hard time and that's on the material. but the point is to prepare for any situation for me and it's not just the training grounds in germany. as things wind down in the camp. josh goes for his usual evening run, fully equipped, it's his own initiative, and a part of his preparation for upcoming commando training and hamelburg. 2 days later, it's time for the big exercise. the show of force is intended to demonstrate the full range of the alliance as combat power. apart from military personnel, journalists from all over the world have come. the scenario is this. the enemy forces landed on the island. nato's v. j
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t. f. troops are alerted. dutch armored infantrymen are the 1st to move in. their task is to hold the enemy at bay until their own troops arrive. they receive back up from norwegian, snipers and artillery norwegian mechanized infantry fall those in their armored personnel carriers. next the norwegian and german leopard tanks to engage the enemy the the ground troops receive air support from tiger attack helicopters the, the battle lasts about an hour the time it takes to repel the enemy. in today's demonstration, as the generals are pleased,
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including the head of the regional nato headquarters in naples sizes, that's a clear message to any potential adversary about the strength of the nato alliance . and again, i stress defensive alliance with a 360 degree view of any threat that may arise. but it is meant to be a strong signal to any potential adversary. it's the end of june 2023. in puerto huda, in the 3rd engine, forest civilians doing to bid farewell to the soldiers who will soon be heading to lithuania to join the forces. the unit is prepared for the 6 month deployment. the commander makes clear the emissions important. the fed, he gives you lock in the tones to this duration of to involve a cleaning cloud. if the strategic position of lithuania is, of course, also very critical due to the enclave of leaving crowd on the one hand and better roost on the other good. as a result, we are very aware that the baltic states,
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including with the wayne, you feel the threat from russia much more strongly than we do. we finished erica and seen i stuff that one's enough. the fall is to in the beginning of august, around 150 granted years will be heading to the baltic states. today they are presented with some keep 6 a few weeks after the exercise in sardinia, the tank troops from bad franklin housing are back to training this time in saxony . more firing practice for commander josh and his comrades. a leopard 2 can carry almost 40 grenades. today they are firing training grenades with a concrete head. the platoons fire separately for tanks at a time. and tier 2 just as in sardinia. it's all about defense. yes, except for the 5 who was the 1st attacking forces are worn down by us. and what we
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call a delaying operation. in other words, we slow down the enemy's attack. and the 2 weeks they've been in saxony, the tankers have fired countless shells of live ammunition the local district administrator pays a visit to the troops. she is joined by the mayor of bad franklin, housing, and other politicians. they are allowed to watch the firing and taking some interesting facts about tank shells. sights of sorta. this is the 2nd type. it's not quite as heavy. then you can also fire the munitions to really designate some impact to the target and causes the damage or the, or you can, for example, m p, find the munitions that tube so that it designates what the delay. oh, well, this is unique to the 7 be some dollars even for firing around from
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a main battle tank is also part of the program for the visitors such as of course, it's also a bit cramped at 1st from the outside the tank look so big. that's fine, but once you're inside, you realize that everything has been planned down to the last centimeter. yes, exactly. everything has its place. well, because you like to. thank you for the commander such visits are chance to network with politicians. really is, isn't my good, but it's certainly always good when politicians have direct insight, a new hire, the troops work and what they're talking about. so you could see is a bit of low b engelby of i even though this is regional, what do you think? it also has an impact at the state and federal level. and the district administrator tells us that she also sees or visit us recognition and appreciation for the soldiers and what they are prepared to do for the community. in brooklyn, lithuania, the grant of 2 years from bad zeltzin and have arrived for their deployment on
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nato's eastern flank. they are preparing for a nighttime exercise. a field post is being set up. the platoon leader inspects his troops. this is a low count position. my intention is if, if it's a page back here, i don't want to be fumbling around in the dock but move closer to the edge of the forest so that i can react as quickly as possible. if an enemy is their mission is to keep watch and send off all enemies. in nato exercises the enemy is usually played by friendly troops. but here in the baltic, there is little doubt as to where the real enemy threat is. the nato f. p. battle group is stationed in request, a town and south eastern lithuania. the location is of strategic importance. close to this to fall key gap. what nato calls the 100 kilometer long border between lithuania and poland. a needle fears that russian troops could
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invade lithuania with soldiers from the colon and grad region and fellow roost. cutting off the 3, both the countries from the rest of the nato alliance. this scenario is not at all unrealistic. in february 2022 russian troops invaded ukraine from bella. ruth platoon leader jordan has finished his patrol. he gives his squad leader some final instructions. it's going to be a long night to bite to for the next day at the barracks and row class jordan and his platoon are preparing for yet another exercise near the bella roost porter. last night was a success of the of the done. we had our 1st and then we contacted midnight to detect the enemy's scouting party and immediately captured it to the north,
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directly from the north. at the command post of the multinational battle group, we made major johannes again. today he is here as an instructor, shadowing a belgian infantry company counter attacking the enemy and assessing their performance of almost gonna be that why are we doing this? because it hits the trying defense of caution about. so you have a defensive tackles connectivity, opponents of any defense. the highest means that if i stop the enemy in front of my mind, valerie or some point of it, and i don't want to leave in this. and this is perhaps also what last night can we learn from ukraine? what was the goal that it's supposed to be to win back the territory, find that for defeat the enemy with a on success lock. the exercise is also being followed by generals and officers from belgium. loads. all the things you need to do was a fight to get out of the deal to say the belgian company advances slowly, but soon comes under and re fire the
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bill. like let me do so will there and then again, all of them. okay. the enemy wants to prevent the blue forces from attacking with vehicles along this path because with that's why they blocked this road minds made . now of course on this mine field must 1st be secured by our own forces because we had and then using high and this have to be deployed to not to clear the why you for the vehicles that follow along the road we can get. and i guess also the battle lots more than 2 hours afterwards. major, your highness evaluate the exercise with the belgian company commanders and thank the enemy, actors from lithuania for their efforts. and i say 2 days later, the syringe and pens are granted years and the rest of the battle group move to pop, brought a close to the border with fellow roost. over the next 2 weeks,
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they'll be practicing defense exercises with a list of weight in army. it's now mid october 2023, and nato is v j t. f. troops are practicing live firing, and the luna burger high to in lower sacks any. today in full battle formation, with almost 30 left or 2 main battle tanks from bad front and housing, and 14 puma, infantry fighting vehicles from bavaria. the armored troops from bad frank and housing will soon have a break from being on alert with the v. j t f, but the attention will remain division commander fund. butler follows the exercise closely at the beginning of the year. he was greatly concerned about the war and ukraine. how does he feel? now, as i asked my goal, 1st of all, we assume that it went right any further to the west if you the. and we can also see very clearly how the ukrainian soldiers defending themselves very successfully . what i think the troops we sold today can hold their own against any opponent doing that. mentioned on the other hand,
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i hope it will never comes to that to me on the, the the,
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it's time for vision rate for sustainability. but also for horsepower the, it's time for the mobo revolution in 30 minutes on d. w. in the name of the stage. so the operational plan was to do the rest as he likes it in the room, capturing the drug enforcement agencies. grace has to,
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he's going to be maybe our main witness to take out as the one was the task force designed out of the blue chart on mocking his phone in 60 minutes on the dw the you'll see about the video that goes in the media and legal law give a lot done, but again, i will stop into that and i did you go on, would you, are you able to go to that? i'm jo, media dog. currently more people than ever on the news world wide in such a base are nice to be able to use many, they can t method do. it only like goes have you already a few megs of appears in the general does all appear so men is useful or is the most mood that he gets expose go to lecture and find out about all the story
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info, migraines, reliable news for migrant wherever they may be the 1st into are, is whenever they feel like it don't themselves feeling the fashion and most of the pieces in the sky. the beds have most of many on, including the us have survival. to do they do is the secret lives of the inside stops may 22nd on d w. the,
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you're watching the, the news live from by then crush shackleton's ground and fierce fighting eastern ukraine. exhausted forces travelers to hoist back the russian advance towards hard cape preston. semanski wants to push good for you. the 4th wave of a wide, no offensive. also i'm program a senior member, so it says war cabinet delivers an ultimatum. but against the settings to design on the left of the plan for the full swa, god's out is that and i'm also engaged in some of the heaviest from that so far the.