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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 18, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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the, the, you're watching dw news live from thursday in fee. it's flashing in ukraine's east is russia gains ground. the hockey keeps new. mobilization long takes effect. as exhausted, forces struggled to hold the russian advance. presidents of lensky warrants at the post could be the 1st, the 1st wave of a wider offensive, and finding a rocks in northern johnson. again, as is riley soldiers, a battle. how must fighters in job aliya the crash as calm as a trucks begin arriving in the streets via a floating p that was built by the with idle organizations. welcome to deliveries.
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font say more is needed to combat sconces, hunger across the jared raid. welcome to the program, ukraine's new mobilizations or comes into effect today. and as officials are struggling to boost troop numbers on the front lines. now the new rules reduce the age of mile. conscription from 27 to 25 ukraine's presidents load him is a lensky, has acknowledged a tense situation on the east in front lines. and he says the new law will help relieve troops suffering from battle, fatigue, a number of days and all comes with the lot that we need to stuff the reserves. there is a significant number of existing buoy gates leaking, but a large number of them are empty. the look, i think is me on the portal with me,
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we need to do this so that the guys can be related normally. molly and not on my end, when i pods that them, their moral will be improved to the then it is a matter of their physical strength and justice. for this, the reserves must be prepared. mitchell, but a mission bully, billable, and yet it may time flooded me. zalinski is wanting that russia's light is pushed into ukraine's northeast. could be the 1st wife all of a wider offensive, almost 10000 people afflicted from the boarder regence of khaki, which has faced intense bombardment by russian troops and racing weeks. russia claims to have saved another small village near the city of chanc, as ukrainian troops struggled to hold the russian advance while exhausted soldiers on the front line. so hoping for a break and 4 more weapons to hold russia back along the border with russia. ukrainians a fleeting for their lives. attacks on the town of chance kept escalator to
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the russian soldiers have arrived on some strange old this constant shilling. god do a lot of missiles hit last night to watch and 70 rockets flew over to the pool. it's dangerous to stay here. these are residents are advised to evacuation some of the them just yesterday. we have up to date was of 215 wounded in russian shilling . preschool, the cloth is put on and they see the way of the town is around 75 kilometers from her keys. ukraine stick and biggest fishing, which is being bombed by russia. almost every day president, landscape states waste and allies must strings and frames and the must sound capabilities. unless you wouldn't see new movies this, we need at least the 7 patriot ad defense systems, even lower, say what we have in addition to those systems. but i believe that we have only
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about 25 percent of the defense is we need to shop at the admissions office to, to create the phones this system. ukrainian, true to being freed, send along the front line. those in the donates region assures on manpower and a wasting fresh health that's a little bit cisco. the situation is complicated then you know, we work day and night try to is your model. we sure to and that munition the trying to save as much as we can. look, someone presidents the landscape says russian troops advance between 5 and 10 kilometers inside ukraine's northeast and border, the full being stopped by defending forces he ones russians offensive could come and see for waves. and that the push for hockey is just the 1st or earlier run mention a going to rank or from the double use russian surface, gave us the latest on the front line situation in ukraine's east as well defined to
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the pricing continues. and it looks like the ukranian on it is trying to stabilize the situation. they seem to have slowed down the loss in advance in the, in the hockey region, at 2 points where a russian forces were able to advance a few kilometers. and to capture some villages and the town of of, of chance case in hockey, preaching and they're still fighting. they're going on your credit and was trying to push back. and in general, the role of attrition continues to rationalize, hitting a hardship itself. the 2nd largest city of ukraine and destroying its industry, destroying the infrastructure. this is happening every day. and this is what also is, is a major problem for ukraine, the now power shortages all over the country, not just ukrainian citizens, but what's most important is you're creating an industry and especially the military industry. and it also has to slow down production or changes
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working hours because there's not enough electricity. so this remains a major problem and what kind of cognitive was referring to that? and in summer, a lot of experts expect new waves over tax no just in the north, but especially in the east, the region of doing boss roman does all this pressure on your credit and it forces, as you say, but in middle of that there's a new recruitment load that's coming into effect today, but it's controversial, isn't that tell us why i am it is a very imposing slow because as we have heard in the report and everybody knows that your brain needs more men, more soldiers. and so, um, you can hopes to do this now with this floor, but it will take some time. it's controversial for i think for 2 reasons. first, on a lot of your opinion, service men and women were expecting a rule about the mobilization. so they want to know when they can go home,
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and there was an initial, an idea to write down the 36 months or 3 years. but it was and it was left out. and the, and now some of them are frustrated. there is an open debate about this in ukraine itself. and the 2nd reason is that now more people with maybe not so perfect house could be recruited. you can, may now face a penalties they can lose the driving license, other penalties. so the pressure in the opinion society, good girl, was run on going to rank or from to dublin, use russian service roman, thank so much for that. let's take a quick look now at some of the global news headlines, starting with flash flooding, that's killed at least 50 people in central afghanistan a week after early a floods left over 300 dead heavy rains have destroyed about 2000 houses and damaged hundreds of businesses, many key roads to the area have also been controlled. authorities side thousands are missing and i expect the death toll to rise germantown,
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so it will off sholtes is visiting and southwest in germany way heavy rain full has triggered flooding and land slides. the regional government in the state of the island has freed up funding to help people forced to leave the hines authorities of leaf through the storm warning over the state. but they say floods. levels are likely to keep rising, staying in germany and several climate activists have been arrested off the, glowing themselves to the tom mack at munich airport. they have protest photos, the air force, the airport to close for a few hours into the slides causing disruption into life. the activists said they wanted to draw attention to the environmental, the damage and impact of flying. and the video has image, allegedly showing wrap is shown, dd cons attacking. seeing a kasey ventura, his former girlfriend. do you know los angeles hotel hallway in 2016. it resembles an attack that she detailed in a law suit accusing crime so physically and sexually abusing her for years. collins
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has denied the allegations and so the law series last event, but as well, an old frontline has apparently reopened in the war between is riley forces at home . us find his in concept. witnesses describe heavy fighting over nice united around the town of job by the, in the know of the gaza strip is arouse on me. describe the classes as some of the faces seems to how most tara attacked on in, on israel last october. meantime. oh i, it has started to arrive in gaza via a temporary flushing p built by us forces. these routes military published this for the age, reportedly selling the fist in the phrase, arriving at gauze as coastline. it's hope that more than 100 trucks a day will come a show, caring food, and other vital supplies will be you and his welcome. this new entry point bought said the flushing p a could not be relied on to solve guys hunger crisis. there was
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no, we're left to go for either him and his family, but they're destroyed house. he's one of more than 600000 palestinians who have fled. rafa due to the ongoing is really offensive. he's now back to what's left of his family's home and hun eunice today, uber, him has to make food. hello from an a parcel. hey, the good. how you must. well, this is the kitchen. it's destroyed to have thoughts on fit for us, but we are making it with god willing. i can repay this whole so the children don't fold out. the boxes usually contain can meet the fava beans and chick piece the w f. p. warren's, the 8 packages like these are running out. we've not been able to access all warehouse and wrap up for more than a week. we have very little food and fuel coming through the boat across things in the south. and we are always trying hard. but failing currently to bring in
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consistent volumes of food, what aid agencies want our new shipments and entry points for a delivery to guys? the fuel food and medical supplies have dwindled since the is really military took control of the gaza side of the rock of border crossing last week to begin ground combat there. a trucks on friday arrived at a new floating peer built by the us off the coast of gaza as a temporary aide core door. the number of trucks that arrived there could reach a maximum of $150.00 per day. so is this new appearing cause actually going to help or is it more like a drop in the bucket? well, i put that question to all good shariska the spokes person for the un office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs in gaza. as to the, the floating peer,
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it's a, it's a way to supplement a entry of 8 into gaza. however it does, it still remains i where need remains to open all the available crossings and the best way to deliver 8 still remains by land routes. so we maintain the, the call to continue calling for reopening of these crossings because at the moment, hardly any, any age is entering kaiser and especially we see operations happening in the south . and as matthew said earlier, as of a couple of days, actually we had no more food to distribute in the south. all good things you've just said, asking for much more, a particularly violent and also safe access to that. i, i, the organizations have been calling for this from, for a long time. what will happen if things don't change and change soon?
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i mean, the, the consequences of this will be absolutely catastrophic for the people here, because once we run out of stocks, and if the a does not start coming in on a consistent uh, and scaled up a matter, then we will, we will, uh no longer have any more stocks due to provide, we will not have you to deliver these uh, this assistance. and um, all operations basically could come to to a halt unless we have a consistent and as is a sustained supply in 2 guys. okay. your in rough uh, thousands of palestinians sheltering there had to flee since the is riley incursion into the city. i'm just interested how are you and your colleagues able to conduct to your work and what are quite clearly very dangerous conditions. yeah, it's very,
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very difficult and challenging and of course it's a, this is one of the most dangerous places to work in as a humanitarian worker. and of course protection of civilians is one of our main concerns. so we face massive, massive challenges. you know, it's not just about getting the 8 insight into through the crossings, but it's getting it to the people who need it within 5 because a strip and this is what we face a really huge challenges with because at our convoys have come under attack, it's just a, it's a very dangerous environment. we spend a lot of time waiting for green lights, coordinating these movements. a lot of times they, we have to board missions because of various complications. and so it's a, it's a huge challenge. thank you very much for your time. today all good, that was all good to ref, co sports person for the united nations office for the coordination of humanitarian
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affairs in rafa in golf. so thank you so much. thank you to your up to date here on the w you coming up after sol bracket documentary about the collapse of scene, bob weighs economy and how it's lifted. people reliance on the root mean. remittances for my receipts is not coming up. so the they burst into already is whenever they feel like doing the 1000 kind of for design and fashion and find most to pieces in the sky. many on, including the also survival. how do they do in the secret lives of good thoughts may 22nd on d w the
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