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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 18, 2024 9:00am-9:16am CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the, the news live from berlin, fee is finding right, isn't ukraine's east us russia games round to the of the city of how the chief presidents and lensky ones. the latest russian pushed could be the 1st wave of a wider offensive, a lashes out to western allies, saying that and decision is cost to ukraine daily. also coming up, fighting a rock and roll them gaza again, as is right, the soldiers special how must slightest, in jamalia, just alas, alia israel's army would come of the bodies of 3 hostages, taken by her mazda. they were among those killed as
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a music festival. during the october 7th terror attacks and heavy rain full slabs, germany, south west triggering flooding on land slides. the rain looks like you to ease, but the pharmacy is warm. the rivers are still rising. the monica jones good to have you with us. ukraine's president, for a lot of mister lansky has acknowledged a 10 situation on the eastern front lines with troops suffering from battle fatigue and running low on weapons and equipment. the president estimates ukraine has only a quarter of the defense as it needs to count a russian missile the tax, the last outage, west and allies warning vet and decision is contributing to the critical situation the way it is now for them we stuck on the we are a non,
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some situation fully where the west is a freight, the dresser will lose the war and it doesn't one ukraine to lose it brought out because the cranes final victory will lead to rushes defeat. but as of a day and the final victory of russia will lead to ukraine's defeat, i see president pro great and he, we are with you right now is move in such a moment and such a challenge for everyone in the game with like less you so lensky has one to the to process laces, pushing ukraine's ne could to be the 1st wave of a why the offensive. he's been visiting the regional high chief, which sits on the border with russia, and has faced intense bombardment by russian troops in recent weeks. ukraine's new prescription law comes into effect today. lowering the age of conscription from 27 to 25 in
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a bates to boost non pallet exhausted troops on the front line. so hoping for a break as we'll move weapons to hold russia backs along the border with russia ukrainians, a fleeting for their lives. a tax on the town of chums kept escalation to shoot. the russian soldiers have arrived on some strange old is a constant shilling gob. do a lot of missiles hit last night and several rockets flew over to the pool. it's dangerous to stay here. these are residents are advised to evacuation some of the them just yesterday. we have up to date was of 215 wounded in russian shilling preschool. if the above is put on and they see the way of the town is around 75 kilometers from her keys. ukraine stick and biggest fishing,
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which is being bombed by russia almost every day. president landscape is wasted and allies must drink frames and he must sound capabilities. unless you wouldn't see new mom says we need at least the 7 patriot ad defense systems level say what we have in addition to those systems. but i believe that we have only about 25 percent of the defense is we need to shop at the admissions office to to create the ukrainian train to being freed. then along the front line, those in the donates region shows on men pallets and awaiting fresh count. that's a little bit cisco. the situation is complicated, then you know we work day and night side as your model. we sure it's one that munition are trying to save as much as we can. look someone. the presidents zalinski says russian troops advance between 5 and 10 kilometers inside ukraine's northeast and border before being stopped by defending forces. he ones russians
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offensive, could come and see over waves, and that the push for hockey is just the fist. a short while ago i spoke to dw russia analyst konstantin, a goods and to us to what has changed for the russians on the battlefield. well, nothing dramatic monica bots. if you consider the fact that nothing else coast of parties are only 26 kilometers from uh, the boat. it was a rush. uh, pretty much every single village, every single square, columbus that uh, the russian forces kept you brings him closer to hockey and all the ports and has denied that he wants to store the city, which is the 2nd biggest, a new great, and you brainstorm a capitol in the twenty's, no one really can't believe him because he may be time said one thing in that another. it's another question whether the russians now have a the, the, the,
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the forces and the amount to you for a full frontal assault on the city. but it seems that this has at least a preparation for up as a possibility of such a storm. me that we just heard a little clip from an interview that's to lensky gay fund. we heard that he said to the west is quote, afraid of both russian and ukrainian to feed. what do you make of his remarks? monica fergus speaking up personally and uh, having spoken quite a lot in the last few weeks with the experts. submitted the ribs, i was in, in the baltic states where i am and also elsewhere in europe. i take the same view . i think that there is huge descending opinion decision uh, in the west. uh and the, the idea that to grade has to win against russia is still not accepted more than 2 years up to the beginning of the
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a full scale invasion. yes. the overall definitely fence, that's a rush or we'll lose. and then as many, many west, and let's say we don't know what's going to happen in russia if food channel loses the will. but this is no argument for ukrainians who are very short of personnel and who are very short of weapons, although the west promised them the weapons of they're still not being delivered to live in the 60000000000 package that the u. s. congress has approved a few weeks ago. it will take time before the weapons and uh, the spectrum of basically being transferred onto this page will arrive in ukraine and that creates a well, i think it understandable feeling of a frustration in your brain. but as well as you mentioned, to me, this lack of equipment like, of weapons, the fatigue, lack of morale, if you like. and how is all of that playing into the hands of russia as well?
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it does because of everything that for example, the ukraine authorities are now saying about mobilization, about dropping moments into the army. definitely is a very public sign of a shortage of personnel. i wouldn't say desperation, but differently signs of a war. and this creates a momentum football team who can say, well, you know, you still have to talk to me because i'm winning this war and this, i'm afraid we will have an impact on both public opinion and the rest of the decision makers. and this is what i think zalinski and his interview process to be concerned about. right, dw russia, analyst constantine, a good that for us. thank you so much. konstantin. thank an old frontline house, apparently reopened on the wall. between is way the forces and thomas fighters in johnson. witnesses describe heavy fighting in and around the town of jamalia in the
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knowles of the gaza strip. israel's army describe the classes as some of the fittest and said 7 months. so 4 hours earlier, the military had recovered. the bodies of 3 is rarely hostages. in gossip. among them is durham, and is there any shiny look, was body was seen in the back of a pickup truck. in the videos of the october 7th tara attack. she was declared dead later that 2 months off, the fragments of his goal were found. the army says she along with it was schema and it's getting that into what killed to buy from us at the nova music festival and their bodies taken into gaza. they were celebrating life in the nova music festival. and they were murdered by homos. robotics were transferred to medical profession on full forensic examination and identification of the procedure
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was completed. we notified the families our hearts go out to them for more. let's bring into the use. rebecca, which has followings of developments for us from jerusalem. rebecca, a what, what can you tell us about the 3 hostages who's remains have been recovered by is randy forces. so i'm going to give these 3 bodies, the 3 bodies of the light as hostages that have been recovered were done. so after an operation that daniel has already, the is riley, military spokesman, he just heard from the said was an, an operation that had been going on for some time. he didn't give any more details about just where these bodies were recovered. you know, probably for intelligence reasons preferring to keep that information under wraps. now these 3 people were taken as you just said, from the noise of music festival. it was thought for a short time, but johnny looked that german is riley was alive, but it was confirmed in october that she had been killed. her father telling
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reporters often news that her body had been recovered. that it was very sad, of course, but that they had been expecting this while the families of the other 2 bodies that were recovered were, you know, how to double shock because they were, they were still hold on holding out some hope that they loved ones would be found to live and would be released. so dealing with the realization that those 2 people have been killed now. local media or is reporting and is really hosted to negotiate, negotiate to saying that a rasa operation would, would severely risk the hostages lines that it would put the hostages lives in danger. and we know that netanyahu permanence to benjamin netanyahu, and many of his governments has been saying that military pressure is desperately needed in order for him. us to come to some agreement that this is riley negotiate is saying that actually may just cause a mazda double down and therefore not come, not returning agreements assignment. the russell operation is incredibly dangerous for these ready hostages. and of course, the hostage families here in israel still desperately
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a waiting and very nervous about what's going to happen in the future do. and of course we also just to read that as well as describing freshen fee, as battles with homicide has in jamalia in the north of gaza. how is that the frontline effecting the advance of israel's offensive further south new roughly, as you mentioned earlier as well, there is fighting right across the guns this trip had going on and we have been hearing the body of the troops entered more than a week ago. now and i've been re fighting, then now they had a, these really trips had cleared pretty much the northern gaza strip. they had said they had completed that operation, but now they have re begun it. they say so that more how most font is comp regroup in those areas. but i witness reports on the ground has said that residential areas has been being targeted buildings. um and you know that the residential uh, the people at sheltering there has been talking to that. so it's very intense situation happening right across the strip. still rebecca, which has been introduced of them. thank you so much,
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rebecca. that'd be rein full. has cost flooding on land slides in south west in germany, the regional government and the state of solid. and us freed up funding to help people forced to leave the homes germantown. so that will show us will visit the area to assess the extent of the damage. trying to salvage a car while putting themselves in danger, straits inside, broken, submerged under water, residents, fee for that homes, using sand bags to protect the properties of that holds. there's nothing more we can do. we've already had water this time, the house. some areas have already been evacuated. hundreds of firefighters and police have been called in pumping the straits clear and, and locking drains. not sure, and this is great. i know that is working successful 30th,
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or volunteers feel sand bags to pass on to residents. but the emergency crews know it's going to be a long job. i don't end up. there's no end inside to the moment. even if it stops raining, the brands we move on from here to other areas this and so the problems were made of amazon revenue not only get was, they didn't put me on solid and state premier says the local authorities doing everything they can to contain the situation to boys and thousands and roads as well as infrastructure, are things that we know this will be a concern, not just right now button for a long time to come for 50. the most important thing is they're helping no casualties. no one has been here. we wanted to stay that way and we'll do everything to make sure i'd done this home in the show for the so so glad on the list. good time to the gentleman. weather service has lifted
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a stone morning but slugged levels of steel rising. and that's all from us for now. coming up next sport slice takes a look at a kenyan mans. olympic dreams on the visa challenges and faces just to qualify. i'm going to jones from me the news team here in berlin. thanks so much the can you see what old cock hi is? have to do with you production? here's a hands on the really indeed the snow on youtube. why do humming?
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does not get drunk? why do we have a tasteful waves squeeze our bodies?