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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 18, 2024 2:00am-2:02am CEST

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definitely pull just the yellow if that's what you prefer. pull purple apples. very special. that's in the georgia. choose your favorite color . the . this is deed of the news and these are a top stories. israel's military says it has recovered the bodies of 3 is really hostages. and gaza, there were among the more than $300.00 revelers killed at a music festival during the october 7th, almost terror attacks. one of the hostages found was 23 year old. german is really shiny. look, an image of her apparently lifeless body was seen shortly after the attack. the 1st trucks carrying humanitarian aid have crossed a temporary floating peer and the gaza agencies hope as many as 150 vehicles a day will be able to use the peer united nations as warrant more land border
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crossings are essential to avert the risk of famine and garza, russian president vladimir putin has rejected a new proposal by the french leader, a manual not call for a cease fire in ukraine during the summer olympics. on a visit to china put in said, russian athletes are treated unfairly by international sports bodies. russians can compete in the olympics as individuals under a neutral flak. you're watching the daily news from berlin, you'll find much more on our website, that's b, w. com. the humanitarian aid is now arriving in gauze on the water. the point of entry, a temporary floating peer built by the us military means as many as a 150 trucks a day caring supplies will soon reach the people in gauze of. but the peer is
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a poor proxy for what governments want in the most shelter. food and safety, the war has for us to to 1000000 guardians to flee their homes. now they're facing possible famine. that floating fear may give hope for some empty stomachs, but it won't come any worries about the war that keeps raging on. i broke off in berlin. this is the day the, the purpose of this temporary peer is to deliver critical humanitarian assistance to the palestinian people. getting a 2 people they need into and across it guys, i cannot and should not depend on a floating talk far from when i'm most acute we're always trying hard but failing currently to bring it.