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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 17, 2024 11:00pm-11:15pm CEST

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the the, this is dw news live in from berlin tonight. his real says it's failing the bodies of 3 hostages, taken by him. all these really military says the 3 were among those killed and a music festival during the october 7th, almost terror attacks. also coming up is real, tells the us top court that the war and gaza is tragic, but that it is not genocide and it says it's doing all that. they can to minimize the harm to civility, the
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brit golf. it's good to have you with this. it is a discovery that the families feared most today. israel's military confirmed that it has found the bodies of 3 is really hostages in gossip. among them, the german is really national shawnee lu, whose body was seen in the back of a pickup truck and videos from the october 7th terrorist attack. she was later declared dead after school fragments were found. a military spokesman said she, along with i mean was gala, and it's like gillian to were killed by him off at the nova music festival. and that their bodies were then taken intake off. here's more now of what the is really spokesman said earlier on friday. they were celebrating life in the nova music festival, and they were murdered by homos. the bodies were transferred to medical profession, out of the full forensic examination and identification of the procedure was
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completed. we notified the families, our hearts go out to them. the w special correspondence and abraham is in jerusalem. she has more so we know that there remains were recovered in an overnight operation. that's according to the is really a military spokesperson, daniel henry, who we've also just heard from shiny book. as you mentioned, dual is really a german at national and she had been presumed dead for a while now. as, as, as the is really military had previously found a part of her school that was identified. but the other 2, a young woman in her late twenties and a man in his early fifties, there hadn't really been any signs of life from them since they were taken on october 7th. so of course, there was some hope that they might be exchanged in
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a deal with how much that they might be released or might be found as a devastating, devastating news for the families of the hostages, of course. but really for the entire country, this news coming this a shot after noon is every bit as, as life here in israel wines down for the day of rest. we've also heard for the from these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. i'm just going to reach you the statement that they just put out. he said this terrible loss is hard breaking and that him and his wife sarah are grieving. and he also said to be that we will return all of our hostages, the living, and the deceased. the like. this is likely to cause more anger tomorrow in the weekly protests that have been taking place, calling on these really government to reach deal to return the hostages, a life to their loved ones. and with this news, this is likely to cause a lot of anger tomorrow, here in israel. definitely the news that people in israel did not want to hear this
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friday or special correspondent, i uber, human jerusalem. tonight, i a thank you to aid has it started arriving in gaza and the port of entry is a temporary floating p are built by the us military. it's hope that as many as a $150.00 trucks per day will be able to disembark with food and other vital aid. and despite these efforts, the u ins. food program says the threat of famine has never loomed larger for causes. 2000000 people is really restrictions continue to disrupt deliveries at gaza border crossings. there is no, we're left to go for either him and his family, but they're destroyed house. he's one of more than 600000 palestinians who have fled rafa due to the ongoing is really offensive. he's now back to what's left of his family's home and hun eunice. today ever him has to make food. hello
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from an a parcel. hey the good. how you look, well this is the kitchen. it's destroyed to what have thoughts on fit for us, but we are making it work. god willing i can repair this whole so the children don't full out. put the boxes usually contain, can meet fava beans and chick piece the w f. p warrants the aid packages like these are running out. we've not been able to access all warehouse and wrap up for more than a week. we have very little food and fuel coming through the boat across things in the south. and we are always trying hard, but failing currently to bring in consistent volumes of food with agencies want our new shipments and entry points for a delivery to gaza. the fuel food and medical supplies have dwindled since the is
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really military took control of the gaza side of the rock of border crossing last week to begin ground combat they're a trucks on friday. arrived at a new floating peer built by the us off the coast of gaza as a temporary aide core door. the number of trucks that arrived there could reach a maximum of $150.00 per day. the u. n. warrens that land routes are the most efficient a delivery method we ask that you in a finalizing our operational plans to make sure that we are ready to handle a once the filtering dock is properly functioning while ensuring the safety of our stuff. however, getting a 2 people in need into and across it guys, i cannot and should not depend on a floating duck far from where it needs a most acute land roost. the most viable, effective and efficient aide delivery method,
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which is why we need all crossing carts to be opened. reaching people in need will be the next hurdle to overcome. israel has rejected accusations that it is committing genocide and gossip on friday. it wrapped up its defense at the international court of justice in the hey. now on thursday, south africa asked the human stop court to order is real to stop its military offensive in rasa. the hearings this week and part of a broader case against the jewish state is real calls the case. a distortion of reality warriors representing south africa, made several allegations on thursday, including accusing is related, withholding humanitarian aid. israel has also denied their a michael league is the former you in special rapids here on human rights in the occupied palestinian territories, is also a professor of law at the university of western ontario in canada. i asked him,
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now they're both self advocate and israel have presented their sides, which it has delivered the most convincing argument, as well as probably a good answer to to your question is which side presented more independent expert evidence with respect to what they were claiming south africa on thursday made arguments of israel's genocide was continuing that more stronger provisional measures were needed and get relied upon i guess, statements made by un leaders and by international aid organizations that were, that are been involved in trying to get a, into a gas a. and their pronouncements have been that there's a famine as already broken out in the north of gas, or whether it's somewhere between $3.40 listings. and the aid was very good. look at 8 into the souls of guys aware 1.7 or 1800000 palestinians are,
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are huddled israel and its arguments today asserted that it was making remarkable efforts to improve a delivery into a gas a but a couldn't site and didn't cite any of the u. n. statements or any of the international organization statements. and what's the kind of evidence that the court wants to hear, that there are reliable sources or coming from them, particularly at the i c, j coming from united nations to be able to make a finding with respect to that. so that i forgot to have that kind of evidence me, israel did not. so let's take the student to the next step into the judges. will now deliberate on the request or i'm from south africa. they're expected to issue a decision in the next few weeks. so let's assume they rule in favor of south africa that they grant this request. i'm can the i c j really prevent any further? is really military action in gauze? i mean, is there any teeth to what the court decides as well? yes or no?
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yes, the, the provisional measures of the court would, when of ordering are legally binding on all parties to where the issue in front of the court. but you're absolutely right. but the i c j has no police has no army. it has no ability to issue warrants. i would really be reliant upon the un security council. and we know that israel has a strong alliance with the united states, which is already issued a stop. it's offensive in rough at any time soon. so isn't the symbolic meaning here that the world will be? remember what i think it will be? and i'm wondering when i think this war is finally over and we begin to look at who are the winners and losers. even of israel is victoriously victorious militarily in terms of the competing hamas politically. or militarily it's reputation with taking
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a significant blow, i think, given the other destruction that's occurred in the, in gaza and the huge loss of, of, of human life. remember, israel had a numerous amount of sympathy on its side in the 1st days and weeks after the terror attack on october 7th. but the old eye has disappeared at a more. and it really is very hard to think of that goes to a handful of countries who are still standing beside israel after 7 months of this war. professor michael lincoln, we appreciate your time and your valuable analysis tonight. thank you. thank you very much for having me. at least 4 people are dead in the us state of texas. there is on thursday night a severe wind storm barreled through the city of houston, and it caused widespread damage and power outages that authorities say will take weeks to repair. mean the urologist say it's the worst storm of its kind to hit the area in more than 40 years. a severe storm turned deadly.
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hurricane force winds battered houston downing trees and damaging homes, resulting in several casualties of the storm with 100 miles per hour. winds the equivalent of hurricane, like the falling trees caused 2 of the fatalities. one was a crane accident as well that was going over by, by the, by the window. the strong winds. the severe storm also destroyed critical infrastructure, leaving nearly a 1000000 people without power. local officials say patients is key now and that resulting power outages could last weeks. this kind of when it's something we have not seen in harris county since hurricane alicia in 1983, we are going to have to talk about this disaster in weeks,
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not days for some folks. the luckier ones, it might be days, not hours. while many traffic lights are out of service and roads are blocked with debris, the national weather service says the storms may not be over yet. us seats on the gulf coast including texas, cuz he had experienced severe thunderstorms, with tornadoes, large hill, and damaging wins. before we go, here's a quick look at the top stories. this our israel says that it has found the bodies of 3 hostages, taken by a modest military spokes consensus. they were among those killed as a music festival during the october 7th from aust terror attacks. their bodies were then taken into gods and aid has begun arriving in gaza via us build the temporary floating pier trucks and bid this and barking with desperately needed aid supplies. the un says, the lack of land, a deliveries remains
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a huge problem. you're watching the w news for all of us here in berlin. thanks for the company. have a good weekend. everybody. the vine humming does not get drunk. why do go to the tasteful waves, squeeze our bodies? how much do we need to put a stop hans praying for help find beyond fis gets much on dw science and i'll take 10 of the .