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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 8, 2024 9:00am-9:30am CEST

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the, the, this is the w news live from by then most signs of concern from the us of israel, the military strategy in garza, as israel continues to bombard the southern city of rough us reports in march, the bind administration pulls a shipment of buttons to israel just last week will say, coming up on the program, a relationship for interest in steel, china's president receives a warm welcome and sub you facing. is it the single largest investor, but could those times damage the country? the trump says of joining the you the the w witnesses an attack on a german politician. interesting. it's the latest in
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a series that's politically motivated incidents across the country as t as grow as the security and safety of services, outcome painting the menu hoops, mckinnon. welcome reports from the us suggests the biden administration posed a shipment of buttons to israel last week, according to a close it us official. this was the concerns that israel wouldn't move ahead with this plan to ground assault on rafa and southern gaza. the details of the decision are emerging off to is ray the tanks moved in to take control of the gauls inside of the rough up border crossing with egypt. the incursion has left the prospect of the new seaside deal between israel and hamas, hanging in the balance, a make shift shelters in
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a sea of rubble and debris. it is fun, eunice is a ruin yet thousands of palestinians have begun to return after israel ordered them to evacuate. parts of the southern, most of the city of russell is riley forces have seized control of the roof of crossing on the border with egypt. the attack came just hours of to hum us says it accepted a ceasefire proposal. one that israel says was unacceptable. i thought the homeless proposal was intended to prevent the entry of our forces into rough up. it did not happen as a war cabinet unanimously determined to how much the proposal was very far from israel. it's necessary requirements. the attack was not the full scale ground defensive that many have fitted. but in seizing the check point is rarely forces have halted all humanitarian aid, passing through the crossing to main author, ease,
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forgetting aid into gossip is hardly choked off. indeed, this morning is one of the darkest. in this 7 months now might map with famine already spreading across garza, the last of a is devastating for it. civilians ceasefire. negotiations are ongoing, but they stand on a nice edge we have that's of the size. the moment for the above a scene in that these valley people and for the sites of the entire region. and the agreement between the governments of israel and the sheep of a mouse is essential to stop the unbearable suffering. good fellow stevens in regards to the end of the officers and that fabulous, almost half of gauze as population fled to their homes, to shelter in rough or, and now they must fully, again,
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but with so much of the territory and ruins many a losing hope. 1 is one the same as me, the higher i'm tired of life because there is no life in gaza? gaza has no future. that is still up. when are our children going to learn if the schools are closed? yes, because it has no health facilities and no hospitalization. and what kind of life is this old eyes and now on the negotiations in cairo, as mediators attempt to salvage what ever remains of a possible se, smile. and we can cross straight to a corresponded injury, slim tanya claim. tanya, israel is saying it's conducting a limited scope operation in rasa. can you tell us what is that looking like sofa as well from what we know mean report testing coming in uh all night. and then this morning also strikes across the gaza strip, but mainly of course focused with heavy fighting, being reporting in the eastern neighborhoods and the eastern parts of
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a new half of that is also in some villages a close the to the border. now israel has said it's military that has had called on had ordered basically the people in these areas to evacuate since a monday morning and to go to a. but it's called and expanded too many to her in area which is on the western side in the south, south and the on the was the area. no, we've been talking to some people in the past days. they have been saying, you know, some have stay put because they don't simply don't know where to go. they don't feel safe to move. others have a heated the call, but they're also going to like to come eunice or towards the middle areas, a central, a, gaza. and some of the agencies have also criticized that this humanitarian area is an adequate for so many people to be moved to know they're hearing now that the kid them so long crossing and the south has reopen the trucks are actually going in that is the main hop and these really sites where the trucks are being screened.
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but the house, the crossing where it is. one has said yesterday, the taken operation on a control over the palestinian side of the crossing. that is the crossing that goes into egypt is still close. that has been the main hub for you, many turn in a to go in, but also for some palestinians and the limits of number to go out to egypt. okay, and of course we're hearing these reports of the us pause the shipment of items to israel because of its concerns of rent is really offensive in a rough. so i mean, how significant would this be to what it says shows of how the pressure is pining up on israel. these are reports in the us media is saying that the us has a post, it's shipments and particularly about they're talking about approximately $3500.00 phones. and when main concerns of these heavy bones of about 900 killer a grams that should not be used in those densely populated areas. and that is also
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of course assign. there's also a lot of pressure domestically within the united states because today there's a deadline for a report that needs to be submitted by the us secretary of state until the blinking to the congress. that with you actually with a rather israel has violated international rule by using such bonds in that context and whether it's what it has impeded the delivery of humanitarian aid a to cause a can mean lot of course the sci fi i took sol continuing in cairo can you tell us what we know about whether negotiation stands right now? it was, sessions are continue and we understand that is why the had send a delegation. these are more a lower level officials and a with a limited monday as, as being talked about here. and it's unclear how both sides will actually a bridge the gaps her mouse has agreed to do as they said, it's a monday night. but isabel has rejected that as a ruse. and one of the main issues has always been whether they will be in
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permanent and to the a, to the war that israel has rejected. but we also understand that this a directive of burns is expected to come to as well. today. there's a lot of pressure here in is read by the families and relatives and supporters of a, you know, the to bring the remaining hostages that are being held in gaza. home that have been sort of protests every day. recei uh, streets being blocked by those protest this and also majority of the public wants to see them being brought home. and there's also a lot of pressure with in the government on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to continue the war. and of course, any for the full incursion of casa, could put an end to all of these negotiations. tinier, thank so much for the update. that's the w correspondent, tanya claim. a reporting from jerusalem here in europe. china is president, has arrived in serbia. he received
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a warm welcome announce perhaps no surprise, given the billions that badging has invested in the country present to him. paying is expected to hold talks with his sub in counterpart laser as he looks to deep and political and economic ties between the 2 nations belgrade. in badging describe the relationship as are inclined. the relations with china have intensified since voltages survey and progressive party came to power 12 years ago. during she's 1st visit in 2016, the 2 countries signed a strategic partnership. a year ago, they finalize a free trade agreement and i've got china is serbia, 2nd most important economic partner behind the you with aging, is it the single largest investor with more than 1000000000 euros interact investments? international organizations have described, many of china's business interests with serbia as non transparent, drawing heavy criticism from the u. something which is seen as damaging to serbia's hopes of joining the block. can is
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a new also to visit the still china or is interesting to serve you because it can very easily, efficiently provide finals for the much needed processes such as infrastructure of development, job girl, and the preservation of some old funds. so it does business without too many conditions. so cooperation with china is not necessarily related to the rule of law, nor does it respect environmental protection standards or in certain cases the rights of workers, unit power train. my problem that i got on the other hand, serbia gives china the perfect opportunity to promote its global belt and road initiative. and it offers some access to europe. they have no problem, that's the point. one main point they agree on is the principle of territorial integrity. in accordance with international law, because both countries faced exceptional challenges when it comes to the wrong territories. for china, it's taiwan, and some other territorial disputes wanting to serve you and the relationship between bell great and christina and the state is the cost of as an independent
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state 3 of the largest chinese ex borders siege in mining siege in copper and h b. i s group in serbia are often criticized for infringing environmental protection standards. but that's not expected to be on the agenda during the president's visit . the focus is expected to be on cultural cooperation. she's arrival, coincides with the 25th anniversary of the us bombing of the chinese embassy in belgrade. the incident took place during nato's aerial campaign during the cost of a war. washington apologized, saying it was an accident, but many in china still believe the bombing was deliberate. a chinese cultural center has been built on the site where that embassy used to stand. it's expected to officially open during she's visit
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to the battle over the future of take talk in the us now where the apps, chinese parent company bite balances, follow the legal challenge seeking to block a little that would force it to sell out. now the law suit is like feet. welcome use the 170000000. tick tock uses in america. as well as the creators who make money on the platform. a boat can creek in maryland home to travers like lose the fat and for getting ready for the season. and his preparations, as well as all of his other crab content can be watched on take talk good for another 12 months. he started posting around 4 years ago. now he has $1700000.00 fall is going to change somewhere around new york. i kind of became, i guess by accident the crab guy on the internet just kind of rolled with it, embraced it. and now it's turned into tone, a kind of business or the soldier, the creative, and then showed you had a theme it. so now i'm going to share,
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i thought many kruber's on take talk avenue has been able to create a nice from self both online and with customer exposure to a large following help them cut out the middle man here and move away from wholesalers grab stores on fat, seeing that holy cow is 95 percent now, of my customers are all you know coming from tick tock. that was really, i think it's crazy to see that big number, but it's even crazier to see real life real life. humans show up to something because you made a video, you know, it's still crazy. they don't want it, but new legislation could force luc max out in touch with him to talk know you spoke long running concerns that took talks. chinese owner bite dance could misuse . american user data have led to a law. that means tick tock could be banned in the wes, unless by done sells the platform in 9 months. even ahead of the bill becoming law, the potential band triggered widespread dissatisfaction among the countries. 170000000 picked options. there's not to mention,
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creators likely roller. and it allowed me to, to grow my business 10 folds in a quarter in the time. um and i know, you know, there's a lot of other small business owners that have done the same exact thing. i would definitely be bummed out. i've, i have a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. you know, i've made thousands of videos. it's thousands and thousands of app or is in of, of, of work. but he's yet to be convinced took talk will actually disappear from us app stores. i doubt is going to get the band that they're not, they're not, they are not going to let this thing that's worth billions of dollars. does all the, it'll get sold or bought, or something. also skeptical about a band is james lewis. he's an expert on tech and security issues at the center for strategic and international studies in washington dc. there's so many legal obstacles to a band that is not going to succeed. you have the 1st amendment and the protection of speech, and you have the berman amendment, which was designed explicitly though,
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americans to access this kind of material. the berman amendment is decades old legislation protecting the free flow of information. lewis believes that the berman amendment would cover take talk to probably end up at the supreme court because this is a constitutional issue for its part, tick tock, cosette, it is mounting a legal challenge. the law to stay online in the west. rest assured, we aren't going anywhere. we are confident that we will keep fighting for your rights in the courts. such a law suit effectively pauses the clock on to take talk bad money, possibly for several years. buying creators like blue books out in time to adapt to a social media see change our planet and has enjoyed 11 straight months of record of breaking hate. and that's according to the latest report by the ease, copernicus, climate service last month was the whole fest april, since records began coughing almost an entire year of global temperature records.
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worldwide average temperatures almost 0.7 degrees celsius higher than the same period from 1990. something from excuse me, from the period from 1991 to 2020 eastern europe, the eastern asia and africa have been hit. the hardest. the oceans also measured record of temperatures in april for the 1st 18 months in a row. to help us understand the consequences as best i'm joined now by colored 110, pulled the director of the use copernicus, climate change service. welcome to c, w mr. on tempo, good to have you with us. this is the 11 months in a row that distracted will previous temperature, rec, woods, and all we looking at the new normal here, is it going to get was kind of be regulated? can you help put it into perspective for us? yes, it's a very good practice and in a sense, so i would like to say yes, this is the new normal because this would give us this, the feedback that this is
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a steady state. unfortunately, that's not the case. we are moving towards a climate that these are ready. i'm disadvantage you were saying, stating the figures up using the today. and the feature that appears in the state of the climate we released a couple of weeks ago. and that is 5 by 5 of these already. and the length of the difference from excitement which we drew up, defining, which tower sweet as a surprise. and this has not stopped to hear these continuing because we have now been so much extra entity to the front of the system to the ocean, to the house here at the driving temperature. and we have found to see new records coming up. so this year is not yet said whether it would be a record breaking year or not. but the if now already 4 months seems to be a 4 month old record breaks months. so in a sense, the rest of the year would need to be extremely cold. what type of before it not to
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become a yes or no there recognize any tendency of what's happening. so i just said before, really about to see you the next few years. i see now there are notable differences on the, in how the changing weather parsons are affecting different regions. for example, eastern africa in southern europe, in our dry and northern europe is guessing west to tell us how this will potentially reshape a planet socially and economically. what effect is that going to have a well, that's in a sense of expertise sits on the planet. and so the impact of define the human activities is an extra level of complexity that, that's on top of it. but if you look at the define, but the now this is changing as you, as you were saying, we do seeing a drawing of, of the nature rate increases. this is due to a moderate decrease in precipitation and then increasing the operation. and then this thing time, we do see more energy into the system more,
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what's your vapor into the office here? and these words are vapors is driving more intense precipitation. so we have seen the, the last year is extreme concentration events such as the lot the grease needs to be in the need to the and elite. yeah. and these at the profound consequences of a local activities and liking. so these kinds of event are likely to go to increase in the intensity. okay? as a consequence of planets age. mm hm. and given the current gea political tensions we're seeing around the world, the conflicts, i mean, do people have the time and energy to give the climate crisis the attention it deserves the, to me a, we need to start looking at the time of day, you know, i need to mention that nation of met services and organizations such as companion case all these stand up. yeah. provide open the predict weather one because we do know something about the climate and i'll be just changing. and this is a nice, it,
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strategic us that, that can you for my decision in the long term, you know, said we don't know what the section rate was the next year or whether it's the next conflict or where even take place. but we do know that the sea level between the meat is higher next. and we are not yet placing for the advantage of this information for the strategic kind of one tempo, the director of the competitive component because climate change stuff is thank you so much for your time today. thank you. okay, let's take a look at some of the other stories that making headlines around the world now and in hong kong. and today's crime has been caught on camera as men with sledge hamis stoned into a watch and jewelry shop. surveillance footage shows most men crashing the display counters in a busy shopping district. police say to displays would damage, but nothing was actually stolen as police officers arrived quickly on arrested. the perpetrators florida judge has indefinitely postponed. the full met us president.
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donald trump's trial on charges of mishandling classified documents, trial had been scheduled to start license this month. the judge no to trump, and his lawyers were involved in a separate case in new york. and that it was too soon to set a new trial date. a leading social democrats, while the session hit and violin has been attacked and treated in hospital for the injuries. police say francisco, a gift by sustained licensure is when an unknown assailant hits her with a bag containing a solid object. about incident is just one as a growing number involving those who are out come painting here in germany on tuesday at dw news team caps at the moment a green policy politician was attacked in the eastern city of dressed in the go to yvonne nice and i'm in a team, what kind coast is when they were saxophone by a man and
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a woman, the pet demanded that they delete photos of the man. his female companion spots at the public session of this incident comes just days off to account of it from the social democrats was assaulted and hospitalized by a group of young men in the same city. okay, some more on this i'm joined by all political correspondent, matthew, more actually give us the background to what happened in that video that we just saw as well. we had thought you rather, we wanted to go and speak to politicians mid this claim of the human gemini. and we were right with the green party candidate as we said and raised and just to talk to him about concerns are on the safety. on the campaign trail and it was a relatively unremarkable afternoon until the evening when they were wrapping up. when things turned awfully. i still know where i'm on pulled. i'm one of the pastors posters that they were hanging up on the candidate and her team. they took
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photos with mine and some of the group to death to document the incident and they called the police, but it was minutes late, so that the mind and a women confronted the politician demanding that should delete the photos. they demanded our coverage and turn off our cameras on the spot. one of the people spots on the politicians and shop members of our team and all the way it will throw this attempts were made to reach the police and get them to come. and it took a while, the group also allegedly performed funds nazi salute and nearby police did eventually turn off on the rest the pay. and they're investigating them for threatening behavior, assault, intimidation, and use of unconstitutional symbols of every stock example of the, of the problem. the is conf. prevalent across the country at the moment with political violence. that's right. this is just one of a number of attacks on politicians recently as near as we've been reporting what is driving this exactly all you all last week. i mean,
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the reason we chose drysdale is because on friday, a social democrat politician was badly beaten by a group of young men. now he needed hospital treatment. and a teenager with links to the far right seen in the 60100 themselves. and so police and there, and it comes as the number basically all the incidents has all this nature seems to be rising. and there's a real culture and a climate of fear here in the country. the politicians are no longer safe to go about the business of drawing up votes and talking to voters. and so the mt to administer nancy phase, and the authorities yesterday at the same time that the incident happened. we're actually holding a telephone conference with the authorities of the officials across the country to discuss this issue. and among the issues that i'm talking about is having a police presence nearby. when politicians are competing on horshal punishments for anyone, i talk to him politicians, and it's really an effort to send a clear signal that political violence won't be tolerated. right, they don't use political correspondent makeema. well thanks so much for bring us up to date the now some football news
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for you, i'm the gym and side brush adult men dial through to the final of the champions league, often beating up how the sun for my not small school. the games only go heading home just minutes into the 2nd health history tried to mount to come back, but couldn't find them that they hit the post 4 times the wind gave don't linda to no victory on aggregate. don't one will now face either blind munich or spanish champions, real madrid in the final in london coach in touch, which paid tribute to his team after nail biting, finishing the french capital guns. yeah. the, it's a very, very emotional moment for us to, in a moment and extremely beautiful moment. most certainly would've liked to have had it on the last game of last year. monumental in our fans were there for us with the cancellation in lubbock, in a really tough moment. tonight, we could pay them back and say restore their faith in us. then we can keep dreaming
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about it. we can all go to london together, alice funds and see what we come home with. how's that sort of? i could have an old gentleman final, but we'll know tonight when buying munich, take on rail madrid in the spanish capital. here's a quick reminder for you of the top story that were following reports from the us suggest the binds ministration pools, the shipment of problems to israel. last week, a us official said this was over consent, that israel would move ahead with his plan round to solve on rasa in something gone . and that is, we have time up to the break because the highs and lows of the international space station that's coming up in place. and of course, there's always more news on our website. that's the w dot com. and on all youtube and media channels, i'm any kids in the kitchen on behalf of the whole news team there. thanks so much for watching. like you can join me at the top of the next,
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the, the a model of technology, human kinds, most valuable machines. the international space station here on the i ss reset just have been working together across the board, has assigned crises and was over 25 years. so those next on d, w. ready found this intent to do a struggling sky rocketing feed costs and disease freshman metric system.
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insect feed sources could help they cheat nutritious and then the defense peptide, and which to insects are fed shims. they actually become more or less. this tends to diseases. eco, india, a dealer in 60 minutes on d w. the music can be destroyed. you can try, but it's impossible to see performed for head lice. and also the he was the nazis, the 2 musicians who lives beneath the panel of the saw
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a film about the sounds of power and inspiring story about survival. music under the swastika stops made $0.20 on dw via. as astronauts on this spaceship and calder, we can only overcome challenges by working with each other rather than fighting from that's the way this was the start of a new era ever months in one of the modules were made in russia. us and you're on an old man and a comfortable, it was a new world where we could work towards a common goal. this is a promising moment to the world had come together. russia is strategic nuclear missiles soon will no longer be pointed at the united states nor will we point hours at them.