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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 8, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is data, but the news a lot from bullitt is riley tanks are rolled into rafa in southern gaza. israel takes control of a keyboard, a crossing inside the territory. the incursion leads and you see spawn deal hanging in the balance. also coming out. joe biden contains anti semitism at a holocaust memorial ceremony. us president warrants against the rise in anti jewish feeling in america,
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observed since the stock of the war and gusts plus smiles and handshakes as by the way of putting a sworn in as rushed as president. for an unprecedented fit to clearing the way for another 6, he's empowered the i'm anthony out. welcome to the program. the united nations is wanting that it could soon run out of fuel for which you monitoring operations in gaza, including delivering 5 wide and pumping drinking boards have this off day as well as military seized control of the rap, a border crossing with egypt when more than a 1000000 displaced palestinians, uh sheltering israel is now in complete control over the movement of people and goods into gaza for the 1st time since withdrawing its troops 2 decades ago. the movie souring, hopes of a cease for id love to have mass, so that accepted proposals put,
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put forward rather by original media items. after a night of celebrations, palestinians wake up to a familiar reality. is rarely tanks converge on the key rough of border crossing. these really are me saying has taken control of the check point is guys aside in the city of rough uh, people as searching for bodies under the rubble following dead leaves rarely strikes over night. loved rod, cuz the heavy guns by a very, very heavy bombardment with plains rockets, tang machine guns such a never in my life. have i seen this? i'm almost 69 years old in my life. i've never seen bombings like this. all right. how about on tuesday? is real dropped lift. let's have a rough urgent residence to leave parts of the city for what it calls an expanded
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to minute. terry, an area of the, the order put in many displace palestinians on the move again and now they're saying to evacuate some rough. uh, why should we go? 100 units has ruined what is less. they ruined our lives. there's nothing left. there's no safety and no home, there's no one, but i'll go and have send us no, no, we don't know where to go and tell us where to go. and it's all my was the income unit, the safe place. my yeah. all the 10th is the water, electricity is the food and drink and is it a safe place that's gone? so now has a nice safe place to be on the can wait on the move with our children, and be confines safe to look on the well the arrow countries to see us going to emphasize without children upon the use of whom us except in the cease fire was met with joy on the streets of god zone monday evening. but i was late to
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israel's attacks. stop the celebrations of june list, cutting out the body in colorado told us more about the situation in russell. it was i looked and listened the whole day, 2 interviews no could come or been made for us. you know, there on the situation is really desperate of people running away from their 1st. many of them were displaced for some of the more than a 1000 times people ran out of money. people have no idea where to go. and then when they arrive to the different locations, this either some cases i'm not fit to receive so many people in there is appropriate and pressed structure. and then, i mean, just imagine the holes and cultures of the last 24 hours. it 1st, as you saw the flip switch, hoping to lease because their home would become a comeback soon. then it celebration on the street because they thought it was over . and then again, military operations, but it's really no again, the negotiations in cairo,
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i've seen people quite confused about what to think about the situation like i was journalist coming l g y, the enquirer of that, that tensions on israel is border with living on the also escalating is riley forces regularly exchange file with the mil within group his beloved, which launches rockets into waste by almost daily. tens of thousands have been displaced on both sides of the frontier. is where the residence i has, but i must be pushed back to a foot, a full scale confrontation, the deputies rebecca, read his reports from the board, a town, a bench with of a town devoid of peoples. but to la, just one example of the many abandoned communities along israel's northern border with 11 on the cell just shows me around part of the evacuated town. damage by me,
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sile and anti tang fi is visible almost everywhere. about one 3rd of the homes and matilda have been struck sofa. tuna is one of the most dangerous towns along the lebanese is ready border. it's surrounded by 11 on on one to 3 sides and has hit almost daily by anti tank. miss alpha start we're told we have to keep on the move because we're actually in the direct line of sight of his blood lies. just as we're wrapping up, there's a real good luck to them. we have to take cover to write another heavy barrage nearby. the military concerns around 65 real kids with fund into the area. one of the biggest strengths since the war began med david as a line says rockets and even the biggest threat to human life. because then the main thrust against my to to is on to tank missiles. they are me sides that have no
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warning system. we can't stop them for the, as it is as a, as a lie is one of a few residents who stayed behind. part of a civil defense team who were working with the military to protect the area. is really officials have said, for months that his billing needs to be pushed back from the board as a strategy. the people living in these parts agree is the only option for southern lawyer. the residents won't return here without fighting by them, without the removal of hezbollah from defense of my ultimate. we saw the horrors of october 7th in the south, and therefore there is no other choice. we don't want war, but we simply have no other choice. then none of the residents like comedy over not feel the same. she and her family left at home in another, bought a village on october 7th, and i haven't been back. i think a we have to see a change. something must change because we left the house without and i think the family has spent the past 7 months in
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a hotel and only now moved into this house about 40 kilometers away deep inside the government, designated sites. com l says with out military action to push has been a back. she won't risk returning home with her kids. there is no option with no war . we must fee a on the citizens of the north border on the north and go to a confidence again, which we have not between. and this situation of a, an onset and sick. right now we're living in the big, uncertain, see. and how long can people live like this? so we must see something. it's a position held by so many as diplomatic efforts to broker a truce continued to fail his bill or insist that so long as his round refuses to end its campaign in gaza. it will continue targeting positions in his rouse no
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no matter what happens. these communities are changed forever with people putting roots down in new places on israel, northern border tons for now into no man's land. us presidential i bought and has condemned anti semitism at a holocaust memorial ceremony. speaking of the capital in washington bought and warned against the rise in anti jewish sentiment in america during the war and gaza . he on the memory of the 6000000 jewish people, mooted by the nazis in world war 25, and also announced additional measures to could anti semitism one's us campuses have personally been rocked by pro palestinian protests. the president dri parallels between the historical atrocities and the i'm us attacks of october 7th. here we are not 75 years later, but just 7 and
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a half months later, people are already forgetting already forget, that's a boss on vision list here. oh, some osh, a brutalizes really there was some us it took in content is all hostages. i have not forgotten nor have you. and we will not forget my commitment to the safety of the jewish people, the security of israel, and his right to exist as an independent jury said as our class, even when we disagree. now during his speech a button spoke about his support for his route in its war against him. us, however, they have been many disagreements between the us and he's right. the government since the october 7 attacks we asked out washington correspondent benjamin over his group with a that support is that strong today as it was before the war in jobs and stuff. there has been frustration in washington way. they have any minute then. yeah. who
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with the is really prime minister with his government also, but the frustration is usually expressed behind closed doors. no red lines have been said that by washington, and that for can also of cause not be in fullest. but despite the growing criticism and pressure on the wide host, it but the president also used his address in today to renew his unwavering support for israel, you, you just quoted him. he repeated the commitment for the safety of the jewish people, the security of israel, and its rights to exist as an independent jewish estate saying that it's are in court even when we disagree. and that might also be referencing to the latest military decision that washington strongly opposes a rough invasion. that's what we heard from the secretary of defense, also from a, from antony blink and from a president a bite. and so this comments coming to tumbler pressure is indeed increasing on the us to condition military a to as well. and from benjamin alvarez group in washington. let's take a look now. some of the other stories making headlines around the world and
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a florida judge has indefinitely postponed a form of us present don't trumps trial on charges of mishandling classified documents. the trial had been scheduled to start life of this month. judge noted, the trump and his lawyers were involved in a separate case in new york, and that it was too soon to set. a new trial died. several powerful storms that swept across the midwest of united states in oklahoma, at least one person was killed. and a tornado destroyed homes in top of trees and power lines start menu and deliver say, the army is checking its readiness to deploy a tactical nuclear weapons as well. neighboring russia prepares for its own nuclear drills missing later. alexander lucas shank go, has a dozens of russian tactical weapons in bel evers under a deal to do to the west letting me put and has been sworn
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in as president of russia for another 6. he had to put and took the oath of office in a, a lavish ceremony at the criminal and many western countries. boy counted the event because the boy you tried putting one on a land slide election victory in march without facing any meaningful opposition. he said that he has a site for gigi to lead process through difficult hearing, mentally catches to view them because they want earlier be asked l senior international correspondent, funding for shop and read about hooton's main message during his an ogre ration address to russia's present important is in power for nearly 25 years. that's nearly a quarter of a century. and we got this in fact which integration speech we look at. he knows he's speaking both to domestic audience, but he also speaks to an audience abroad. so there was no difference today when he was speaking to people from within the country on far away. you want to make sure that russia comes across as a country that's really strong,
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that he is able to defend itself for training the country as the one that needs to in his narrative defend itself from the west. what i found quite interesting here compared to what he just said 24 hours ago. he was wondering basically you click drills a saying that uh, cooling basically this, the west whole tabs that need to be cooled. cool down, referring there to lead us in the us in the u. k. to for us today you were speaking about basically indirectly reaching out to the west by saying that he doesn't refuse any dialogue that he's actually open to dial. putting the bull, therefore, in the port of the west, question is obviously how much you can trust those comments. but by that he wants to create this narrative. the russia very much says the west can decide whether they want to have peace or continue with aggression. complete the oral event of the fact that it is russia, that's an ex, from you in 2014. and it is russia that attack
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a silver and country that is ukraine 2 years ago. so all right, thanks defending for shot in regular and thanks to you for watching after the break mapped out looks at why the nuclear weapons rice is on again on anthony how it's in the lin company. i'll be back in 45 minutes with some warranties and the sometimes it's hard to find what you're looking for. but we've got something for you. using conk be destroyed. you can try, but it's impossible. she performed for head lice in australia, the was the
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nazis. the 2